Latest website: Shillong and watching the show couldn't help but come up with such a word.

"You stupid woman! Give me all the nonsense! Think about what we are here for!" Duan's face flushed red, and he shouted.

He felt that the hard object behind him gave him a strong push.

And Duan Ma was also taken aback, the hard thing behind also made her realize where it was and what she should do. He smiled embarrassingly: "Child! I heard that the Alliance has a way to turn you back into a human being, so hurry up and go with us, otherwise our old Duan family will be really unmatched in the future."

"..." Silom still didn't speak, his body quickly became smaller and turned into a dragon figure, gently inflaming the wings on his back, floating in the air.

"I look like this, there shouldn't be any problem with the reception of the clan?"

Shillon said with a calm face.

"Huh?" Duan Tianhao's mother was taken aback, and then said: "It feels pretty good! Although it's not as handsome as before! But it's more powerful than before!

Not bad! Not bad! As expected of my son! Even if he becomes a demonized person, he is very handsome! "

Duan Ma fiercely praised Xilong.

The old couple had only seen Shillong's magic dragon form before, and they would be relieved to see the dragon man form.

But suddenly, her complexion changed again, and she smiled embarrassingly: "Yes, it's not bad, but after all, it's not human anymore. Those human girls are definitely not acceptable. Children, let's go back with the Alliance. Just be honest. Up."

"..." Xilong looked at Duan Tianhao's mother.

Silent again.

Of course he can continue to use Transfiguration to become a human, but he cannot prove anything to a subordinate's mother in this situation.

"Oh, kid! Go back with us!" Duan Tianhao's mother said again.

"That's impossible." Silom was expressionless.

"Tianhao! Your wings are hard now, don't you even listen to our words?" Dad Duan said unhappy.

Just now, he was a little flustered by the hard object in his back.

"Didn't I say it all? After a person is transformed, it is already a genetic reversal, and it has nothing to do with people. Why don't the idiots of the alliance find a better excuse?

Even if it can be transformed back into a human being, what good is it?

Being stupid, arrogant, and weak! How can you be a dragon! "Xilon scolded, and his body turned back into a dragon.

"Duan Tianhao! You are really a great filial son!" Suddenly, a figure squeezed Duan Tianhao's father and appeared beside his mother, with a rifle in his hand against Duan's head, shouting loudly.

"Forget it! You, a human traitor, really have to be tough!

Duan Tianhao! Become a dragon and accept our arrest, otherwise your parents' lives will be lost!

Dont try to use coercion to rescue your parents from our hands!

Before we get anomaly, I can definitely kill your parents immediately! "

"Heh, are you soldiers from the former Star Stripe Nation?" Silom asked.

"How did you know?" The soldier who hijacked Duan Tianhao's parents was taken aback.

"Only the former Star Striped soldiers can be as shameless as you, gangsters who advertise justice. This is what others say about you, don't you know?" Silom teased.

"...Bastard! We are the best soldiers in the alliance! The future of the alliance! The patron saint!" the soldier yelled in a low voice.

"Hurry up and become a dragon! Accept the arrest!"

"The clamor of flies." Xilong's eyes narrowed slightly.

The next moment, suddenly opened, an invisible ripple spread out.

That is the double shock of its own dragon power and mental shock!

The power is much greater than the simple Longwei before!

After all, the spiritual strength of his body is far beyond the limits of his current body!

Only for a moment, everyone hiding in the helicopter felt as if their heads were severely hammered by a hammer, and they passed out without saying a word.

These guys never dreamed that even if they were divided according to their strengths, they, as Tier 5, among the human elites, would be frightened by a creature's eyes!

The previous Longwei intelligence was obviously insufficient!


The helicopter fell straight to the ground because no one was piloting it.

Shillon reached out a giant claw and grabbed the helicopter in his hand.

Then he rescued Duan Tianhao's parents from the helicopter.

As for the people in the helicopter?

All were pinched to death by him.

He glanced at the footage that had been filming and broadcasting and sneered: "Alliance fools! With this behavior, you are telling me, are you planning to resist the presence of the Dragon God?

Do all useless stupid things.

You can't resist! This is a doomed reality! "

His eyes seemed to cross the endless network, appearing in front of everyone who was still watching the broadcast.

Milbo, who was in the white palace of the holy city, naturally watched all this.

His face was extremely gloomy.

"This Duan Tianhao is actually stronger than before!

why? Demonization can do this level of things?

Is his current strength still rank ten? Or just like me, has surpassed rank ten?"

The more I thought about it, the more ugly Milbo's complexion became.

I'm a god! The omniscient and almighty god!

How can a running dog of the magic dragon have the same strength as a god?

This is impossible!

Millbomb silently looked at the glowing sphere in his hand, and finally sighed.

These two or five intellectual brains, since entering the closed mode, can still talk to it, but they will not answer any questions they ask him.

Now in a state of pretending to be dead.

Ask it why.

It answers the question of fully operating the world of Dora's Tomb, without extra computing power.

Well, an impeccable answer.

Here in Xilong, after saving Duan Tianhao's parents.

He scanned the electronic equipment that was still shooting at him with his eyes.

Peng! A large group of flames ignited from the void, directly burning down the electronic equipment used for shooting!

The temperature was much higher than that of ordinary flames, and several photographers instinctively let go of their hands in the first place, and the camera fell from the sky, leaving only the photographer's annoyed wailing.

Even if it was Lili who was hiding in a certain corner, the phone was ignited by Shillong's sight.

After being thrown to the ground, it exploded with a hit.

Lili was shocked, making her a little bit eager to cry.

My sister Dou Sha, won't it be gone?

My popularity has not stabilized yet!

Before Lili could think about what was going on, the giant dragon not far from her shrank, and then hugged his parents. The figure flashed and disappeared.

At this moment, all the film crews almost wanted to cry.

The terrifying and ferocious dragon in the eyes of ordinary people is undoubtedly cute in the eyes of all photographers.

Because he never took the initiative to attack ordinary people.

Even more because of the traffic, only a few days before the broadcast, the traffic on the platform where all the broadcasters are present has doubled.

The original boss has promised that as long as he can persist until 7 days later, he can obviously be promoted and raise his salary, but why?

The cute little dragon will run away in the last few days?

These people are extremely angry.

It must be the **** soldiers of the Star Striped Nation! They all scared our cute little dragon away!

What do you say to maintain world peace?

You bastards! I broke my dreams!

A price must be paid for this!

Many photographers work part-time as editors of a certain website, and they are most able to make up stories.

Everyone swears that when I go back, I must write to the death the former star-striped soldiers!

Who told you to ruin Lao Tzu's good deeds?


Xilong hugged Duan Tianhaos parents and shuttled back and forth in the city. As long as he saw a camera, he would directly detonate. It took more than 30 minutes to make sure that no one would find out before he entered a certain place. In the office building.

This is usually where people go to work.

But at this time the whole building is very quiet, everyone has taken refuge in their homes, who wants to go out to work?

After all, not all demonized people have received nine years of compulsory education like Shillong, and have extremely high levels of consciousness.

It is not uncommon to kill innocent people.

In this case, how dare ordinary people go out?

Xilong found a room with a good environment and food and other supplies, so he brought Duan Tianhao's parents in.

Put the two on the ground, and then stretch out a finger.


A column of water flowed down his fingers and dripped onto Duan's face.

"Woo..." Dad Duan smashed his mouth in a daze.

He whispered: "Xiaohui...no...no more...too much..."

Xilong frowned when he heard the words, and the water gushing from his fingers suddenly increased and became the size of a basin.

"Punch~" Dad Duan let out a miserable cry, and Silom stopped spraying water.

"Cough cough cough~" Dad Duan coughed violently, and it took a long time to stop.

He glanced at Shillong and then at his wet clothes.

Some uncomfortably shook his body.

Then he looked at the environment for a while, ah, there is no iron wall around.

It should not be a prison anymore.

It looks like a bosss office.

There are a few potted plants, a computer, and a boss chair as standard equipment.

Feeling relieved, Dad looked at Silom at this time and said, "My child...what's the situation with us?"

Silom did not reply, but awakened Duan's mother in the same way.

The rude way made the star-looking dad startled.

Why is this kid so rude?

Haomaa woke up drenched and didn't wait for her to speak.

Xilong said: "You two are saved by me now, but the outside is more dangerous, so you will hide in this building for the time being. Remember, don't go anywhere until the Dragon God descends!

This is an office in an office building. The space is quite spacious and there is a lot of food inside. You will use it now, right?"

"Oh? Tianhao! Don't you stay with us?

Mother hasn't seen you for a long time, but she missed me! "Ho Ma said, she wanted to stand up and give Shillong a hug.

But Siro moved straight back and hid.

"Don't get too close to me."

Shillong was expressionless.

Red light appeared on his body.

Hao's mother watched Sillon suddenly collapsed, tears in her eyes began to roll: "Tianhao...you...is this disgusting mother for being old? Disgusting mother's ugliness, don't you deserve to hug you?"

"?" Silom frowned even more.

What's the matter with this mom, just cry to me?

Lao Tzu is not your son! How could it be possible to give you a woman hug?

"Oh! You woman, crying at every turn, Tianhao is so old, still wanting to hug?" Dad also frowned.

"You woman who knows nothing! Do you know that many demonized people cannot control their own power well?

Look at the red light on Tianhao! That must be a high temperature! If you jump on now, you might get burned!

This is for your good child too! "

How dad had an insightful expression on his face.

"Oh..." After being said so, Hao Ma suddenly realized: "Is that so? Tianhao?"


Shillon glanced at the red light on his body.

This only changes with changes in mood, the temperature will not change much, at best a few degrees higher.

But now that Dad had explained it, Shillong wouldn't say much, he just nodded.

"Let's see! I'll say that Tianhao is great here now, and he must not be able to control his power." Dad Hao looked taken for granted.

"Yeah." Hao Ma nodded her head clearly, but she still asked, "Tianhao! You haven't said why you should separate from us!"


"What's the matter?"

"Very important thing!"

"What the hell? Can't you tell us?"

"No!" Silom shook his head expressionlessly, and disappeared in a flash.

He didn't want to continue talking nonsense with this couple.

The two couples looked at each other after watching Shillon disappear.

Ma Hao said helplessly: "This kid has changed too much, right? I feel so strange.

Is this the side effect of demonization? Even the head is broken! "

Dad was silent for a while, and sighed after a long while: "You women don't understand...this is a man."

"?" Haomaa looked confused.

"All things are carried by one person, all the secrets are hidden in my heart..." Dad's expression was unpredictable.

"We can only stay here now, and the only thing we can do is to pray for Tianhao."

"...?" Hao Ma.


It is said that Xilong left Duan Tianhao's parents, waited until midnight, and then headed to the suburbs.

On the way, he also met several demonized people, but these guys were not very strong, and they couldn't even see Siro.

Just passed him.

After running for about ten minutes, Shillong arrived at his destination.

An extremely magnificent military base.

It was night at this time, but Shillong's vision was not affected at all.

There is basically no one to patrol the base now, and there is only a lone person guarding the guard tower, looking very lonely.

He knew that at least 90% of the soldiers here had gone to suppress the chaos.

There will definitely not be too many left to guard the base.

Shillong imposed a stealth spell on himself, and then dodged behind the soldiers in the guard tower very easily.

Before the opponent reacted, he covered the opponent's mouth with his huge hand.

Then black ropes like tentacles were wrapped around the soldier in circles, trapping him into a zongzi with only his head exposed.

The big hand moved up slowly, and his mouth was blocked by the black rope!

"Uuuu..." The soldier's eyes were full of horror. He knew that he had been attacked, and the price of being attacked.

According to the plot of the movie I have seen, I must first ask for information and then kill!

Will i die?

He was extremely scared.

I... I don't want to die... I haven't married a wife yet!

Then he felt like he was being pinched.

This made the fear in the soldiers' eyes even stronger.

I won't be squeezed out of my head, am I?


Brother forgive me!

But immediately, he felt like he was hung in the air and turned around.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu the sound of the sound of the sound of the whimper sound of the soldier's whimper sound more intense!

What did he see? Except for a pair of red eyes, nothing else!

In the middle of the night, a pair of eyes floated in the air! Think about how scary this is!

"The voice is softer, you are too noisy." An indifferent voice came from the void.

"!?" The soldier was shocked.

A pair of eyeballs are talking?

How can the eyes speak? This unscientific!

"be quiet!"

The voice of the void came again.

The soldier didn't even dare to make a whining sound, and nodded very cleverly.

"now it's right."

The eyes in the void and the soldier's eyesight meet tightly.

Soon, the soldier's eyes became dull.

"Tell me, where is the top commander of your base?" the voice in the void asked.

The black rope that had been stuck in the soldier's mouth gradually disappeared.

"...I.... I don't know..." The soldier was non-shinto.

"Then who knows? Tell me."

"Building 8, Olasian of 501...know..."

"Very well, go to sleep well, after 12 hours, you can wake up."

"Oh..." the soldier agreed.

After a puff, he fell on the guard tower and fell asleep.

"Olasian." The voice in the void murmured.


A cracking sound rang, and the night fell silent again.

Building 8, Room 501.

There is only this room in the entire five-story building.

Silom stood at the door, with his excellent hearing, he heard some abnormal sounds inside.

The diaphragm of the door should be very good, but it can't support the Shillon. Hearing is too good, and there is still a slight voice coming from it.

He frowned slightly, someone in there was doing that stuff?

Humph! Isn't it said that there are no women in this kind of base?

It seems that the alliance in this world is a bit rotten!

His palm lightly covered the door handle, but within two seconds, he burned the switch inside.

Then he twisted the door handle and opened the door naturally.

Ignoring everything in the living room, Silom continued to the room where the sound was made, opening the door easily as before.

Perhaps it was too intense inside, and the sound of the door opening was too soft. After Silom walked into the room, neither of the two people inside actually noticed it.

Still continuing the previous things.

Their expressions are very enjoyable and engaged.

But after seeing the scene, Silom felt that his eyes were burning and hurting!

The picture in front of you is too spicy!

Not one man and one woman he imagined, but two men!

A majestic man, and a man with a little old-fashioned appearance...

Damn it! Shillong said that he had never seen such a disgusting thing in his life!

Immediately cast a low-level impact spell.

boom! The two men screamed and slammed hard against the wall behind them.

Then he slid to the ground embarrassingly.

After they looked at the door of the room, they saw the eyes in the void.

"Demonized people?" Both of them were surprised.

But it seems that because the door is not closed, the shouts of the two are faintly restrained.

The young man didn't panic too much when he met Shillong. Instead, he showed extremely high professionalism. One turned over to the bed, and when he stuck his head again, he was already holding a pistol in his hand.

No extra nonsense, raising his hand to Shillong was a shot.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The silenced pistol bullets were all aimed at the eyes in the void.

In response, Shillong just casually blocked their eyes with their invisible arms.

There was no defense at all in other places, and the bullets bounced away.

From the eyes of the two people in the original room, it seemed that there was an invisible wall in front, and all the bullets couldn't break it.

But they didn't give up either, the old man also moved immediately, one side turned to the left, trying to escape from the other side door.

Immediately, the invisible shock wave rushed towards him as before.

Peng! Unfortunately, this time the old man hit the back wall with his head first and fainted.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded.

The young man found that the eyeballs floating in the void disappeared.

Immediately after that, there was a pain in the arm holding the gun.

Let him throw off the pistol instinctively.

Then he felt like his neck was pinched by a pair of huge palms.

"Uh, uh~" the young man groaned in pain. He wanted to break free, but found that this was simply unrealistic, and the invisible power was amazing!

Then he wanted to fight back.

Use your hands and feet to attack those eyes in the void.

But the black tentacles that emerged from the void trapped him hard.

The red eyes in the void stared at him indifferently.

The young man felt his consciousness gradually blurred.

He felt as if he had entered a dream, everything became illusory, and his spirit became more and more ethereal.

A voice that seemed to reach the soul rang in my ears, both as far away and as near.

"Olatheon...Olatheon...Are you Olatheon?"

"Yes...I am..." the young man Olasian replied in a daze.

"Tell me...who is the highest commander of the entire base?"

"Domi... Nick..."

"where is he?"

"..." Olasian was silent.

He gradually turned his head and looked at the old man on the left who had passed out like a sleepwalking.

"Domi... Nick... sir..." Olasian stared at the old man closely.

"..." Hearing this answer, the voice in the sky was silent.

Then, Olasian's consciousness sank and he really fainted.

All other parts of the Void Eye's body slowly emerged ~wuxiaworld.online~ A tall dragon figure silently stared at the old man not far away.

"These two guys... are pretty good at playing."

Shillong sighed, and then awakened the old man again, using the same method to get everything he wanted to know.

He came to the compartment and started logging into the base intranet.

Then log in as Dominic.

Here is the information he needs!

Information about the latest weapons and test data!

The most powerful one is indeed [Thunder Fury], a super weapon that uses scientific discharge.

Super lightning that can generate tens of billions of volts in an instant!