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A supernova explosion is a violent explosion experienced by certain stars when they are approaching the end of their evolution. During this period, the energy radiated by a supernova can be comparable to the total radiated energy of an ordinary star in its lifetime!

Almost all matter in the star is ejected outwards at the highest speed of one-tenth the speed of light! bombing!

Power can almost destroy the entire star system! The gods in the sea of stars and the strongest star beasts are also very small in front of them! When you encounter it, you will avoid its edge. This is the common knowledge of all gods and star beasts!

And if some special circumstances occur when the supernova explodes, resulting in a Gamma ray explosion, it is no surprise that the so-called gods are annihilated and turned into scum!

After all, Gamma's ray burst, but the strongest spear in the universe! Get rid of the black hole, almost everyone will die!

This is no exception in Xinghai!

God is not omnipotent, far from the invincibility of some brain-opened human imagination.

They are also a kind of life, a special kind of powerful life, so when they are injured far beyond their own upper limit, they will die! The same will be completely wiped out!

"Your creator is really a great existence with daring and shocking." Silom sighed and expressed admiration at the same time!

Sure enough, if God does not die, he will not die! Once you die, no one can save it!

"Yes...the creator, Dora, is a great and curious god." When Zhi Nao said these words, Sillon actually felt a little helpless in it.

"Dora's tomb.... Dora's cemetery? A world tomb formed from fragments of the godhead is really sad enough." Shillong exclaimed, "So now can I take out the fragments of the godhead?"

"No, unless you reach 10 billion beliefs, you are eligible, but when you take out the godhead fragments, the world of Dora's tomb, which can reverse reality and illusion, will also collapse." Zhi Brain reminded.

"Okay! Okay! It's not the time when I pay attention to this, 10 billion beliefs. I felt that the distance was very long before, but now I don't think it takes long." Shillong watched that he has now received more than 1.5 million. Believe in talking to yourself.


"Defeat...defeated.... This golden God of War is already so strong, but it is still so vulnerable in front of the Devil Dragon... Does the Alliance really have a way to deal with the Devil Dragon?" Perplexed.

"Die this heart! Your Majesty the Dragon King is invincible!" This is obviously a demonized person.

"The world starts at this moment! It has been ruled by the dragon! All those who don't want to die! Join us!"

"Power! Power! That is the power of the Dragon King! It can destroy everything! The power that makes everyone surrender!"

As Shillon showed his strength, he resisted Thunder Fury, and the missile group, the final Millbo attack.

All the demonized people who had not dared to show up before began to show up one after another, and the major commentators were occupied by them.

Until this time, those ordinary people who have been hiding at home discovered that the number of demons was so terrifying!

Because of the alliances weakness, they were actually beaten by demons on the Internet with a guilty conscience!

Shillongs simulated black hole will not end with the death of one, two, or ten hundred people.

The black sphere is still expanding!

The ground has long been sucked out of a sinkhole!

It will not stop until a few minutes later!

The original most prosperous holy city, a large number of buildings, and soil collectively disappeared!

Only one sunk more than 2,000 meters! A crater with a diameter of nearly ten kilometers!

And above the sky, the black sphere has expanded to the point of one or two kilometers! The vortex around this sphere is still spinning, and it can continue to grow, but unfortunately there is no matter or energy around it that makes it bigger.

Excluding the energy brought by slowly waiting for the wind to blow, and other micro-elements, or other unlucky creatures to send to the door, it will not continue to expand.

The soil above this black ball is completely new to the people of this world!

The density is higher than gold and the hardness is harder than diamond.

Shillong slowly flew above the dark ball, using his own gravity to slowly eliminate the vortex drag on the black ball.

His eyes spanned a distance of tens of kilometers and landed on the broadcast screen. The terrifying dragon eyes seemed to stare straight at all the humans watching the broadcast.

"Humans! The stupid ones among you have been wiped out by me! Now, the benevolent dragon god, Sillon Soderbergh gives you another chance! All humans have an obligation to accept the evolution that God has given you!

Under my rule, I will still keep you basic laws and guarantee the safety of your life, property, etc., but my subordinates can only take up their roles after evolution!

Only they are qualified to be the rulers of this planet!

So, go evolve! Before the next seven days!

Of course, if you still have the illusion of defeating me, just come! I am here waiting for you! "

Shillong's voice was loud and clear, spreading tens of kilometers away, so that everyone watching the broadcast could hear it.

At this moment, many people in the world entered the world of Dora's Tomb, went to the Cave of Pure White, and embarked on the path of evolution.

After these guys entered, they would naturally fight with the NPCs.

Then, they and the old players who were still fighting with the NPCs discovered that the NPCs had lost the ability to resurrect!

Those Tier 10 powerhouses who greatly delayed the progress of the demonization, after being killed again, never appeared again!

No one in the world of Dora's Tomb will stop the players from being demonized anymore, and their progress has started to increase so fast!

In reality, there is naturally a small portion of people who are waiting and watching. They still have hope and miracles for mankind.

Of course there are some people who are desperate for reality, and poor ghosts who have failed to demonize. They have made up too much of the dark world after the dragon ruled, and then chose to commit suicide...

Time is slowly passing by, and it hasn't waited for seven days to come.

But after the first night passed.

Several demonized people found Shillong.

Among them are the small brains, the eagle heads who failed in the Four Demonizations, and some scattered demonized people.

Shillong's impression of the brain and the eagle head is quite deep.

After all, the brain is a legend of Demonized Tier 4, and it is also a rare talent, and the Eagle Head has more contact after Shillong possessed Tianhao.

As soon as the brain this guy came, he knelt to the ground with excitement, and said with tears: "Your Majesty! You have ruled the world! Your great power of God shines on all living beings! A great new era is coming soon Born under your rule!

That will be the most glorious era in the entire universe! Can come to this era! It is really an honor for our new and old man! "

At this time, Shillong has eliminated the gravity of the dark ball. The huge black sphere has already fallen back into the pit sucked out by it. The black ball that fell from the sky just touched the ground, but let Fangyuan There was a big tremor within 100 kilometers, and many buildings were scattered.

The surface of the falling dark ball was not broken at all, and it was sitting straight in the center of the pit.

Shillong is still standing on the black ball.

At this time, several other demonized people and their brains were all on it.

Among those demonized people, the other guys who didn't know the brain were shocked when they saw his behavior. They came earlier than the brain.

When I first came, I couldnt speak to the King of the Devils Dragon. It was almost trembling. After finally paying a salute, the Devils Dragon swung back and stayed aside. The brain is like this!

Take a look! This is a great man! In front of such a terrifying dragon, he didn't change his face and heart when he flattered him!

It can be so realistic! Weep in tears! Awesome!

The demonized people who came before were extremely upset about their gaffe!

Later, the Devil Dragon King won't let this brain door be his celebrity, right?

The following actions of the Devil Dragon also made them even more worried. They were so indifferent to them, and they grinned at the brain door. Although it looked scary and hideous, it was a smile, right?

It must be!


Their hearts are full of jealousy and annoyance.

"Very good! If the evolutionary people of the new era have your consciousness, I think they will soon become a first-class civilization in the whole dimension!" At this time, a small mobile phone was floating in front of Shillong's huge body. , He was talking to his brain while looking at the phone.

"Your Majesty! The group of stupid humans last night dared to speak ill of you on the Internet! Think you will be defeated by the Alliance!

Deal with this stupid guy! I directly dispatched tens of thousands of online accounts! Fighting with them for hours, finally made them understand their stupidity! "The Brain Gate reminded him that after seeing Sillon playing with his mobile phone, a blue light flashed on his head, as if thinking of something.

"Oh? It turns out that you control the number 1 to more than 10,000 that were active on various forums?" Xilong was slightly taken aback, looking straight at his brain.

"Yes! And when the Union members attacked Your Majesty under their own control, they slandered your Majesty on the Dou Sha TV platform! I also fiercely fought with the opponent for more than an hour!

After this cyber war ended, I changed my name and continued to rectify your majesty's name. "Brain said.

Bang bang bang...

Shillong's forelimb paws slapped together and applauded.

He looked at his brain with approval and said: "You are really loyal! I did not misunderstand you! Come on, what's your name? I will remember him in my heart."

"Your... Your Majesty... Your Majesty!" The brain gate was even more moved, tears like rain.

"I... my name is Yang Daping! Your Majesty! It is really a blessing for your subordinates to cultivate for 100,000 years to make your Majesty remember my name!"

"Yang Daping? Very good! I remember it!" Silom nodded.

The other demonized people watched with brows jumping, this dog thing is too strong, right?

How can you not surname Ma if you can flatter yourself?

Only the eagle head looked calmly on the side.

Worthy of being a brain! Demonized person with brain strengthening! This flattering is 666!

In the following time, more and more demonized people came to Shillong, like a face saint.

Waiting until the seventh day, Shillong was already crowded with people, all demonized people.

They look strange and weird, because there are too many people, and because of their strength, they naturally have to be a little confused and fight each other.

But these weren't things at all. Silom directly took the initiative and hung on a stone pillar, letting countless demonized people pay their respects, and then they were much more honest.

Duan Tianhao didn't show up in front of Xilong. He felt uncomfortably tight when he saw Xilong now, fearing that his body would be taken away again...

Shillong again spent several weeks assigning positions to these demons.

After all, the world he rules cannot be in a state of disorder.

Therefore, as long as the original officials complete their demonization, Shillong will not move their positions, and will even increase.

But those poor eggs who hadn't even completed the first stage of demonization were directly knocked off by Xilong.

Under his rule, the talents needed must be both civil and martial arts, and only knowledge is not enough.

The remaining vacancies will be filled from other demons.

Of course, if these demonized people do not do well, Shillong will immediately replace them.

Once the positions have been arranged, there will naturally be a reward system. Looking at the entire Demonized Human Army, there are not many Demonized Four.

Shillong is not ready to unconditionally open Demonization IV now, he will only reward his own blood when his subordinates have collected a certain point.

It took more than three months for Xilong to restore the world to normal.

During these three months, not only the order was restored, but the damaged buildings were also repaired.

Just because there are too many demons!

Among the hundreds of millions of demonized human beings, there are few who are related to land and buildings.

These guys directly incarnate as master architects and start building houses, not only building houses that ordinary humans need.

Countless special houses have also been built for special demons to live in.

For ordinary people, the world changes a lot.

Some people can accept it, some people cannot accept it, but these unacceptable people must also do everything possible to develop in an acceptable direction.

For example, in a family of three, the male owner is not demonized and is an ordinary person.

His wife was demonized and turned into a sexless monster.

The son also demonized ~wuxiaworld.online~ and turned into a monster.

At this time, the male host must not be able to live with his original family. In most cases, it is a divorce, and then find a human woman to start a new life.....

Of course, there are also those who do not believe in evil, or who are truly in love. Even if they don't deal with their looks, they will still live together as a family.

Some people even feel that it seems that different races have become more exciting...

Except for these unsatisfactory things, the others are actually pretty good, at least they dont have to worry about the house anymore...

Because the demonized people have special abilities in construction, the current house price is very cheap, and the price per square meter has been reduced by more than 10 times...

The price of various foods has also been reduced by several times because of the demonization of people.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation, the prices of various items have fallen, at least making the lives of ordinary people a lot easier, and general living needs have become very easy to meet.

