After learning of Xiao Chi's identity, Haiyue changed her face at once, rushed to Xiao Chi, held Xiao Chi's hands tightly with both hands, and kept shaking and said: "Hello! Hello! I am Haiyue! My father Hailongs daughter! Nice to meet you! Brother Chi!"

"Um... Hello, sister Haiyue." Xiao Chi smiled, his arm constantly shaking.

"Oh~ that's right!" Haiyue stopped suddenly. She pointed to Caixia on one side and said, "Is that person over there really your friend, Xiao Chi?"

"Oh~ Sister Caixia! She is a very good friend of mine." Xiao Chi replied, and then shouted to Caixia: "Sister Caixia! Have you got the badge of Hailong Daoguan?"

"Got it." Caixia had already walked to Xiao Chi and Haiyue at this time, smiling and shaking the badge in her hand.

"But... Damn! You woman! What you said is true!" Haiyue was a little depressed.

"Haiyue! Why don't you introduce this tall friend next to you?" Hailong stared at Shillong, with a touch of hostility hidden deep in his eyes.

"Ah! This is Brother Shillong! It's a handsome guy I just met! Dad! Let me tell you! He is super strong!" Haiyue looked excited, pointing to the demon beside Shillong:

"My ace Black Steel Bear was killed by the eldest brother's spirit, that is, this brain door dwarf spirit!

He might be better than you, dad! "

"What? Better than me?" Curator Hailong immediately changed his expression: "My dear girl! You really underestimate your father and me!

You actually said he is better than me! Humph! This is impossible! "

Hailong stared at Shillong angrily: "Young man! Are you interested in a duel with me?"

"Okay! Can't ask for it." Silom smiled.

In the short duel between Hailong and Xiaochi, Shillong had already analyzed a lot of things.

The strength of the two spirits is indeed good.

The electric mouse alone is definitely not much slower than the general legend, and the final maximum power discharge should be comparable to the attack of the general legend.

However, judging by its small size, its ability to resist hits must be extremely weak, and its overall strength should be around level 19.

And that big lobster has good attack and defense capabilities, but it should move slowly.

The overall strength may only be around level 18.

Overall strength is not bad.

However, under the legend and the legend are not at the same level, and the strength of these guys seems to be no more than that.

"Huh???" Xiao Chi was a little surprised on the side: "No...it's wrong! Uncle Hailong, aren't you fighting me? Why are you fighting someone else?"

He was a little unacceptable, this feeling was like being intimacy with his lover, half of his pants were taken off, and he was forced to terminate it, making his entire face blush.

"Sorry! Xiao Chi!" Curator Hailong was a little apologetic, but still said: "Your game will wait until I finish the duel with this Mr. Shillong!

After all, he is the master Haiyue said can beat me!

This makes my long-awaited euphoria again! "

"Oh...okay." Xiao Chi sighed, but had to accept the facts.

"Uncle Hailong, don't underestimate Silom, he is really very powerful." Caixia also said.

She saw that the curator of the sea dragon had some anger in it.

It seems because of Haiyue's attitude...

"I know!" Hailong replied.

"Come on! Mr. Silom! Let us have a wonderful duel!"

The two then stood opposite each other.

Under the sign of Shillong, the brain demon slowly floated to the middle of the arena, wrapped his hands in front of his chest and said: "Come on! Let you witness as your Majesty's subordinates, the second in strength, second in appearance, and first in loyalty. The strength of the master brain demon!

Just me! You can defeat all your elves! "

The demon's attitude is as arrogant as ever.

"Very good!" Curator Hailong's mouth twitched: "Is this a mutant psionic boy? It's really energetic!"

"It should be." Shillong nodded.

He doesnt know if it counts, you think its fine!

There are too many kinds of spirits in this world. There are thousands in nature, and there are many artificially cultivated and mutated. The appearance of the brain demon, even if ordinary people can't recognize it, will not feel strange.

Those with more knowledge, such as Curator Hailong, will replenish the roots of the demon.

"Psionic Boy is a super-powered spirit, and its upper limit is not particularly high, but Miss Caixia and my daughter Haiyue both said that you are better.

Then this must be a very powerful mutation, don't worry, I will definitely go all out to fight you!

Since your spirit claims to be the second most powerful under your team.

Then I will use the second-ranked one in my hand to fight you!

Come out! Sea King Ginseng! "

Curator Hailong released his own spirit, a sea cucumber that was bigger than others, and was wrapped in blue psychic light.

"Oh? Are you in the same department as me?" The brain demon seemed to be a little interested.

"Such a duel is the most direct contest between the psychic abilities of both parties. There is no fancy, and the outcome will be decided in an instant.

I like this way of fighting! "

"You like it!" Curator Hailong said, just as the spirits of both sides started to compete.

On the other side, Silom suddenly took out a camera and pointed it at the two spirits in the field, and started to shoot without saying a word.

"Oh! Wait! What are you doing?" Curator Hailong was a little shocked.

"Shooting and fighting!" Silom replied.

"Why filming? Are you going to put the video on the website and sell it for money?"

"Um... It's almost what it means." Silom was taken aback without explaining too much.

In fact, this is because he wants to put it on the Internet, collect some admirers, and earn some faith.

"That won't work!" Almost instinctively, Curator Hailong called: "I disagree!"

"You don't agree?" Silom frowned, and then he seemed to think of something: "Don't worry! I put it on the Internet, and the profit will be divided into 50-50! I will never be greedy for your dime! You can send someone if you don't worry. Come watch me!"

"It's not the problem.... It's just that I don't want to expose too many strange fighting videos. The national competition is about to be held in one year. Now that you release the video, isn't my old bottom exposed by you?"

Curator Hailong explained that his expression was not good.

"Is that so?" Silom sighed, the plan failed...

He put away his camera silently.

Haiyue on the other side took this opportunity and said, "Brother Shillong? Are you short of money? Hey! I have one hundred thousand federal currency pocket money every month! As long as you promise to be my boyfriend! I will divide it in half. Give you!"

"No!" "No!"

Almost at the same time, Xilong and Curator Hailong spoke together.

They glanced at each other, and Silom said: "Little girl... you should forget it, tell you the truth, I am not interested in women for the time being. You don't need to waste time on me."

"Huh? Not interested in women?" Haiyue's small mouth opened slightly: "That... means that Brother Shillong, you like men?

No way? Why do you, big brother, such a good and handsome man, like men!

Is it because you are only interested in muscles after you have developed muscles?

Ugh... Brother Shillong! Let me show you. Actually, I still have a few small abdominal muscles! I think we are still possible! "

At the end of the day, Haiyue actually wanted to open her clothes and show her belly to Shillong.

Fortunately, Hailong responded quickly and shouted: "Aptune Ginseng! Stop my daughter!"


Almost at the moment when the voice fell, a large blue light shone Haiyue, making her unable to move.

"You! What do you want to do? Good daughter's house! Why do you want to do such an indecent thing?" Curator Hailong was furious.

"I.... I just don't want handsome Shillong to degenerate and become gay! This is too sad, right? There are so few high-quality men, why are they gay?" Haiyue said with a sad expression.

"I'm not gay, little girl, you think too much." Silom shook his head helplessly, and would not be angry at the other party's words.

"I don't like women or men, then..." Haiyue looked at Shillong, and after a while, she showed a daze: "That's why you like female spirits?

OMG! This is not right! Brother Shillong! Although there are many spirits that look like humans! But they are still weird in nature!

Two different races will not be happy together! The most basic life spans are different, and the power system is also different. It's easy to happen!

do you know? In the first three years, I saw a piece of news saying that a man fell in love with a grass fairy, but in the end he disregarded secular opposition. What happened?

That man was poisoned to death! The grass fairy is poisonous in its body! It's okay to hug and hug together!

But going further is absolutely impossible!

There is more! Although the mermaid of the water system looks beautiful! But she has no reproductive capacity! Her lower body is a fish! ........"

Haiyue's mouth was like a machine gun, and she kept talking.

Finally, the complexion of everyone around him changed.

"Don't get me wrong, I won't like anyone, I'm only interested in power." Silom explained helplessly.

"Oh...power?" Haiyue showed a clear expression again: "It turns out that Big Brother Siro is a handsome guy in the abstinence system!

This is because you have never met a woman who made your heart beat before!

But now it's different! You met me! I believe you will be conquered by my charm soon! Then fall in love with me hopelessly! "

Haiyue instantly regained her spirit.

"Okay! Alright! Alright! You should let me play with your father as soon as possible." Silom covered his head and said.

"Hehehe, okay." Haiyue finally stepped aside.

Then under the start of a game.

Curator Hailongs Sea King Ginseng unreservedly exploded with all its powers!

The entire gymnasium was dyed blue, and a huge force enveloped the brain demon.

"Nice power! But want to deal with your majesty's most loyal servant! This is far from enough!" The brain demon shouted.

The arc flashes in the brain door.

The dark blue psionic light burst out instantly!

Two terrible auras roared and collided!


It's like a giant competing for his own power.

The defensive barrier of the entire gym is shaking.

After a stalemate for a few seconds, the psychic light of the brain demon began to quickly press on the sea king ginseng!

Everyone only saw that Sea King Ginseng was bombarded by the deep blue brilliance, and Peng's bang hit the defensive wall in the gymnasium.


The entire defensive barrier trembled for several times before the Sea King Ginseng fell weakly to the ground and passed out into a coma.

"Dad's Sea King Ginseng...Is this a loss?" Haiyue muttered to herself.

"It seems...yes..." Caixia was also a little surprised.

"Okay... That's awesome!" Xiao Chi looked at the brain demon with bright eyes: "I really want to fight this kind of opponent! Isn't it? Xiao Lei?"


"Too weak!" The brain demon was as arrogant as before, but Silom frowned behind him.

That sea king ginseng, dont look at being instantly killed by the brain demon, but in fact it is not weak, at least it is the beginning of the legend, but his opponent is a Tier 4 demonized brain demon 40 years ago, or he used it A guy who has strengthened the Godhead of Dora.

The general legend is naturally far from his opponent, let alone the same type, this kind of spike is not unexpected.

What surprised Shillong was that the Sea King Ginseng was also a legendary beginner!

Why don't you want any face? Actually recognize a human as the master?

Humans in this world seem to be far less weak than he thought!

This is only the second in the hands of the curator!

And what is the strength of the curator?

It seems to be only the regional champion and runner-up level, or the top 64 national events.

There is a huge gap with the top 4 in the world events!

The king of heaven... It seems that the strength is not only what he thought before.

Shillon thought blankly on one side.

The curator Hailong on one side looked ugly: "I...my Sea King Ginseng...I was defeated at once...he has been trained by me to the level of a quasi-sacred beast. ..."

It's fine to lose to someone else, but losing to this brat who fascinated his daughter so much made him extremely depressed.

"Dad! It's so bad! Big Brother Shillong is still great!" Haiyue shouted aside, and was about to lean on Shillong again.

But the corner of the brain demon's eye ~wuxiaworld.online~ isolated her.

"Okay...so bad..." Curator Hailong was deeply shocked, squatting on the ground with his head in his arms, and kept mumbling.

"Don't you still have the No. 1 spirit? Come on! Let our battle continue!" Brain Demon said.

"No way..." Curator Hailong murmured.

"Why? You have such a reputation now? Knowing that even if it is your trump card, is it still far behind me?" The brain demon looked at the other side with surprise.

"No... I didn't mean that... but my sea dragon is a large monster of S1 level. It can't be used in this venue, so I can't let my sea dragon come out and You tried it."

"Then change the venue!" Silom said.

He wants to defeat the curator under the eyes of everyone, since you said that shooting is not good! Then I will defeat you in front of everyone! The same can be used to develop fans!