No need, I already know your strength, there is no need to continue fighting. Curator Hailang shook his head and refused.

"Really..." Silom frowned slightly, somewhat regretful.

"Brother Shillong! Come to a duel with me!" Next to him, Xiao Chi had a look of excitement, and his eyes were a little bright.

"I want to record a video, are you sure?" Silom raised an eyebrow and asked.

"It's okay! I just want to fight you with your eldest brother! Only by fighting someone as powerful as your elder brother can my spirit become stronger!

It doesn't matter to leak information! "Xiao Chi smiled.

"Really? That's good!" Xilong looked at Xiao Chi with appreciation: "The real strong should be so fearless!

Fearfulness is not what the strong should be!

Boy, you can definitely become the king of heaven in the future! "

"Yes...Is it..." Xiao Chi blushed with praise: "Hey...This is also my wish."

When the curator Hailong on one side heard Siro's words, he felt that the other party was despising him, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little.

He glanced at the brain demon who was still on the field, and seemed to be ready to continue fighting, and said: "Brother Shillong! As a strong, you can't just rely on a spirit, you must also have other partners with extraordinary strength."

He decided to test whether Shillong had other powerful spirits.

Although this brainman said that he was second in the opponent's hands, but this said that there is no basis...

"Um... you make sense."

Shillong nodded, then let the brain demon come back to him, took out the camera from his body and handed it to him: "You can take a good shot of me later. I'll leave this battle to someone else."

"Yes! Your Majesty! I must perfectly photograph your majesty's brave posture of directing the battle! And the crushing duel of his companions!" The brain demon vowed to take the camera.

"Well, I heard that you used to be an up master before, so I don't worry about that." Silom gave him a high degree of affirmation.

"Yes! For your majesty! I must do my best!" the brain demon shouted loudly.

The people on one side looked at the posture of Shillong and the brain demon, they all looked a little confused.

Isn't this person a strange way of getting along?

Caixia was the only one who asked herself again in her heart.

Is the training method Sillon said before is correct? Otherwise, why is his spirit so obedient?

Xiao Chi on one side was obviously a little bit disappointed when he heard that it was not the queen of brains.

"Hey~ isn't it Mr. Shillong's psychic boy?

Obviously so powerful.

Is it Xiao Lei?"

"Pi!" The lightning mouse, who was in Xiao Chi's arms, called out.

"Don't worry! I'm not going to be a weak character next time."

While talking, Siron took out a ball of spirits and pressed the button above.

"Come out, Ooze."


A slime-like Q version of the slime monster appeared in front of Shillong.

"Woo." The ooze monster always remembered Shillong's instructions, only uttering simple syllables.

"Ooze monster..." Curator Hailong said in surprise: "This kind of creature, like the lightning rat, is a monster with a lower upper limit. It is a monster with more viewing and support than combat.

I didn't expect you to make it appear on the stage, so this little thing must have something to do with it. "

"Woo." The ooze whine a few times.

Slowly walked to the middle of the arena, on one side of the small equator: "Since it is the spirit of Brother Shillong, then this must be a very powerful guy!

We have to go all out!

Is it Xiao Lei?"

"Skin!" Lightning Strike Mouse screamed, and when he sprang up, he appeared in the arena, opposite the ooze monster.

"Okay! Then I count down three times! The game will start directly." Curator Hailong said aside.

But before he started the countdown.

The brain demon on one side said, "Wait! I haven't made the opening introduction yet!"

"Huh?" Everyone was taken aback.

But the brain demon doesn't care about them. He uses his super power to control the camera to the side of Xiao Chi, and introduces:

"Dear viewers! Hello everyone! The game we can see now! It is definitely the most exciting game in the world!

none of them!

Have you seen our little brother wearing a red cap?

He is the famous king of the world! Oki Chi's son, Oki Chi!

This is a super genius boy, just now, he defeated the Hailong curator of Dragon King City!

The strength is definitely not under his father! "

"Huh?" Curator Hailong was confused for the first time, and then a little angry said: "Hey! Don't talk nonsense! When did I lose to Xiao Chi?

It's just the first game! The duel of the spirit masters has never been so counted!

I didn't lose at all! "

Xiao Chi was also embarrassed to be praised, and waved his hands repeatedly.

"I... I am not as good as you said... I am far worse than my dad... The game with Uncle Hailong is not over yet."

Hearing the words, the brain demon just glanced at Curator Hailong lightly: "I will pinch off what you say! You want to make trouble!

But please don't underestimate my skills!

No matter when and where you interrupt!

I can make everything you say disappear! "

"You..." Curator Hailong was very angry.

Finally, he snorted and turned his head and stopped looking at him.

The brain demon then filmed Shillong.

At this time, Siro was straight and straight, looking straight at the arena ahead, where the two elves were.

There is an unspeakable momentum.

The brain demon hurriedly introduced: "And Oki Chi's opponent.

This tall and mighty figure, looks unparalleled! The invincible man in the world of wisdom is a peerless master who walked out of the mountains!

It can be said to be the number one dark horse today!

Previously, he had a private fight with the curator Hailong of the Dragon King City, and finally defeated the curator Hailong with a crushing force!

Its strength is still above Omuchi in my opinion!

Today is a duel! It is definitely an unprecedented battle of the century! "

When the brain demon speaks, it expresses affection and frustrates the yin and yang. It is the type that can easily arouse the emotions of the audience.

The curator Hailong on one side was the first to be emotional.

He angrily said: "Why is it me again? It was just a tentative test that was lost. Why does it seem to you that I lost a regular duel!

hateful! Don't talk nonsense! "

"Dad! Just shut up! You have lost both matches! There is nothing wrong with Cerebellar's saying that." Haiyue said contemptuously.

"Why... why even Yueyue you said that about Dad... Dad obviously didn't lose..." Curator Hailong was a little autistic.

"Okay! The two sides have already introduced!

Looking at the spirits of the two sides, the Shillong player is a mutant ooze monster, and the Omuchi player is a lightning rat.

Don't look down on them just because they are so small. The fight later will surely blow everyone's attention!

Now I count three! Let the two start the game! "

While speaking, the brain demon motioned to Xiao Chi again.

Xiao Chi and the lightning Rat on the opposite side nodded.

With three two one falling.


The lightning rat yelled, and a lightning bolt struck the ooze monster first.

The ooze monster did not have the slightest defense, allowing the lightning to fall on its body, and the powerful black light kept flickering and violent on its body for a few seconds.

When the thunder light disappeared, the ooze monster was full of smoke, but it seemed to be unharmed.

"Awesome!" Curator Hailong couldn't help but exclaimed.

This slime monster is really not for viewing and auxiliary use.

"Okay! That's amazing! Brother Shillong!" Xiao Chi also exclaimed.

"But we won't lose! Are you Xiao Lei?"


The lightning rat screamed, not waiting for it to act.

The ooze monster spun in a posture they had never seen before, like a whirlwind of mud.

Strips of black mud shot out like bullets.


The lightning-struck rat reacted extremely quickly, splitting into 5 avatars in an instant, and shuttled in the torrential rain of mud liquid, but a piece of mud was not hit.

"It's useless! My Xiao Lei, speed and dodge ability are specially trained, this level of attack can not hit!"

Xiao Chi yelled.

"Xiao Lei, accumulate energy while avoiding! Use the hot lightning!

Ooze monsters are most afraid of heat! "


As the lightning struck the mouse, it ignited a fiery red arc while avoiding it.

"This lightning mouse is indeed the child of King Zhitian.

Have you mastered the changes in the nature of lightning?" Curator Hailong exclaimed.

Seeing this fiery red lightning slashed on the ooze monster.

A crimson flame burned on its body.

But soon, the body of the slime monster changed its color, and finally turned into ice blue.

The flame was extinguished instantly.

"Ok... so awesome!" Xiao Chi sighed again.

But Shillon frowned: "Have you played enough? Hurry up and end the battle."

"Woo..." Hearing Shillong's voice, the ooze monster stiffened.

Oops, it was discovered by your majesty...

I originally wanted to stay in this beautiful world for a while and play with this cute little mouse.

But now there is no chance!

Cute little mouse! At the time of parting, let me offer you my gift!

The whole body of the ooze monster stood up, and a large amount of translucent liquid began to spray out of it.

The entire arena was sprayed everywhere by it.

After a few waves of liquid, the lightning strike rat landed directly on the transparent liquid because there was no place to land, and as a result, it was directly stuck to its limbs.

"Xiao Lei, break free!" Xiao Chi shouted.

"Skin!" Lightning Strike Mouse struggled hard, and it was firm with the clay under its feet.

"Woo..." After the ooze monster screamed, the fluid underneath turned into legs.

Suddenly bounce, swish towards the lightning rat!

Until the lightning strikes the mouse completely.

The corner of Xiao Chi's mouth on one side suddenly showed a smile.

"You are fooled! Since long-range lightning strikes don't work! So Xiao Lei! Use short-range lightning strikes to defeat it!

Use maximum power lightning! "

A few seconds later.


There was no reaction in the slime monster's body.

"..." Xiao Chi was stunned slightly: "What's the matter? Xiao Lei! Use the maximum power lightning strike! I know you won't be defeated so easily!"


Still no response.

Finally, the slime monster withdrew from the lightning striker.

What appeared in front of the crowd was a pitiful mouse that collapsed on the ground and had no godless eyes.

Its belly is protruding a lot.

The cheeks are full of bulging, and all of them are some white and yellow soft waxy things.

There is also a pile around the body.

It's like being broken...

Xiao Chi was shocked when he saw his beloved lightning mouse turned into this appearance, and ran over quickly.

Regardless of what those soft things are, he directly picked up the lightning mouse and shouted: "Xiao Lei! Xiao Lei! Are you okay, Xiao Lei!"

But the mouse still did not respond to the lightning strike, staring at the ceiling blankly.

Others on the side also rushed over.

Curator Hailong and Caixia frowned slightly.

But Haiyue's face turned red. She glanced at the ooze monster, then at Shillong, her eyes flashed with unknown light...

"Xi... Brother Shillong... what did your slime monster do to my lightning rat? Why did it become like this?" Xiao Chi looked at Shillong pitifully.

Shillon raised his eyebrows.

"My ooze is kind of hospitable... it fed your lightning mouse some bananas."

"Banana?" Xiao Chi was taken aback, then buckled a little banana meat on the lightning rat and put it in his mouth.

"Huh? It's really banana meat... But why does Xiao Lei look like he's been hit hard?"

He couldn't understand, and looked at the ooze monster on one side in surprise.

The ooze monster pulled the corner of his mouth, made a smiling face, separated a hand, and gave Xiao Chi a thumbs up.

It seems that besides, how does my banana taste?

Xiao Chi froze, and said with a thumbs up: "It tastes good."

The ooze nodded at him.

"Your lightning mouse should be supported, and it will be better after a while." Silom said.

"Um..." Xiao Chi nodded.

The two continued to fight, but Xiao Chi failed to defeat the Ooze Monster in three straight defeats.

He regretted: "Brother Shillong, this monster of yours is really amazing! Where is the number one in your place?"


"Is it weaker than the psychic boy?" Xiao Chi muttered to himself, and immediately said full of blood:

"It's a pity that this place is a bit too small, and my trump card cannot be expanded here...

Brother Shillong, one year later, let us decide the winner in the World Championship!

At that time, it will really go all out! I gave up this decisive battle. "

"Good." Silom nodded and agreed.

Others congratulated him.

"What a wonderful game! As expected of Brother Silom! Not only defeated my father, but also defeated the son of King Jitian!

I love you more and more! "Haiyue's eyes lit up on one side.

"Yueyue! Don't say that... Dad is not a loss at all!" Curator Hailong felt a little uncomfortable.

"Since the duel is over, then I will leave first." Silom said.

"Don't do this! Brother Silom! Come to my house with Xiao Chi tonight!" Haiyue said.

"No, I have to go to the next city to collect badges, but there is no time to delay." Silom refused.

Without waiting for Haiyue to say anything, he turned and left, Haiyue wanted to chase.

But a transparent wall blocked her.

That is the psychic barrier of the brain demon.

He floated in the air, made a grimace at Haiyue, and followed Sillon with a smile.

Only Haiyue's crying face was left yelling behind.

After a while, her yellow-haired sister did not know when she appeared beside Haiyue and patted her on the shoulder.

Exclaimed: "What? Lost in love?"

"Yes... Yeah... I just started this... How come it's over! You said I am so beautiful! So rich!

How could he not be fascinated by me! "Haiyue said pitifully.

"He might like men."

"No, he said he doesn't like men either."

"People who like men will admit it in front of you?"


"Don't think so much, come and smoke a cigarette, forget your him." Huang Maonv said, handing Haiyue a female cigarette.

"Oh..." After Haiyue took it, Huang Maonv lit her aside.

Then they clicked on one as well, and the two women silently looked at the back of Silom away from the gate.

Behind them, Xiao Chi, Caixia and Curator Hailong looked at each other.

Do you two need to be so exaggerated?

After leaving Hailong Daoguan, Xilong asked the brain demon born of the former up master to refine the video and upload it to major online platforms.

The response is naturally good.

Especially when identifying their identities, both sides are strong men who defeated the Hailong curator!

But when the two powerhouses fought against each other, Shillong defeated the legendary son of King Zhitian with overwhelming strength!

The cheap, low-combat spirits that are used are the "ooze monsters".

This naturally attracted the attention of ordinary compatriots.

You know, although everyone in this world is a spirit master.

But the strengths are distinct.

There is only one spirit in more than 80%, and this spirit is still a commodity of low combat effectiveness.

They are just ordinary spirit masters who follow the trend and raise spirits like pets.

It's not that they don't want to be the same as that kind of regular people, but their economic strength does not allow them to buy multiple spirits and spirit balls.

So they can only envy those professional masters.

There are a variety of powerful spirits.

And they only have ordinary cheap spirits.

Originally, most people would worship those professional powerhouses, such as the king of heaven, curator, etc., because of their nature to worship the powerhouse.

But now, many of them began to worship Shillong.

The reason is naturally because Shillong gave them hope!

Be weak and strong!

It fully shows that there are no weak spirits, only weak spirit masters!

Then, while many people admired Shillong, they also ignited the dream of a professional wizard!

Start training your own spirits frantically!

Of course these people will never know that what they see is actually extremely poisonous chicken soup...

Although hard work is indeed useful, the limit is still too great.

Among them, perhaps only one in ten thousand can achieve a little achievement in the field of spirits.

But these people will not regret it!

Because they have achieved success compared to the past!

For this reason, Shillong discovered that his daily income of faith reached 3 million in just one day!

On the second day, the daily income of faith was 3.3 million!

Until the fifth day, reaching 3.6 million, it was considered that the upward trend stopped.

This made Shillon extremely surprised, how high is the worship of human beings in this world?

For this, he praised the brain demon severely and promised to improve his strength by the end of the year.

This naturally makes the brain demon thank you very much.

Then Silom wanted to continue to challenge the curator of the gymnasium, and other strong players to post videos, but unfortunately all those guys kept their strength.

Will not challenge at all!

Not to mention letting Shillong shoot the video.

Don't you see what Curator Hailong is like now?

Many people from other places have never heard of the name of Curator Hailong and know him!

This was originally a pleasant thing, but Curator Hailong couldn't be happy.

Because every time someone mentions him, they will add two sentences in front!

such as...

"Oh? You said that the Sea Dragon curator who was defeated by the son of King Zhitian, Xiao Chi, and the master of the strongest ooze monster?"

After saying these few words, are you angry?

It made him feel that the eyes of the students in the gym are weird!

And his daughter! Recently, I kept watching the videos of Shillon's boy at home repeatedly, always saying handsome...cool...what, it made him even more uncomfortable.

It is said that Shillong had collected 10 gymnasium badges in one month.

There is no difficulty encountered in this, all battles are crushed.

After he became famous, he came to the second gymnasium and was surrounded by people, even if he didn't fight with the curator-level figures of the gymnasium.

A large number of people filmed his battle and posted it on the Internet spontaneously.

For this, when he won 10 badges.

The daily faith came to 4 million!

In the following time, Shillong did not stay in this world honestly and participate in the World Series.

Instead, he returned to the Alliance Star. He felt that he had waited for a year in vain, and he might as well explore other worlds first. Maybe this year would be enough for him to conquer a world!

He chose a desert island in the sea, and then started exploring with a group of executed prisoners.

Open the portal and send in the death row prisoners one by one.

Shillong promised that as long as they came back immediately after entering, their sins would be greatly reduced, and most people would be innocent.

If they do not return for more than ten minutes, close the channel and let them fend for themselves in another world.


Another world, on a planet shrouded in gray mist.

It was the dark night, the black fog was surging, and the dark purple moon high in the sky exuded a magical brilliance.

The strands of light shining on this planet shrouded in black mist, there is a strange and terrifying.

A man wearing a commoner and ragged clothes, perhaps because he rarely shines on the sun, looks unusually pale, and ran forward staggeringly.

His eyes were full of horror.

The legs are shaking badly.

He was in the dark fog, with a visibility of only ten meters, while running away, he looked back from time to time.

In the black fog, a horrible figure loomed, always hanging behind the escaped man, unhurriedly or slowly.

"No...Don't come...you devil! Why! Why don't so many people choose me in the village! I just chose me! Why!" The man yelled in horror~wuxiaworld.online~ The running man was named Yellow Dog , Was originally a villager in a small village, where there were only forty or fifty households.

The small village is almost isolated from the world, and everyone is self-sufficient.

They did not have the guts to leave the village, whether it was night or day!

Because of the devil!

This is passed down from generation to generation from the old population of the village!

Legend has it that in the dark, the devil will come out for food.

They like to swallow humans, whether it is human flesh or liver, it is their favorite food.

All those who do not stay in the house in the dark will be taken away by the devil and swallowed.

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