Peng Peng Peng!

The moment the arrow hit the cloaked man, a large number of dark blue ice crystals appeared immediately behind the cloaked man.

The arrow shot into the ice crystal, and instantly lost its momentum, one, two, three...

These arrows all enter the sea like a stone cow, but until the sixth arrow shoots into the ice crystal.


The ice crystal exploded.

The last arrow hit the cloak man's cape hard.

Blast the cloak.

A steel helmet was exposed inside.

"Fuck! There is an iron helmet inside!

Ugh! I say! Brother in front! Don't run away! Stop quickly and let us kill it!

You can't run anyway, it's the same if you die sooner or later!

Hurry up and go back to the ranks of normal players!

Demonization has no future!

The All-Knowing and Almighty God has issued an order to chase you down, so what does he insist on demonizing? "The hunter behind him shouted.

So cautious about this dog day!

How can the average player wearing a hood still wear a helmet inside?

When will I spend with him?

"Call Lao Tzu to commit suicide? Fuck your dog! Why don't you die?

Son of a bitch! I tell you! I am the brother of Duan Tianhao, the first mage!

If you mess with me like this, I will definitely let you not get mixed up in the game in the future!

I can't get mixed up in reality! "

The escaping man roared loudly.

"Duan Tianhao? There are more than fifty brothers together, no one is useless!

Kill your bounty, I'll take it! "The hunter behind him roared wildly.

Another series of arrows flew to the demonized player in front.

This player is also very skilled, one sideways avoiding four arrows, but still three shots on the armor.

There was a bumping sound.

A kind of energy attached to the arrow passes through the armor, directly hitting the body inside.

Only 7/10 of the life on the head of the demonized man would drop 1/10 again.

"Grass the grass! How come the organizers are not there yet! If this continues, I will be finished!" the demonized man shouted.

"You're done! What a fart!" shouted the person behind him.

Brother Hao has been following hundreds of meters above these people at this time, and his hearing is also good. He can hear everything these people say clearly.

Especially the demonized person who ran away, the voice is very familiar, he followed for a while, and then judged the identity of this person!

Brother Monkey!

It must be him! Knocking and cheap guy.

But is this guy a bit miserable? Was chased by a group of ordinary players?

Brother Hao laughed secretly in his heart, and listened to the other side's horrible howls, and saw that his life had fallen to 2/5 before he suddenly rushed down!


With a loud noise, the chasing soldiers saw the demonized man on the way ahead, as if a meteorite suddenly landed, and a figure stood upright.

This figure is tall and mighty, with wings on its back, dragon horns on its head, blood red and pitch black.

Dozens of chasing soldiers stopped immediately, opened their formations, and maintained a certain combat distance.

The mage in the back slammed it by a probe.

"Damn! Brothers! This is another demonized player!" The mage yelled with excitement.

"Another one?" The hunter who had been talking before showed joy: "This is what the demonized player said before, the organizer? Hahaha! This is really interesting! It's best to come all of them. Go! I'll kill them all!"

"Hey! Doesn't it matter? These demonic players are strong.

Just the previous one, the strength feeling can be compared with the 7th and 2nd skeleton level BOSS, if it weren't for the large number of us, we would have been overturned one by one. "Some people are worried.

"It doesn't matter! We have more than fifty people! Let's give him another 7th-order boss!" The hunter believed himself.

So far in the game, all players have known the power of demonized players, and those who dare to hunt down demonized players are naturally not mediocre.

With a team of fifty people, the best is Tier 5, and the strongest is him! The famous Rank 7 hunters on the leaderboard play high!

Was it a vain name?

When these people communicated, Brother Hao also communicated with the people he considered Brother Monkey.

I saw the demonized player whose whole body was wrapped in armor, turning his head and looking at it with a roar behind him.

The moment he saw Brother Hao.

He shouted: "Brother! Are you the brother of the Devil Dragon Palace? You are here to save me! I will be killed if one step later!"

"Don't be so anxious, Brother Monkey." Brother Hao smiled and turned around, not caring about showing his back to the enemy.

"Ohhhhhhh? How do you know? Wait...you are Brother Hao?" The eyes in the helmet of Monkey Brother were bright, staring at Brother Hao closely.

But suddenly he looked behind Brother Hao and said in shock: "Behind you!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sound of several arrows breaking through the air sounded.

"It's me! I didn't expect that we were a team before. Now we are demonized and we have joined an organization." Brother Hao said with a smile, ignoring the abnormal noise behind him.

Clang clang~

The arrow hit Hao Ge's body with a crisp sound.

A series of damage appeared, the highest was only 2-30 points of damage!

This surprised the people in the Demon Hunting Group, but they thought it was a demonized skill defense effect, but the effect was very concealed, just like the previous monkey brother's demonized skill.

So they are not afraid, but are more vigilant and scattered.

The priests who arrived one by one quickly picked up the BUFF.

"Damn! Great! Brother Hao!" Brother Hou gave a thumbs up to Brother Hao: "Before you used to have powerful spells, now you are so strong in defense. This is going against the sky!"

"Haha, it's a trivial matter." Brother Hao smiled.

"Right! Brother Hao, this is to rescue me, shouldn't it be the guy codenamed [Eagle Head Man]? Why did you change to you?"

"I knew him before, and now I happen to be looking for him. He told me that he wanted to come over to protect you, so I came."

"Ahahaha! It turned out to be like this!" Brother Monkey laughed: "But the way you look demonized is really cool! It feels much better than me!

Hahaha! Brother Hao will be here! Our brothers must teach them how to behave! "

Brother Hou will be confident and arrogant, and walk towards Brother Hao, when the two stand in a straight line, Brother Hao thinks he will launch a counterattack.

Brother Monkey suddenly whispered to him: "Brother Hao! Do you have a large blood bottle? I'm out of medicine! Relieve!"

"..." Brother Hao gave him a silent look.

"Brother Hao! Don't look at me like that! You know I am careless! I often forget to take medicine when I go out." Brother Monkey said with an embarrassing smile.

"Okay." Brother Hao wouldn't care about this either.

He took out a bottle of scarlet from the space equipment and handed it to Brother Monkey.

But the hunter on the opposite side saw the new demonized person with sharp eyes, and handed the bottle of blood to the other. How could this work?

Immediately a powerful shot shot an arrow.

Almost in a tenth of a second.

The arrow shot 30 meters away, in front of the blood bottle in Brother Hao's hand.

Just as he was about to shoot through the blood bottle, a palm covered with dragon scales appeared, an arrow pinching the arrow!

It was the palm of Brother Hao.

"Damn!" Brother Monkey was taken aback and cursed: "These bastards! Actually want to explode my blood bottle! Isn't it too wicked?"

While talking, he quickly took the blood bottle and drank it.

His health was restored for a half.

After that, he looked at the opposite, the demon hunting group that was still arrogant before, and at this time, each of them looked extremely solemn.

Looking back at the arrow in Brother Hao's hand again, Brother Monkey gave a thumbs up: "Brother Hao! Great!"

"It's okay!" Brother Hao smiled. He enjoys the compliments of others. He likes these licking dogs constantly licking him. This feeling really makes people never get bored!

The left hand holding the arrow flicked.


The arrow hit the throat of the hunter who shot the arrow before.

"Uh...Uh...in...in..." The hunter pointed at Brother Hao, unable to even speak, his eyes were so shocked, he never dreamed that he would be killed by a spike!

I'm a hunter of rank 7!

After he disappeared.

The members behind him were even more shocked.

"It's not good! Boss got a second! Everyone, run!" With an exclamation, these group members immediately scattered and fled.


The sound of breaking through the air became one piece, but less than ten seconds.

None of the fifty players who wanted to escape before survived! All gone!

It wasn't until all players were killed in seconds that Brother Hao stopped beside Brother Monkey.

He pretended to pat his clothes.

This is ordinary clothes, basically without any combat ability.

Just to make myself look cooler.

"The eagle head guy is really slow. I came from a hundred kilometers away and killed these players again.

I haven't seen him yet. "

"How... Brother How... awesome!" Brother Monkey was dumbfounded.

I only hate that I read less, even if I have millions of flattery in my heart, I don't know how to shoot!

Only a great sentence can express the exclamation in the heart!

"Haha~ It's okay." Brother Hao smiled.

"Let's go to the place where the coordinates are xxxxxx. That is the place where I agreed to meet with the Eagle Head."

"It's all arranged by Brother Hao." Brother Monkey said.

The two walked back.

As he walked, Brother Monkey couldn't help but ask: "Brother Hao! You are too strong, right?

What order is it now?

I thought I was already strong enough for the 7th and 2nd Skeleton Level, but I didn't expect it!

Comparing with Brother Hao, it's simply the Haoyue of Yinghuo!

Ashamed! Ashamed! "

"The first time you mutate 7th and 1st skeleton level, it should be pretty good. You don't have to compare with me, don't want to think about who I am?

I am Duan Tianhao! From birth, he was destined to be a man who has attracted worldwide attention!

In addition, I am already a Tier 3 Demonized Human, at this stage, Tier 10 and 7 Skeleton Level. "

Brother Hao didn't mean to hide anything now.

Now he has enough strength to show his power to the world!

"10, 10, 10...10-level? 7-skeleton level?" Brother Monkey was the boss with staring eyes.

"Brother! Are you kidding? How could the player be so strong?

And how did you get to Demonization III? "

"Do we count the players now? I'm afraid it's not anymore! Not even humans!

Ha ha! Demonizing Tier 3 is also quite simple. You are my good brother, so naturally I will not hide it from you. Demonizing Tier 2 is exactly what you told me before.

Just stay in the pit of Demonization One for a long time. As for Demonization Three... Haha" Hao Brother said that, he sold it and laughed.

"How about Demonization III? How about Brother Hao? I will definitely be your most loyal little brother in the future!" Brother Monkey was a little worried, and grabbed Brother Hao's arm with his big hands.

He used to be much stronger than Brother Hao, but now he is much shorter than Longhua's Brother Hao.

This will grab the arm, if there are outsiders, I think it is a female player who is acting like a baby to her boyfriend.

Of course, the premise is that Brother Monkeys appearance is more feminine...


Brother Hao looked at the other party's twinkling eyes, a bit of chills in his heart, and quickly broke free.

"Okay! Just tell you, don't pull it!

Do you remember the sun droplets that the Devil Dragon King gave us before?"

"Of course! Didn't I sell you to Brother Hao?" As soon as Brother Monkey heard the water droplets from Zhiyang, let alone how happy he was smiling.

It sold for tens of millions in one drop before!

"As long as you eat the water droplets of the Sunshine, you can mutate! I swallowed all the droplets of the Sunshine that were previously smelted in the legendary staff gemstone, and it was demonized to the third level.

Ha ha! I'm sure that the water droplets of Zhiyang must be the blood in the body of Sylon Soderberg's dragon!

Otherwise, there will be absolutely no such magical power!

Demonization one, demonization two, as long as you accept the remnants of his power to advance, but demonization three, you can only get his blood! As for Demonization IV, I guess it may require more blood! "

"Huh? Demonization III needs water droplets from the Sun? The blood of the Demon Dragon King?" Brother Monkey's complexion changed drastically.

The original blue face became gray.

There was a dead gray in his eyes.

"It's over! It's over! It's so expensive, I definitely can't afford to demonize it."

Regarding the state of Brother Monkey, Brother Hao said he was helpless.

Although he only used three drops, the other drops had already been melted into the previous wand.

These few drops are basically hopeless, after all, the stick body is to integrate.

And what's inside the gem is just embedded.

As for the water droplets from other people in the team before, who knows whom to trade to.

Brother Monkey walks like a dead parent, walking back with a dead face.

After that, I met several players on the road, and they were beaten to death by the monkey brother wailing before they waited for the opponent to attack first!

While he was beating, he kept cursing in venting style.

Go back to the coordinate point.

Waited again for about five minutes.

The eagle head Wang Chang finally arrived.

After landing from the sky, he fell in front of them.

Somewhat unexpectedly he looked at Brother Monkey with a dead face, and Brother Hao with a smile on his face.

"You two, the demon hunting group should be eliminated, right? Why are you still so sad." The Eagle Head asked curiously.

"The demon hunters are wiped out, but my heart is also dead!

brothers! do you know! We will never be able to advance to Demonization III! "Brother Monkey said.

"!?" The eagle head was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Brother Monkey glanced at Brother Hao.

Brother Hao nodded slightly.

"If you want to Demonize Three, you have to prepare 30-40 million Union Coins!" Brother Monkey cried.

"!?" The Eagle Head was also dumbfounded.

"What the hell? Why does Demonization III cost so much money?"

"Does Zhiyang Water Drop know?"

"Uh...very familiar."

"My brother Hao's legendary staff was made from it!

Brother Hao drank three drops of Zhiyang water droplets, and it turned into what he is now! Third order! "

"..." The Eagle Head was silent.

He glanced at Brother Monkey and then at Brother Hao.

"Brother! Don't be so pessimistic! Just find His Royal Highness the Dragon King! All problems will be solved!"

"Then... have you found it? I haven't heard from him on the forum!"

"Hey~ Brother, don't be so pessimistic! Try to look forward! Believe that the future is beautiful!" Yingshou patted Brother Monkey on the shoulder.

Then he looked at Brother Hao with both eyes.

"Perfect! Look at the eyes! Look at the dragon horns! Look at the robust body! Look at the solid dragon scales!

Is this demonization three?

It is perfect!

I can fully feel the tremendous power in it!

Brother How! You are too hanging! "The Eagle Head man said obsessively.

At the end, I actually wanted to touch Brother Hao's scales.

"Hey~ stop!" Brother Hao quickly blocked each other with one hand, and quickly changed the subject: "Now Brother Monkey and I are going to join you, can you take us to the organization's base?"

"Of course it can." The Eagle Head suddenly stopped his obsession with a straight face.

"Then take off! I will take you over now." The Eagle Head said, and he wanted to pick up Brother Monkey on one side.

But Brother Monkey quickly stepped aside: "Don't! I don't want you to hold! I want Brother Hao!"

"Um..." The eagle head was helpless: "I don't care."

"Brother Hao~" Brother Monkey looked at Brother Hao with watery eyes.

"..." Brother Hao was slightly silent.

Then he hugged each other and rose into the sky.

The eagle head grinned and smiled silently, his huge wings shook, and rushed into the sky with a swish.

They flew for 30 to 40 minutes before they reached the base.

This is mainly because Brother Hao brought the monkey brother to drag the oil bottle, and every time the speed was fast, he couldn't bear the wind-cutting like a knife!

For this reason had to slow down.

Boom! Boom!

Two landing noises sounded.

Brother Hao and Eagle Head landed on a wilderness.

It looks very deserted and it is difficult to see a green plant every kilometer.

The Eagle Head took Brother Hao and landed here.

"This is our base?? That... where is it?" Brother Monkey scratched his head.

Take a look at the left, take a look at the right, the earth is bare, nothing!

"Come with me!" The Eagle Head didn't explain too much, but walked to the left.

It stops until you reach a barren grassland.

"That's it, this wasteland, just stand up and stom on it three times."

As the eagle head spoke, he stood up.

His eagle feet stomped heavily on the ground.

Originally, with his strength, he could definitely make a few deep footprints, but this time nothing changed.

After the three steps, the Harpy disappeared in front of Brother Hao.

"Wow! High-tech!" Brother Monkey screamed.

Then followed and stepped on three feet, and then disappeared.

Finally, it was Brother Hao. He thought for a moment, then stepped forward and stepped three feet.

Then the light and shadow in front of him flowed.

When I saw the front of him again, he had already arrived inside a palace.

Stone pillars support the top.

On each stone pillar, there are several chandeliers emitting light, lighting up the entire space.

Nevertheless, there is still a feeling of coldness here.

The space looks quite open, and there will be a room every other distance.

But there were very few people here, at least very few walking outside. Brother Hao only saw two demonized people talking beside a pillar.

One of them, who looked like a ooze monster, looked at the three Hao brothers who came suddenly and said, "Hawktou, is this the new brother?"

"Yes! They are all masters!" Ying Shouren responded with a smile.

"Master...I really envy it!" Ooze seemed a little weak when she spoke.

"Brother, don't be so discouraged..." The Eagle Head comforted.

"Hey~ How can you not be discouraged! See if you are looking at me...

The same is demonized, you are 8th and 1st skeleton level, mighty and majestic.

I'm rank 5 and 1 skeleton, and I don't even have a personal shape!

brothers! You know! I am like this, how can I find a girlfriend in the future!

I'm done! Those women can't accept what I am now!

I am only 18 years old in reality! I have never tasted a woman...

Before, I just thought that demonization was interesting, but I thought it was also demonized in reality!

Now that I want to change back, I cant change back...

Oh oh oh... I'm so miserable. "The slime monster started crying as he said.

The silt on the top of the head fell drop by drop, after falling to the bottom of the feet, it poured back into the body, and so on.

"Brother! Don't cry!

Maybe some women like yours? Full body coverage! I will love you!

Nothing is absolute! Look at it! "The Eagle Head continued to comfort.


"My god... It turns out that demonization can be demonized like this... It seems that my demonization is still very good..." Brother Monkey took out the mirror from the space equipment.

Look at yourself carefully.

Except that the skin turned blue, it didn't seem to have changed much. The most important thing is that the baby of a man is still there!

Brother Hou glanced at the ooze monster with some sympathy, and then at the eagle head.

This guy mutated into this look, although not good, but at least the baby is there!

"I really envy you! There is at least one entity... I don't even have an entity now... I can't eat, drink, or hold a girl... Even the most basic traditional craftsmanship of being a man has been lost! Oh life~ why Is it so difficult?"

Beside the ooze monster, the white shadow spoke like a ghost.

"Brother...Sorry..." For this big man, the Eagle Head didn't know how to comfort him.

"Don't worry, I'm very strong... at least I don't have to worry about being malnourished because of the temptation of the five-finger girl..." said the pale shadow.

Brother Hao looked at these two guys and fell silent~wuxiaworld.online~ It's miserable! Are these demons so miserable?

Not to mention weak, even the girl will be gone in the future!

Alas~ Fortunately, Lao Tzu is the protagonist of Destiny!

"You don't have to worry about me, go to [Brain], let him record information for you, and he will be his own in the future." The white shadow reminded.

"Okay." The eagle head nodded.

Then he took Hao Ge and Hou Ge to continue walking in, while walking.

Brother Monkey couldn't help asking: "I said, brother, where is this place?

How could the wasteland before be like a space portal?

In the blink of an eye, we arrived at a strange place. "

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