The latest website: But the higher level of satisfaction is not so easy.

After all, in terms of social status alone, they are inferior to demons.

But it is not absolute, now their only way out is to research and improve their own strength.

If one's own strength is strong enough, and some useful new technologies are developed, he can still be promoted in an exceptional way.

Therefore, the development of the entire society is more stable than before.

After Shillon became the ruler of this world, he collected the required 20 million belief points in less than a month.

Most of these beliefs are provided by demons.

Unlike Milbo, like Milbo, his followers are counted as 1,000.

Then 900 of them are non-believers, 90 or so are simple believers, and the remaining 10 or so are considered normal believers.

There is not necessarily one in thousands of people who have strong beliefs.

But Shillong's demonized people are different. These guys will begin to believe and worship him in a subtle way.

Among 1,000 people, about 900 are simple believers, and about 100 ordinary believers, at least about 10 have firm beliefs.

The quality of his followers is more than 10 times higher than that of Milbo!

Precisely because of this, his faith has risen rapidly!

After collecting 20 million belief points, in his sea of consciousness, an irregular fragment exuding strange light unexpectedly appeared.

"This is the seedling of the Godhead, and at the moment it is formed, it is closely linked to the fate of the respectable qualified person.

The godheads of all gods are produced in this way, but theirs is not so easy.

The ability of a qualified person to obtain seedlings of the godhead so easily also relies on Dora's function of the godhead, and its priesthood also includes the genera of creation.

The power of creation allows you to have seedlings of Godhead.

After it is born, please use your own consciousness to nurture it.

It is like a child. It is blank as paper when it is born. It will follow the deepest desires of the qualified person to give birth to a priesthood suitable for you. Until you reach the minimum of 10 billion beliefs, you can use its ability initially. . "Zhi Brain explained.

"Does it come from the deepest part of the soul? Then what is mine?" Silom thought silently.

As a dragon, his memory is profound, but the most profound is nothing more than his family, Arman and Viola.

For power, it seems that there is not much desire. After all, he has never lacked power since he was a child, and his growth is unmatched by other dragons.

When he was about ten years old, he had the strength comparable to or even surpassing that of his mother. The legend after that, the demigod, was just a matter of course.

He did not feel the greatness of other forces.

In the main material world, there is no opponent with the power of the first battle, nor has he felt the power of natural disasters.

Perhaps the only thing he wants now is to grow up earlier, right?

After all, he knows the strength of his race, and the glorious deeds of those old predecessors are derived from their own blood. As long as they grow up step by step, they can become stronger, comparable to gods...

And in the previous life of human beings, maybe they would feel their own smallness and feel the power of other things, right?

Like a nuclear bomb, he was in awe, what else?

He thought, there should be celestial bodies and miracles in the universe, which he has always cared about in his previous life.

Seeing the greatness of those things, he felt as small as a cell in the universe.

The greatest miracles in the universe, planets, stars, neutron stars, black holes, everything left him too profound.

The strongest spear in the universe, Gamma ray burst, the strongest shield in the universe, the black hole.

This should be the deepest part of my heart. I don't know what it will become in the end?

He faintly expects.

After thinking about this, he remembered the fragment of the godhead of the Lord of Dawn, Luoshanda, a mature fragment of the godhead, perhaps it is necessary to study it carefully, but it didn't know anything about this stuff before, and there was no research direction.

He spit out the fragments of the godhead of the Lord of Dawn from his mouth, and the strange light was as dazzling as before.

"Honorable First Qualified Person, you actually have a pure godhead fragment." Zhi Nao's voice sounded, seeming a little surprised.

"This is my trophy." Silom replied casually.

"I felt a lot of power of faith in it. The preliminary estimate is at the trillion level. You can extract the power of faith from those who are qualified and inject it into the seedlings of your godhead, so that your godhead can grow rapidly. "

"Trillions??" Xilong was a little moved by Zhi Nao's words. Madder worked so hard for nearly two months and only 20 million, a fragment of the Lord of Dawn actually has a trillion?

Worthy of being a powerful god! It's so rich!

Shillong had to sigh.

Action is worse than heart.

Shillong began to use his own sea of consciousness to connect with the godhead fragments of the Lord of Dawn, and then began to extract the power of faith.

It's like putting a pump in a piece of ocean, pour water into your own small pool.

It should have been very slow, but Shillong's mental power is so powerful, the power of this pump is naturally too large, and it can extract almost 1 million belief points every second!

Even so, he would have to extract more than ten days, or even dozens of days, to drain the power of faith in the fragments of the Lord of Dawn!

Ten billion beliefs are nothing to Shillong now.

It only takes 2 to 3 hours.

It will be collected soon.

Siro found that the fragments of the godhead in the sea of consciousness had grown a lot, and the chains of order gods surrounded the godhead.

Each chain of gods is based on the combination of the deepest impression of consciousness and the most mysterious miracle of the universe!

After these rules were formed, he could already clearly feel the rules contained within.

That is the rule that contains information such as growth, immortality, destruction, flame, and gravity.

This is the message Shillong engraved on the soul! It is the power of his godhead!

In general, it is not very different from what Shillong expected.

In the days that followed, Shillong began to study the effects of these laws.

Shillong tried to infuse faith in the law of growth, and his body would grow faster.

The power of faith is a very miraculous power, extremely high level, but also a miraculous power. As long as it cooperates with the law of the Godhead, the effectiveness of the law can be concretized.

After infusing 100 million faith points, his body's growth was accelerated for about 2 days.

Of course, this kind of growth cannot go on without limit with the infusion of the power of faith, and there will be a one-day dormancy period to allow the body to adapt to the growth and decay of its own cells.

Quite interesting ability, if it is a normal creature, it may feel very rubbish, after all, it consumes life in exchange for power.

But Shillong obviously wouldn't. As a plutonium dragon who doesn't know how many lifespans there are, he doesn't fear that he will die naturally. In addition, the fragments of his godhead also contain the immortal laws that ordinary gods will carry.

Almost every **** has this kind of law. This is an extremely popular law. After all, all gods want to live forever.

Of course, his immortal law cannot be used now, Shillong guessed that the belief points are not enough, and there is no pregnancy and activation of the following laws.

In the following days, he has been extracting the power of faith from the fragments of the Lord of Dawn.

However, it took more than a day to make my power of faith reach 100 billion! Activating the law of eternal life is similar to the law of growth. As long as you inject the power of faith, you can increase your lifespan.

This was a very peculiar experience. He felt that his body had returned to 1 day ago without losing strength.

Well, its worth mentioning that the power of faith he expended was far less than that of accelerating growth...

One day only consumes 10,000 beliefs. Compared with growth, it can be described as extremely cheap!

He guessed that the reason for this may be related to his race. As a plutonium dragon, his life span is extremely long. This is one aspect, but this is certainly not the main one. Others, such as human gods, are above eternal life and consume Belief will certainly not be much more than him, otherwise it will be good for them to keep eternal life!

Old dead god? He seems to have never heard of it...

We must know that the age of certain gods in the previous main material world can be calculated in billions!

The reason for the huge gap between Shillong's own growth and the consumption of immortality.

Another aspect is the sharp increase in his strength after he grows up, which is why he consumes a huge amount of faith!

The power of faith turned into his power!

It took another ten days, and his faith became 1 trillion!

Unlocked the power of fire!

He can inject the power of faith under all his fire-related abilities to make it more powerful!

For example, his current ordinary breath is about 7000 degrees. When he injects the power of 10,000 beliefs, his flame breath temperature can reach more than 7500 degrees for about 10 seconds, and then he will be beaten back to the prototype.

And his nuclear calming breath, he flew directly above the sea to conduct a test, and it would consume about 1 million beliefs to actually increase the power of nuclear calming breath!

Let the fusion flame, which could only last for one thousandth of a second, stay for one second! And the temperature of the flame has also increased a little. He doesn't know how much.

Don't underestimate this second. If his flames used to deal with enemies of the same level before, because the time was too short to cause effective damage, then as long as the hit can definitely cause extremely considerable damage!

Shillong knew that the effect of the fragments of the godhead was not static. This was also the reason why many gods were strong and weak. The depth of their understanding of their laws would affect the effect of using the laws and the power of belief consumed.

The more powerful the gods are, the ones that use the least power of faith to produce the greatest output!

Because he wants to study the fragments of the godhead, he is actually not very concerned about the management of the planet he is currently on. After all, this group of humans is his faith cash machine.

After appointing their respective positions, he emphatically talked about his management and requirements for the world, and let Duan Tianhao and the brain, the two most powerful forces, help him take care of the world.

After that, he began to study his own laws, which were about growth.

If he wanted to understand what he wanted to understand, he had to understand the roots of them. He directly began to read books in this area, whether it was plants, animals, or humans, or the growth of planets and stars.

These all contribute to his understanding of the law of growth.

Because backed by the science and technology planet, his research progress is far from being as slow as some Mao God who doesn't understand anything.

But this kind of knowledge about growth is really too much, even if he has super learning and memory abilities, it is only a superficial understanding and cannot reach the complete understanding of the law.

Therefore, his understanding of the law of growth is far from reaching his expectations.

This is also inevitable. All laws are treasures of the universe, and they will certainly not be easy for intelligent creatures to understand.

That is the foundation engraved on all miracles!

This may be the reason why even if the gods have lived for countless years, their strength has not increased as fast as some great lives.

For example, the evil creature, the plutonium dragon? Star beast monster? These are all miraculous beings born in the Xinghai universe, infinite dimensional love.

You don't need to be a god, as long as you grow up normally, the beings who can make the gods stunned!

As for evil things, Shillong didn't understand this kind of thing, and couldn't recognize whether it was a **** or a miraculous creature like a plutonium dragon.

He spent about 5 years learning and growing, and his cognition is probably comparable to that of the greatest growth biologist on the planet.

This changed the number of days that allowed Shillong to spend 100 million beliefs to grow from 2 days to 12 days. In fact, three years ago, Shillong changed the effect from 2 days to 10 days.

In the next 3 years, I just pushed from 10 to 12. The more you go, the harder it is to improve your understanding of growth!

After spending almost 2 years again, he found that his growth law hadn't improved, so he gave up on his own research plan.

Instead, a large number of human and demonized scholars were formed to help him research and conquer the knowledge about the growth of various lives!

And he is a dragon, ready to sit back and enjoy his success!

In the next time, Shillong continued to extract the faith of the godhead fragments of the Lord of Dawn, and there was almost half of it inside!

This has to make Shillong lament the other party's wealth!

After extracting 50 million beliefs again, and retaining 10 billion beliefs for the godhead fragments of the Lord of Dawn, he stopped.

After all, he does not possess the ability of the opponent's fragments ~wuxiaworld.online~ is a very good Godhead fragment.

1.5 trillion beliefs are enough for him to grow rapidly for more than 490 years, for which he needs to sleep for nearly 41 years!

After Syron deliberately told some important things, he fell asleep.

In order to improve his strength as soon as possible, he would return to the original world earlier, and look at his gods with colored eyes. Losing these lifespans and beliefs is nothing at all!

He took 10 years as a boundary, waking up from sleep, to see if the world had developed as he expected, but apparently, Siro looked at the demons.

The situation where all the high-levels are demons has caused them to have a lot of abnormal things, and ordinary people in some places have very poor lives.

For this reason, Silom directly killed all the demons and replaced them with a new batch.

It also lowered the standard for ordinary people to enter the upper echelon a lot.