But the driver's eldest brother beside her quickly grabbed her.

"You don't want to die?"

After finishing speaking, he also used his eyes to signal the surrounding former Stars and Stripes City Guards.

"Oh oh oh...thank you brother." Lili only recovered a little calmly, wiping the cold sweat that she had just exploded.

Then he said to Brother Hao: "How are you, Brother Ha! I am Lili from Shark TV. I am really lucky to see you in this life!"

"Yeah." Silom nodded. He also thought that it was her luck that an ant could recognize herself.

"You are actually Duan Tianhao...It's really pitiful, a good person is not right, so you want to be a demonized monster."

The captain of the city guard said solemnly: "Now I give you three choices.

First, obediently follow us back for treatment.

Second, we were knocked down and tied back to receive treatment.

Third, we were killed on the spot.

Which one do you choose?"

"Treatment?" Silom smiled: "Who are you lying to?

Demonization changes human beings genetically. When you are demonized, you are no longer human! No matter from any aspect!

Unless your technology has developed enough to extract the soul, extract my soul and inject it into another intact body.

But I don't think you have this ability. "Sillon said mercilessly.

"So, you have to choose three?"

"No, no, the strong never choose multiple choice questions given by the weak.

And there is no doubt that I am the strong, and you are the weak! "Siron's voice just fell, and his figure disappeared completely with a scream.

Accompanied by a few clicks.

Shillong's figure returned to its original position again.

The city guards who threatened him with guns before suddenly realized that the guns in their hands were much lighter, and looked down.

Half of the rifle in his hand is gone! Like being cut by a sharp blade, the entire section is smooth and strange.

"This...what's going on?"

"It's speed! I used the speed that you weak people couldn't react at all, and then cut your rifle with the palm of my hand!" Silom explained.

"Now your minds that are not so good should be clearer, right?"

"You..." The city guards were a little surprised.

If they cut their necks just now, aren't they dead? The kind without any resistance?

"Okay! So handsome!" Lili actually felt a little wet at this time.

Oh my god! Why haven't I met such a handsome and manly man before!

Those licking dogs can't compare with Brother Hao!

"It seems that you already understand your incompetence." Silom laughed.

The gates on the opposite side looked gloomy and stopped talking.

"The topic goes back to before." Xilong walked towards Lili slowly.

Lili, who was shooting all the time, saw Shillong coming, and her breathing became short.

Hey~ why did Brother Hao come to me? Does he want it?

But so many people? How could I promise him! Talk to me quietly if you want! I turned off the live broadcast, let's choose a quiet place! My whole person is yours!

Lili had been thinking about it, and Shillong had come closer.

This made her have to remind her in a low voice: "Brother Hao, there are so many people here, it's not good."

"Huh?" Silom was taken aback, and then frowned: "What's inconvenient? I do things like being upright! Do it in front of everyone! Let everyone see! Remember to keep the camera at me later! "

"Huh?" Lili was stunned: "Do it in front of everyone? Will this be too exciting? I...I'm not ready yet!"

At the same time her heart turned like electricity.

Is this too fast? Probably not, it is Brother Hao after all! Where can I find such a good-quality man?

And he is so big and strong after being demonized, I have never experienced it!

But he actually wants me to take selfies with my mobile phone, on the live broadcast platform?

Is he abnormal?

How to do? Do you want to refuse?

Lili's heart was full of hesitation, but Silom went straight to her mobile phone, and a deterrent dragon face appeared in front of the screen, which still surprised many viewers slightly.

"Dear viewers, now I am Duan Tianhao, I want to announce a very important thing here, please listen carefully!"

Shillon's eyes were fixed on the screen.

"From now on, when the sun rises on the seventh day, the great dragon god, His Majesty Sillon Soderberg will descend on the Holy City of the Alliance!

Accepting the great mission of the ruling alliance, I sincerely hope that everyone will surrender under his command!

Accept his rule and protect.

Mortals are fragile, of course ordinary.

Don't try to stop the truth, it's like a man's arm as a car, funny.

Members of the coalition are also asked to accept the reality, and only surrender is the best choice.

The great God is blessing mankind, and only new mankind with power is the future of mankind! "

Shillon said that there was already a large swath of insults on the barrage.

such as.

"Duan Tianhao of Gou Ri! Traitor!"

"Have a father and no mom to raise!"

Etc., etc.

And Lili, who had recovered from her delusion, felt tight when she saw these barrage.

Hold the grass! You bastards! Scolding Brother Hao like this, he started to rush, you are all right, will I be unscrewed by him?

When she thought so, she got wet again...

I was scared this time!

Shillon's nose is very good, he frowned and looked at Lili, then showed a contemptuous look.

He knew what Lili was worried about.

But he is not Brother Hao Shillong! Brother Hao was scolded as a traitor. He has a dime relationship with Shillong?

He even felt a huge resentment from the squeezed consciousness of Brother Hao...

But it doesn't matter! Has no effect on him!

Even the city guard not far from him couldn't help cursing: "Duan Tianhao! You bastard! You were a human before! Now you are actually speaking for a foreign creature? This is the real world! Not the world of Dora's tomb!

Your Majesty the Dragon! Never come here! Even if it comes! We will destroy it too! "

"Oh?" Shillon raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you don't know yet. The Dragon God has already descended in this world, and you still have illusions. You should quickly throw away the stupid idea that he can't come.

You only need to wait quietly for seven days to accept the rule of the Dragon God.

Don't worry, the Dragon God is not a savage god, as long as everyone respects the Dragon God, he will not hurt the innocent.

The nine-year compulsory education, the great Dragon God still understands. "

"What are you talking about? The magic dragon has descended into this world?" The captain heard Shillong's meaning and was shocked.

Even the weird Lili was surprised.

"Yes, the high-level among you humans should have received the news. His Majesty the Dragon God who appeared in some sea area did not act immediately, just giving you the last time to accept the reality.

So you have no choice but to surrender.

Or do you think you can fight against the Dragon God?

Let me tell you a piece of news, the power of your Majesty the Dragon God is not just those manifested in the world of Dora's Tomb. "The corners of Shillon's mouth curled up slightly, showing a wicked smile.

It looks like a hatred!

Let the keyboard men on the barrage scold even harder.

"Fight against the magic dragon..." All Chengwei's hearts were tight.

They asked themselves in their hearts, is that possible?

The Alliances strongest weapon, [Thunder Fury] can really defeat the dragon? They have no bottom!

Because of the pure white light of the dragon, they feel more terrifying than [Thunder's Fury]!

"I think you all know the answer, so don't think about it and make any stupid choice." Shillong warned again.

"Okay! I believe these words will soon be spread across the world through the Internet. By then everyone will know that you will also face the most important choice in life."

Shillon finished speaking at the end, no longer watching the curses on the barrage.

Afterwards, he continued to walk forward calmly, passing by Chengwei, these guys did not dare to do anything to Shillong because they had no weapons.

He walked forward slowly as if aimlessly.

Lili behind her is very tangled at this time. Should she follow or go home?

Looking at the number of viewers, 3.5 million!

Made! Fight! The old lady is for the position of the first sister! Fight with you!

Lili gritted her teeth and wanted to keep following.

But the driver's brother quit.

In the words of the drunk brother.

I won't lick your cheap bone!

He dropped Lili directly and ran away by himself.

Only Lili was left to follow Shillong on foot. Fortunately, Shillong was very slow when she walked. Her head always liked to turn around and appreciate everything on the roadside.

Lili even saw the nostalgia in the other's eyes.

It's very strange, I walked for about ten minutes.

Lili noticed that Shillong had stopped, looked straight at a game hall, and finally walked in.

She quickly followed.

The game hall was still open, but as Shillong entered, the people inside screamed, and there were few left.

Of course, there are still a few gangsters who are dressed up and have dragon tattoos on their arms and stayed inside.

I don't know whether it is a big heart or a stupid person.

Silom walked straight to the boss of the game hall.

Lili noticed that the boss was shaking very badly, and she kept swallowing.

Shillong stared straight at the boss, making him more trembling, and for a while, he took out a handful of banknotes from his pants pocket.

They are all 1,000 yuan alliance coins with the largest denomination.

"Boss, give me some game coins, is this enough?" Shillon said.

"Enough...enough...enough." The boss tremblingly accepted the money.

Put all the game coins on the table.

"You take whatever you want, these are all yours."

Shillong grabbed a handful of game coins and started visiting the game hall.

He looked at the game consoles and the pictures above, and chose a fighting game.

After sitting down, one person began to play.

Fighting games are not complicated, and Shillong soon started to play very well.

After that, I felt that the level of ai was a bit low.

But soon, a gangster sat down beside him and added a game coin.

This **** looked very strong, and Shillong also felt some extraordinary power in his body.

The gangster chose three roles at random, um, they were all female characters, and they were dressed very revealing and seductive.

Both of them didn't speak, and went to war directly.

After the countdown of 3 seconds, Siro wanted to control the character to jump over, and was hit by a jump kick by the gangster, and then a set of combos to knock out half of his blood.

Then there was another small mistake, which was directly killed.

"..." Silom looked at the opponent's blood bar, then glanced at his dead character, without speaking.

The second character comes on stage.

Less than fifteen seconds.

His character lay down again.

And the role of the bully is still full of blood.

"..." Silom was silent again for a while before he said: "Good playing."

"Hehe... it's okay... I just participated in the competition before." The **** replied casually, not afraid of Shillong's appearance at all.


Shillong nodded, and then the last character played.

Fifteen seconds later.

"A new round!" Silom was expressionless.

"no problem."

One minute later.

"Come again!"

One minute and five seconds later.

"carry on!"

One minute and ten seconds later.

"Come again!"


Twenty minutes later.


A heavy gasp came from between Shillong's nose and mouth.

His eyes flashed red, staring straight at the screen in front of him.

His three characters have died, but the other party only lost 1/10 of their lives.

The gap is terrible!

"Forget it! Stop playing! No challenge!" The **** stood up and ignored the abnormal Shillong, and left directly.

Lili, who was on the side, was frightened, eldest brother! Why are you so angry with him! After this person is demonized! Their brains are not normal! What if you go crazy?

Maybe everyone present will be killed?

Lili was deeply worried.

Fortunately, Shillong's hideous expression gradually returned to normal after a few deep breaths.

damn it! I have never been so angry in this life for more than 50 years.

The last time I can get angry is legendary.

But now it was actually **** off by a gangster!

Hold back! Shillong! You can't be angry with an ordinary ant!

He said this to himself.

Then he turned his head and looked at it. The **** who abused him in the game before actually had a lot of fun playing with a few other machines on a machine like a punch tester.

The whole machine keeps clacking.

The screen on the top of the test machine ~wuxiaworld.online~ the numbers keep beating, it should be the test result.

Shillong walked directly and watched for a while.

The **** who abused Shillong before said to him again: "Want to play? I was honestly not addicted to it before! Didn't let me see the power of your demons at all!

Obviously it should be very strong! "

The **** said, still showing a look of regret.

"That's really a shame." Shillon's eyes twitched slightly.

"Do you know how to play this stuff?" The gangster said again.

"never play it."

"Hey, let me teach you, this time we will continue to compete!" The **** seemed confident in himself.

As he spoke, he stretched his arms to make the people on both sides retreat a little later.