"It's okay, I didn't care at all."

"That's good." Caixia smiled slightly.

Suddenly, a figure was directly inserted between the two of them, and Haiyue, who was originally on the opposite side, walked over at no time.

She turned her back to Shillong, staring at Caixia with a bad look, put an arm on the other's shoulder, and whispered: "What is the relationship between you woman and Brother Shillong? Don't think you have a big white leg. It's amazing!

I tell you! My legs are much whiter than yours! Much tender! I'll change into shorts soon! "

"Huh?" Caixia was taken aback for a moment, then she looked at Shillong, who was constantly frowning behind Haiyue, revealing a daze.

"You're misunderstood! I just came to the gym with my friend Xiao Chi. It happened to be missing the badge and after a duel, I just greeted Silom when I saw Shillong. I didn't mean anything else." Caixia explained. Tao.

"My old lady believes you a ghost!" Haiyue muttered in her heart and said: "That's right! Didn't you say that you still have a friend, Xiao Chi? Then you said where is the other person? If you ask him to come out, I believe you! "

"This..." Caixia looked at the people around her with embarrassment, her eyes were staring here curiously.

"It's not convenient to say here."

"Then go outside and say! Let's go! I will see where your friend Xiao Chi is out of thin air today! Damn woman! Obviously, I am eyeing Big Brother Silom!" Haiyue glared fiercely.

"You really think too much." Caixia had a headache, but she squeezed away from the crowd and walked out of the duel.

Haiyue reluctantly followed out.

Shillong also left here because he had already received the badge, and all three of them came outside.

Caixia said: "My friend Xiao Chi, this will be duel in the exclusive duel of the curator of the gymnasium, and the curator Hailong."

"Fighting with my dad?" Haiyue said after a slight daze.

"Huh? Are you the daughter of Curator Hailong?" Caixia was a little surprised.

"Of course! I'm my father's most beloved daughter! Hey! Not only is she beautiful! There is money and power at home! An authentic Bai Fumei!

The boys chasing me in the entire gymnasium, there are not a hundred and seventy or eighty!

What man would marry me! That can be at least 30 to 40 years less struggle! "

When Haiyue said [marry me], [struggle less], and [30 or 40 years], the words were accented, and Shillong, who kept gazing to one side, seemed to imply something.

"Ha ha ha..." Caixia's mouth twitched slightly, revealing an awkward smile.

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go to my dad! I want to expose you, a hypocritical woman in front of Brother Shillong!" Haiyue said, trying to hold Shillong's hand.

But a mind barrier stopped her salty pig hands.

"Hey! Woman! Pay attention to your movements! Your majesty's arms are not touched by an ant-like woman like you!" The brain demon said calmly.

"You hateful brain gate!" Haiyue was itchy by the other's angry teeth, but helpless.

The opponent has already proved his incomparable strength in the duel just now.

"You guy! Brother Shillong and I are a perfect match! You hinder him like this, be careful he is angry and doesn't want you!"

"Huh! Don't worry about this! Your Majesty admires talents like me the most! You lowly women who fancy your majesty's body, there are forty to fifty million if you don't have one hundred million! When did your majesty look at it?" Brain Gate said with disdain.

He was talking about his alliance star. Since Shillong unified the world, his human form has been published in magazines and news.

Groups of **** women are chatting under Shillong's official account like social software every day.

Every day I leave a message that my husband loves me, what is my husband, my husband is so handsome, my husband X me...

If it weren't for the great majesty's kindness and kindness, he thought it was a grounding gas and helped to absorb the expression of faith, his brain demon would have shut up those shameless women!

"One hundred million? Forty to fifty million?" Haiyue looked at the brain door angrily, this guy came again!

This flatterer! I really took Brother Shillong to shoot like an ancient emperor!

The body is so small, why is the skin so thick?

Dare to say anything!

"That's right! So you shouldn't be wishful thinking for anything like you!" The brain said.

"Huh! Insane!" Haiyue didn't bother to care about him, so she could only retreat and said: "Brother Shillong! Let's go! Come with me to expose the mask of Gu Lin Caixia!"

"No! I'm going to go to the next city soon and continue to challenge." Silom shook his head.

"No...No! Brother Shillong! Don't leave so quickly! You are gone! What should I do? My love shouldn't end at the beginning!" Haiyue looked distressed. accept.

This woman, there are so many dramas.

Silom shook his head inwardly, and then he was about to go outside the gym, but he had just taken a few steps.

Caixia stopped him: "Mr. Silom! You should go and see with us, isn't your wish to become the king of heaven?

Let's take a look at the battle at the curator level of the gymnasium. Although this level of battle is far from the king of heaven, it is also extremely high!

It can add a lot of enemy experience for you in the future. "

Caixia's words hit the point, and Silom's footsteps stopped for a while. He turned around and nodded: "What you said makes sense, let's go and see."

But... Damn it! I lost again!

Brother Silom didn't listen to me, but went to listen to the woman Gu Lin Caixia!

Damn it! How can I be better than her, I am obviously younger than her! This woman looked like she was already an old woman in her twenties!

Is it because she showed her white and tender thighs?

Haiyue is determined to pay attention to buying more shorts when going back! I will never be compared by this woman in the future!

A group of three people, with the brain demon who had been floating outside, soon came to a huge dojo on the edge of the wall. Before entering, they heard the sound of fierce fighting inside.

The roar of spirits, and the explosion of battle.

There was a huge werewolf in a black suit at the gate, which seemed to be the guard spirit of the gymnasium, preventing unrelated people from entering.

However, Haiyue and Gu Lin Caixia were obviously not unrelated persons in its eyes. When the three passed by, the human wolf gave a soft cry, and then opened the door for the three of them.

Walking inside, it was an open space as big as at least two or three football fields.

One was wrapped in blue electric light, like a squirrel and a mouse, and only a monster the size of a domestic cat kept dodge.

Opposite it is a monster shrimp.

This monster shrimp is the size of a human being, with a big **** standing upright. The two oranges seem to be spring-loaded, and they can shoot, retract, shoot, and retract continuously.

And the speed is extremely amazing, every time it shoots, it can blast a pit with a diameter of four or five meters in the ground.

Boom~ boom~ boom~ booming noise came out continuously.

Duelists on both sides were fighting attentively, and it seemed that they had not noticed that the door to the battle had been opened, and there were four more spectators.

"Xiao Chi! Dodging like this is no way! Why don't you let your lightning striker use lightning strikes?" said the curator Hailong who looked like a middle-aged man.

"Hey! Alright! Since it was Uncle Hailong's request, then! Xiaolei! Use a long-distance electric discharge!" Xiaochi looked only fifteen years old, with a red and blue duck tongue.

He lightly raised his duck tongue before issuing a combat command.


The lightning rode once again avoided a bombardment, and the whole body was full of yellow lightning.


Stabbed! ! !

The yellow thunder light instantly turned into a thunder spear, blasting toward the prawn at a speed that ordinary creatures could not avoid.

"Boxing shrimp! Use a hard shell!" Curator Hailong had already prepared, and when he saw the lightning on the rat, he gave an order at the same time.

The shell of the boxing shrimp that was originally red and blue was instantly covered in gray, and stayed in place like a statue.

The terrible thunder spear shot straight on the boxing shrimp.

Let the boxing shrimp glow and shine, and large swaths of smoke emerge from its body.

It continued for a few seconds before the lightning spear dissipated.

The boxing shrimp returned to its original state and let out a breath of heat.


The boxing shrimp screamed softly, and a pair of oranges clamped hard. It seemed to say to the lightning strike that it was okay. You can still use a little force.

"Ah! Lightning strikes have no effect!" Xiao Chi exclaimed, seeming a little surprised.

"Hahaha! Xiaochi, your tactics are very good. You know that you can use the lightning mouse of the lightning system to restrain my water monsters, but I will not let you restrain it!

This lightning shrimp is one of the few in my hand, able to use a hard shell, without fear of electric shock!

I have specially trained its hard shell! "The curator Hailong laughed and explained.

At this time, Boxing Shrimp started to madly eject his oranges, attacking the lightning-struck rats.

"Ah! That's really difficult!" Xiao Chi sighed, and then he believed: "But my Xiao Lei won't lose here!"

"Xiao Lei! Use the clone!"


The lightning rode screamed, and the small figure disappeared suddenly. Five identical lightning rodents appeared on the entire field, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The boxing shrimp penetrated a phantom, and another one appeared not far away, making the boxing shrimp confused.

"Your lightning mouse is very good. It can actually cultivate the clone to the level of 5, which is already at the level of curator." Curator Hailong sighed when he saw the scene in front of him.

"But how are you going to beat my hard-shell boxing rat? Except for thunder and lightning, your lightning rat has no other physical attacks worth mentioning! Even if this goes on, you will consume your energy first."

Curator Hailongs analysis is very correct. The long-distance flying orange of the boxing shrimp is almost instinctive, and it is far less physically demanding than the continuous dodge of lightning.

"It's not over yet! Xiao Lei! Use maximum power to discharge the boxing shrimp! Corona it to me!" Xiao Chi roared.


The lightning rat neighed loudly.

"It's useless! My Boxing Shrimp won't be afraid of any lightning!" Curator Hailong stood confidently.


The lightning-struck mouse disappeared instantly, and when it reappeared, it had already appeared behind Boxing Shrimp.

After feeling the abnormality behind him, the boxing shrimp also instantly entered a hard shell state, turning into a gray statue.

"Maximum power!!!!"

"Skin!" With the last neigh of the lightning strike, the endless yellow thunder burst out, completely submerging the boxing shrimp.

That too shining light directly closed the eyes of everyone present except Siro and Brain Demon.

After the lightning disappeared, they slowly opened their eyes and checked the situation.

In the middle of the field, the boxing shrimp statue that had stood still had returned to its original appearance and fell to the ground and passed out.

The shells all over his body turned red, and the heat continued to rise.

The lightning mouse was panting heavily on one side.

"Good job! Lightning strikes the mouse!" Xiao Chi immediately cried out happily when he saw this scene.


Thunder Strike Mouse heard Xiao Chi's shout, jumped several times, jumped into Xiao Chi's arms, and began to rub his chest to act like a baby.

"Excellent performance! Xiaochi, your lightning mouse reminded me of your father Zhitianwang. Does the two have anything to do with you?" Curator Hailong didn't feel any upset because his spirit lost the game.

"This is my father's child! He is the best partner who grew up with me since I was a child!" Xiao Chi said while stroking the head of the lightning striker in his arms, with a look of affection.

"No wonder! With such a powerful lightning strike ability, ordinary lightning strike rats can't do it at all, and only the blood of the Zhitian king has such strength." Curator Hailong nodded clearly.

"Hehehe~" Xiao Chi smiled happily.

"Dad! My dad! You actually lost to a kid?" A voice came from the door, interrupting the conversation that the two still wanted to continue.

Xiao Chi and Curator Hailong couldn't help but look over. Only then did they see the three of Xilong.

"Haiyue? Why are you here with Caixia? There is another friend?" Curator Hailong asked.

"I happened to meet the woman Caixia on the challenge field, say it! Dad! You lose to a child who looks like a minor, is it too shameful?" Haiyue pouted.

I just bluffed my identity in front of Brother Shillong, trying to let the other party know how good he was, and in a blink of an eye ~wuxiaworld.online~ his father was beaten by a child!

This is embarrassing, okay?

"Oh~ I can't say that..." Curator Hailong scratched his head: "This one is not an ordinary person! He is the child of King Zhitian, do you understand? Besides, our duel It's just started, it's just that I lost one spirit, and there are four others not playing!

How can you say that Dad lost? "

At the end, Curator Hailong looked at Haiyue with a pitiful appearance.

"What?? The child of King Zhitian? This kid?" Haiyue looked at Xiao Chi blankly.

"Ha ha ha..." Xiao Chi smiled awkwardly: "Hello, sister, my name is Omu Chi and my father is Omu Chi. I am glad to meet you."

"My god!" Haiyue exclaimed.

The entire Rainbow Kingdom is a well-deserved male **** and idol worshipped by everyone.