"This is indeed a portal. It was made by a brother in the organization code-named [Gate].

Right now we are 100 meters underground.

This palace was made by a brother codenamed [Artisan].

Haha~ Not bad, there are many talents in the organization. "

"Really! They are all talents!" Brother Monkey's eyes lighted up, as if thinking of something: "One is engaged in construction! The other is engaged in transportation!

I rely on! They are all rich industries in reality!

Where are these two brothers? I want to cooperate with them!

Open a real estate business in Wancheng! It must be overwhelming!

Drive another Shunguang! Cross a hundred miles in one second! Feel free to go down the wind!

Oh my god! This is the rhythm of getting rich! ! "

Brother Monkey thought a lot for a while, and he couldn't recognize the beauty and laughed.

"Brother! You think too much, just our current virtues are exposed in reality, I'm sure the Alliance will send troops to attack us!

Don't you believe it? Don't talk about getting rich then, it would be nice if you still have life to eat. "The Eagle Head replied.

"Uh..." Brother Monkey also swallowed the next words.

"Let's... won't keep going like this? I...I don't want to keep going like this..."

"Don't worry! Of course it won't continue like this! As long as we can find His Royal Highness the Dragon King! The real world will be ours!

think about it! Those demonized three! Demonize the power of four monsters!

As long as I can become Demonized Tier 4! Maybe I can also have the power of order ten!

This kind of power, even in reality, can be an enemy of one person!

As long as this kind of power is more, it is still used to fear the alliance?" The Eagle Head said proudly.

"What you said makes sense!" Brother Monkey seemed to be persuaded, applauded again and again, his eyes filled with light: "Then how many people are there in our organization? There should be a thousand, right?

How many tier ten bosses are there? Are there 10? "

"Huh?" The Eagle Head was taken aback: "Brother! How can there be so many people!"

We are now an underground organization! Not suitable for exposure!

After all, compared to our enemies, we are still too weak!

Whether it is reality or game! "

"How many people are there?"

"Eighty-seven! Count you."

"Ah? Why is it so?" Brother Monkey was stunned.

"Brother! We are an underground organization! An underground organization! How can it be so easy to secretly pull people!" The Eagle Head had a headache.

"What about the Tier 10 boss?"


"Uh... what about the ninth order?"


"Ha? Why don't you even have a Tier 9? You still have to rely on my brother to support you!

Hey~ Brother Hao is awesome! "

As the monkey brother said, he wanted to go to Hao brother again.

However, Hao brother's sturdy arms held his head, and he couldn't make any progress.

"That can't be said. Although the Duan Tianhao brothers have demonized Tier 3, they are not necessarily much better than the strongest Tier 8 and 9 Skeleton-level bosses here, right?" The Eagle Head said.

"Level 8 and level 9 skeletons? That's too weak! My big brother is a level 10 super boss! You know?" Brother Monkey looked proud, as if he were the boss.

"!?" The footsteps of the eagle head who had been walking came to a halt, and he looked back at the two behind him with a stupefied expression: "You are... sure... aren't you kidding me? ?"

"Hey! Will I lie to you?" Brother Monkey murmured.

But the Eagle Head didn't listen to his nonsense, just stared at Brother Hao closely.

"It is indeed Tier 10, in fact, I concealed it from you before. When I first met, I had Tier 8 and 2 Skeletons. The second demonization was Tier 9, and the third time I stepped directly into Tier 10 domain. "Brother Hao nodded.

"Really?" The eagle head was a little unbelievable.


In the next moment, the Hao brother who was still in front of him suddenly disappeared. With his eagle's super dynamic vision, only a flash of afterimage was seen.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a light or heavy pat on his shoulder.

A huge evil thought instantly wrapped him, as if as long as there was a slight change, the hand on the shoulder would turn into a sharp knife, and he would cut his neck directly!

"How? How do you feel?" The voice behind him said lightly.

This is extremely familiar, belonging to Brother Hao's voice.

The eagle head turned his neck stiffly, looked at the calm-faced brother, carefully looked at the other's figure again, and said: "You...maybe the life that perfectly inherits the power of the Dragon King. !

You are now called the Demon Dragon Man! Although I don't know how strong you are, you definitely have the power to kill me! amazing! "

"Let's go! Continue to meet the people you want us to see." Brother Hao said.

"Let's go." A smile was put on the face of the Eagle Head. Such a strong person is his own, and he is full of confidence in the future.

Walked a little bit.

Everyone came to the door of the room marking 101, and the eagle head raised his claws and patted it lightly.

"Come in." A calm male voice came from inside.

"Go." After receiving the signal, the eagle head opened the door handle and walked in with Brother Hao and Brother Monkey.

Inside, in the impression of Brother Hao, the living room of an ordinary house is not much different. A table and a few chairs do not have much space.

But it is also enough to accommodate a few people, and there is a door inside, which should be used for rest.

At the table, there is a person sitting.

This person's head is very big, at least three or four times that of an ordinary person, with green veins exposed on it, and it looks really hideous.

Originally only the size of an ordinary person, under his super huge head, the whole body looked a little weak.

"The Eagle Head did a great job! You brought two new people to the organization! Come on! Everyone is brother! Sit down quickly!" The big head smiled at everyone.

The three tables and chairs that were originally next to the table suddenly drifted up on their own and came under the buttocks behind the three Hao brothers.

The eagle orc sat down directly.

Then the tables and chairs floated back to their original positions.

"Huh? Is this the ability to read?" Brother Monkey asked strangely.

This kind of ability is quite common in general film and television works, but it is a rare ability among demonized people.

It is different from the common powers of flame, ice, thunder, and physical enhancement.

"Fine! Please sit down, everyone," said the big headed man.

Brother Hou and Brother Hao nodded and sat down directly, and the chairs returned to their original positions.

A table with only one person would be full.

"Everyone! The group welcomes you to join, I am the code name [Brain], and the one who introduced you to join is the [Eagle Head Man] of the organization. This is the code name that every member of the organization will give in order to be easily called outside.

After all, we and humans are now two races. "

"Did you start this by yourself? I feel pretty good." Brother Monkey said.

"Yes, you can name it yourself. It's best to start with your own characteristics and abilities. It will be easier to remember."

"Then call me [Dark Ice], my ability is related to ice." Brother Monkey said with a smile.

Brother Hao fell into a brief contemplation, and everyone around him focused on him.

[Brain] Looking at the appearance of Brother Hao, he was a little surprised and said: "This brother, the appearance after demonization is really enviable! He is like a dragon king!

This should be the legendary dragon man, right? He was red as a fire, so he called [Red Dragon Man], right? What do you think, brother? "

"[Crimson Dragon]? It feels good." Brother Hao muttered. Originally, he wanted to say that he belonged to the Demon Dragon, but considering that it overlaps with the Demon Dragon King, who knows what others will think, Chi Dragon people, just Chi Dragon people!

"Then it's a happy decision!" The brain smiled: "Next, I will tell you the significance of the establishment of the organization and what we have to do now.

First of all, as demons, we are completely incompatible with ordinary humans.

We are solo travelers who have no turning back.

Our individual strength may be very strong, but in front of players and all enemies in reality, we must belong to the absolute weak. They have billions, and how many are we now?

There are less than 100 in the organization, even if you add other places, I think it will not exceed 10,000.

So we are weak and we must be careful.

Especially recently!

do you know? After some demonized players were killed in the game, they never appeared again, but I relied on my demonized ability to find them in reality.

They were not exposed, not like some hapless ones, and were caught as mice.

But they just can't log in to the game.

This is strange, even I don't know why.

Obviously some people can continue to be resurrected..."

"Can't be resurrected? When will the demonized person be resurrected?" Brother Monkey was taken aback and asked.

"About four or five days ago."

".... At that time, I seemed to have died once! I had just completed the first stage of the demonization. I wanted to go to the pothole to try the second-order demonization. Who knows if I met a group of players besieging me? Killed on the spot!

However, I was able to go online directly after a two-day rest... Later, I was cautious until I suddenly received a letter from you, right?

The above gave me a way to contact the Eagle Head.

Then there is the meeting now. "Brother Monkey talked about his situation.

"I sent someone to release that piece of paper. My ability to find companions is not very efficient." The brain continued, "It's really weird. Everyone is demonized, but why are they? People can continue to resurrect, but some just can't?

For this reason, our organization has recently lost several people. "

The brain said a little helplessly: "Recently, whether it is an NPC or a player, the effort to chase us has been much greater."

"Oh...it doesn't seem like I am uncomfortable alone. I thought I would get better if I found the organization day." Brother Monkey hugged his head with a headache.

A line of tears slowly shed: "Ah~ I used to bully others. How can anyone bully me? When will this day end?"

"Find Your Majesty the Dragon King! We can stand up! Yes! Only His Majesty the Dragon King can save us!

Did you see the power of Tier 13?

One attack can wipe out everything within a hundred miles!

Let thousands of creatures go to hell!

This is the power we need to find! "The brain seems a little excited when it comes to this.

"I have good news for you. A few days ago, I had found a place similar to the pit in Blizzard City.

Someone has now been sent to investigate the situation!

Maybe we will be able to find His Majesty the Dragon King soon! "

"Really...really?" Brother Monkey stopped crying and looked at his brain expectantly.

"I don't need to deceive my brother..." The brain said here.

Suddenly he was shocked.

Looking to the side of the mid-air, you should be looking at friend information.

Suddenly his brow frowned.

"Brain, is there any trouble? Is there any brother who has been hunted?

Tell me the address!

I will save them! "

"I was sent out to find your Majesty the Demon Dragon King. After this team arrived at the destination, they stayed there for a day and almost rummaged through the entire lot. They still didn't find the Majesty Demon Dragon King...

Moreover, they also attracted the attention of demon hunters, and the battle started. "The complexion of the brain is a bit ugly.

This has just been bragging in front of the new brothers, will be beaten in the face?

Is this too difficult?

"Uh..." After listening to Brother Monkey, his face hurt.

So what I just said was bullshit.

"Tell me the address! I'll go to support there and look for His Majesty the Dragon King by the way!

With my super vision, from the sky, I dont believe that anything can escape my eyes. "The Eagle Head people are full of confidence.

"The address is xxxxxxx, which is more than two hundred kilometers away from here, and there are many people in the demon hunting squad this time, and even NPCs have been dispatched to encircle and suppress. Our people should not last long."

"Is it more than two hundred kilometers? Even at my speed, it will take close to an hour to fly past..." The Eagle Chief analyzed.

"It should be in no hurry. The news says that the demon hunting group is very strong this time. Among our people, we have started to reduce staff." The brain's expression was solemn: "Before you passed, our people would never hold on to time."

"Then I want to go there too, even if it's just to find the Dragon King!

This is the only information in more than ten days, so I can't let it go! "

"Yeah." The brain nodded finally.

The eagle head was ready to bid farewell to everyone and head to the destination.

But at this time Brother Hao spoke: "I'll go too."

"Huh?" The eagle head was taken aback, and then the feathers on the eagle's face shook, showing a smile.


"Oh? Are you going to go out as soon as you enter the organization? I haven't finished the rules yet." The brain looked at Brother Hao unexpectedly.

"It doesn't matter. You can listen to the rules after the rules. Now, go find His Majesty the Dragon King. If you can save the brother who was attacked, it would be best." Brother Hao said.

"Brother, I am enlightened!" The brain looked at Brother Hao with admiration.

Organizations need talents like you!

Then initiate a friend request.

Brother Hao chose to accept.

After adding Brother Hao's friend to his brain, he looked at Brother Hao in amazement: "It turns out that you are the boss! Disrespect! Disrespect!

But its really weird, you, a mage, mutated into a muscular man..."

"I was quite surprised myself." Brother Hao smiled: "Okay! Eagle head, let's go!"

"Okay!" The eagle head opened the door as he said, preparing to leave with Brother Hao.

But Brother Monkey on one side grabbed Brother Hao by the arm.

With tears in his eyes: "Brother Hao! Where are you going?

Isn't it about throwing me away?"

This looks like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

"Hi!" Brother Hao was disgusted by Brother Monkey, and quickly waved his hand away from Brother Monkey.

"Brother Monkey! Don't do this! I'll go! It's disgusting! I can't stand you!"

"Brother Hao! Am I afraid that you abandon me?

The handsome figure that Brother Hao fell from the sky before and saved me has been firmly reflected in my brain. I feel that if I can't see Brother Hao, I will die!

And in this organization, I can only rely on you, Brother Hao! "

"Bell! Brother Monkey, what are you doing with Momo? It's disgusting!" Brother Hao got cold and hurried out with the Eagle Head.

Brother Monkey wanted to follow, but he was stared fiercely by Brother Hao, and he was immediately frightened. His body seemed to froze, and he watched the opponent leave.

Until the door closed again.

Brother Monkey gasped.

"My god! This is too scary!"

At this moment, the cold blue sweat on his forehead slipped drop by drop.

"I used to watch TV dramas, novels or something, I heard that there was murderousness or something, but I didn't believe it if one look could scare people. Now I believe it!

Nima is too strong!

Is this a Tier 10 powerhouse?"

"Level 10?" The brain was dumbfounded and asked.

"Yeah! Don't you know?" Brother Monkey asked, and then reacted.

"Um... you really don't seem to know, Yingtou has known it before, before telling you, this meeting will go out."

"Um... There is actually a level 10... I thought it would be possible only when I entered the fourth level... The third-level demonization has the level 10 strength, is this a dragon?

The closest thing to the demonization of His Majesty the Demon Dragon King..." the brain muttered.

"Hey~ Brother Hao is gone! I feel so insecure! Is it because he is too weak?" Brother Monkey sighed.

Then cast his gaze to the brain.

"?" The brain was awkwardly stared at by Brother Monkey: "Brother, why are you staring at me like this? Is my head strange?

You know! This is not something I can control. "There was some grievance in his words.

"No! Your big head is not strange at all! I even think it's a little handsome!" Brother Monkey said seriously.


"Brother! We are our own now, right?"


"Then I have something for you to help, okay?"

"Uh, this is definitely okay, as long as it is within our ability."

"That...I'm still Demonizing Tier One. I wanted Brother Hao to protect me from Demonizing Tier Two. Now that everyone else is gone, I'm a little anxious.

and so....

Look, brother, did you arrange for someone to accompany me for a ride in the pothole?"

"No problem!" The brain happily agreed.

This bastard, what did the eyes look so hot just now?

Makes me think you like me!

Humph! Sure enough, there are too few people who know true love between the same sex!


It is said that Brother Hao followed the Eagle Head in a teleportation circle and returned to the ground.

He indicated to the Eagle Head that he wanted to take a step forward.

The Eagle Head didn't have any objection to this.

After all, the speed of the two is not at the same level, and the Eagle Head didn't have to forcefully drag it back together in order to be together.

With a roar, the eagle head watched Brother Hao transform into a red meteor and fly away.

At that speed, he had to obey, at least twice his speed!

Brother Hao is fast, but this time the destination is indeed far away.

Even if he flew at full strength, it took about fifteen minutes.

When he arrived at the destination, the demonized players here had all been killed.

A group of demon hunters and npc teams, with at least hundreds left, dangling here together.

Brother Hao looked for a while and found that these guys didn't mean to leave the forest at all. They were divided into 4 teams, wandering around.


A sound of breaking through the air from far to near.

Soon he stopped by Hao Ge, who was the head of the eagle.

At this moment the birdman was a little panting.


He is far from the speed and endurance of Brother Hao, but he also rushed over at the fastest speed.

The arrival of the eagle head interrupted Brother Hao's thoughts.

He seemed to be in a daze for a while.

"How's the situation? Huh..." The Eagle Head asked Brother Hao while looking down with his sharp eyes.

"The demonized brothers were all killed when I arrived. I have been observing these people who are still wandering on the ground.

They didn't mean to leave at all.

This forest must be special. "

Brother Hao said without turning his head.

"It seems that the brain is right. There must be clues to the whereabouts of His Majesty the Dragon King.

Go down! Kill them and we will look for them slowly! "The eagle head man said, dived directly, and rushed towards a team.

Seeing this, Brother Hao stopped spying.

It turned into a red meteor and swooped down!


But within a few seconds, Brother Hao crossed a distance of kilometers.

It fell to the ground with a boom!

He slammed into the patrol team, a guy who looked like the captain walking in the front!

There was a loud noise and a scream.

Smoke filled.

Completely obscured the vision of the rear troops.

Regarding the sudden situation in front of him, those people in the rear were still a little confused.

"Fuck! What's the situation?" Some players stunned.

Another player yelled: "Boss! Boss! Are you okay? Are you okay?"

"Squeak~" A squeak came from the smoke.

"Oh~ Boss! Are you really squeaking if I told you to cheat? That seems to be all right." The person who spoke before was a little relieved.

"Don't worry! How could the boss really tell you! This must be an accident!

Everyone attack the smoke first! "Someone yelled again~wuxiaworld.online~ This is a warlock who just wanted to cast a spell after speaking.

But I saw red glow in the smoke.

One after another huge flame **** broke through the dust and mist, and blasted towards everyone!

A total of more than a dozen, very fast, almost instantly hit the first player.


At the moment of hitting, the fireball exploded into a ball, and the warlock next to the fireball was blushed by the huge waves of flames.

A big wave of heat is coming.

The warlock instinctively took a breath, feeling that his lungs were burning, and he quickly choked his neck.

He wanted to escape backwards, but it was a little late at this time, and the heat wave had already rushed to his face!

Shadow wall!

At this time, the warlock took out his quality as a 6th-level elite player, and at this moment used a defensive spell.

A dark curtain of light appeared in front of him, separating himself from the fire waves!

Plutonium Dragon Field

Plutonium Dragon Field https://