"Um..." Silom was slightly silent when he heard this, so it's no wonder so many people haven't released their spirits.

Think about it, too. If they were released, wouldn't those big monsters directly crush the streets and paralyze them?

"You can't live without it? I think you are also very fashionable? It doesn't look like you came out of a corner of a big mountain..." The woman was speechless.

In this modern world, there are indeed some ancient human races in some corners. Many people know that they believe in local gods and are very stubborn and unwilling to integrate with modern society.

The guy in front of me doesn't look like it!

"You are not mistaken! I came out of the mountain! This dress was also given by a kind friend I met after I came out!" Xilong said with a solemn expression.

"Um...Is that so?" The woman was a little stunned, but she still nodded and said: "Then you'd better go buy the Jingwei ball, otherwise the city guard will invite you to have tea later. All right."

After talking about this, the woman paused, and then she pointed her finger at an intersection on the west side: "If you want to buy a strange ball, turn left at the intersection. There is a bus shuttle there. You can get off at platform 12 and there is one. The big spirit center contains the spirit **** you need and some matching things.

Hey~ wait, what am I telling you so much for?

Do you know what a bus is? What is platform 12? "

At the end, the woman reacted. The man in front of him claimed to have come out of the mountain. Can you understand this modern knowledge?

Shillong obviously thought of this question, and shook his head.

"Oh~ is that so?"

The woman shook her head helplessly and said, "Well, do you have money or other valuable things?

You give it to me, and I ask my spirit to buy it for you. "

"Uh..." Xilong stunned, put his hand into his underwear and took out a pile of gold bars.

There are 10 grams, 50 grams, 100 grams, 200 grams, 500 grams, 1000 grams, 2000 grams, and there are many kinds of them.

"I don't know the price of spirit monster equipment. Which one do you think you need?"

"Yo roar? Is this real gold?" The woman was slightly surprised.

Then she turned her head and looked around, and found that many people were casting their gazes, their eyes were very hot, but she didn't dare to actually come over and move their feet, the guards of the monsters in the city are not vegetarian!

The total amount of gold in Shillong's hands is more than 4,000 grams, a thick pile, dizzy people! .

"Enough! Absolutely enough!" The woman nodded, and she stretched out her hand to grab Shillong's arm, and walked towards an open space dedicated to duels.

Silom frowned slightly at this time, he thought this woman was going to take the gold, but he did not expect it to take advantage of him!

cut! Cunning woman, lucky you! You touched my noble hand!

You can never wash your hands forever!

When I came to the clearing, the surrounding sight was finally reduced.

"Well, let's get here first. It's not a good thing to show money on the street! Although the federal law and order are good, there are always illegal people who ignore federal laws and do bad things.

When you go out of town, be careful! "

The woman paused and said again: "Now let's choose for yourself, what kind of spirit ball are you going to choose for your spirit? This thing is a space-type equipment, which has an independent space like a house.

The spirit ball in the big spirit center has ordinary type, luxury type, and super luxury type.

The price is naturally different. The ordinary type has nothing but a nest and a TV.

Luxurious, the nest inside will be larger, TV, computer will be available, and some special exercise equipment.

Lets not talk about the ultra-luxury ones, and your money is not enough to buy one.

And my suggestion to you is that every two spirits live in a spirit ball. "

"Is it so expensive?" Silom was a little shocked.

"Of course, after all, the Jingwei Ball is made with super-advanced space technology, and the price is now relatively cheaper.

50 years ago, I heard that an ordinary spirit ball could be exchanged for a villa in the capital of the spirit federation! "The woman explained.

"Yes." Silom nodded clearly.

In this strange world, the research of space equipment is extremely advanced, and it is almost more advanced than the main material world where Sillon is located.

Whether it's alive or dead, it can be stored perfectly.

"So, you have to choose?"

"Um..." Silom thought slightly, and said seriously after a moment: "Too luxurious will only make the spirits indulge in TV and the Internet!

That would make them waste materials!

In pairs, I think they might feel lonely!

I want to put a few of them in a strange ball! There is increased feelings between them! "

"This..." The woman was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "You have a good idea... But the ordinary type of ghost ball can't accommodate them at all!"

When the woman said this, she pointed to Brother Hao and Brother Monkey, as well as the eagle head man: "Especially the gorilla, the dragon man, the eagle, it is impossible for them to be such a big body together."

Brother Monkey and Eagle Head looked at the woman pointing at them in confusion, not knowing why.

But when they thought that they represented His Majesty the Dragon God, they straightened their chests and made themselves look full of power.

Duan Tianhao hated this woman.

Talk as you speak! Why point your finger at me?

Whoops! Look here! Look here! The **** who has been occupying my body looks over!

Oh my god! Why not give me a stealth ability, let my sense of existence completely disappear from this world!

Duan Tianhao squatted on the ground, constantly trying to eliminate his sense of existence...

Xilong glanced at his own several demonized people, and frowned slightly: "If this is the case, then two ordinary models, okay?"

"It still doesn't work! At least three..." The woman shook her head helplessly.

"Tsk~" Silom was upset and uttered, "Then three."

"If this is the case, it is decided that it is you!" The woman buckled a ball of spirits from her belt and released the spirits inside.

It was a blue turtle about the size of a seven or eight-year-old.

It was standing all over, standing on the ground with its hind limbs, a pair of forelimbs wrapped in front of the tortoise shell, and wearing sunglasses with an imposing look.


After the blue-shelled turtle yelled, it rushed directly to the woman's feet, and hugged the woman's thighs tightly with her limbs.

The cute head started to rub against the woman's thigh frantically, making it extremely insignificant.

"Damn it! Don't always rub my legs! You luscious tortoise!" The woman became angry and slammed the blue turtle on the head with her fist.

Bang bang bang!

This fight didn't show any mercy.

The blue turtle was beaten down in a few seconds.


The blue turtle held his head with his forelimbs aggrieved.

"Little turtle! I have something to do now! I will find you a little female turtle after finishing it!" said the woman.


"It's true this time! I definitely didn't fool you!"


"Little color turtle! Are you going? If you don't, I will stew you to make turtle soup!" The woman said, her eyes fixed on the blue turtle.


The blue turtle called again, seeming to compromise.

The woman took a 500g gold bar from Shillong, handed it to the blue turtle, and watched it leave.

"Huh~" The woman let out a sigh of relief, and then smiled: "I made you laugh! My blue-shelled turtle has a really bad personality, and it keeps giving me a headache."

"It's okay, that tortoise is quite interesting." Shillong laughed.

"Right! Are you going to send a spirit to take a look at it together?" The woman suddenly thought of something and asked.

"No, I can see that you are a trustworthy woman." Silom shook his head.

And the woman laughed happily at such a compliment.

After that, the two chatted casually.

The other demonized people around Silom didn't respond, silently, playing in the mud.

But Ghost was staring at the woman's bare white legs.

The eyes didn't blink at all, there was an indescribable heat, matched with the cherries coming in and out of the mouth, and the gurgling noise.

It made the woman's complexion a bit awkward.

"Are you just a variant of Spectre? It's really special. It has a human brain, but it's too trivial, right?

It feels worse than my blue turtle. "

"Is it wretched?" Xilong frowned looking at the ghostly appearance.

He stretched out a hand and shook it in front of him, but Ghost's eyes were still staring at the woman's thigh.

"Haha~" Silom sneered, squeezed his palms, stretched out two fingers, and then moved suddenly.


Ooh oh oh oh oh oh~

A screaming scream sounded, and Ghost's tongue stretched straight out ten centimeters!

Then began to bounce irregularly!

The cherry on the tongue also flew out the first time.

It withdrew a few meters back, covering its eyes with both hands and wailing constantly!

Just now, Silom burst Ghost's eyes!

This action immediately shocked the woman: "Hey, hey! Are you? You actually burst your own spirit's eyes directly? Isn't it too cruel!"

This guy actually came for real?

The woman was shocked. Although she had hit the blue-shelled turtle before, attacking the blue-shelled turtle with her power was not much different from tickling it.

Threatening words are more like a joke, not really! Every spirit master has unique communication and feelings with his own spirit.

But what about this guy in front of him? I'm going... It's ruthless! Is he the devil?

That ghost-like ghost, eyes are bleeding now! Hey!

"Huh?" Silom was taken aback, and then said: "It's okay, it will heal immediately. The pain is just the price she offended you. You helped me, and I naturally want to teach you the ignorant subordinates. ."

As Shillong's voice fell, Ghost's body suddenly became illusory, and the damage he suffered began to recover quickly, and soon a pair of eyeballs appeared again.

It glanced at Shillong with some fear.

Seeing that Shillon had no follow-up actions, he changed back to the entity again, and no longer knew where he took out a cherry, turned his back and continued to exercise its tongue.

Well, this time its eyes will start to look at other girls on the side of the road...

"Uh... amazing resilience, this must be a very powerful spirit!" The woman sighed.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart, this man, the way he gets along with his own spirits is really special...

"It's okay." Shillong nodded.

And suggested: "Your blue-shelled turtle is not very obedient. If it is a male turtle, I suggest cutting it off, Jinjin. It might be more obedient, and there is no need to find a little female turtle for him. ."

As the lord of the world, Shillong felt that it was necessary to maintain majesty while maintaining affinity with his subordinates.

Thinking in another way, if there is an alien woman who dared to hold his thigh so sullenly and threaten him, he would definitely castrate her!

Don't think that it's a woman who can't be castrated!

"Huh?" The woman was stunned, looking at the other person with a serious look, she couldn't help being speechless.

Arent spirits all human beings best companions? How can they behave like this, what can they do if spirits run wild and rebel?

There have been news of abuse of spirits before, and finally those people were killed by spirits...

The kind woman had to remind Shillong: "This... uh... sir, I have to remind you that spirits also have their own thoughts! You treat them like this... in case they are dissatisfied with you and run away, What can I do!"

"Dissatisfaction? Runaway?" Silom's eyes couldn't help looking at the several demonized people around him.

"Will you guys?" he asked.

"Uuuuuu..." Several demonized people shook their heads quickly.

Are you kidding me? Who dares to be dissatisfied with the Dragon God?

The brain demon said directly: "Madam! You really underestimated our loyalty to our lord!

Even if my lord is going to kill me now! Want me to eat shit! My brain demon will perform my task perfectly!

Sacrifice yourself for our lord! It is the greatest and most glorious thing in this world!

This is our honor! "

When Xilong heard this, he looked at the brain demon with admiration, this young man! Can talk! Be rewarded!

"Huh?" The woman was stunned. She glanced at the other demonized people around Siro, and nodded one by one, with a look of approval.

Feeling lost in thought.

Is it really necessary to treat spirits and monsters harder?

Am I too kind to spirits?

Looking at the spirit of the man in front of him, his loyalty is simply enviable and shocking!

This is the spirit that a true spirit master should have, right?


The blue-shelled turtles go quickly ~wuxiaworld.online~ and come back quickly.

Don't look at it as a tortoise, but it is definitely a powerful tortoise.

His speed is very fast, and he can jump more than ten meters in one jump.

When he landed, he took off the belt inlaid with three spirit **** and handed some change to Siro, "Brother! Your belt is bought for you! And your change."

The spirit ball I bought for you has a little bit added to it, so it's more expensive than expected.

Don't blame me either! After all, I'm also a stranger. I really don't want my brothers to live in your boring ball. I hope you can forgive me. "

The blue turtle had a sincere expression when he spoke.

