This is good! The arrogant dragon! Be prepared to pay the price for underestimating human wisdom!

Between the roar of artillery.

Fire, lightning, frost, poison, and all kinds of damage broke out all at once, some of which were mixed together and caused a second impact damage!

The dust and fog flooded all areas within a few kilometers of the explosion site.

The rumble of explosions echoed continuously.

In the underground palace, Milbo's expression was extremely cold, his eyes fixed on the smoke.

"Damn it! You will pay for your arrogance!

These 100,000 missiles are all specially selected by me! It contains thousands of special missiles! These missiles explode together, not as simple as one plus one equals two! I can't, you have no weakness! Not afraid of any kind of attack! "

The explosion lasted more than ten minutes!

The huge smoke broke through the clouds in the sky!

Should be killed?

Everyone couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts.

But before the smoke slowly dissipated, a violent wind suddenly fanned out from the smoke, and all the smoke and dust around it disappeared!

What appeared in everyone's eyes was the king of the devil dragon flapping his wings.

Every time he **** his wings, a tornado hurricane will be set off on the spot.

Fly all the debris.

Compared with the beginning, the terrible dragon seems to be no different. His scales are still pitch black, unchanged.

There is a huge pothole under him, which is sixty or seventy meters more sunken than the previous ground!

The surrounding ground is full of scorched earth, frozen earth, and some crystals burned by high-temperature flames, all of which show how amazing the power of the explosion just now!

At this moment, the hearts of countless humans are cold. On the contrary, the brains of the demonized humans cheered in front of the computer, shouting loudly at the invincibility of the Demon Dragon King.

Ordinary people who are still demonizing seem to be more determined to demonize!

Duan Tianhao let them see the potential of demonized people.

The King of the Devil Dragon appears again, letting all humans know what a real super life is! Invincible power!

Confront the entire alliance with the power of a dragon! Have the power to easily destroy the entire human race!

All human beings know that no one can live as long as the pure white light blooms!

In the eyes of the dragon king, the previous methods are as funny as a clown's performance?

The King of Devil Dragon hasn't fought back yet!

Milbo's face was very bad at this time, as if swallowing shit.

Tier 13...is it so strong?

Is he and Tier 11 really the gap between heaven and earth?

Why does such a powerful enemy appear in front of me? Why do you want to oppose me?

Damn it! Wisdom! Wisdom! Teach me how to deal with that evil dragon!

answer me! I can't live without you!

Milbo's heart was in tears, and he felt that he was too small in front of him! The methods are all out, but they are useless at all! All efforts are useless at all!

The surrounding congressmen panicked one by one, and some of them panicked and said, "What should I do? What should I do? Did we lose? We lost it completely?"

"Damn! Why is there such a monster in the world! He is invincible at all! Can we only surrender?"

"Surrender! It's impossible to win! The gap between us is too big!"

Yes! Although the battle between them and the dragon is short.

It only takes less than ten minutes, but this already represents their failure!

After all, this is not a battle between two fantasy powerhouses, there is no **** fist to the flesh, and an explosive roar.

Some are just the most direct release and blow of technological weapons!

When the strongest weapons fail, they have already ushered in a complete failure!

The difference in strength between the opponent and theirs is not a dimension at all!

The enemy has godlike power! Maybe he really is a god? Many congressmen could not recognize such an idea.


"Arrogant, stupid alliance! It seems necessary for you to understand the gap between man and God! Only then will you lower your head!"

Above the surface, it seemed that the anger was ignited by the attack just now. The huge dragon king roared and made a shock wave-like sound, which spread directly to the ears of the photographers dozens of kilometers away and the shooting equipment.

Then it is transmitted to the ears of all audiences through broadcast.

Is it coming? The dragon king's counterattack?

Everyone was terrified.

Members of the underground are even more panicked.

"Why... how could this be? The dragon is going to attack us! No! I want to surrender! I don't want to die!"

"I don't want to die either! I'm only 50 years old! I'm still young! My 35 lovers can't live without me!"

"Congressman Tepp! Let's surrender!"

In panic, the congressmen turned their eyes to Congressman Tepp, who was incarnation of Milbo.

But Millbo's expression was extremely heavy.

"Surrender? How to surrender? We can hear the other party's voice only because the other party's voice is loud enough and spread far enough.

But we have no way to convey meaning to the dragon on the surface in a short time.

Dont forget, all the instruments there are damaged!

Now, even if we see the picture, it is a picture taken from 20 to 30 kilometers away...

Do you think we have the means to convey news to each other at such a distance?"

"..." As soon as the words came out, the congressmen were silent for a moment, and immediately said in horror: "Then...Are we waiting to die here? You know his terrifying white light, right? It doesn't take much. If you send it, you can hit us! We will all die if this continues!"

"Shut up!" Milbo said angrily: "You also know how many consecutive shots he needs?

Forget about our underground tracks? "

As the holy city, the refuge below the white palace, this place can only be treated by the highest human power.

Naturally there is an escape route.

There is an underground track with a very fast tram going directly to Liberty City, a hundred kilometers away.

"Yes...Yes! We still have a rescue!" A congressman responded with surprise.

"Quick! Let's go quickly! The magic dragon is about to start attacking!" a member of the council nervously reminded.

"Huh?" This sentence immediately shocked everyone's hearts.

Turning his head almost instinctively to look at the screen.

I saw the huge king of the dragon standing on the ground, the wings of the sky spreading out.

The terrifying dragon's mouth opened slightly, and a sphere made of pure darkness appeared on the screen!

It's very strange, it's obviously the night, and logically speaking, this darkness should be ignored.

But this darkness makes everyone see clearly, it is darker than the night!

As if it were the source of darkness.

This is an extremely small ball of darkness.

The expansion, compression, expansion, and compression cycle repeated before the giant mouth of the dragon king.

"This magic dragon...what trick is it using now?" a member of the Diet asked in amazement.

"Don't worry about any tricks! We'll just run away!" A member of the assembly said anxiously, opening the door of the parliament and ran out.

When other people saw it, no one was thinking about what tricks the dragon used.

When ordinary people see this black ball, they can't help but think, is this a more terrifying trick than the pure white light before?

It should be impossible, right? What could be stronger than that kind of nightmare horror?

They watched the black sphere go back and forth between expansion and contraction a dozen times, and finally the King of Devil Dragon suddenly spit it into the sky!

The black ball flew straight to several kilometers in the sky before it was considered to stop. Then, the space within a radius of nearly ten kilometers, like a vortex in the water, began to spin.

The earth was dragged by the vortex, and it began to collapse on a large scale instantly! The mud was sucked directly onto the black ball along this vortex!

Large blocks of soil with a diameter of several meters or even tens of meters are adsorbed on them.

When they touched the black ball, they completely covered the black ball.

The whole body began to compress!

The original piece of soil with a diameter of nearly ten meters suddenly became a piece of soil with a diameter of less than one meter!

The original irregular shape of this soil block suddenly became extremely smooth, and the gray soil became pure black!

Later, after touching the black ball, the soil block stretched immediately, like a dough that had been stretched by a person, and directly wrapped the black ball. Then start to compress.....

The earth is constantly cracking! Floating!

All followed the space vortex into the dark sphere in the sky! The whole scene is terrifying.

The black ball keeps expanding, and the potholes on the ground keep getting bigger!

The human beings watching the broadcast were shocked and collectively lost their voices.

But ten seconds.

Pieces of colored stones floated out of the ground! And steel!

What ordinary people don't know at all, that is the material of the refuge hundreds of meters below the earth!


Ten seconds ago, underground.

After seeing the black ball, the parliamentarians quickly evacuated the conference room. They had to rush into the tram not far outside!

When they just arrived in front of the tram and wanted to board, they were shocked to find that the basement began to vibrate!

They looked up in amazement, and saw that the original roof was gone!

Being hundreds of meters underground, endless air-conditioning flows in instantly, dissipating the heat provided by the original heating equipment.

It makes the members of parliament shiver.

When they uttered a scream, the vortex directly covered them, and everyone was like an ant that was directly rolled up along the vortex, experiencing a different flying journey.

Go upstream.

When they saw the Dragon King in mid-air.

They couldn't help but wailed in fear: "Oh! No! No!!! Don't do this! Your Majesty the Dragon King! We surrender! Please let us go! Please let us go!"

But what responded to them was the cold look of the magic dragon.

In the end, in despair, their bodies were attached to the dark ball!

In an instant, their bones and flesh were shattered! It was pressed into a pancake no more than one millimeter thick!

Blood red blood red! Terrible!

After being pulled by the space vortex, Milbo immediately wanted to cast a spell to escape.

But he was horrified to find that all the surrounding elements had been messed up and could not be used by him at all!

His spells are blocked!

The body was torn out after being uncontrolled...

"No! How could I die here! I am a god! The **** who rules the world!" Milbo roared in both horror and anger.

This voice is much louder than the previous MPs.

After Shillon heard this, he couldn't help but look over, then raised his brow.

With just a glance, Silom recognized him. After all, he had learned a lot about the world through Brother Hao's body.

Naturally recognize who the opponent is, the first member of the league, Tepp!

It's just that after this old skin appeared, he was quickly pulled by the vortex to recover his true body, a handsome young man.

Unexpectedly, this so-called first congressman was actually pretended to be someone else, ha ha ha, think about it, this world is no longer a purely technological world.

Extraordinary power will always breed some geniuses and careerists who will replace the opponent after killing the first member.

He could directly inherit everything from the other party, which allowed Syllo to understand everything he saw.

However, this guy does have some strength. At this time, he is actually using his own power to forcibly pull the gravitational pull of the mimic black hole in the sky.

But all this was in vain, he was just a little bit slower than the others, and the final result still won't change at all!

However, it is not easy to be able to resist the gravitational force of the mimic black hole a little bit. I am afraid that this strength can be compared with Duan Tianhao?

It really is a genius.

It's a pity.... The wrong way!

Shillong looked at each other's eyes with pity and sadness.

"Damn dragon! Don't underestimate me!!! Even if you can't use spells! I still have my grudge!! I am a god!!! The only **** in the world!!!"

Milbo's original handsome face burst into blue veins! The body exudes endless golden light, shining like stars in the night sky!

The audience who had been desperate saw this scene unexpectedly ignited a ray of hope.

This... Is it the secret weapon of the Alliance? The strongest force used to deal with the dragon?

Can he defeat the dragon?

With this expectation.

They saw endless golden streamers shooting out of the golden rays, some shot toward the magic dragon, and some shot toward the black ball in the sky!

Huh huh~

The gorgeous golden streamer shot on the black ball, but sadly exploded a pit with a diameter of no more than a few centimeters.

And in the next second, this small pit was immediately filled...

The golden light blasting towards the magic dragon flew no more than a hundred meters away, and it was directly distorted by the vortex, and the black ball rushing to the sky was silent.

This person who appeared with hope did not have the strength to challenge the King of Devil Dragon!

The gap... is still too big!

"It's impossible! How can my stunts be useless at all?" Milbo's face was incredulous.

"My grudge is shining! But even the hardest diamond can be blasted into powder! Why can't it penetrate the dirt? Even the damage from the explosion is insignificant!"

"Isn't this inevitable? Stupid mortal! My mimic black hole has already caused the original ordinary soil to undergo deeper gravitational compression, density and hardness.

They are already comparable to the hardest and most dense things in your world. Even beyond, your poor stunt is no different from fireworks! "

Shillon's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Milbo's chest.

The color of madness on Mill Wave's face became more intense, and he yelled: "You are the stupid! I am a god! I will never lose to you this lizard! It is absolutely impossible!!!"

At the moment of his roar, Millbo burst out all his power of faith!

The fighting spirit on him shines like stars in the sky!

The entire sky was illuminated by golden brilliance, even if it was tens of kilometers away, everyone could see clearly.

His strength improved again! Entered the twelfth level briefly! The level of demigods!

All the audience once again ignited hope!

But there was only a faint surprise in Siro's eyes, and then the corners of his mouth opened slightly, revealing an ironic smile.

I saw Milbo's hands converge on his chest, and all the vindictiveness in his body began to converge!

The light on the hand became more and more bright, and the golden brilliance turned into platinum because it was too bright! A few meters before being led into the black ball, a white light group with a diameter of three meters was actually gathered!

"Break it for me!!!" Millbo roared, and poured the entire ball of light on the black ball!

boom! ! !

There was a huge roar.

The surface of the black ball was exploded! A big hole with a diameter of ten meters appeared.

Seeing this big hole, the hideousness on the surface of Mill Wave disappeared in an instant, and replaced by shock.

Then his whole body was sucked directly into the pit!

But the clod that was blasted away by him immediately blocked the hole where he was!

Milbo was firmly stuck in the pit, but for a moment, the darkness in front of him was all, and huge pressure squeezed him.

He felt the fear! Want to scream, want to scream, want to ask for mercy! Using the last grudge of the whole body to resist the pressure.

But it was useless, his body began to twist and squash...

No one can see how frightened the expression on his face is now! despair! helpless!

In the end, like the previous members, it became a blood-red pancake...

A month ago, it was the most beautiful in the world, and the strongest human being died.

No one knows who his true identity is, because he has erased all information about himself.

No one could even imagine that the so-called omniscient and omnipotent **** in the world of Dora's tomb died in the hands of the magic dragon.

The two gods in the eyes of all humans are actually not rivals of the same level at all!

"Dear Second Qualified Person, congratulations on killing the first Qualified Person, and you will automatically be promoted to the First Qualified Person." An indifferent electronic voice suddenly sounded in Siro's ear.

"???" Silom looked startled, "What are you talking about? When did I kill the first qualified person? Why don't I know?"

"Just now, the man who uses the golden fighting spirit, he is the first qualified person in this system, he calls himself the all-knowing and almighty god, his real name is Milbo Locks."

"Are you kidding me?" Shillon didn't believe it.

"Ben Zhi Brain will not be joking."

"Haha.... Then I believe you half." Silom replied, but he still wouldn't fully trust this second and fifth boy.

It is not impossible to lie to me that I am dead and then let me relax my guard!

So if you believe in this twenty-five boy, you absolutely cannot believe it all.

"You actually said that the first qualified person is the weak chicken just now?" The corner of Xilong's mouth was slightly grinned: "If I am not mistaken, the strength of that guy is only a demigod level at best, even better than Duan Tianhao. Slightly stronger, just this kind of waste is worthy of claiming to be an omniscient and almighty god?"

"God is a kind of strength and a title. Obviously, Milbo's is only a title. His strength is far from the true god."

"Tsk! How come I feel a little upset after hearing you say this." Silom frowned. He has always called himself the Dragon God, isn't he the same as the other party?

It seems that a large part of the title of God is self-proclaimed, and it is used to pretend to be X, which is not really true!

It's just that Millbo, who is more pretending to be X than him, is omniscient and omnipotent, is it enough? The result is a demigod trash?

is it possible? There are some possibilities, after all, humans are the creatures who like to play X most.

For the time being, Xin Zhi Nao is half done.

"By the way, since you said that I am the first qualified person, can you tell me the truth about the world of Dora's tomb now?" Silom was still thinking about this.

"Of course." Zhi Nao said: "The world of Dora's tomb is transformed from fragments of the godhead of my creator Dora."

"Fragment of Godhead? Transformed after death?" Shillon's eyebrows twitched.

"Since there are fragments of the godhead, it means that Dora is a true god! How did he die? Is the fight between the gods? It seems that it is difficult to kill the opponent who is also the god?"

"My creator, Dora, is a powerful god. The priesthood of the godhead is mainly illusory reality. While he is powerful, he also has a strong curiosity.

It was this curiosity that killed him.

A long, long time ago, Dora had heard of stars in the sea of stars, and when their life span reached their limit, there would be a terrifying supernova explosion.

Legend has it that this kind of explosion can kill the gods and the strongest star beasts. Dora was very curious, so he wanted to try it. The final result was obvious. He fulfilled his wish and was blasted into powder by the supernova explosion. Annihilated, only a piece of debris was left by luck. "Wise brain said.

"Huh?? Hard to resist the supernova explosion?" Silom was shocked.

I've always heard that curiosity kills cats before, what does he see now? Curiosity kills God?

But this **** is so special! Dare to resist the explosion of supernova?

What is a supernova explosion? It can be said to be the scariest existence in the stars and the universe!

There are very few terrorist incidents in the Xinghai and the universe~wuxiaworld.online~ Well, here is one thing to say.

After Shillong passed through, whether it was the main material realm star sea where Bahamut and other gods existed before, or the universe of this world, in fact, it is far from being comparable to the universe where the blue star was before Shillong passed through!

The universe before Shillong crossed is boundless, but the stars he is experiencing now and the universe here have boundaries!

And through the comparison between the front and the back, Shillong discovered that the so-called star sea and the universe may be worse than the Milky Way where the blue star is located.

Therefore, supernova explosions are rare here and have rarely been studied.

All living beings only know that they are synonymous with death, but they still don't understand how strong they are.

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