He found that this world was indeed somewhat similar to the blue star of the previous life.

But it is smaller than Blue Star.

The total human population is only about 1.8 billion.

The technological level is almost the same as that of Bluestar.

There are no space battleships, no mechas, only fighters and tanks, and the strongest weapon is called [Thunder Fury].

It is a weapon generated by highly controlling the amount of lightning in nature.

Power is enough to destroy a small city.

Of course, there are some heavy weapons such as conventional Thunder missiles.

The investigation only found these, but it does not rule out that the alliance has hidden weapons.

Shillong browsed a lot, and finally returned the control of this body to Brother Hao.

And Brother Hao, who regained control of his body, was in a surprisingly bad mood, even the scales on his face were dim.

"Brother Hao! What's wrong with you? You look upset? If you are upset, hit me! I'll make you vent your anger!"

Xiao Li said, turning around again, pushing his **** up, her watery eyes kept suggesting something.

"Damn it!" Brother Hao cursed secretly, turned around and slapped Xiao Li with a palm.

"Ah!" Xiaoli exclaimed: "Brother Hao! Why are you so hard! It hurts me to death!"

She was pitiful, with some tears in her eyes.

"I'm not in that mood now, you go out first and leave me alone." Brother Hao said coldly.

Xiao Li saw that something was wrong, and quickly walked out of the room.

Brother Hao was alone in the room, silent.


Cut the main consciousness back into the original body again.

Shillong is ready to give the world some hard stuff!

His huge body slowly floated towards the sky.

Some demonized people below saw this scene, and they were suddenly anxious.

The brain yelled anxiously: "Your Majesty! You want to abandon us! Are you away from us?"

"Your Majesty! Don't go! We can't live without you!"

A group of people roared.

Some even cried loudly, this thigh, can't walk!

Shillon did not speak, his body continued to rise.

It didn't stop until it submerged in the clouds, and then began to take a deep breath.

A large swath of red golden light bloomed from his body.

Dye the entire sky into the color of red gold!

"It's so beautiful..." a demonized person raised his head and looked up at the sky, and murmured unconsciously.

"What is your Majesty the Dragon King doing? Are you showing your strength?" Someone wondered.

But no matter what these people think.

The omniscient and almighty **** in a different space, but Milbo is sweating like rain.

He couldn't be more familiar with this!

"This **** is here again? What does he want to do?

No one will attack him at all, right?

Does he want to use this attack to deter me?"

Millbo couldn't understand the other side's thoughts.

"Or revenge me? Revenge me against the demonized person?"

No matter what Millbo thought, in the world of Dora's tomb, the brain and other demonized people watched the bright golden light to the extreme, and then disappeared.

Immediately after a hundred kilometers away, a terrifying white ball of light appeared out of thin air in a clearing. The light was dazzling to the extreme. Many of the demonized people who hadn't prepared much had their eyeballs burned.

They wailed and covered their eyes.

Only a few can ignore the glare, they saw a pure white ball of light burst out, and then a mushroom cloud slowly rose from the ground.

The terrible shock swept everything.

The ground is shaking.

But they are undoubtedly safe, because the distance is too far.

All demonized people are like bystanders, watching everything, although safe, but shocking! Shocking!

When a mushroom cloud slowly dissipated the cloud layer thousands of meters above, the sky where the Demon Dragon King was shining bright golden light again.


The demonized players were slightly surprised.

Then, as they expected, a terrible mushroom cloud burst out in the distance!

Repeat this several times.

The dragon in the sky instantly turned into a stream of red gold and disappeared!

"Your Majesty the Dragon King! You can't go! Didn't you say that we are all your heirs?" Some demonized people were anxious, for fear that Silom would never appear again.

They flew up to the sky to keep up with the king.

But the speed of the two was not at the same level at all, Chijin Streamer instantly moved further and further away from him.

When this demonized man chased out a few kilometers.

The sky that was a hundred kilometers away was once again dyed with red golden light.

This makes the demonized person a little confused.

Then he saw a ball of pure white light burst out again in the distance!

And the terrible impact accompanied by white light!

Your Majesty, are you playing a game? A game of growing mushrooms?

But this mushroom is too powerful, right?

Look at the ground being planted by you, big pits one after another, this time tens of millions of NPCs and players are not allowed to die?

Hiss~ Is this the strong? Regardless of whether you are happy or angry, with a little thought, you start growing mushrooms?

Let thousands of people die with the wind! Immerse hundreds of millions of people in fear?

King of the Dragon! Horrible!

And in the unknown space.

Millbo even roared: "Zhi Brain! Don't you say that the possibility of him destroying the world is only 5%?

Get out of here and see! What is he doing now?

If this continues, he will kill all my puppets and players!

The resurrection alone might cost tens of millions of faith points!

My months of hard work will be wasted! "

"D... Dear... Dear qualified person, please calm down, the other party did not cause too much killing.

For each attack, he chose the place with the least life to attack.

So far, a total of 5 pure white light.

A total of 7893 lives were killed and 35,679 lives were injured. Your loss of faith does not exceed 3000. "

"Huh? How is this possible?" Millbo was taken aback: "Are you bluffing me?

In the previous outbreak in Blizzard City, it lost more than 6 million people and lost tens of millions of my beliefs! "

"Di...di...please pay attention to those who are qualified, this intellectual brain does not have the function of lying.

This is the case, please watch those who are qualified. "

Wisdom finished.

Several screens lit up in the void.

The images played inside are all the images before being covered by pure white light.

The vast majority are wasteland and sparsely populated.

The screen is moving fast, the screen keeps jumping, and it is rare to see living things.

Until the end, it was covered by pure white light.

"This is really weird."

Milbo didn't want to understand for a moment, he murmured.

I have been paying attention to the picture of the magic dragon, and it is still playing the terrible scene of the other party spraying pure white light everywhere and planting mushrooms.

After planting 20 mushrooms, the dragon stopped.

Then return to the previously sealed forest, which has now been burnt down by flames.

Seeing Xilong's return, the demonized player who thought he was abandoned and had no thighs cried again!

This time I cried with joy.

Several of them wanted to rush to the Devil Dragon directly, holding his scale armor and crying, but they didn't dare.

Each one looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, were you just now?" It was the head of the head that asked the first question. As the former leader of the Demonized Organization, he must speak. This is the responsibility of a leader!

The brain thinks so.

"I'm just looking for some companions for you, so that you will not be bullied." Silom replied simply.

"!" His head was taken aback, and then it seemed to think of something. Inside the big head, blue fire light was shining.

A pair of eyes were dyed blue, bright and scary: "Your Majesty! You really care about us! Your attack just now must be an announcement of your existence to the world. While deterring the enemy, it also allows all your companions. Everyone knows that you exist, and come here to seek your asylum! It must be so?

Your wisdom really shines like a starry sky! "

"So it's like this!" A group of demonized people heard the speech of the brain, and they suddenly realized: "It's the brain!"

Silom was a little surprised by this, he just simply wanted to use the radiation after the nuclear explosion and the radiation belt to create radiation people.

But after being interpreted by the other party, it seems that what I did did indeed play a role in the other party's mouth.

Immediately he nodded, approvingly said: "Yes!"

"Sure enough! Your majesty, your wisdom is too lofty! It's far beyond what I and other things can match!" The brain looked admired.

Then, as before, Sillon began to irradiate these demons with radiation.

At the same time, the consequences of Shillong's nuclear explosions began to play out.

Almost all of the world of Dora's Tomb, 50% of players, and NPCs have found themselves in a special state.

Tinnitus, qi deficiency, weakness of limbs, dizziness and diarrhea.

Then came the abnormal change.

The world is in chaos at this moment!

Those who have not changed, have accepted the task issued by the All-Knowing and Almighty God to fight and eradicate the abnormal.

Whether it is a player or an npc.

The whole world is in chaos, and some demonized players voluntarily exposed and recovered after being beheaded.

But there are also those who are unwilling. They are very interested in demonization, even hiding, and some team up and fight with the demon hunting group.

There are also demonized NPCs. Many of them were resurrected after being demonized.

This is Milbo's extra kindness, otherwise he would be too lazy to resurrect as an ordinary person.

But this time is different. If there are too many demonized deaths, it will have serious consequences for his rule.

Because of this, there was not much abnormality among the NPCs.

The main opponents are demonized players and non-demonized lives.

This kind of battle is naturally the non-magicized side crushing these demonized with overwhelming strength.

I thought that the turmoil would end soon.

But things are far from simple, because there are twenty potholes, which are twenty sources of demonization, and there will always be curious people entering them and discovering the mystery of demonization.

Then because there were too many people, they couldn't hide it, directly exposing the fact that this place was the source of demonization.

Let many players sneak past the demonization secretly.

This gives the demonized player's resistance a slight follow-up motivation.

The non-demonized people such as npc quickly responded to this, and they began to send a large number of troops to guard.

More than twenty legends, each guarding one side.

Only to suppress this anomaly.

But soon, this balance was broken again! The King of Devil Dragon spews pure white light directly at the places where the heavy soldiers are holding hands!

A total of millions of players and NPCs were killed this time!

The morale of the troops who believe in the Almighty God is plummeted!

As for the demonized troops, their morale was shaken.

After those npcs who believe in the all-knowing and almighty gods are resurrected, they will not forget the fear and pain of death, and ordinary people still retain fear of death.

They might even have such an idea.

Why didn't the gods come forward to destroy the dragon?

Why not send messengers to destroy the dragon?

Is it impossible or unwilling?

Doubt is like a seed, it will continue to grow as long as it is planted.

They began to doubt the omnipotent **** in their eyes!

And the player's forum is exploding.

They began to tout the magic dragon, thinking that its power, even the gods, could not defeat it.

Of course, there are also refutations, believing that everything is necessary for the plot.

During this process, Shillong discovered that his beliefs rose much faster than before, but within two or three days, it rose to more than 200,000!

Well, 20 million from the target, which is still 100 times short.

During this time, Milbo was so painful.

That magic dragon! Shot on his army again!

The resurrection alone cost him close to a million faith points!

Since the appearance of this **** dragon, his belief point has not only not increased, but has dropped a lot!

Doing useless work every day, his mentality almost burst!

Of course these are not the most critical ones. He finds that the faith he gains every day is decreasing, and the number of people who believe in him is decreasing!

Sincere believers become shallow believers, and shallow believers become no believers.

He is in a crisis of confidence! Milbo was helpless.

He has no idea how to solve this disaster.

Are you really asking him to go? It's no different from sending him to death.

That evil dragon only needs one paw to squeeze him to death like a mouse!

In addition, he also found a very critical problem.

Why can the demonized players whose resurrection system was broken by him can be resurrected? He saw with his own eyes that after a day or two, the players who had been killed before joined the demonized legion alive and fought against his followers. !

This is not right.

"Wisdom brain! Tell me! Why can those demonized players be resurrected?" Milbo doubted Wisdom brain, whether it was hiding something from him!

"Di...di...this is because Sillon Soderberg also possesses the power of faith."

"Where did his power of faith come from?"

"He is the second-qualified person in the world of Dora's Tomb~wuxiaworld.online~ Millbo was dumbfounded, and it was a long time before he continued: "When did he become the second-qualified person? "

"One hour after he appeared in this world."

"Asshole!!! Why do you want him to be the second qualified person? Why didn't you get my consent?" Milbo was already roaring at this time, his face pale.

He feels like he has been fooled by the **** of Zhi Nao! He was betrayed! My most trusted partner!

"Dip... The first qualified person did not ask."

"I don't ask! Wouldn't you just say it?"

"will not."

"You bastard! Traitor! Dog stuff!" Millbo growled angrily, and threw the ball of light in his hand to the ground.

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