The latest website: Shillong clicked on a video about [Thunder Fury].

The distance is very far, at least tens of kilometers away.

The lethality of this super lightning is somewhat similar to a nuclear explosion.

They all cause incalculable super damage to a small area.

The difference is that the range of Super Lightning is smaller.

Only tens of meters in diameter.

According to records, the high temperature generated by lightning of this level can melt everything in an instant.

This kind of damage should be stronger than the high temperature that lasted for a thousandth of a second in a nuclear explosion!

Then there is follow-up damage, which will turn into thousands of thunderballs, irregularly destroying everything around it.

This range is determined by the specific volts of [Thunder Fury].

In many experiments, the maximum can reach tens of kilometers.

Then there is radiation current.

This is a slight injury, not enough to be fatal.

But it can destroy all circuits in the range...

Looking at these materials, the corners of Shillon's mouth slightly cocked. .

The lightning of tens of billions of volts is indeed very strong.

But what a pity! You met me!

The nemesis of all flames and high temperatures! And their masters!

However, this also gave Silom a wake-up call. With his current nuclear attack, the flaws are actually very large. It seems that some changes will be made in the fusion flame with a temperature of hundreds of millions of dollars in the future, and the duration of the flame must be increased!

Otherwise, the so-called nuclear attack against enemies at the same level may become a joke! Can only be used to clean up miscellaneous soldiers is not what he wants!


In the end Shillon's figure disappeared here.

Until the next morning.

The sun fell on the earth again.

The guards in the original base were still working orderly.

But among them, Olasian's colleague found that the usual spirited men and women waited until noon and disappeared.

Originally because of the demonized people, the entire base was in a busy state.

This kid, why is he still not working?

A group of colleagues was angry, and they didn't reply when they sent him a message?

They did not receive any news that the kid had left the base to fight the demonized man.

So what is this kid doing? What do you hide at home?

Was it because she couldn't control her desire and died in the hands of the fifth girl?

Someone thought.

Not to mention, this is really possible, after all, there had been such news in the past two years!

There are no women in the city guard base! When the guards are hungry and thirsty, they always find five girls to solve their troubles.

The more they thought about it, the more wrong they were, and they came to 501 together. When they came to the door of the room, they found that the door was wide open and there was a loud snoring noise.

This makes everyone a little angry!

Lao Tzu worked hard outside, but this kid Olasian actually slept inside?

Why doesn't it close the door?

Are you pure heart to **** us off?

They came to the door angrily, walked into the living room of the room, and then walked to the bedroom with the same door open on one side.


Everyone seems to be petrified!

What did they see? Olasian, and their commander Dominic lay on the bed and fell asleep! Hmm...I don't wear anything...

Everyone looked at each other and all got a message from each other.

We didn't see anything! I have never been here!

He crept on his feet until everyone slowly exited the room.

Waiting until the night, the two people in the room were considered sober. After looking at each other, they gradually recalled everything from yesterday, and then looked out the window.

The complexions of the two turned pale!

That's it! Our reputation is over!


Time continued to pass. After Shillong got the information he wanted at the guard base, he returned to the city to wander around.

Then on the night of the seventh day, he returned to Duan Tianhao's parents who were arranged in the office building.

After seeing the safe and sound fathers and mothers, he returned his consciousness to Duan Tianhao and returned to his ontological control.

Regain control of the body, Duan Tianhao burst into tears directly looking at the parents in front of him.

Pounced into his mother's arms, crying: "Mom! I miss you so much! I'm so afraid I won't see you again! Uuuuuu..."

"!?" Hao Ma looked blank.

What's wrong with this kid? We saw each other the day before yesterday. At that time, we were so indifferent to our mother, and now we are holding her and crying?

Sure enough, has there been a problem in your mind after the demonization?

When Haomam thought of this, she couldn't help crying too.

Tianhao! I'm good Tianhao! Why is there a problem with my head!

And how dad, watching and watching, also cried...

child! Working hard outside as a man!

The family hugged each other and wept bitterly...

The seven-day notice of "Duan Tianhao" in the eyes of the world came.

The sky is not completely bright, but the first ray of sunlight has already fallen on the earth.

In the Alliance Holy City, but did not enjoy the light brought by this ray of sunshine.

The dark clouds here are so heavy that the entire sky seems to be still in the dark.

No raindrops fell, but blue thunders flickered in the dark clouds in the sky.

Makes the entire holy city seem extremely depressing.

Not many people in the entire holy city are still here.

Most of them have already evacuated.

Liao was empty on the dim street.

But there was a helicopter staying in the outer part.

They used the most cutting-edge shooting technology, even if they were twenty to thirty kilometers apart, they could photograph the white palaces of the holy city.

At this time, Millbo and other congressmen were still in the white palace.

But they are already hundreds of meters underground, where they are safe, and they are not afraid that the next attack will spread here.

All the MPs are still sitting around a conference table as before.

Everyone's mood is as heavy as the dark clouds outside.

There are dozens of small screens on the big screen in front of them, constantly switching.

This is a super system that monitors the entire holy city. As soon as a magic dragon appears, it will zoom in for the members to understand the situation.

"The seventh day has come, is the dragon coming soon?" A congressman looked very solemn.

"The exact time is unknown, but it should come today. Of course, the possibility of Duan Tianhao lying is not ruled out."

"Probably not, that magic dragon has already descended into this world. This is the news we got from General Mork a long time ago.

According to expert analysis, this seven-day notice has a large part of its effect and is used to intimidate us.

And the effect is very good!

There are too many traitors among the human race! "

"All these traitors must be eliminated! Wait until we destroy the dragon!"

"Where is the traitor named Duan Tianhao? Why did he disappear all at once?"

"I have lost my track, so I should be hiding."

"How is Thunder Fury brewing? We only have this chance!

If it fails, I think we humans will really lose!

Those missile groups waiting dozens of kilometers away, I don't think it can deal with that magic dragon. "

"Don't worry! This is definitely the most powerful attack since [Thunder's Fury] was developed! And don't underestimate the missile group!" The Tepp face of Milbo's incarnation was solemn.

He used his superb spell ability and thunder rage to fill the entire sky with thunder.

It's like a human being holding back urine for seven days! Just open the valve! It must be shocking!

Even against the current, you will pee five feet away!

Millbo is very confident in it!

"If there is No. 1 Member of Teppe, I'm relieved! Senator Tep is always so reliable." One member boasted.

Roar! ! !

While the congressmen were talking, a terrifying dragon roar came from the surrounding speakers, interrupting the conversation.

All the councillors turned their heads and looked at the big screen, only to see a dark sky with some golden lines, even under the extremely dim sky, a huge figure that was still dazzling broke through the clouds and slowly landed.

His whole body was wrapped with a scarlet flame like a ghost fire, constantly spinning.

The figure is huge.

Same as the information obtained! Bigger than Dora's tomb world!

But when he actually appeared on the screen, all those who saw him lost their voice collectively!

When he slowly landed outside the white palace.

The original solid marble cracked every inch and the earth collapsed!

It was like being crushed by a solid steel ball.

The main building of the white palace, the great building close to 30 meters high and 60 meters wide, looks like a model as petite and ridiculous in the contrast of the giant dragon!

That dragon is too big!

Only through comparison, can you personally feel the hugeness!

Unlike before, everyone just felt that he was bigger than Doras tomb world!

That's not some! But a lot!

On all fours, the height from the dragon's head to the ground is definitely more than 70 meters!

Just the unfolded dragon wings can easily cover a large number of buildings including the white palace!

The floating red flame casts a huge shadow, covering everything!

His eyes are as bright as the scorching sun suddenly appearing in the dark night.

Even looking at these eyes through the screen will make people feel awe in them from the bottom of my heart.

"Mortals! The seventh day has come, and the **** descended here.

Why not see the celebrating guard of honor?

Where are the salutes and fireworks?"

At least tens of millions of people are watching this scene on a webcast platform.

The barrage is flying around the screen.

Some looked at the dragon on the screen with horror, while others were afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

"Why? Why is it clearly a creature in a game that will really come to reality? This is not scientific!"

"Is the former stupid? What age is it now? Still believe in science? I have converted to theology long ago!"

"Hahaha! Humans are over! How do you fight such monsters?"

"Bastard! Don't say frustrating words! [Thunder's Fury] will definitely kill the dragon! That's the strongest weapon in the legend!"


at the same time.

In a bright computer room.

A small figure was wrapped in blue light, floating in the air.

This figure is like an eight-year-old child.

But his head was so big, it was twice as big as his body.

His hands and feet are weak and short.

The eyes are big, blooming with blue light.

He stared at the screen, watching the stupid remarks on the barrage, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He is the former leader of the demonized organization codenamed brain.

Demonization IV has been completed at this time!

The strength has grown to the tenth level!

The world became so beautiful in his eyes.

Shillong's image in his eyes is even higher than the sky!

In reality these days, he can be said to be very low-key. Since someone came to the door due to the exposure of the alliance, he has simply defeated the opponent.

Then rely on his own means to find a new house around to hide.

As for the original owner of the house?

He has already been hypnotized by him now, giving him the same grandfather.

He has been waiting for His Majesty the Demon Dragon King's order, waiting to serve His Majesty.

After hearing Duan Tianhao's seven-day notice, he began to look forward to this day.

Now expect to come true.

But looking at the idiots on the barrage, some people actually said that your Majesty the Dragon King was killed with thunder anger? He felt he couldn't bear it anymore!

Then the light in his eyes flashed.

The keyboard in front of you rose automatically without hands.

The sound of crackling becomes one piece!

"The stupid stuff in front! Do you think His Majesty the Dragon King is afraid of thunder anger? I think you haven't woken up yet?"

"I tell you these brains! Your Majesty the Dragon King wants to destroy the entire world without a minute!

You scumbags! Also worthy to fight your Majesty?"

"Your majesty is very kind! Don't have eyes on you dogs!"

"Just you pigs! Also worthy of being an enemy of your Majesty?"


The brain is fighting with the legendary five sprays per second!

Soon someone saw his rebellious remarks.

One by one angered.

"Dog stuff! Are you a demonized person? Obviously a human traitor! How dare you appear on the Internet?

I can't beat you in reality! Doesn't I scold a **** on the Internet?

"Brothers start spraying!"

"It's a son of a bitch! Isn't there no parents? They help foreign creatures to speak?"

"Dog stuff can't die!"

"Only iron waste that can't be mixed with humans will choose demonization! Demonized dogbi! You are a scum!"

The strength of the human keyboard man cannot be underestimated.

Even if the number of their speeches is limited to a few minutes, and the brain has done tricks because of its superb hacking skills, without this limitation, he is far from an opponent of tens of millions of humans on the Internet!

Many other demons are still on the sidelines!

The dragon hasn't won yet!

Speaking so early does not reveal the fact that he has demonized people? This is going to be punished!

When the brain saw that it could not spray some ordinary people, it was immediately angry!

The whole body was lit up with a blue light.

The mental energy penetrated the room and began to spread outward.

The blue energy in the eyes has exploded to the point where mortals cannot look directly!

Key move!


All the blue energy began to expand frantically, and soon overwhelmed the 25-story apartment building where he was now!

Those who originally watched the broadcast quietly in front of the computer were shocked to find that their keyboards moved by themselves!

It seems that an invisible big hand is typing at a speed that surpasses humans!

The computer that is not turned on turns on by itself, and then enters the broadcast platform!

Some people want to stop, but there seems to be a wall of air to stop them!

Everyone can only watch a barrage on the computer keep refreshing!

"A mortal! Will surrender to the mighty power of the Dragon King!"

"A mortal! Will surrender to the mighty power of the Dragon King!"

"A mortal! Will surrender to the mighty power of the Dragon King!"

Just like copying and pasting, it ignores the barrage limit and keeps refreshing. The number of screens per second is definitely more than ten times!

The entire apartment has at least 3 to 400 residents, and there is not only one computer per household!

At least 600 or so, all broke out! This is definitely a big horror!

The entire broadcast platform was directly screened!

All mortals have been suppressed!

They want to fight back, but they are not opponents who are restricted by the barrage!

Someone who knew the inside of the site asked them why the demonized **** could use unlimited barrage.

They can only answer honestly, the other party is a super hacker.

Then the keyboard guys asked the website staff to also unlock the barrage restrictions.

But unfortunately this is impossible. After removing the barrage of nearly tens of millions of people, the website can crash instantly!

So the human side is now extremely frustrated!

"Hahahaha! Stupid mortal! Have you seen it? This is the power that His Majesty the Dragon King gave me!

Regardless of reality! Still the network! As the brain of His Majesty the Dragon King! I am a hundred stronger than you! wrong! It should be a thousand times!

Hahahaha! Surrender to my strength! Mortals! "

The brain floats in the room filled with blue light, laughing wildly!


Before the White Palace.

No one would answer Shillong's question.

Several hundred meters underground.

Milbo said with a gloomy expression: "The Devil Dragon! Let me die! Try this unprecedented super [Thunder Fury]! You will surely be satisfied to scream!"

After that, Millbo pressed the red button in his hand fiercely.

Outside the White Palace.

Shillong saw dozens of kilometers away, dozens of red rays shot diagonally into the sky above his head, in the incomparably dark clouds!

Noisy la la la la ~

In just an instant, the lightning in the clouds began to riot! Thousands of Thunder Mang began to converge towards the middle!

Purple and blue thunder masterpiece!

Almost blinded!

This dangerous and beautiful Lei Mang makes all humans look forward to it!

Looking forward to smashing that **** dragon!

The rumbling thunder is getting louder and louder.

Shillon raised his head and glanced at the thunder in the sky. There was no tension in his heart, even feeling very ridiculous.

This is the super weapon of mankind?

Nima, suffocation is almost like urine.

If it wasn't for me to release the water...no, it was to release the sea.

If it is a real enemy, it rushes directly to the sky to disperse all the clouds and mist, and the thunderclouds that were brewing before are all scrapped? Give me a fart?

But now, if it wasn't for all human beings to understand the gap between each other and let them completely give up, how could Shillong be in the mood to endure this for nothing?

He watched the thunder above and held back again for ten seconds.

Then, the shining thunder pillar went straight down!

Even Silom didn't react, and was hit straight!

His body was instantly submerged in the blue and purple ocean!

The terrifying high temperature in the thunder made everything around quickly evaporate!

It continued for a few seconds!

All humans held their breath and watched the scene on the broadcast attentively!

dead! Die! The dragon must die!

They sincerely looked forward to it, and even instantly reflected on the barrage of the broadcast website!

Thousands of people really have one heart! It suppressed the arrogant brain before!

The entire screen is.

"Devil dragon! The alliance is invincible!"

This counterattack caused the brain to be caught off guard, and there was so much worry in his heart for His Majesty the Dragon King.


The terrible thunder pillar disappeared.

What appeared in front of all human beings was the white palace dissolved into residues.

To be precise, there was only a heat wave tumbling, like melted mud...

But the standing dragon is still motionless!

The dark scales did not change a trace of color.

Among those horrible eyes, there were only mocking and laughing!

"Hahahaha" seeing this scene, the previous worries were thrown directly into the stars by the brain!

"Human scum! Have you seen it? Your Majesty the Dragon King is invincible! Hahahaha!"

The brain is full of pride, and instantly becomes the **** of the keys again!

Suppress thousands of people with one person!

The battle of His Majesty the Dragon King is not over yet!

My majesty's brain! The battle with the enemy is also not over!


Bai's palace is hundreds of meters underground.

The power supply here still has no problems under [Thunder Fury], thanks to the name of the Holy City.

The entire basement is designed with the most perfect plan and technology!

However, the basement is okay, but the congressmen who were calm and calm before are all messed up!

"Representative Tepp! Don't you say nothing is foolproof?

For...why...our strongest weapon is still useless against that monster?" A congressman asked in shock, his body began to shake!

"Shut up! How could I know why!" The incarnation of Milbo glared at the opponent and said angrily.

His eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

At the same time, his heart was roaring frantically!

This is the strongest weapon of mankind! Thunder Fury! And it was improved by me!

Definitely the ultimate weapon of Super Thunder Fury!

An invincible weapon for single bombing!

Those hundreds, hundreds of billions of volts of super lightning strikes the creatures, and the Jedi can instantly generate over 100 million degrees of high temperature!

Evaporate any living thing into elementary particles!

But that giant dragon, why is there nothing wrong with it!

What does the mockery in his eyes mean?

Is this despising me?

Damn it! A **** who was driven out of the world of Dora's tomb by me! Why is it so rampant in front of me!

Millbo was furious!

Immediately press another button of the controller in your hand.

The ground is dozens of kilometers away.

Here are full of ultra-long-range strike artillery carts, filled with missiles, pointing at the original white palace at an angle of 70 degrees!

The shells here are densely packed, like a honeycomb! At least more than 100,000 pieces!

After Millbo pressed the controller, all the missiles started to spray flames from behind the ass! Then burst out!

The rumbling noise echoed in the gun carriage position. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

The sky was quickly filled with these shells.

Like an orderly army in the sky, slaying to the place where the dragon is on the original site of the White Palace!

The long tail flame changes the sky!

Those humans who had been desperate watching the broadcast immediately regained their spirits.

With so many missiles, can they defeat that magic dragon?

It must be possible? After all, this is the killer weapon placed behind Thunder Fury!

The missile group cut through the sky and fell straight at Shillong.

As before, in everyone's eyes, the dragon has no meaning to dodge!