His Majesty the Dragon King killed it!

You dont know how critical the situation was!

Five Tier 10 powerhouses! Mad King! The emperor! The omniscient pope! bishop! All Dharma! Stay together in this sealed place!

How could I be an opponent, but when I was besieged and survived, I met the light!

This light cut through the darkness and saved me!

That's right, His Majesty the Dragon King!

With a real powerful posture, like a giant god, he lifted his foot like an ant and trampled the pope to death!

With a spit, he sprayed the Dharma Sage to death!

His power is supreme! It's not something we can imagine and match!

This is not one-dimensional! "

Brother Hao said impassioned.

The eagle head was stunned while listening.

The sharp beak opened slightly.

Brother Hao...when have you been able to speak so well?

How come this flatterer is so skilled?

This is not in line with your personal settings!

Are you not the eldest master?

Shouldn't it be a cold male god?

"Ahem~ Don't look at me like that! I just usually like to read, and the book teaches me a lot of things, these are basic common sense." Brother Hao smiled embarrassedly.

"Oh, Brother Hao! Educated!" Ying Shou raised his thumb to express his admiration.

"Haha.... Read more, read good books, it will be helpful to everyone's life..." Brother Hao babbled.

"Your Majesty the Demon Dragon King..." At this time, the Eagle Head was obviously more concerned about the Demon Dragon not far in front of him, and instinctively wanted to walk over and say something.

But Brother Hao immediately stopped him: "Don't bother your Majesty at will, wait until everyone is there."

He was really afraid that the dragon opened his eyes and stared at him with his eyes. It was not only a mental oppression, but also a deterrence that could not be described in words.

"Oh..." The Eagle Head was stopped, and was not annoyed, but calmly responded, and then waited silently.

The dragon didn't respond to what the two said around him, as if he was really asleep.

Brother Hao and Yingshou continued to chat

Perhaps after being demonized, his resistance to headaches was much higher.

The eagle head actually just chatted with Brother Hao for an hour or two.

Until the brain, with Brother Monkey, and a large group of demons, a total of more than 70 people arrived.

These strange-looking guys, as soon as they came here, they looked straight at the dragon.

The look is as hot as it is.

It was like a group of hungry men saw naked beauties.

The brain took the lead, floating in front of Brother Hao with excitement and said: "Brother Hao! You really are the lucky star of our organization! Your Majesty the Dragon King! We finally found our god!"

"All these are the guidance of His Majesty the Devil Dragon King! Let me meet him here!" Hao Ge said solemnly.

"Yes! Everything is the guidance of His Majesty the Demon Dragon King! All demonized people will rise!"

Perhaps it has been chased by ordinary players and NPCs for too long.

Obviously individuals are stronger than them, but they always have to hide. Such stubborn days naturally make Demonize people very unhappy.

Seeing that the bitter days are coming to an end, a group of demonized people are very excited and shouting.

Perhaps the sound was a little noisy, the dragon finally opened his eyes, and all the demonized people felt that the entire space was bright for several degrees.

They couldn't help but cast their eyes to the brightest place, the head of the dragon.

In those eyes larger than their bodies, there were very dark almond-shaped pupils erected.

The original white parts of the eyes were all scattered streams of golden particles, which were both sacred and majestic, but also extremely beautiful.

Dong Dong~ Dong Dong~ All demonized people found their heart beating so fast, the blood in the body was flowing fast, and the face began to congestion.

"Welcome to you, children who have my power." The dragon said, his voice more majestic than they thought.

Heir with the power of the Demon Dragon King?

Is this the recognition of our Majesty the Dragon King?

A group of demons thought in their hearts.

As the head of the former demonized organization, the brain had previously broken his heart for the organization. Suddenly, he would see the **** in his heart, calling him a heir, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Your Majesty! We finally see you! I can see your majesty's face! This is the blessing that we all have cultivated for eight lifetimes!" The brain has a big head, and the eyes are bigger than normal people. There are tears in the eye sockets. It's pitiful to go up.

The others looked at the dragon pitifully.

"Your Majesty! You have to call the shots for us! Those **** mortals dare to insult your heirs! It's a sin worthy of death!" A demonized person said pitifully.

"Your Majesty! You should use your infinite power to directly rule the world! Let everything fall under your control! The God of All-Knowing and Almighty is not worthy to rule this world!" Someone said.

They are all old demonized people, they have been in the organization for a long time, and they have communicated with many demonized people.

Many people believe that the Doras tomb game world, including the real world, is just a playground for some gods. The omniscient and almighty **** who appeared first is just one of them, and the Demon Dragon King may also be one of them. The transformation event must be a decisive battle between the two gods!

This is when they choose their position!

By comparison, they believe that although the Demon Dragon King is being chased and killed by most people, but the strength has increased rapidly, and the Demon Dragon King has already taken action, the strength has been confirmed, and it is absolutely invincible. The comparison only hears the name. The omniscient and almighty God who does not see him is more reliable.

Of course, the most important thing is that they can't go if they want to go after entering the demonized ship!

"I feel your loyalty." The dragon nodded: "In return, I will give you the power to defeat the enemy and defend your honor!"

As the dragon spoke, his body shone a dazzling white light.

The whole dry forest was illuminated. It was dazzling like a little sun.

All the demonized people bathed in this light couldn't help groaning.

"So comfortable! This kind of light is the same as the pit in the Blizzard City ruins, but it's much stronger!

It's like the warm sun shining on me in winter! It's like the gentlest lover is touching my body gently! "

The brain can't help it.

Brother Hao on one side jumped his eyebrows when he heard this.

Damn it! This literary talent! This metaphor!

A lot of books to read! Is a close enemy!

Under this strong light, the surrounding trees that had already turned into coke unexpectedly changed.

Some festered, while others grew strange fungus plants.

The white light lasted for half an hour before it ended.

The gathered demonized players found that they had once again entered the advanced stage of demonization.

A few did not show a happy look, but showed a worried look.

Needless to say, I also know that it is the players who failed in the second stage of evolution.

They have failed once or twice. Can a different miracle happen this time with His Majesty the Dragon King?

Of course, it was more excitement. Several guys were hugging each other with joy, jumping and jumping!

Their strength will be improved again!

Among them, the Ooze Monster was crying with joy.

The slime on the top of the head kept dripping and melted back into the body.

"Too...too...too good...I finally have another chance!

Hope this demonization can free me from this body!

I want my eyes, I want a world with distinct colors! I want my limbs!

Come back! "

"Oh roar! Oh roar! I actually want to start evolving too!

Please, your Majesty the Dragon King, give me a healthy body! It's okay without limbs!

Give me a clever tongue and I can live. "The ghost-like demonized man prayed like this.

Just as these demonized people were delighted, the dragon spoke again: "The process of demonization is slow. You stay here, and I will bless you temporarily."

"Yes! We will all obey your majesty's will." Demonized people responded.

For the next few days, Shillong irradiated them with radiation every day.

These demonized people are mutating.

Some people collapsed and died, while others continued to mutate.

And those demonized people who had failed before found that their demonization process, even with the Demon Dragon Kings side, still did not change in the slightest...

Among them, the ooze monster and the ghost have evolved successfully.

The ooze monster discovered that he had the ability to swallow foreign objects.

After swallowing some materials, its skin can also become the swallowed materials.

Take steel, for example, after swallowing, its original muddy body will become a steel body.

The defensive ability is comparable to that of a Tier 9 monster.

But this swallowing is not a panacea. For example, gold cannot change its body, such as diamonds.

Otherwise, its body will turn into a diamond, and it will be hard to hurt it even with an ordinary rank 10!

Shillong guessed that it might be related to the density and hardness of the swallowed items. Gold and diamonds exceeded the upper limit of its body's simulation.

Although it has become stronger, the Ooze monster player is obviously still not satisfied. He feels that he is not much different from before!

What a man should have, he still doesn't have it!

As for the pale ghost, this guy is also lucky enough to advance, allowing his body to switch between matter and illusion.

He was so happy and mad, he kept staring at Shillong and kept muttering, thank the Devil Dragon King! Thank God! Thank you mom and dad! Thanks for the words of Doras Tomb World...

Brother Monkey has also evolved, and his body in human form has suddenly become stronger and his appearance has also changed drastically.

The nostrils became enlarged, and black and blue hair grew on his body.

From a distance, it looked like a black and blue orangutan.

The level has become 8 and 3 skeletons...

Brother Monkey was not particularly satisfied with this change, but he glanced at the ooze monster and the guy with only one head left and all other parts resembling centipedes.

Brother Monkey is not dissatisfied, at least, he is still a male creature!

The brain's head has become bigger.

It's blue and blue, everything inside is clearly visible.

Streaks of blue flashes ran up and down in the intestine-like brain.

Even the well-informed demonized person, some people have scalp tingling.

The appearance is a bit scary, and the strength is equally amazing.

There are 9 levels and 7 skeleton levels! Except for the strongest under Brother Hao!

As for the Eagle Head, he has also advanced.

The body height swelled to 3 meters.

With its wings spread out, it is 8 meters long, which is considered a giant.

The hardness of the feathers all over the body is not inferior to that of steel.

The strength also has the level of 9th and 2 skeletons.

Finally, Brother Hao, Demonized Tier 4, in fact, the failure rate is quite high, but he still succeeded.

The appearance has not changed much, but the strength and speed have increased a lot.

And has an unexpected ability for Shillong, Longhua!

That's right, this guy can turn into a dragon!

Become a fiery red dragon with a little black in it!

The height is 25 meters.

The length from head to tail is more than fifty meters.

The wingspan is more than seventy meters!

Possess the ability of poison and flame!

In the non-dragon state, the improvement in strength is not high, only level 10 and 9 skeleton level.

However, after being transformed into a dragon, it has reached the level of 11th and 7th skeleton level!

This simply stunned the other demonized people, thinking that he would be the illegitimate child of His Majesty the Dragon King!

Otherwise, why are you so awesome?

Even Shillong was surprised.

A human being evolved through radiation and finally became a real dragon?

Or a dragon with legendary high-level strength?


Sure enough, does radiation evolution have unlimited possibilities?

And Sillon also felt that the blood connection became deeper.

He can even feel the other person's thoughts!

such as.

Hahaha! Unexpectedly, I became a real dragon!

I really was the protagonist of the destiny!

Lao Tzu is now being mixed under the Demon Dragon King for the time being, and he can definitely be mixed under one dragon and above all things!

Maybe it can be stronger than him in the future!

Then turn over and become the master!

Well, very disrespectful thought.

But Shillong didn't care at all.

Because in addition to reading his mind, he found that he could actually consciously descend into the opponent's body, temporarily occupying the opponent's body.

And this body, for Shillong, seems to be higher than Duan Tianhao.

During the process of being invaded by Shillong, Duan Tianhao's consciousness still existed.

However, at this time, he was like an ordinary person who had encountered robbers and robbers. He was bound and thrown in a corner. He could do nothing but see through his eyes!

Like a ridiculous outsider!

For this reason, Duan Tianhao was desperate.

Is this the price of gaining strong power and the bloodline closest to the Demon Dragon King?

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in this world!

Is my body about to be occupied by the other party?

My money must become his money? My sister is going to become his sister? Will my little brother become his little brother?

Just as Duan Tianhao's negative emotions exploded.

The Demon Dragon King's consciousness suddenly retreated. Duan Tianhao was very grateful for this, and he took a heavy breath after taking over the body.

Then, he found that the Devil Dragon King gave him a meaningful look, and Duan Tianhao was hard to understand the emotion contained in this look.

His complexion is ugly, the dragon's body is no longer red, and the scales are dim.

While observing him, Brother Monkey said strangely: "Brother Hao! What's wrong with you? Is your stomach uncomfortable?

Did you eat your stomach? Want to go to the bathroom?

Ugh! I suddenly thought of a question, how does the dragon defecate? Where was his chrysanthemum born? "

Brother Monkey's brain circuit is very strange, and as he speaks, he doesn't know where it's crooked.

But it still seems to be asking seriously...

Brother Hao's complexion was more ugly than before, and the other demonized people on one side also looked at Brother Monkey with strange eyes.

"Why look at me like that! Are you not curious?" Brother Monkey murmured a few words, then saw the human head centipede and said: "Brother! Tell me about you? I'm really curious! Can you tell everyone Share a few words?"

"..." The centipede brother was stared at by the monkey, and hurriedly swung dozens or hundreds of his legs to hide.

But Brother Monkey actually chased him directly and kept asking...

See Brother Monkey leave.

But the brain walked up to Brother Hao and asked warmly: "Brother Hao, are you okay? Just ask if you need help, everyone is brother!"

"It's okay! Thanks to His Majesty the Demon Dragon King, although I have gained strength, this makes me very happy.

But when I think of those failed brothers, I miss this stronger power.

I feel distressed! Ugh! Pity! It would be great if everyone was blessed to accept this power! "Brother Hao has a look of regret, naturally he can't tell the truth.

"Oh~Is that so?" The brain was taken aback, and then he suddenly said, "As expected, the dragon body evolved! The hero who has the bloodline power closest to the Demon Dragon King! This mental awareness is high! Alas! Brothers who fail, don't be discouraged. From now on, we will all be our own brothers! We are blessed and shared! We are both in trouble!"

When the others heard this, they were all in a daze, and several of those who failed to advance in the advancement cast grateful eyes at Brother Hao.

Those who succeeded also began to quietly comfort those who failed, and for a time there was a pulse of warmth...

In the following days, the players who completed the demonization continued to be demonized, and some of the failed players dispersed, while others remained here.

I don't know how long it took.

Brother Hao wants to go offline.

After reporting to Shillong, he disappeared.

Originally this was normal, Shillong had been watching them go online and offline for a few days before being demonized.

But this time it was different.

Xilong found that the magical connection between himself and Duan Tianhao had not been broken!

At the corner of his mouth, a small opening slowly grinned.


real world.

Inside a luxurious villa.

Duan Tianhao opened his eyes from his big bed and glanced at the woman beside him, Xiao Li.

The woman is still in the game, and Brother Hao quickly shakes her up.

The sober Xiaoli smiled and asked: "Brother Hao, are you hungry? Don't worry, I'll get you food right away."

Brother Hao nodded.

Watching Xiaoli leave the room, Brother Hao sighed, the game is occupied by the dragon and the body is occupied. Anyway, I have gained invincible power, and I will not go online! What can you do with me?

Even if Doras Tomb is a special real world and I return to my own world, I dont believe you can still occupy my body!

Just when he was thinking about it and preparing to wait for Xiao Li to return, he suddenly found that he couldn't move anymore!

It's the Demon Dragon King! That guy took his body again! The breath that made him extremely hateful and fearful came again!

But how is this possible? I have obviously returned to reality!

Why can this guy still occupy my body?

Brother Hao was horrified.

His previous self-comfort was completely vanished, the king of the dragon! Ten thousand times more terrible than he thought!

The omniscient and almighty god, and the dragon king, are real! They are all heaven-defying beings that can contact him in reality!

What is the relationship between the real world and the world of Dora's tomb?


After Brother Hao disappeared, Siro realized that he could still sense the opponent, and once again activated the ability similar to that of seizing houses.

Part of his consciousness descended on Brother Hao.

He looked at Brother Hao's house curiously.

The whole decoration is very modern.

All decorations and styles are very luxurious.

The curtain was pulled tightly, without letting a ray of sunlight come in.

Wardrobes, shoe cabinets, watch cabinets, car key cabinets are filled with various items, and the local tyrants are very much.

Looked for a moment.

The door was opened, and Xilong had just crossed over. The woman Xiaoli who had seen him in Brother Hao's team came over with a dinner plate.

Is this his breakfast?

The above things are not too complicated, but very delicate, a bowl of porridge, meat and vegetables, a cup of milk, and an unknown variety of fruit.

"Brother Hao! Because you haven't shown up in front of the servants below. Recently, those servants are always squeaky and crooked, and they whispered me quietly!

Say I seduce you! Climbing into your bed makes you reluctant to get out of bed!

Say I am a vixen!

Really irritating!

We obviously love each other sincerely! It's love than Jin Jian's true love!

These people don't understand anything but they keep talking! Too hateful! "

While talking, the woman put the food on the side counter, and then walked to the side of the Hao brother who was possessed by Shillong.

Near the back of his arms, he wanted to hold Shillong.

But Shillon narrowed his eyes, and the body of the Hao brother he possessed had been demonized, much larger than the woman Xiaoli, with one arm stretched out and his palm resting on Xiaoli's face, easily separating her.

She couldn't get close even if she rushed from left to right.

"Woman! Don't get too close to me!"

"Huh? Brother Hao, what's wrong with you! Is this going to play the high-cold abstinence fan?

But it's so cool~" Xiaoli said with an idiot.

Silom ignored Xiao Li, and after pushing the woman away indifferently, he walked towards the door of the room.

Obviously to leave the room.

Xiao Li was surprised when he saw this.

"Brother Hao? Are you leaving the room? Wait a minute! I'll show you out, make sure no one is there, let's go out!"

"No, no one outside." Silom replied lightly.

He went straight to the door of the room, opened the door, and went to the study room in the cubicle, where there was a computer.

Seeing it, the corners of Shillong's mouth slightly cocked.

Xiao Li squeezed into ~wuxiaworld.online~ and closed the door smoothly and said, "Brother Hao, you want to check the information again and watch the forum?"

"Yeah." Shillong casually sat down at the computer desk.

Turn on a familiar computer.

Start looking up information.

Originally because of different planes, different languages and characters.

In fact, Shillong of the Great Arcanist level can't be troubled at all.

There are many magical arcane arts in Arcane, which can make him understand the text and language here in an incredible way.

Through this kind of spell, the way the computer is used here can't be troubled by Shillong.

He began to consult materials such as historical background, modern social forces, weapons, etc.

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