Silom glanced at her without stopping, and while continuing to move forward, he replied, "You are so courageous?"

"Hee hee! Let's not hide my eldest brother, in fact, I have a pedigree of one-third of the former Mao Xiong country! Of course I am bolder!" When Lili saw the other party, she seemed to be able to communicate, and she immediately became energetic.

"Former Mao Xiong Country?" The corner of Xilong's mouth was slightly cocked.

Because it is the age of alliances, all previous countries have to add a prefix.

And Mao Xiong Nation, before the alliance was established. But a race of berserkers per capita, even before the world of Doras Tomb, would dare to fight the bear, a powerful human being like the king of land warfare!

"Yeah! Yeah!" Lili stretched out her arms and made a shape showing her muscles.

Then another chest said: "Big Brother! Have you seen it? This is the strength of the bear!"

She is trying to show her cuteness and honesty, because according to her years of experience in understanding men, most men like this kind of women.

"Poor and weak!" The smile at the corner of Silom's mouth immediately turned into a sneer: "You dare to call yourself the power of a bear?

Sad woman! You have not even gained a little bit of power from the world of Dora's Tomb.

Such a poor and weak you have the courage to appear in front of me?"

"Huh?" Lili was dumbfounded.

Why does this big brother turn his face so fast? Can't you hear me acting like a baby?

"Big brother! What do we women do with such strong power?

As long as there is a man to protect us.

I think the eldest brother is very strong, are you interested in being my personal bodyguard? You can pay whatever you want! Lili blinked her eyes with a look of charm.

The accent is deliberately added to the word next to the body, which seems to imply something.

"Huh! The beauty you want! No matter which body it is, as long as the soul is dominated by me, you women will never have any chance!" Xilong snorted coldly.

"!?" Lili was dumbfounded again, it was not that she had never encountered someone who was not moved by her beauty.

But they have never been so direct, and looked at her with a look of garbage...

What made her even more unacceptable was the other party's next words.

"According to your human aesthetics, you may look good, but it is too superficial.

Your human beauty, the shelf life is only more than ten years, it is short and pitiful!

Only power! It is the most beautiful thing in the world! Without power, you are just like an ant, you can be pinched to death at will!

May I ask you to make friends with an ant, would you like?" Silom said coldly.

When these words were spoken, not only did Lili feel that there was something wrong with Siro's brain, but even the audience found that it seemed that there was indeed something wrong with the demonized person's head...

Although this demonized person has not hurt anyone so far.

But there are many audiences who remind Lili to call the city guard.

Lili is now a little autistic by what Shillong said, she silently followed Shillong and filmed, and didn't want to talk anymore.

And even if Shillong was followed up like this, he was still very indifferent.

When I walked into the city, there were not many vehicles going back and forth on the road. Those cars that had to pass by Shillong turned around and ran.

On the street, there were not many pedestrians, just like a car, they ran away when they saw Shillong.

Few stores that were supposed to be open are still open.

It seems that the general's announcement before is quite useful, and now most people are afraid of demons.

The strange women who have been hanging behind are only a few of the few.

Just as Shillon thought about it, he saw a drunkard.

His clothes were a bit messy, leaning on a telephone pole, drunkly looking at everything on the road.

When he saw Shillong, he stared straight at him.

And Sillon also looked at each other silently.

"What do you...look at? Are you looking down on me?" The drunkard shouted to Silom with heavy drunkenness.

The momentum is very strong, and he is not afraid of Shillong's demonization.

Lili, who had already parked and photographed, looked at each other in admiration.

Since she personally felt that the demonized person's brain was abnormal, she didn't dare to talk to each other anymore, but this drunkard was incredible!

Drinking wine is like Laozi's posture number one in the world.

What I said is full of provocation, I wont be killed, right?

Lili secretly glanced at the barrage on the live broadcast.

"I'm going! This drunk is so courageous! How dare to talk to this demonized person who has a pit in his head?"

"That's called the daring of a high-level artist! Maybe someone is a masterpiece? /Squinting smile"

"I hate drunks the most! Now I am looking forward to the demonized man punching the drunk to death!"

Everyone thought there was a good show.

But Shillong didn't get any anger at the other party's words, and still stared at the other party indifferently.

"You bastard! Are you laughing at me?

It must be so! Are you laughing at me being dumped by a woman?

You must think I am a licking dog, right?" The drunkard growled loudly at Shillong, looking very unstable.


"Hehehehe...I...everywhere~ I am a licking dog! You guessed it! I am a licking dog!" The drunk burped and laughed miserably.

"But...but...I don't allow you to underestimate the profession of dog licking!

You dont understand the joy and fun of licking a dog! The licked woman can't predict whether we will lick her next!

There will be insecurity! Once lost, it will definitely collapse! Unable to accept reality!

We lick the dog, whether we want to lick it or not is entirely up to us!

Today, which bone is cheap, just lick it, if you are in a bad mood, then go fuck!

Can you understand this sense of control? Ah? Know every day to despise licking dogs? You know what a fart! "The drunkard roared loudly.


Shillong and Lili, as well as the driver's eldest brother, did not say anything.

There was silence all around, and they were all startled by this drunkard's words.

The driver's eldest brother let his eyes off even more. Isn't this man too reasonable?

Is dog licking such an advanced and awesome profession?

hateful! Those **** before dared to laugh at me and lick Lili!

Humph! As everyone knows, I just like that sense of control!

But Lili felt that this man was really a talent. He was obviously a lowly licking dog. It was not easy to be able to hypnotize himself like this!

Sure enough, it is 360 rows, and it is a top pick!

Look at this licking dog, all licking experience!

She took the time to glance at the barrage, well, a sound of echoing...

This is not to blame them, if they are not stupid, how can they lick me?


Shillong still looked at each other for a long time before saying: "Then can you tell me, why are you now like this?"

"I...I...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." the man as he said as he said, and as he said, he burst into tears.

"Originally it was all good...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Become a low-level licking dog...I'm in a trap!

Into a woman's suit! I now have no money, no people! Oh oh..."

The more the man talked, the more sad he was, crying on the side of the road.

"Huh! I thought you were an individual, but I didn't expect it to be so." Silom shook his head: "A mortal! If you want to change your destiny, you should demonize! Only by having power! Can you have the future!"

"Power...power...?" the drunk man muttered to himself.

"Yes! It's power."

boom! Just as Shillong's voice fell, a bar not far away suddenly exploded.

A long chimpanzee rushed out of it.

He was hugging a woman tightly under him.

This woman is very fashionable and looks very beautiful.

But at this moment, the woman's face was flushed, she was caught under the armpit of the orangutan.

"Monster! You monster! Let go of me!" The woman screamed.

"I'm not a monster! I'm your man! You stinky bitch! You keep carrying me to the bar to find men thinking I don't know?

Didn't you always say that my brother is young?

Lao Tzu now wants you to see whether Lao Tzu is young or not! Does it last? "The demonized man who looked like an ape roared loudly.

"!?" The woman was taken aback, and she was shocked for a while before she said: "You...are you Mingde?"

"It's Lao Tzu! You bastard! Didn't you always despise me before?

Now I want to make you look good! "The orangutan growled.

"Mingde! You are actually Mingde? Oh! Mingde, you are so strong now!

You told me that you became like this. How could I come to the bar?

Go home now! I can't wait. "The woman's voice is full of surprises.

This directly caused the orangutan who was holding her running wildly to stop in place.

Shillong and Lili were not far from them, and they could clearly see that the big eyes of the orangutans were full of incredible.

He looked at the woman under his arm blankly and said, "You... don't you dislike me becoming like this?

Are you not afraid of me?"

"My little fool! How could I be afraid of you! Love you in no hurry!

Look at how majestic and mighty you are now! Look at the back of the tiger, look at the waist of the bear..."The woman said as she stroked the body of the demonized person with her hand. At the end of the day, Silom and Lili even saw each other's saliva flow. After coming down, fortunately, the reaction was quick, and she was sucked back directly.

"Aping you! So you still love me! Even if you become like this, you still love me! I misunderstood you!" The demonized man with the appearance of the orangutan was overjoyed.

He ran away with his own mother-in-law.

Silom looked at the back of the other person in a daze. Lili and the driver's brother did the same.

But at this time, the driver's eldest brother seemed to be a little confused, and he kept murmuring something: "Magic...Magic still has this usefulness!"

Why didn't I think about it!

Don't women just like mighty and mighty? "

"..." Lili gave him a horrified look after hearing the driver's mutter.

Brother, don't you take it seriously?

There are really few women in this world who can speak to demonized people like orangutans!

You should wake up!

Have you not seen all kinds of strange demonized people?

Gender conversion is a trivial matter! What if you become a sexless weirdo?

Alas~ But there are also very good changes.

For example, this one in front of me!

Lili glanced at Shillon secretly.

Well, this look is much better than those scum, at least I can!

such a pity! This demonized person has a problem with his brain! Don't understand women at all!

Until the strange couple disappeared completely.

There was another horrible gunfire from far to near.

There was also a burst of strange bangs approaching.

Until there was a bang.

A large wheel that seemed to be made of iron smashed a low house.

After landing, there was a loud noise, and it rolled straight to Shillong and the others. Every time it rolled, the ground made a huge bang.

The speed is comparable to a car driving more than 100 yards.

"Hahahaha! Get out of here! You bastards! Don't want to touch Laozi's porcelain now! I will never give you any chance!"

A roar came from the iron wheel, his voice was full of resentment, and he didn't know what he had experienced before.

A group of city guards armed with guns also rushed out of the smashed house. Just when they wanted to continue to aim and shoot, they were shocked, because not only was there an extra demonized person on the street, but also There are a few ordinary people.

Several gun guards quickly exchanged their eyes in the void.

Soldier 1: What should I do? team leader! Hostage! Shooting now will accidentally hurt!

Soldier Two: Idiot! For fear of accidental injury, he was killed directly! We are the ace soldiers of the former Stars and Stripes! Are you afraid of a few hostages?

Soldier One: Oh! To understanding!

"Wait!" In an instant, the soldier captain yelled out when he saw the eye contact of the two soldiers.

He sternly motioned everyone to look at Lili next to the car with his eyes, and instantly released his meaning with his eyes: idiots! Did you see that! That woman is definitely an anchor! Someone is watching! What do you want to do!

Soldier 2: But, Captain! We are soldiers of the former Stars and Stripes! Why should I care about this kind of thing?

idiot! We are now in the alliance! The captain glared at Soldier Two, before suppressing their desire to continue pulling the trigger.

Do you think it is still the past? Happy Stars and Stripes? Gunfight every day? The best way to save the hostages is to kill them?

The captain, what about this new demonized person? A soldier couldn't help but glanced at Shillong.

Don't be nervous! Demonized people are not monolithic! I guess these two will fight soon! We watch the changes!

The captain motioned his eyes last.

It's troublesome to say, but all the gestures in the eyes of these elite soldiers were completed within two seconds.

This is the quality that the former elite soldiers of the Stars and Stripes who have experienced the tempering of the Tomb World of Dora should have!

They soon dispersed, staring at the iron wheel that crashed into Shillong.

The iron wheel hit from the left side of Shillong, and Lili and the driver were on the right side of Shillong at this time. Seeing the iron wheel getting closer, Lili realized that the iron wheel was not as small as she imagined. It was already one meter in diameter. Around five.

It hit her at a speed of a hundred yards, and she couldn't help screaming.

"Ah!!!" This was an exclamation that cut through the dim night sky.

bump! ! ! !

A huge impact sounded.

Then there was a strange cry: "Gah!"

The strange name is sharp and short, fleeting, and then there is silence.

Lili, who had instinctively closed her eyes because of fear, opened her eyes, and saw iron lumps on the back, whether it was the back of the head, the back, or the instep. Even the man with a metallic complexion lay on her back on the ground.

The man closed his eyes tightly and seemed to pass out.

The tall dragon man slowly bends down, and following his actions, the former star-tipped guards, ten meters away, show nervousness.

Everyone silently looked at the huge open palm of the dragon man, grabbed the head of the metal weird who was nearly two meters tall on the ground, and slowly lifted it up.

Snapped! A loud slap on the face of the man who passed out.

"Hmm~" The man groaned, and when he woke up, he didn't wait for his mind to wake up.

Xilong looked indifferently and said: "Are you here to touch my porcelain?"

"Huh?" The Ironman looked at Shillong's scaly face and cried out instinctively: "You touched the porcelain? I'm going to kill you!"

After the roar, his body quickly curled up, as if he wanted to enter the wheel mode just now.


Another hard and quick slap slapped the iron man.

"Ah!" he screamed again.

Shillon's eyes sinked slightly: "Asshole thing! The thief shouted and caught the thief on my head? You are not brave enough."


The Iron Nugget was silent. He seemed to feel that something was wrong, and his mind gradually became clear.

Lili on one side looked confused, what's the situation?

Then her head flashed with melon seeds. By the way, she closed her eyes instinctively, but the phone on the selfie stick did not turn off.

Then glanced at the phone.

"Oh, let me go! This iron man is really interesting, why does he always call to touch porcelain? Has he been touched too much before?"

"This iron man is so cool! It feels like Transformers."

"Damn, isn't your attention too weird? The point is that dragon man! Being hit by such a fast speed, there is nothing wrong with it!

This strength is very strong! "

"Very strong? How strong is it?"

"Don't ask! Asking is very strong!"

"Lili! Really, go home and hide! It's too dangerous outside!"

The barrage rolled past, and Lili saw this and understood what had just happened.

But at the same time, she understood a little bit that the world seemed to be different from before.

This world is really messed up!

How long has it been? Just met three demons! A dragon looks good, at least he will not attack people casually.

The orangutan robbed people in the bar before. Look at the roadside now, the wounded havent been gone...

And now this guy who can turn into iron wheels is obviously abnormal!

He actually fought with the city guards!

I wanted to kill them just now! It's too dangerous!

Lili wanted to evacuate.

But after seeing that it has reached 2 million at this time, which is twice the number of viewers before, she can't move her legs...

2 million, if this continues, it may exceed 3 million. This year's Dousha tv sister is expected!

And the guard there.

They started eye contact again.

team leader! You guessed it really well, these two demonized people seem to be in conflict!

of course! Don't want to think about who I am? But things are still not good, that demonized person like a dragon is difficult to deal with.

What to do then?

Rest assured, we can be called brothers!

After the eye contact, the captain of the city guard pressed a button on his waist with one hand.

Then smiled and nodded to the others.

As expected of the captain!

"Brother! A big misunderstanding!" The Ironman suffocated such a sentence for a while.

"Can't touch porcelain? Say it's a misunderstanding?"

"Brother! Really! To tell you the truth, I had encountered porcelain five times before demonization. Those **** **** always appeared on my path when I was driving in a good manner. Don't dodge.

Every time I was so cruel, at the cost of my legs, let me accompany a lot of money, I swear at that time, one day I will meet the porcelain again, I will definitely kill them on the spot! To vent the hatred!

So just now I saw you, brother, in the middle of the court. I didn't turn my mind. I thought you were here to touch my porcelain. I was a little excited..." the iron man said depressed.

"..." Silom looked at him silently.

Every time you touch porcelain at the cost of your legs?

Damn your uncle, do you want to be so cruel?

"Forget it! As a demonized person, I won't be difficult for you." Silom said.

After all, the little brother born with his power as an opportunity was so miserable, Xilong was really embarrassed to pinch him to death at will.

"By the way, you don't seem to know me?"

"?" The Iron Nugget was taken aback for a moment. How could this topic be transferred elsewhere?

Although he was surprised, the iron man still honestly said: "No... I'm sorry... I really don't know you."

"Yeah." Silom nodded.

This is normal, after all, if they knew each other, the other party would not have the guts to bump into him.

At the same time, Silom looked at the soldier on the opposite side and asked, "Do any of you... know me?"

"!?" The city guards were taken aback: "I don't know."

They don't know why Shillon asked.

"How about you?" Silom asked Xiang Lili and the driver again.

They all shook their heads blankly.

Then Shillon looked at the phone in Lili's hand again.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see everything above.

With 2.45 million people, he is a big anchor.

This woman seemed to be of some use, Shillon thought of a lot of things.

He looked at Lili and said, "Woman, you can ask if anyone in your live broadcast room knows me."

Lili heard that, although she didn't know what Shillong wanted to do, she still asked.

But the barrage in the live broadcast room was too messy, and she couldn't ask anything.

He was not disappointed with this Shillong. He smiled lightly and said: "Introduce myself, I am Duan Tianhao.

Before demonization, he should be considered a senior mage in the game, so someone should know me, right? "

"Duan Tianhao? That first mage? The only son of the world's top 500? The one known as Brother Hao, the emperor of the magic city?" Lili's mouth opened wide in surprise, and a series of information about Brother Hao almost instinctively spit out.


Shillon was silent for a moment.

Um, I didn't see it, this Hao brother is actually quite good, and I don't know if this Hao brother is mine.

But he won't bother with this question, but nodded: "Yes! It's me!"

"Ah! So you are Brother Hao! I said how ugly when others are demonized, but you are so handsome after being demonized! So majestic! Such a woman admires! Turns out to be Brother Hao! No wonder!" Li Li this woman was excited, and at this moment she wanted to run directly to Shillong and hug her thigh.

