"Brother Monkey! You asked for it yourself! This is the first time I heard such a strange request like you." Mo Mo muttered.

just picked up the big sword.

Although he is a warlock, he is a sixth-tier warlock.

His power is still much greater than that of ordinary people.

Although Brother Monkeys weapon is not light, it is at least about two hundred catties.

But Mo Mo tried hard with both hands and lifted it up.

"Brother Monkey! Here comes!" Momo reminded again.


"Drink!" Mo Mo gave a soft drink, and the tip of the sword pierced the monkey brother's neck.

Everyone at the wooden table stared at the tip of the sword.


The point of the sword stabbed at Brother Monkeys neck, but it didnt penetrate as everyone expected.

was blocked by a layer of dark blue ice!

A small value floats -3 above the opponent's head!

"Let me go! What is this? This weakness attack, how can I hit 3 lives?"

Momo looked at the damage value on the monkey's head a little dazed.

You need to know where your neck is weak.

If there is no protection, the sixth-order strong will be stabbed to death by ordinary people of the first-order!

Although Momo controlled the strength, the stabbing of this sword was enough to damage Brother Monkey.

But it turned out to be the opposite.

Brother Monkey was not hurt at all.

is like cutting on armor!

didn't lose much blood at all!

Brother Hao's eyes are also a bit strange.

Does the dark blue energy concentrate on the neck, hardening the neck?

The strength seems to be high enough to be compared with when wearing armor.

If I have this ability.

Then I have combined spells with the capabilities of a flesh warrior?

Even if it is a 7th-level beginner, is it enough to challenge 7th-level advanced professionals?

"Hey~" Brother Monkey smiled triumphantly: "So demonization is awesome! This demonization is definitely strong and weak, and mine is definitely in the strong category!"

"What about your body in reality? Are there any signs of this?" Brother Hao asked.

"That's not true."

"Is it possible only in the game? This is not bad! As long as the game becomes stronger, it will be easier to become stronger in reality."

"This is the truth!"

"So? How to demonize, you know?" Brother Hao looked at Brother Monkey with blinking eyes.

"After three days of careful research, I found that most of these demonized people were players near the [Destruction Impact] at the time!

Even many nearby NPCs have this kind of demonized symptoms.

After this happened, I found myself very fond of going to the destroyed Blizzard City.

There is a breath that fascinates the demonized me. "The Monkey God said mysteriously.

While talking, Brother Monkey suddenly beamed his eyes and continued: "You all know the power of demonized creatures before, right?

I feel that I will become that strong soon!

Dont you envy it? "

"Huh?" Brother Hao raised his eyebrows.

can he really become a rank ten powerhouse?

Is this possible?

Suddenly his heart throbbed.

"Brother Monkey! Do you think too much? We are players! We are not bosses, how can we be as strong as those monsters?" Momo smiled and shook his head.

"It's so strange that you are rare!" Brother Monkey cursed, not wanting to talk to this fool.

turned his head to face Brother Hao: "Brother Hao! How about? Are you interested in demonization? I have a way to demonize you!"

"Demonized..." Brother Hao showed a thoughtful look.

After being demonized, he can no longer walk around in an open manner.

However, as long as the game character dies once, or goes to the Temple of All-Knowing, it can still be recovered.

Brother Hao thinks he can give it a try: "It's interesting, let me know, I'll transfer it to you later, 1 million Union currency, shouldn't it be a problem?"

"Hey~ Brother Hao is still that Brother Hao! I will always be your most loyal brother!" Brother Monkey gave a thumbs up to Brother Hao, boasting.

then sent a private message to Brother Hao.

After Brother Hao finished reading, he was a little surprised: "It's that simple?"

"Yes! It's that simple!" Brother Monkey was sure.

"Okay! Is there anything else? If not, I will leave first." Hao asked.

"It's gone! That's it."

"Yeah." Brother Hao nodded, and then left.

There are only four people left in the room.

Momo asked: "Brother Monkey! You are not on the road! Why do you only tell Brother Hao?"

"He is my uncle! Of course I told him! You guys want to know, I don't want more, 100,000! I will tell you as long as 100,000!" Brother Monkey crossed the fingers of both hands and compared a ten. .

"Oh! Monkey brother! You can't only have money in your eyes! How many brothers use this? Am I still not your little baby?" Mo Mo said with a bit of resentment.

"You are what I did! You baby?" Brother Monkey disdain: "You stingy! It's only a hundred thousand, isn't it a big deal to you?

I have earned at least 30-40 million in the hands of Brother Hao over the years, right?

How can you drop one hundred thousand? "

"Damn! You old man! Dare to scold me for being stingy!" Momo aired.

"I don't want to be demonized! Demonized and become so ugly! My girlfriends in the game will not want me!

You should play slowly by yourself! "

Momo left after speaking.

"Where is Ao Ge?" Brother Monkey stared at Ao Ge scorchingly.

This guy is also a wealthy owner, and he still has several hundred million in his family. It's just a comparison with Brother Hao.

is also a potential user!

Brother Monkey saw that his eyes were naturally different from Mo Mo.

"Me... let's see the situation first." Oge didn't immediately agree.

"Where is Xiaoli?" Brother Monkey said again.

"Let's take a look at the situation." Xiao Li is actually not interested in this kind of demonization.

too ugly!

The face of Brother Monkey now has ugly skin! Imbalanced! Want me to be the same as you? Then I will be kicked when I climb Brother Hao's bed?

It's better to die!

"It's a pity!" Brother Monkey sighed.

Then everyone parted.

Brother Hao put on his cloak, and walked a hundred kilometers away alone.

He rode a Pegasus, and it took him a long time to arrive at his destination, which was the sky shrouded in thick black fog.

Although three days have passed, the black fog in the sky has not dissipated too much.

It's dark and heavy, making people feel heavy.

After entering the dark fog area, Brother Hao discovered the anomaly. Both himself and the Tianma under him were losing their lives.

It dropped very slowly. It took a few seconds to lose 1 point of life. Brother Hao can ignore it for the time being.

He put away the Pegasus and landed on the ground alone.

There is no weed in the land here.

There is an uncomfortable breath in the space.

Here, Brother Hao's state has become weak, and his physical attributes have also been reduced by 30%.

He continued to walk towards the target.

soon came to a huge pothole.

This was caused by the first burst of the red golden ball of light expelled by Sillon Soderberg! It looks very shocking.

The pit is very huge, at least seven or eight kilometers in diameter, and the deepest place is definitely seventy or eighty meters.

Brother Hao found that several players were curiously wandering in the pothole.

often squat down and touch the ground with his hands.

They seem to be in poor condition.

But these people know the secret of demonization? Or did you visit it purely because of curiosity?

Brother Hao jumped into the pothole.

continue to walk towards the center.

The ground is hard.

Large pieces of glassy residue appeared after being baked at high temperature.

Regarding the appearance of Brother Hao, the one who was there before did not pay much attention.

Brother Hao also looked around here and felt curious.

After ten minutes, he took a bottle of blood medicine from the space equipment and drank it.

His life has been falling here.

attributes have been reduced by 70%!

The previous players who seemed to be visiting had already left several people, but there was also one, like Brother Hao, who was wearing a cloak.

The state is also extremely bad, but he just doesn't leave, lying on the ground drinking blood medicine. This guy definitely knows the secret of demonization!

Brother Hao stayed for another ten minutes.

Another person left, maybe the medicine is gone?

Brother Hao thought, the medicines for this game are not cheap.

Cheap ones are all highly resistant to drugs.

The blood can't be recovered after drinking a few vials in a day.

And Brother Hao naturally wouldn't buy this, and the medicine he bought wouldn't bring much resistance.

can definitely drink a hundred bottles in a day.

is also because of this, he has been here for a long time, at least most of the day, until night.

He was just about to leave.

During , he also met a lot of players from other cities who came to visit, but he basically didn't meet anyone with the same purpose as him.

Brother Hao who left the pothole was in a small town and rented a house casually.

He is not going to participate in any activity tasks or the like.

Every day in the game is to look at the spell book.

Non-game time is to look at forums and find those magical posts.

Regarding demonization, there are mixed reviews on the forum.

But most women are basically contemptuous...

No woman who loves beauty can accept the appearance of herself when she becomes ugly!

As for men, there are naturally many people who are very interested in demonization, and some hid them without being exposed to the followers and guards of the Omniscience.

observe their own state every day.

also shared to the forum.

is online the next day.

The first thing Brother Hao did was to open the property bar.

status has become demonized.

Then he stripped off his clothes and checked the changes in front of the full-length mirror he had prepared before.

There is no change in body, but only the left eye has changed!

'S eyes became red, like a burning flame!

Brother Hao also found that his left eye vision had changed slightly, and everything he saw became clearer.

is like putting a low-level, far-sighted technique on my left eye.

"Sure enough, something has changed! Hope not to let me down!" Brother Hao said to himself.

He hopes that his role in the game is as strong as possible.

It doesn't matter how ugly is!

I always convince people with money and strength! When did you rely on appearance?

The next few days.

Brother Hao has been paying attention to his changes.

The left eyeball became redder.

seems to be bleeding! Brother Hao can clearly feel it.

There are some flame elements around him converging in his eyes.

His lips also became blood red.

opened his mouth, and the teeth that were originally white as porcelain teeth became like teeth made of rubies.

Brother Hao couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

He even couldn't help but think.

Would you like to pull out a tooth later, try to sell it?

what is this?

Demonization can demonize something that fits Lao Tzu's characteristics?

Knew it! Lao Tzu has a destiny with money in this life!

And, all the attributes are starting to increase!

a few days later.

Brother Haos other right eye became almond-shaped, extremely dark, as if it could incorporate all the light into it.

He has acquired a poisonous ability!

The gas he exhales is poisonous.

Fortunately, it was not too strong, and the surrounding residents and creatures were not affected.

Because of the increase in attributes, the original wooden seat was collapsed by him!

Ordinary people may be very strange, but he is not a big guy.

is 1.8 meters tall, his body can only be said to be healthy, weighing about 150 kilograms, how can he break the seat?

This is all because of the increase in attributes such as strength, physique, and agility.

The increase in these attributes will increase the density of bones and muscles.

Some people look tall and have the same size as Brother Hao.

But if it is a fighter player.

Then his weight will heavier a lot.

may have 170 jin, 200 jin, or 250 jin.

even 300 catties is possible!

And now, Brother Hao is the same!

Soon, his condition stabilized and his body seemed to be much stronger.

what is this? Variation in the direction of the fighter?

But I am obviously a mage!

Do you want to rebuild your career?

It's wrong, I can double repair!

Ok! Double repair! No problem! With my financial strength, there is no problem with double repair!

Brother Hao is very sure.

Another day later, Brother Hao continued to browse the posts that he had been speaking on the forum and sharing the demonization situation.

Todays sharing content is more interesting.

The original poster said that for some reason, he failed to demonize and turned into a mosaic...

After the resurrection, everything went back to before demonization.

This makes Brother Hao sound the alarm.

He doesn't want to be like each other.

It took a few days to fail halfway.

boarded the game, he directly checked his status.

Then, he was surprised to find that his status bar indicated that he had entered the state of Demonization One.

Two small one-centimeter long horns were born on the forehead.

rubbed it with his hands, it was very hard!

His attribute panel has completely changed.

The attributes have been greatly increased.

The rank has not changed, but he found that he seems to have a boss template!

is displayed as 8 skeleton level!

"Fuck! This variation is worth it!" Brother Hao was overjoyed.

Level 7, 8 skeleton level boss! With this kind of boss strength, before I didnt have a legendary staff, it was not too difficult to do 6~7 at a time!

Brother Hao is very satisfied with this demonization.

doesn't even care about sharing posts that failed in previous forums.

seems to be just a bad luck.

At the same time, Brother Hao, based on the analysis of the demonized siege monsters, speculated that there should be second, third, and fourth stages of demonization!

So he sent a message to Brother Monkey.

"Brother Monkey! How is your demonized mutation?"

"It's still the same! It's still mutating! How about you Brother Hao?"

The two of them often communicated the changes of demonization in the days before.

"Hehe, just like you, but it feels fast!

My strength has also increased a lot, do you still have a way to demonize II?"

"Demonized Tier 2... Honestly speaking, it's not there yet, or you can go there and try it... Maybe there are surprises."

"Okay." Brother Hao replied, and the succinct dialogue between the two had ended directly.

He continued to rush to the previous pothole.

The atmosphere there seems to be very good. Every time Brother Hao thinks about it, there is an urge to go.

came again, and Brother Hao found that there seemed to be more people here.

A group of people wandered outside the pothole, Hao Ge guessed that these were all sightseeing.

The photos on the forum are not good to see, so you must go to the field to see it.

Brother Hao ignored these guys and went straight to the pothole.

There are still many people here when they come to the pothole.

Everyone is doing their own thing.

Brother Hao found that even here, compared with the first time, he was not affected by any ill effects.

even got an energetic buff, all attributes increased ranging from 1-5%.

This is really no need to drink medicine, I want to stay as long as I want.

"Li~" An eagle sounded from the sky.

Brother Hao looked up.

At this time, the cloak worn by Brother Hao is basically completely enclosed.

Only two eyes are exposed on the hood, and two dark lenses are inlaid in the eye area, so I am not afraid of being discovered.


I saw a monster with an eagle-headed human body inflaming its wings and slowly landing above the air.

After fell on the ground, the monster didn't care about the people around him, but took a deep breath.

Intoxicated color appeared on the eagle's face.

"What a great taste! I didn't feel it before! I hope I can enter the second stage of Demonization sooner!

This is great! so cool!

Sillon Soderberg! The great dragon lord! What a great existence you are! "

At the end, the eagle head man actually looked admired.

Brother Hao heard this, his eyes under his hood condensed, and a detection technique passed.

But it turns out that the opponent is a player and cannot be detected.

This guy, like him, has been demonized for a while!

But the brain seems abnormal?

Now the demonized creature is wanted!

is wanted by the omniscient and almighty god.

As long as they are killed on the spot, the highest level of excellence equipment will be rewarded according to the strength of the magic creature.

is nothing to him, but it is a temptation for ordinary players.

This is why Brother Hao dressed up so tightly.

He doesn't want to be harassed endlessly by a group of scum.

And the facts are just as Hao expected.

Inside the pit, several wandering players who were wandering around immediately turned their eyes to the Eagle Head.

"Magic player!" Someone immediately exclaimed.

picked up his bow and arrow with his hand, and shot one arrow at the eagle head.

The arrow turned into a red glow, but when he approached the eagle head, a big hand grasped the arrow tightly.

This hand belongs to the Eagle Head.

His sharp eagle eyes stared at the hunter who had just shot the arrow.

looked very fierce in his eyes: "Dog stuff! You did it first!"

As he was talking, the eagle's head turned to the left, the divine light in his eyes flashed, shining forward.

A dark figure was directly exposed.

is a thief!

"Hey~ You guys are brain-dead! If you want to offer a reward, you have to see if you have that strength!" The Eagle Head said.

With the arrow in his hand, his backhand was a flick, and the arrow in his hand was nailed to the thieves throat at a faster speed than before.

Looking at the opponent with some incredulous eyes, the eagle head sneered and said: "Idiot! It depends on your level 3 strength, and you dare to challenge me, who is now a 7th and 2 skeleton boss?

Leap-level challenge? No matter how outrageous the story is, I dare not write this way! How dare you do this?

Should I admire your bravery? Still admire your stupidity? "

"Woo~" The thief whimpered twice and turned into white light and left.

The hunter who shot arrows before changed his expression.

"Level 7 and 2 Skeleton Level?? Are you a player of Level 7?"

He couldn't believe it, why did a Tier 7 player meet him casually?

There might not be one out of 100,000 players of this level!

is the strongest now.

And for the 7th-level demonized player, there is no difference between it and winning a lottery when encountering this kind of game?

"No, no, no! It's not a player! It's a boss! Me! Wang Chang! It's no longer an ordinary player! It's a boss!

is a stronger life than you waste! "

The eagle-headed man who claims to be Wang Chang shouted, his expression full of arrogance.

"What do you mean? What do you mean by not being a player?" The hunter was sweating.

"It doesn't make sense to tell you this idiot! I died for Laozi!" The Eagle Head shouted again.

The huge wings with a full four-meter wingspan spread out.

"Through the heart!"

The feathers on the wings are so dark, like black iron, they stand upright.

With the eagle head's yelling.

These feathers are like sharp arrows, shooting in all directions!

The hunter players who bear the brunt are immediately shot into a hornet's nest by dozens of feather arrows, turning into white light and leaving.

The rest of the people who were good at watching the show did not react, and were shot to death in shock!

Only Brother Hao, at the moment of his death, raised the staff in his hand.

The red light in the left eye and the red gem on the staff flickered at the same time.

A disc with a diameter of 2.5 meters appeared in front of him instantly.

Feather arrows shot on the flame plate, like ice flakes shot into hot water.

The sound of kept coming out.

Until the sound disappeared, the flame of the millstone turned into thousands of tiny flames, floating in the air.

Brother Hao waved his hand, thinking about making these flames fight back.

The eagle head on the other side shouted: "Wait! Brother! Don't do it!"

"Huh?" Hao Ge paused.

"My own brother! You are also a demonized person, right? If yes, you are your own!

I am not interested in ordinary players, but for those who are also demonized, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com are all brothers! "

"..." Brother Hao looked at the opponent's eagle face, his emotions were very obvious, and he could see the softness on his face wrapped in feathers.

Especially the eyes, faintly kind.

Brother Hao also noticed that the jet black feathers that were shot by him had already recovered more than half, one by one growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This guy has some strength!

waved away the flames in front of him.

Brother Hao judged, the person in front of you can talk.

"Brother! Are you a member of the organization?" Eagle Head asked.

"Organization? What organization?"

"A specially established demonized organization! It's obviously not meant by brother?

How about , are you interested in joining?

You can resist my arrow feathers, I think you are not weak. "

nonsense! Lao Tzu is the first mage! The first player now!

Humph! idiot! How can you understand Laozi's awesomeness!

"Do you have a Demonized Tier 2 organization?" Brother Hao asked rhetorically, without answering the other party's question.

