"Your believer is being attacked... This believer has a high potential, and his current strength is 10th and 7th skeletons.

Among all demonized creatures, it has the breath closest to you.

It is judged that it has the value of salvation. "

"Huh? I don't seem to have given my blood to any species recently, right? And I'm still a male dragon, I won't be the same as a female dragon. I have an aunt's blood once a year!

Here comes the problem! Where did the blood for the demonization of this demonized creature come from? Shillon suddenly changed his face and asked in confusion.

"...Honorable second qualified, this believer is currently in the third-order demonized state."

"Oh~ That's the way it turns out." Xilong suddenly.

Then he was a little surprised.

Someone can reach level 10 in the third stage?

Maybe this is a good guy?

Then he turned his head and looked around.

Hmm...Why do I sleep for a while, I am surrounded by flames?

Are those **** fighting and fighting?

Shillon controlled gravity, his body did not move at all, but slowly floated.

Then rotate.

One eye directly saw through the disguise of the outer circle, seeing all the truth in the eye.


He found the gang fight at 9 o'clock.

A dragon man with scarlet scales was being beaten by two humans.

There are also three humans around them staring at each other, looking for opportunities to attack the dragon people.

The dragon man roared, trying to escape, but couldn't escape, and finally could only fight the enemy.

In this process, the dragon man has been playing the role of being beaten.

"The dragon man... looks very pure, and the aura is..." Xilong muttered: "The radiation evolution can actually evolve such a pure dragon man... Isn't this luck?"

Shillon looked a little.

The strength and speed of this dragon man are not weak.

Occasionally looking for opportunities to eject fireballs, about two meters in diameter, pits on the ground.

"You said that if he dies, he will be imprisoned and unable to be resurrected?"

"Yes! This is a rule created by the maker. As long as he dies in the world of Dora's Tomb, the first qualified person can spend a very small price to imprison the other person's body in this world in the prison of God.

The soul will always reject the world of Dora's tomb. "

"How much faith is the minimal price in your mouth?

Why didn't the King Kong orangutan do this directly?"

"100,000 beliefs."

"...Well, I seem to know why the King Kong orangutan has not been dealt with in this way, obviously because it is unworthy." Shillong smiled lightly and glanced at his beliefs. It was just over 100,000.

"No matter what your mind is, you have won, no matter what your mind is, such a strange mutant radiation person still needs to pay attention."

Shillong stretched his limbs as he spoke.

He didn't say one more thing. From Brother Hao, he actually felt a strange sense of familiarity.

I feel that the other party is in blood, and he is actually a bit related to him.

This kind of association is like that of ancestors and grandchildren.

Although very meager, it is tangible.

He finally returned to normal from the lazy floating state.

On all fours.

Step by step towards the position of Brother Hao.

And in some unknown space.

Milbo, known as the omniscient and almighty god, is in a dilemma.

"This **** intruder! Hasn't he been sleeping well before?

Why did you wake up all at once?

I obviously cut off all the surrounding environment and sounds!

It will never disturb him! "

Milbo scratched his head with a headache: "Damn it! If this goes on, these five tenth orders will die again! Just resurrecting them will cost me tens of thousands of faith points!

The problem of demonization may be more serious than before!

Did the **** of luck abandon me? "

Milbo kept complaining, the ball of light he was holding in his hand was silent...

In the world of Doras tomb, Shillong came to a big tree. The big tree looked in the eyes of ordinary people, no different from an ordinary tree, but in Shillongs eyes, it was wrapped in blue light, and The big trees in the other directions are square.

A blue light curtain is like a barrier, separating the beautiful world inside from the burning world outside.

Xilong raised his paw and slapped it with a palm!

At least tens of millions of tons of power broke out!

The barrier burst instantly! The big tree as the link point was also affected by the force and exploded into powder in an instant!

This sudden loud noise completely disrupted the rhythm of the besieged.

Whether it is a war emperor or a mad king, Brother Hao, the All-Knowing Pope, or the bishop, or Dharma Sage, they all instinctively glanced at the direction of the explosion.

Then, their heads seemed to froze.

"It's really lively here. Have you ever played the house? One dragon and five phoenixes, or one phoenix and five dragons? It's exciting? I feel a little itchy to watch inside." Xilong's golden particles gathered together. The closed eyes swept over all the Tier 10 powerhouses present.

A cold air rushed from behind them.

Everyone was silent, for a long while, suddenly there was a laugh.


Everyone looked for their reputation and saw that they were surrounded. At this time, they looked a little miserable. The blood on the scales covered his face and smiled evilly.

Is this guy crazy? At this time, he is still smiling?

The Tier 10 powerhouses who had been besieging him before, could not help but raise such a doubt in their hearts.

Unlike the NPC powerhouses who had been killed and resurrected and feared Shillong, Hao Ge, who thought he would never die, would not have much fear of Shillong.

This will simply be happy to find a goal for oneself and find a big boss who may be a friendly army at a critical moment.

"Crazy King! Didn't you say that you wanted to fight against the Dragon King? Now your Majesty is right in front of your eyes, why not?" Brother Hao sneered.

"..." The Emperor Zhan and others turned their gazes at the Crazy King, with their gazes in disbelief.

Brother, are you so awesome? Even dare to say this?

"What do you look at? I did say this! The King of the North never feared any enemy!" The mad king flushed and gritted his teeth.

"Hahaha! Go on! What are you doing here? Or are you scared? Feared? Do you know how ridiculous you look now? Coward!" Hao Ge cursed, seeming to express his emotions. .

"Oh?" Silom lowered his huge head slightly, and his eyes as big as small houses stared at the big bald head of the mad king.

"You want to challenge me?"

Shillong's words were extremely plain, but his eyes looked like a fool.

"Do you know? As a human being, the biggest difference from animals is their ingenuity, knowledge of the times, and kneeling down and begging for mercy in the face of invincible enemies. This is what you should do. Maybe I will show kindness and mercy. You may die."

"All those who dare to underestimate the King of the North! All will pay for his arrogance! You are no exception!" When did the mad king be so underestimated.

He roared wildly, kicked hard under his feet, and his body turned into a cannonball and crashed into the dragon!

In the eyes of other people, it was like a little cat yelling and pounced on a tiger!

With incredible courage!

A wild red light burst into his fist!

A fierce punch on the big dragon's head!

! ! ! !

After a loud noise, immediately followed by a heart-wrenching roar!

"Ah!!! My hand!!! My hand broke!!!"

This voice is from the mad king! His body suddenly fell down like a broken kite, and the fist of his right arm had been shattered and broken!

Turned into a pool of rotten meat, he roared in cold sweat, and put his left hand on his right.


It just fell straight to the ground.

Except for the screams of the mad king, all around seemed quiet.

Brother Hao looked at the word -1 on the head of the Demon Dragon King, then at the word -89651 floating on the head of the Crazy King, and swallowed with difficulty.

A strong man with the same strength as him used all his strength to attack the thirteenth-order dragon in front of him, but the gap seemed to be much larger than he thought!

The attacker loses 1 blood, and the attacker loses 90,000 blood...

What could be more ironic than this?

Especially the mad king at this time, how can there be arrogance and arrogance when fighting him?

Now it is clearly an injured cat squinted...

"Amazing attack! You hurt me with the power of a single person!" The huge Demon Dragon King looked at the howling Mad King and praised: "Although it was only a little bit, it did hurt me... this This level is comparable to tens of thousands of Destiny!"

While talking, the dragon actually stood up, and a pair of forelimbs clapped.

This voice, this word is so harsh, so mocking.

In other words, the mad king had hammered his head early, but he was talking about the dragon whose fist had been broken.

The mad king can do nothing but wailing!

Shillong was like a human being, raising a hind leg, then falling down randomly, stepping on the mad king.

It seemed as if a small bug was accidentally trampled to death, and it smashed a little, and then said to several other tenth-tier powerhouses: "You guys! I have killed them before, and now they are resurrected. He came to die again, it was really hardworking."

"The evil dragon... Don't be too mad! The whole world is under the control of the great All-knowing Almighty God! Your evil life will eventually be ended!" The All-knowing Pope fearlessly mentioned the scepter. It was a white light hitting the dragon.

An attack that was originally enough to collapse a castle.

Like a firecracker, in front of the magic dragon, there is only momentum, as if there is no power at all.

Only wisps of fireworks floated on him.

The dragon only glanced at the Pope.


A huge gravitational force fell on the pope in an instant, making him unprepared and bending down.

But the pope's reaction was also swift, and he immediately summoned his whole body magic to resist this gravity.

His body bends like this, like an old prawn rolling up his ass, his old face is flushed, and he is fighting against gravity.

boom! boom! boom! The loud sound of footsteps gradually approached the pope who could not make any movements.

When the footsteps stopped, a huge shadow covered him, and then slowly fell under the pope's horrified eyes!

"Your God can't save you at all! Nor dare to save you!"

This was the last word the Pope heard. When this sentence was finished, the huge shadow completely covered the ground, and then it ran gently.

His consciousness disappeared immediately.

"There are three left."

The dragon whispered in a low voice, like the whisper of death.


The Dharma Sage did not hesitate, he would wait for death if he didn't run!

In addition, the surviving Emperor Zhan and the archbishop did not hesitate, and the three of them broke into three directions and started to escape.

"How can you let these little crawlers escape?"

The dragon murmured.


A flaming red saliva phlegm the size of a human head flew out of the dragon's mouth, like a red cannonball, and roared at the speed of breaking through the sound barrier to the defensive enchantment of the saint!

The saliva phlegm soon seemed to stick to the defensive enchantment, wrapping the Dharma Sage.


As the dragon whispered, some wonderful changes immediately occurred in the saliva and phlegm that wrapped the Fashen, and it became extremely red.

The surrounding fire elements are gathering in a way visible to the naked eye.

When the fiery red liquid enchantment reunited with the fire element.

boom! ! ! ! !

A huge explosion sounded.

A fireball with a radius of close to 100 meters burst instantly and engulfed Fa Sage!

"I can vomit you to death with one mouthful of sputum! Want to fight me?"

While talking, the dragon glanced at the other two legends who had already run a kilometer.

"You two have a fun dance!"

The dragon's mouth opened, and a red gold sphere appeared.

The airflow near the sphere is pulled by it.

It is like the center of a whirlpool.

The fire elements within a few kilometers of the circle all moved toward the center, and after merging in, the sphere began to grow larger.

The Emperor Zhan and the Cardinal who were still on the run discovered the anomaly, their feet kept moving, but their heads glanced back.

After seeing the red gold sphere, he was taken aback.

The attack of the magic dragon is coming soon!

The time has come to test them!

The two powerhouses knew the importance of position, they started a very special snake-like position, writhing on the ground.

A few seconds later.

The scarlet golden sphere in front of the dragon's mouth has expanded to the point of fifteen meters in diameter.

The dragon closed his mouth.

"Let's dance!"


Infinite red golden light rain shot out from the ball of light.

The rain of light was like bullets, and the ball of light was like Gatling, outputting wildly.

These bullets span a distance of kilometers in an instant.


The first rain of light fell less than one meter away from the Emperor Zhan!

Suddenly, a violent strong wind blew on the Emperor Zhan, and a large hole with a diameter of five or six meters appeared on the ground.

"Danger!" Zhandi was alert.


In the next moment, another explosion erupted less than one meter behind him!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Explosions continued to sound around the Emperor Zhan.

Too dangerous! Although this kind of attack could not kill him, as long as he was hit, his escape process would stop, and then would be swallowed up by these endless explosions!

Believe that it will take a few seconds to be bombed to heaven and meet the great god!

The Emperor Zhan controlled his body, dodged from the left and right in the explosion, all kinds of extreme body movements were ridiculous.

"What do you think of this dance in the fireworks?" Suddenly, a voice rang in Brother Hao's ear.

Interrupted his interest in this burlesque dance.

Turning his head, Brother Hao found that the Demon Dragon King was staring at him with eyes larger than his body.


One second...two seconds...three seconds...

Brother Hao realized that after being stared like this, he was not as calm as he had imagined.

His heart beat violently!

Take a deep breath.

"This is a beautiful dance that I have never appreciated. The actors on the stage are world-renowned dancers, and the lighting is amazing! It is definitely a masterpiece of true God that is different from the pseudo-god of omniscience and omnipotence!

Only His Majesty the Dragon King has the ability to direct such a perfect masterpiece! "

Brother Hao put together the high-level flattering he had endured for many years, and flattered him.

"Hmm..." The dragon's eyes lit up slightly: "You are really different! Whether it is thought or enlightenment, it is not comparable to ordinary human beings! No wonder I can rely on my strength and the strength and strength of evolution. appearance."

"Your Majesty is a greater existence than God. Only when I accept your transformation by your power can I fully understand that I am living in this world. I abandon my former human body and evolve to possess one millionth of you. , Or the life of ten millionths of strength.

I'm so lucky! "

"Talent! Talent! You really are a talent!" The dragon exclaimed to Brother Hao: "I used to have subordinates who are as capable as you, but unfortunately I have separated for the time being. At this time, I need some talents for my use. Boy! Are you willing to work for me?"

"Of course! This is the only value of my life!" Brother Hao lowered his head, his eyes flickering.

"Yeah." The dragon nodded, and then spit out a drop of blood from his mouth.

This blood was more reddish and more dazzling than the blood of the dragon that Hao Ge thought before. When floating in the air, he felt a wave of heat rushing towards him.

"Swallow it and you have a chance to gain stronger power."

The voice of the dragon came.

Hearing this, Brother Hao was secretly delighted, this must be an advanced treasure leading to Demonization IV!

Without hesitation, Brother Hao stepped forward and swallowed it in one bite.


Peng! Peng! Peng!

A sound of drumming came from Hao Ge, his heart beating violently.

The blood in the body is flowing fast.

The flame on the body burst out by itself.

Turned him into a fire man.

"I feel my strength is increasing! This feeling is great!" Hao Ge said excitedly.

"Very good! In a few days, you will have stronger power!"

"That way I can better serve your Majesty!" Brother Hao is a person who knows the current affairs. As a man who has suffered thousands of flattering and can still play with ordinary people happily, he knows that flexibility is the only way to success. Method!

"Great enlightenment! I look forward to your performance in the future." The dragon said, then turned his eyes to the emperor and the cardinal who were still running away.

Among them, the cardinal, as a spell professional, did not have the professional agility of a fighter, and was already bombarded by the light ball at this time.

I don't know where he died.

But Emperor Zhan was still barely supporting it.

He had already run three kilometers at this time. If it wasn't for avoiding attacks and slowed down greatly, he might have run ten kilometers by now!

Although it was dangerous every time, His Majesty Zhan Di was worthy of being a master of the warrior system, and the basic skills of evasion were indeed solid.

After watching for a while, the dragon said, "Okay! This dance should almost end, and it doesn't make any sense to continue."

He stretched out his paw and tapped the tip of the paw lightly on the golden sphere.

The buzzing sound is denser, and the fire light becomes more dazzling!

But even if his majesty the war emperor in the distance danced with his limbs drawn out, he could not completely avoid the rain of light. He was accidentally hit for a while and was subsequently flooded by endless **** of light!

Rumble! ! ! !

The flames there continued to increase, even if there were three or four kilometers away, Brother Hao felt the ground tremble slightly.

The gunfire lasted for 30 seconds before it stopped.

The flames of the explosion rushed hundreds of meters into the air...

Until then, the rain-like artillery fire ceased.

Brother Hao swallowed hard, looked at the huge pit in the distance, and then at the Demon Dragon King.

"Call all your brothers over! The demonized legion needs more power, doesn't it?" Silom said.

"Yes! All for your Majesty the Demon Dragon King!" Hao Ge said.

Then he began to contact Monkey Brother, Brain, and Eagle Head.

"Brother! I found His Majesty the Dragon King, the coordinates xxxx come here soon!"


Only Monkey and Brain responded.

"Fuck! As expected of Brother Hao! I found your Majesty the Dragon King as soon as I got out of the horse! I really love you to death!" This is Brother Monkey's reply.

"You found it? Really? Didn't you kid me?" This is the brain's reply.

"Really! I guarantee it by my personality! And, I have been rewarded by His Majesty the Dragon King, and I am in the fourth demonized state!"

"Okay! I'll be here soon!"

Brother Hao and them just chatted a few words, and they could feel their eagerness.

Waited in place for an hour.

Brother Hao looked at the dragon and yawned boredly, and then began to lie on the ground and close his eyes.

Brother Hao breathed a sigh of relief, always being stared at, the pressure was so great! He felt out of breath!

After waiting for several hours in silence, Brother Hao UU Read www.uukanshu.com saw that the first one to arrive was actually the Eagle Head who had just been killed!

His brows are frowning now, and his condition seems very bad.

When he landed on the ground, his expression immediately relaxed, and his frowning eyebrows were also relaxed.

Looking excitedly at the dragon lying on the ground sleeping.

"Really! It's really your Majesty the Dragon King! Great! Our demonized people are finally coming out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly covered his head and groaned: "Woo~ my head hurts!"

"Are you okay? Just come here as soon as you died?" Brother Hao asked.

"It's okay! These pains are nothing compared to the joy of seeing His Majesty the Devil Dragon King!" The Eagle Head waved his hand, and then looked at Brother Hao with admiring eyes.

"But you are really amazing! You have defeated the Mad King single-handedly and found your Majesty!

Brother How! I am proud of having a brother like you! "

"Um...you misunderstood, I didn't kill the Crazy King." Brother Hao smiled awkwardly.

Then slanted his eyes towards the dragon.

Plutonium Dragon Field

Plutonium Dragon Field https://