Latest website: Shillong does not allow them to destroy a harmonious society in the real world, but these demonized people are indeed over-energy. After all, they are people who have gained power and always want to show off this power.

From the original gentleman's mouth but not his hands, to the current man who is able to use his hands, who will force you?

These are all sequelae caused by power.

For this reason, Xilong emphasized the need to fight to the world of Dora's Tomb.

Well, by the way, because Shillong has become the real master of the brain, the world of Dora's Tomb is already under his control.

The closed mode was closed again by him, and he resurrected the NPCs who were basically dying now because they were not supported by the power of the Milbo faith!

This wave of resurrection directly made him lose more than 6 million faith points!

It can be seen how terrifying the killing caused by players in this world!

After that, he summoned more than twenty rank 10 legends before and told them that he was actually the omniscient and almighty god.

The role of the dragon is only used to test them...

After these 10th rank legends were told in this way, each of them looked very ugly, just like eating shit.

But they had to work hard to keep smiling and admiring, in that way, not to mention aggrieved.

They can only accept the reality helplessly, but there is no other way.

After that, Shillong was going to increase their strength. Originally, he wanted to turn these guys into radiators. After all, this was the simplest and no-consuming method.

But he quickly vetoed it again, becoming a radiator, that is, a demonized person in the eyes of ordinary NPCs, which would make ordinary people repel them. This is not what Shillong wants. What he wants is to pass these more than twenty 10th order.

Lead them to maintain the stability and harmony of this illusory world.

As for all the tombs of Dora turned into demons? Forget it, these guys were so miserable by demonized people before, and they hate demonized people in their hearts.

The most important thing is the puppets of Doras Tomb. The supply of beliefs is far worse than that of real-world humans. It may reach a thousand times. It is really not worth his effort to manage. It is completely used to entertain the demonized players. And it exists.

Therefore, he directly used the belief points to improve the strength of these guys. If the strength is high, he can maintain peace in the world of Dora's Tomb, and he does not need to spend any energy on management.

For this reason, the initial investment is naturally a lot.

Each upgrade from Tier 10 to Tier 11 actually doesn't cost much, as long as 1 to 5 million beliefs are enough.

Well, after reaching the 11th level, every time a skeleton level is increased, the consumed beliefs start to increase exponentially.

A total of more than 72 million beliefs were spent, and Shillong added more than 20 level 11 powerhouses to the world.

Silom told these guys that the reward this time was because they passed their own test! In the face of the invincible dragon he played, he did not give in!

Fighting with tenacious perseverance to the last moment, I am very satisfied, this is the proof of their loyal faith, and the reward for this!

This caused more than 20 legendary beauty's snot bubbles to come out, one by one, the omniscient and omnipotent god, and the grace of God shines on everything.

The omniscient and almighty god? To be honest, Shillong was a little awkward to hear, but he did not correct this mistake. If this changes the name of the god, it will definitely make these guys think too much, and it is not conducive to immediately accept the belief of the first qualified person.

With more than 20 tiers 11, Shillong began to upgrade some low-tier believers who believed in Yucheng.

Tier 9 is upgraded to Tier 10. One cost less than 100,000 beliefs, and he can create 2 to 300 Tier 10s in one go.

And for the 8th rank to the 9th rank, one only needs 10,000 yuan, and the cheap ones won't work.

He almost improved all the guys with good faith in the world of Dora's Tomb. The cost is only about 80 million.

A total of 150 million was spent, which is really just a drizzle for Shillong.

Of course, only those who possessed the wool from the Lord of Dawn had such pride!

If Milbo saw Shillon doing this, his eyes would be blinded by crying!

150 million beliefs in other provinces. It takes only 2 years to have these beliefs! How could he be willing to use it to enhance the strength of this group of puppets?

You know, the puppets in the world of Doras tomb, that is, NPCs, are not only scarce provided by faith, but they can only survive in the world of Doras tomb and cannot enter the real world at all!

Shillong had tried before and brought an NPC to the real world, but their bodies shattered directly after entering the real world!

It's like an imaginary bubble.

Because of this, Millbo wouldn't improve the strength of the NPCs at all. In addition to creating some monsters for the players to play with, he hardly paid much attention to NPC humans.

Perfectly improved the combat power of Dora's Tomb World to be able to completely defeat the demonized player.

Shillong tried to directly improve the strength of real human beings, such as the brain, which cost a lot of faith!

Directly turned over 100 times!

To get the opponent from the 10th level to the 5th skeleton level, to the 11th level 1 skeleton level, it will cost Shillong 270 million beliefs!

If you advance to level 12 and level 1 skeleton, you need to consume close to 6 billion beliefs!

And if it is a 13th level and 1 skeleton level, it would require more than 100 billion beliefs!

For the 14th level and 1 skeleton level, more than 3 trillion beliefs are needed!

Upgrading to the level 14 and 4 skeleton level of Shillong now requires more than 10 trillion beliefs!

Even Shillong who has picked up a big leak can't afford it!

10 trillion beliefs! It's enough for him to use the law of growth to grow for more than three thousand years! This is more than 30 times the difference from the force-enhanced strength of Godhead Fragments!

However, using the Godhead to increase your strength, the higher the level, the greater the consumption of the upgrade, to the 15th level, I am afraid that the gap will be more than a hundred times compared with the Shillong growth law! The 16th order may be more than a thousand times!

The horror of the law of growth can only be manifested in plutonium dragons and star beasts such terrifying bloodline creatures!

For other creatures, including gods, the law of growth is unscrupulous!

But despite this, Dora's Godhead law is exaggerated! After all, it is an increase in strength with almost no side effects, and this increase is much stronger than that of ordinary dragons!

I don't know how strong Dora, who was killed by his curiosity, was in his lifetime?

He asked Zhi Brain, but Zhi Brain's system does not seem to store accurate information about Dora's strength.

Ten trillion beliefs is an astronomical figure for Shillong now.

Even if he integrates the real world now, plus the world of Dora's tomb, his daily income is only about 1.2 million beliefs.

It will take about 24,000 years to save 10 trillion beliefs on your own!

This is why half of Shillong's believers are demonized believers, and their beliefs are much higher than those of ordinary people!

If it is an ordinary god, it is even more difficult!

It is estimated that a planet with a population of 3-4 billion or more is needed!

This time he awakened, Shillong also used Dora's godhead fragments to improve their strength and his own longevity as rewards for those who thoroughly implemented his will and performed well.

This naturally includes the brain. Shillong has raised his strength by two skeleton ranks, making him a high-level combat power in the 10th rank, costing more than 75 million beliefs! Together with some other people, it cost a total of close to 200 million faiths.

These are all costs to improve the strength, the law of longevity costs, it is really not worth mentioning.

However, after spending this time, whether it is a demonized believer or an ordinary human, the belief in Shillong has actually become stronger!

Daily income reached about 1.3 million!

This has to make Silom sigh, Dora's godhead fragment is really a good thing!

As a leader, you need both kindness and power.

Wei, he has already used it, and he himself is the embodiment of terror and power.

And um... it seems that there is nothing more than life span, and Dora's fragments fill the gap very well.

After all, many demonized people now live long lives, age extremely slowly, and the effect of the law of longevity is really limited.

The topic returned to before, the demonized player's heart was agitated due to the expansion of strength, Sillon specially prepared a competition for them in the world of Dora's Tomb to consume their nowhere to put energy.

If you are rewarded, it will naturally be points, and the effect of points can be directly used to improve your strength and exchange the high radiation required for Advanced Demonization III, or his essence and blood.

Of course, it is possible to exchange money for these things, but now the entire human society uses paper money, gold, silver, gems and other items, which have all been confiscated by Shillong, and discount points or paper money are given to them.

Having obtained gold and jewellery from all over the world, Shillong's financial resources are many times richer than when he was in the material realm.

While these gadgets made Shillong happy, he missed Arman a little bit. He lacked an object to show off...

Then, he continued to sleep for the next 10 years.

After waking up, return to the human world and continue to check the situation. Because of the previous response, the stability of the social order this time is basically complete, and Shillong is also relieved.

Then he returned to the desert island to sleep.

Soon, he spent only 10 billion on his beliefs just in case.

It has been more than 40 years since Shillong came to this world...

A certain sea area, 10,000 meters below the sea floor!

There was no light here, and a group of strange and indescribable creatures wandered slowly.

Suddenly, there was a shock from the bottom of the ocean floor.

The vibration passed through the bottom and into the sea, scaring away all the strange creatures around.

Soon, a thump sounded.

The mud on the seabed was opened, and a huge terrifying monster drilled out of the seabed.

"I hate the sea! Why am I in the sea?" The huge monster muttered to himself, with doubts in his words.

His huge body was in the dull seabed, and only the golden streamer that came with it was still faintly circulating.

As the monster's voice fell, his body slowly began to redden, and the surrounding sea water for several kilometers began to boil on a large scale!

Far above the sea level of 10,000 meters, there happened to be a small cruise ship here. This was the cruise ship of a certain wealthy kid on the mainland. He and his friends made an appointment to come out and play together.

Of course, not all of them are humans. A demonized man with a human upper body and a snake on the lower body is graciously holding a fishing rod on the bow of a ship that has stopped sailing and fishing.

Beside him, a curious-looking, gray-skinned male creature with four legs and four hands was kissing a snake-haired female creature.

Not far away, there are demonized people and pure humans kissing...

At this moment, a large cloud of smoke rose from the calm sea, and within a few kilometers, a large number of fish jumped out of the water, and the scene was magnificent.


A few jumpers were particularly powerful, and they jumped directly onto the cruise ship about one meter from the sea.

This directly surprised the people on the cruise ship.

"What the **** is this? Why do these fish be like this? What are they afraid of?" The man with the head of the fisherman wondered.

"Is there a strong man wandering in the sea, exerting his own coercion?" said the four-legged and four-handed man, bending down to pick up the fish that was still jumping on the ground.

"Huh?" He found some anomalies: "The temperature of these fish is not right! Why does it seem a bit too high? There seems to be an abnormality in the water?"

He glanced at the smoke continuously emerging from the sea, frowned: "Has the sea been warmed by anyone?"

"If you have warmed up, you will know if you try it." The snake-haired woman who had been kissing with four-armed men before.

A snake head dancing wildly above her head suddenly stretched out and plunged straight into the sea. The moment it touched the sea, the snake head suddenly retracted.

Frowned and said: "It is indeed the sea water being heated! The temperature is at least about 50 degrees!"

The man with the head and the snake body looked at the white mist floating within a few kilometers, looking like a fairyland, but the horror behind it made him a little frightened.

"This kind of large-scale heating of seawater is not something ordinary people can do. It feels like a legendary powerhouse with a level 10 at least is possible.

We still leave here quickly, in the vast ocean, if we encounter the strong man with mental illness, maybe we will be killed!

That's really dead in vain! At that time, it will be difficult for the Dragon God guards to find the murderer and redress for us! "

The man with the head snake body was very cautious, and in just a moment, he thought a lot.

When the others heard this, all of them were a little flustered, although it was the new era of the Dragon God, there was a world of Dora's Tomb to help the demonized people consume excess energy.

But there is always no shortage of abnormal neuroses, which will cause chaos in reality, which has to make them vigilant.

A demonized man who can sail into the cruise ship ~wuxiaworld.online~ quickly steered the cruise ship and began to return.

But before driving far, a huge black shadow appeared under the sea! It's like an island!

At the same time, there is a deeper spiritual oppression! Horror inexplicable!

A few weak-willed women let out screams.

"What kind of monster is this? Even the biggest whale is far from it! There won't be such a monster in the world of Dora's Tomb!!!" A male demonized person shouted.

The dark shadow turned out to be clearer.

They wanted to escape, but they couldn't.

Among the group of people is a wizard who specializes in spells, but he does not know how to fly at all, and the level of the warrior is relatively low, and he can't even run away from the sea.....

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