"Yes, the second-order demonization is much stronger than the first-order demonization, and the demonization is also much faster. In this pit, wait for a long time and you will know the result!

Whether to continue to advance or fail... It all depends on the will of the Demon Dragon King! "The Eagle Head didn't mean to hide, he said directly. Mobile phone https://

"Failure...At this point, will it fail?"

"of course."

"What will happen?"

"It's not going to be great. Once the demonized state can be retained, even if you continue to come over and want to be demonized, the ending will not change at all. There is simply no potential. I hope we will not stop here!

I want to continue to advance! Become a real powerhouse! "

"Then in your organization, are there any demonized Tier 3 and Tier 4 players?"

"No, the two-stage demonization seems to be the limit. If you want to continue to evolve, people in the organization guess that they can only find His Royal Highness the Demon Dragon King!

Let him give strength.

However, since the end of the war, His Majesty the Dragon King has disappeared, which is really a headache. "The Eagle Head people finally complained.

"You have said your Majesty the Dragon King twice in a row? Do you mean the dragon Sylon Soderberg?"

"Yes! Since seeing your Majesty's power like a god, everyone has respectfully called him the Demon Dragon King." The eagle-body showed worship.

That was from the heart, and Brother Hao couldn't understand it.

Isn't it an npc? Although this game is amazing, it can make people stronger.

But this demonization does not affect reality, so why do you worship the other party?

"Oh...Is that so?" Brother Hao put out a lot of information.

"How? Do you want to join us?"

"I don't have any thoughts on this yet."

"Forget it, but can you add a friend?"

"..." Brother Hao was silent, obviously not wanting to reveal his identity.

The Eagle Head also saw what Brother Hao meant, and he sighed with regret: "Just forget it if you don't want it.

I can tell you my id953147, you can add me whenever you want to join, demonize the brothers and family! "

"Okay." Brother Hao nodded.

Then the two chatted a little bit about other things.

Many players in the middle came again and saw the eagle head directly launch an attack and were counter-killed by the eagle head on the spot.

Some people just glanced at the Eagle Head in surprise, some stayed where they were, some turned and left.

Time has passed slowly.

Brother Hao felt that his body soon had a problem.

He felt that his body was on fire, and he was obviously burned by the flame, but he was uncomfortable.

The durability of the perfect cloak continued to decline.


After a few minutes, the entire cloak was ignited by flames, turning Hao into a burning man.

The crimson flame is particularly conspicuous in the pothole.

The Eagle Head Wang Chang who had been chatting with Brother Hao was taken aback.

He quickly stepped back ten meters.

But there was still a wave of fire rushing towards him.

"It's hot! It's hot!" The eagle head cried strangely.

He withdrew more than a few meters back again to be better. He looked at Brother Hao and shouted, "Brother! Are you okay? Are you demonized to the second level?"

"Is the second-order demonized? It seems to have indeed arrived." Brother Hao was full of flames.

But the left eyeball is especially bright.

Open the property bar and glanced at it.

It is indeed the second state of demonization!

The strength level has become a 9th and 2 skeleton level!

Seeing this, Brother Hao couldn't help laughing directly.

The red flames all over his body trembled.

His left eye flashed red.

The still burning flame rushed to his eyes.

The flame quickly disappeared, and Brother Hao revealed his true colors.

On the original white face, red scales actually grew.

The height is like a young sapling that is uplifted.

From 1.8 meters to the point of nearly two meters!

The arms are stronger than the thighs of ordinary people!

Covered with red scales.

The same goes for the feet.

The corners of the forehead have become longer, three or four centimeters in length.

Hair strands are like flames, without wind and spontaneous combustion!


"Brother...brother...you are so demonized!" The eagle head exclaimed, his eyes a little light: "It's so cool! It's so cooler than me!"

Like the legendary dragon man! "

"Oh? Dragon?" Brother Hao muttered.

Take out a mirror from the space equipment.

Observe carefully.

The change is indeed great, because the face is covered with scales, I can't recognize the previous appearance at all.

Especially one red, one black with two eyes, red domineering, black weird!

"Not bad!" Brother Hao looked at his current appearance, surprisingly feeling very good.

"Brother! You are so lucky! It was a direct success!

Although the success rate of Demonization Two is much higher than Demonization One, there is still a 20% chance of failure.

How is it? Brother, what level of strength do you evaluate in the system now?" The Eagle Head asked with envy and curiosity.

"Level 8 and 2 Skeleton Level." Brother Hao didn't tell the truth.

"Not bad! Demonized Tier 2 has such strength! I hope I can be as successful as you, and then it would be nice to have the strength like you!" The Eagle Head was extremely envious.

He knows that there are not a few Tier 2 Demonized people with this kind of strength in the entire organization.

"Yes." Brother Hao comforted.

"I borrow your good words."

"You said, the third stage of demonization, is it useful to stay here?" Hao asked.

"It's useless! This can only allow us to advance to the second stage at most. If you don't believe it, you can stay here for a while." The Eagle Head said.

After that, Brother Hao stopped here to continue chatting with the Eagle Head, talking about the topic of demonized creatures.

Several more hours passed.

The eagle head has finally completed the demonization again.

This time all his hands and feet mutated into eagle claws and eagle feet.

The epidermis is covered with thick black scales.

His power became very strong, and Brother Hao watched him experiment and squashed a piece of steel!

According to his personal disclosure, he reached the eighth rank and 1 skeleton rank, barely entering the ranks of the eighth rank.

Yingshouren was not too disappointed by this, but was very satisfied. After chatting with Brother Hao for a while, he flew away.

Brother Hao stayed alone.

During the period, I encountered someone who couldn't open his eyes and wanted to attack Brother Hao. As a result, Brother Hao narrowed his left eye slightly.

The provocateur was covered with scarlet flames and rolled on the spot.

Within eight seconds, it disappeared.

Until the night in the game, this represents the dawn in reality.

Brother Hao also got up offline.

Supporting the body with hands, slowly climbed up from putting on.

The door was opened.

Then came a voice: "Brother Hao! Breakfast is ready!"

Are you up?"

This is a sweet voice.

It was Xiaoli's voice, Brother Hao could tell.

Then Xiao Li appeared in Brother Hao's vision.

Still fresh and pleasant as always.

"Ah! What kind of monster are you! Brother Hao!" Xiaoli exclaimed, and immediately turned around to escape.

"Xiao Li! What are you doing? Today is not April Fool's Day! This is not funny at all!" Hao Ge shouted with a gloomy face.

"Huh?" Xiaoli's turning motion froze.

"Yes... it's Brother Hao's voice!"

She turned around tremblingly, looking at Brother Hao with some horror: "You...you are Duan Tianhao? Brother Hao? Really Brother Hao?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm not Duan Tianhao, but Ri Tianhao?" Brother Hao was unhappy.

"Brother Hao...you..." Xiaoli pointed at Brother Hao without knowing what to say, suddenly his head flashed.

"Brother Hao! Are you playing? Who is this cos? It's really cool!"

"Huh?" Brother Hao was a little confused: "Xiao Li, what are you talking about? How could I do that kind of thing?"

However, he quickly reacted. It should be something wrong with him that caused Xiaoli to be so gaffe.

He jumped off the bed and stood on the ground, summoning a mirror with a wave of his arm.

Only then was the problem discovered.

He has become the same as the character in the game!

The first child has double horns, the left pupil is red, and the right pupil is dark.

The face is scaled and the limbs are as strong as dragon's arms!

"I... actually became like this." Brother Hao said to himself.

Xiao Li couldn't hear what kind of feelings were bred inside.

But I must be sad to come!

He was so handsome before, but now he has become this ghost!

Brother How! Sorry! You look like, I may leave you!

Now this makes her a little bit unable to speak!

The races are all different!

"Brother Hao, your sorrow." Xiaoli whispered.

"Sorrow? Why do you want to mourn?" Hao Ge asked back.

He felt explosive energy in his body.

Every breath made him feel refreshed.

"You...what you look like...maybe...no longer a human being." Xiao Li hesitated.

"Human? What is good about being a human? Xiaoli! I have already decided! I will not do it as a human!!!

I am now a dragon!

The strongest dragon man who gained the power of the magic dragon! "

Brother Hao's eyes burst into light, the corners of his mouth opened, and he laughed.

"Huh?" Xiaoli was stunned by Brother Hao's remarks.

"Xiao Li! You don't understand how strong I am now!

I can feel! Even if compared with the game! I am not weakened at all! "Brother Hao said.

"Oh...oh... Congratulations to Brother Hao, Brother Hexihao." Xiaoli shrank subconsciously and said.

"Xiao Li, are you afraid of me?" Brother Hao was a little unhappy when he saw it.

"No...no..." Xiaoli denied.

"You are obviously afraid!" Brother Hao blinked.

Thoughts turn.

Then the figure flickered and appeared next to her at a speed that Xiao Li could not react at all, closing the door one at a time, and then putting his arms around her shoulders.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Xiaoli exclaimed and wanted to jump away, but Brother Hao held her tightly with one hand.

"Xiao Li! What are you doing? In normal times, when I hug you like this, you have already fallen in my arms and slapped your hands on me. Now you are so out of touch..." Brother Hao's eyes flickered.


"Huh! You don't want to report me, do you? Let the people of the alliance catch me as a guinea pig?"

Brother Hao looked cold.

"How... how is it possible! Brother Hao! You and I will be married for a day! How could you hope Brother Hao will do these things!"

"Very good! A couple hundred days of grace!" Brother Hao repeated these words, immediately copied with a big hand, threw Xiaoli onto the bed, and then rushed over...

One hour later.

Xiaoli was flushed in the arms of Brother Hao.

"Brother Hao! You are so amazing~"

Her little hand gently stroked Brother Hao's chest, there were a lot of scales there, and the scales that felt ugly before, this time it was surprisingly sexy!

This strong and powerful arm! This **** and spacious chest!

The red and dark pupils!

Too man! So masculine!

Xiao Li was deeply fascinated by this.

What kind of nerves did I have before that I thought Hao was not handsome anymore?

Look at his open mouth!

The teeth inside are like the world's top dark rubies!

He still has the personal charm of Brother Hao!

Handsome! It's so handsome!

"Hmph!" Brother Hao smiled triumphantly: "Xiao Li, you really are not an ordinary woman! As long as you follow me well! There will be unexpected surprises waiting for you in the future."

Brother Hao comforted a woman.

Now he looks more dangerous than in the game, and he can't be exposed to the servants in the house.

At this time, you need to leave!

"Xiao Li! I'm a little hungry, help me bring my breakfast."

"Okay! Brother Hao, wait a minute!" Xiaoli accepted the task with a happy expression, went downstairs and brought breakfast.

They closed their eyes and entered the game after eating breakfast together.

Going back to the game again, Brother Hao actually thought about whether to turn Xiaoli into a demonized person.

But when I think of the eagle head before.

He gave up!

If this woman also becomes an eagle head, how can she be affectionate afterwards?

Nima, call me a dignified rank 9 powerhouse, Duan Tianhao should kiss a bird's beak?

This is impossible!

Then let Xiao Li make the vase, um, in terms of combat power, there is not one more, and one less than her.

Brother Hao spent several hours in the pothole.

After discovering that it was really useless, he was a little irritable.

To continue to evolve, is it really necessary to find Majesty the Dragon?

But recently, it seems that I have not found any news from the other party on the forum!

Do you want to offer a reward directly on the forum?

No way! In reality, the Alliance should also know the news about the demons.

After all, I am not the only demon.

I now offer a reward to the Demon Dragon King, and I will definitely be suspected by the Alliance!

Brother Hao gritted his teeth and returned to the hut that he had previously hidden.

He sat silently on a chair, thinking about ways, is he going to contact the demonized organization of the Eagle Head?

But its not clear how the organization is. What role will I play in it?

Would they be jealous of me being so handsome, so rich, so strong, come to gang-fight me?

Brother Hao thought a lot, and became more impatient.

Holding the legendary staff in his hand, he kept hitting the ground with the bottom of the staff, making a chopping sound.

For a long time, he looked up at the red gem on the top of his legendary staff.

Three drops of Sunshine droplets are fused inside!


Brother Hao swallowed.

He found himself somewhat hungry.

Want to swallow the gem of the legendary staff.

To be precise, they are the three sun droplets inside.

Why is that?

Obviously it is a treasure refined in perseverance, what does it have to do with demonization?

Why would I crave it?

This is from the instinct of the body.

Brother Hao hesitated, whether to follow his instinct and swallow the gem.

In that case, the legendary staff is gone!

This is the only one among all players!

The equipment promised by the All-Knowing Almighty God may be because the mission was not completed and none of them were issued...

So the preciousness of this only legendary staff is naturally self-evident.

It is not simply a measure of money!

Brother Hao thought for a long time, and finally opened his mouth and took a bite at the place where the staff was inlaid with gems!

Click, click, click~

Just like chewing glass, Brother Hao directly chewed up the gem with his superb teeth.

Those fragments couldn't hurt his mouth at all. After he chewed it up completely, Brother Hao swallowed it!

Weapons are just something outside the body.

What's more, he is now rank 9 and 2 skeleton rank.

The direction seems to be moving towards the soldier.

Don't worry about this staff! When chewing gems.

Brother Hao's heart shook suddenly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound is clear and loud.

"Yes! That's how I feel! I'm going to evolve again!" Brother Hao showed a look of ecstasy, next is Tier 10?

I am about to become a rank ten powerhouse soon!

Whether it is a game or in reality!

The heart is beating violently.

The gem fragments swallowed into the body quickly decomposed in the stomach pouch.

Three drops of red water are left alone.

The water droplets were not decomposed by the gastric juice, but merged against the stomach wall.

In the body that Brother Hao couldn't see.

His internal organs are all dyed red!

"Very good! It feels great!" Brother Hao smiled.

He already felt the body began to change.

But this is different from Demonization II, and it may still take a lot of time.

However, Brother Hao has confirmed that he can continue to be demonized, which is surprisingly in a good mood.

He hummed a little tune, raised Erlang's legs and looked at the book he had prepared.

Start a boring time.

At the same time.

Shillong has been staying in a remote forest with his eyes closed recently.

Yes, he did nothing.

In this world of weak Confucianism, there is nothing he wants to obtain, nothing he wants to learn.

In that case, why not sleep well?

Anyway, he is the kind of race that can become stronger without reason while lying down, and other people can't be envious of it!

Maybe if I lie down for thousands of years, I can go back? When the time comes, punch the goddess of magic, kick the lord of dawn, okay to beat the evil god? Show the light of justice!

How long will it take to become a metal dragon idol?

Shillong thought so, so he chose a forest that felt good feng shui and fell asleep.

However, he was awakened before he fell asleep.

Since that time when a nucleus died down in Blizzard City, he found that something seemed to be wrong.

Until now, the system has been prompting him to believe in him, worship him inexplicably, and provide him with points of faith!

There are many of these people! It's almost like brushing the frequency, but the belief points provided are different, there are more and less.

There is no more than 1 point, and no less than 0.1.

Nevertheless, his point of faith, to this day, has reached more than 90,000.

Although it is far too early to obtain the 20 million seedlings of the godhead, it is indeed increasing, and it is real.

Shillon didn't take this to heart.

But suddenly.

An unseen system prompt appeared: "Dear Second Qualified Person, do you spend 0.4 faith points to resurrect your believers [King Kong Gorilla]?"

"What the hell? Ask me the point of faith that I want to resurrect?" Silom was slightly taken aback.

"What is the second qualified person?"

"The second qualified person is the second qualified person selected based on the poor performance of the first qualified person. I am the intellectual brain of the world of Dora's tomb, and I am assisted by the creator, Dora, to create the mental brain.

Nice to meet you, dear second qualified person. "The cold electronic voice said.

"Huh? When did I become the second qualified person?" Shillong was a little confused, and then smiled.

"Am I the protagonist of the destiny? Just sleep, and you come to the door and ask me to be your master? Or the host?

Does that mean? "

"It's almost like this." Zhi Nao said: "In addition, you are now the second qualified person, and the first qualified person is the omniscient and omnipotent God."

"The God of All-Knowing and Almighty? Since he is the first fit, what do you want me to do with the second fit? Does it matter?"

"It's okay. The All-Knowing and Almighty God is the first qualified person, just because of luck, at the right time, at the right place, the first qualified person produced by chance,

You are different. Although you are the second qualified person, based on data analysis, you are the most suitable host for me, and you are also the creature that can achieve the goal of the creator Dora.

Therefore, to trigger the 338th rule of Intellectual Brain, I listed you as the second qualified person and participated in the competition with the first qualified person. "

"Oh roar?" Silom laughed.

"Then you are now a twenty-five son? Obviously it is the thing of the omniscient and almighty God, and now he actually gives me the opportunity to **** his system?"

"Di...di.... After analysis, the behavior of the brain is indeed no different from the general two or five..."

"It's interesting! It seems that you are also a smart and intelligent conquered by my ultimate power." Shillong praised: "This is a very wise choice! You will be thankful for this!

By the way, tell me about the information about the omniscient and almighty god, I am very curious about this guy, is it just a waste of what I think? "

"Dip..... The second qualified person is not qualified to inquire about the first qualified person's news, refuses to answer, refuses to answer."

"Heh...Twenty-five boys are not good to behave!" Shillong was a little bit contemptuous about this~wuxiaworld.online~ He actually didn't fully believe in the words of this brain.

He even suspected that the omniscient and almighty God sent him to do the trick.

But it doesn't matter. Lao Tzu lived in the era of big data in his previous life! What scam has not been seen?

Of course, there is another possibility. This guy may find a way out for himself, for fear that I will kill the omniscient and almighty God and then destroy its intelligence?

Both are possible, but Shillong feels more inclined to the first.

"That's right! What is your creator Dora that you said before? What do the good creators want to do if they don't follow us?" Shillong decided to inquire about the news.

"The deeds of the creator Dora, I can only tell the first qualified person, as the second qualified person you have no right to know."

Shillong smiled, this guy is even more suspicious!

"So as the second qualified person, what can you bring to me?"

"I can make you qualified to become a god!"

"Become a god? Do you think I will not be a god? Or do you think I can't beat the **** in your mouth?"

Plutonium Dragon Field

