But Shillong's complexion stared at the little tortoise a little bit badly.

Because he saw a pile of paper money and coins hidden in the shell of this little tortoise, but they didn't have it before. Obviously, it was money obtained by embezzling his gold bars!

But immediately, Shillong's complexion returned to normal.

Forget it, what these people said helped him, and he couldn't be stingy like his subordinates.

The corrupted ones should be paid.

Well, after I conquer this world, all gold, silver, and jewelry will be confiscated!

I just keep it for you temporarily! That's it! Your gold and silver jewelry! Sooner or later it will be mine!

A smile appeared on Shillong's face.

After receiving the belt, put it on your waist, and then include all the demonized people except the brain demon.

"By the way, I want to ask you a question." Silom asked suddenly.


"Before I heard people here are discussing King Zhitian, everyone admires him, I am very envious.

To be honest, I want to be that kind of person.

What do you think I should do? To become such a popular person? "

"Same as King Zhitian? How is this possible?" the woman said instinctively.

But it immediately occurred to him that this might be Shillong's dream. It is not what a good girl should do to directly deny a person's dream.

He coughed twice: "Sorry! I didn't mean to hit you.

Your dream is very precious!

If you want to achieve it, it is really very difficult. First, you have to challenge the stadiums in every city, get the stadium badge, and then participate in regional events, national events, world-class events and so on.

The title of King of Heaven is the strong man who won the top four in the last world-class competition!

In other words, they are the four strongest people in the world!

Even if it is so difficult, do you want to be the king of heaven?"

"Of course." Silom nodded, "So do I have to participate in the World Series?"

"Yes! Only the top four in the World Series can be called the king of heaven!

But ordinary people are not eligible to participate in this kind of world-class competition!

That is a game jointly organized by the 16 powers of the Jingwei Federation!

To participate, you must be recognized by the curators of the stadiums in 10 cities, get the corresponding stadium badges, and then get the top 64 places in the national competitions held in your country next year.

Then one more year will have the chance to qualify for the World Championship! Challenge the legendary king of heaven! "The woman explained.

"Is it so troublesome? Two more years?" Shillong frowned.

"..." The woman was silent.

"You... don't be too arrogant! Heavenly Kings are the four strongest among the 3.2 billion people in the world!

Do you think you are better than the 3.2 billion people?

Oh~ forget it! It doesn't make sense to you either, it's not good to be too high!

Perhaps you must experience a failure to recognize the cruelty of reality. "The woman sighed, and finally waved to Shillong.

"Let's say goodbye here, I still have a lot to do."

"That's good! Thank you for your previous help." Silom nodded.

Watching the woman leave, the devil said angrily.

"Your Majesty! This stupid woman dares to look down upon you! Allow me to teach her some lessons!"

"No, I just helped us just now. I'm not that stingy." Silom shook his head.

Then he rented a room in a nearby hotel and used the computer inside to find the necessary information.

He found that it seems that the only woman who wants to become the king of heaven is to become the top four in the World Series as the woman said.

The so-called gymnasium badge is not what Shillong imagined before to defeat the curator in order to obtain the badge, but need to defeat the apprentice arranged by the curator.

It seems simpler than expected, but it is time-consuming.

These spirits that can be subdued by ordinary humans, Siro did not think they could be much stronger.

Demonized people who want to come are definitely more than enough!

There are also myths and legends about this world, the two powerful breaths of the ocean and the earth still make him very concerned.

He began to search for the words earth, ocean, and god.

It really made him find a lot of things. The earth and ocean of this planet each occupy half of the planet, all because of the existence of two [oldest gods].

One is called the **** of the earth and the other is the **** of the sea. There are not many records about the two gods.

This is more like a myth and legend, and the records of the two gods are carved on the stone slab.

Shillon looked at it, and a picture showed a bear-like monster standing on the ground. Beside it, there were piles of triangles and dense black dots below.

There is also a slate that is a huge whale-like creature swimming in the ocean. Above it, there is a small sun.

The next one was that the sea began to rise, and the bear-like monster roared before the ground. The ground began to increase, causing the sea to retreat, and then two monsters shook each other.

The land is cracked, the tsunami continues, and the world collapses.

The slates seem to be recording this information, maybe what you felt before was the breath of these two?

Of course, there is much more information about the words of God. There are also humans in small places who believe in local gods.

It should be other powerful and transcendent creatures, considered gods by humans?

This world also seems to be quite complicated, and there is no doubt that the level of combat power in this world is much higher than the previous one.


He began to plan the next challenge route, and only stepped out of the hotel after preparing everything.

It was noon and the sun was shining.

Xilong took the brain demon floating in the air and went straight to Hailong Dao Hall.

Said it is a gym, but in Shillong's view, it is more like a school.

It is a very open school.

There are several buildings inside.

There are people who come and go, there are people who look like students in uniforms, with their own spirits, amused.

There are some men and women who kiss me and me on the side.

Well, no matter what school, this is inevitable, unless there is no opposite sex.

There are others who know they are from outside school by looking at their clothes, and they are also going in and out.

The whole gym is very lively.

Xilong walked to the guard and asked directly where the curator was. He wanted to challenge the curator directly.

However, the doorman waved his hand again and again, saying that it was impossible for the challenger to challenge the curator. To obtain the badge, it was the students who challenged the curator and pointed out the path for Shillong.

Silom was helpless, and he couldn't fight the curator hard, after all, this time he valued his reputation very much...

Under the shade of a big tree, several beautifully dressed women have been scanning the male outsiders coming and going with their eyes.

While pointing with his fingers, he kept muttering and commenting.

"Look at the one wearing Ali shoes over there. That one is pretty good! What score can you give?"

"80 points."

"75 points."

"55 points"

"Oh? Haiyue, what's the matter with you? Is it necessary to score such a low score? I think it's okay?"

"Niangli, look at his face, he still wears makeup. I can't bear this kind of thing. 55 points can't be higher!" The one called Haiyue is a long straight black and good-looking guy. Student girl.

She looks very gentle, but she is not polite when she speaks, and her image is not very good at this time, with her arms around her chest, like a beautiful girl.

The yellow-haired girl snorted, and then pointed to a slightly short figure with a delicate face, who had been teasing herself with a gentle smile and said to her cat-like weird man:

"How about this? I think I can do it! Why should I give 85 points!"

"Not bad! It looks like a gentle person! I give 82 points."

"80 points."

"60 points."

The last voice is Haiyue.

"Do you think this is bad? Then tell me what you think is good!" Huang Maonv was a little dissatisfied, she felt that her aesthetics had been provoked and denied!

"Okay! Let you see what the correct aesthetic is! You can't!" Haiyue said with a big grin, a pair of beautiful eyes shuttled back and forth in the crowd, like a female hooligan.

Soon she locked the target.

He stretched out his fingers to a 1.9-meter tall, sturdy man. Even with sunglasses, he could feel a handsome man. Beside him, there was a transparent skull floating around, and he was able to see the brains.

"That's it! I can give 95 points! It's 5 points short because I wear sunglasses and I can't give it without seeing the true colors!"

"Hey~ So Haiyue likes this kind of muscular hunk?" The yellow-haired girl smiled: "Seeing you are quite beautiful, why are you so sturdy?

Are you afraid that the thin and small can't satisfy you? "

"What do you stupid woman know? This is the experience of the elders! My mother told me! If you find a man, you need to find a strong one! This kind of man is durable! If you add a good face! Up!"

Haiyue didn't say anything shy about what her mother said at the beginning. This is the conclusion she agreed with after watching countless movies!

"Cut! I'm afraid it's an embroidered pillow that I don't want to use!" Huang Maonv said with disdain: "I can only give 60 points! I don't even dare to show his face, and I wear sunglasses. I doubt his looks. , Maybe it's a small eye! Hey!"

After Huang Maonv finished speaking, she said to other women around her: "How many points do you think you can score?"

"80 points, it looks good."

"It's 65 points, after all, I didn't look at the full length picture, and the monster next to him looks a little scary! The brain is exposed! There is also a series of electric arcs. I am really afraid that his head will explode and splash me... .

People with this kind of weirdness must be very fierce. "

"Cut! A group of ignorant people!" Haiyue curled her lips, stood up straight, brushed her hair gently, and then went straight to the target.

The yellow-haired **** one side quickly shouted: "Hey! Haiyue! What are you doing?"

"I'm going to capture my target!" Haiyue said without looking back.

A few female students were left looking at each other.


After Silom got the goal from the guard, he was approached by a student girl in gymnastics costumes before he took a few steps.

She shook her arm and greeted Shillong enthusiastically: "Hi! How are you! Are you a challenger from outside the gym?"

Shillon nodded.

"Hey! Our gym is very big, right? You don't know where the gym is? I'll take you there!" The student girl was very enthusiastic.

While talking, she approached Shillong. Seeing her stretched out her hands and seemed to want to embrace Shillong's arm, Shillong quickly took a step back and waved her hand:

"No, I've already asked others. It's about 700 meters away on the west side of me, so I can go by myself."

After speaking, Silom went straight away.

"Huh?" The woman looked a little depressed at the back of Silom's departure, stomped her foot, and followed again.

"Oh! You are a real person! One person is better than one person, right? I'll follow you! You don't have to thank me!

This is what each of our Hailong Daoguan students should do! In order to let every challenger feel our passion! "The woman said after catching up.

Silom glanced at her lightly, without speaking.

"Hey! Meeting is fate! Handsome big brother, can you tell me your name?" the woman asked as she walked.

"Sillon Soderberg."

"It sounds like a foreigner's name! Should I call you Brother Shillong or Brother Saudberg?"

"Just call me Shillong."

"Hello, Brother Shillong! My name is ShuibingHaiyue, and you can call me Haiyue. Today is really a special day. We met, knew, met, and met in the Hailong Taoist Hall..."

"Hey! Woman! Don't have to be an inch!" The brain demon who had been floating next to Shillong looked gloomy.

"You woman, are you showing love to your majesty now?"

"Your Majesty?" Haiyue was stunned for a moment, feeling that this name is really strange, but some spirit masters are so strange, they like to play role-playing games with their own spirits.

She looked up and down Shillon again, with a strange light in her eyes.

"It turns out that Big Brother Shillong likes to play role-playing games?" Haiyue showed a sensible smile, moved closer to Shillong, and said softly and ambiguously: "Say, what do you want me to call you?... Master?...or dad? Hehehe..."

"???" Shillon was dumbfounded, what was in the woman's mind?

"Asshole woman! Pay attention to your words! Just rely on your strength! Also worthy of recognizing your Majesty? Don't look in the mirror to see your own virtues?

Want to be your majesty's daughter? It is absolutely impossible~wuxiaworld.online~ How does your majesty's daughter get a mortal like you! "The brain demon was furious, the blue arc flashing in the brain door, a dangerous breath came out spontaneously.

Perhaps the brain demon's voice was a little louder, and many people around had noticed Shillong and Haiyue, and they looked at them with curious expressions.

Haiyue found that something was wrong, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she whispered softly, "What do you do with the brains? If you don't understand the taste of our human beings, stop talking!

This is a conversation between me and your master! "

"Huh! You are not qualified to talk to my lord!" The brain demon stared at the opponent fiercely, not giving way.

If it weren't for Shillong's advice, he would have to use his terrifying spirit to make this stupid woman experience unprotected flying 360 times, and then land her head on the ground, what would it be like to plunge into the ground!

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