This is what he heard from a very young age.

Before the age of ten, I always thought it was a legend.

But when he was ten years old, his father still stayed in the fields to work in the dark. This was very common, because his father usually did this.

But that day was very unusual. He was waiting for his father with his mother in the house.

They did not wait for their father's arrival, but they heard his father's call for help from a distance.

He wanted to open the door to see what his father had encountered, but was held back by his mother.

I still remember my mother quickly extinguished all the lights and blocked the door of the room with tables and chairs.

He wanted to ask what was going on.

But his mother was holding his mouth tightly, making him unable to make a sound.

He turned his head laboriously, and in the dark environment, he could barely see his mother's frightened and distorted face at the time.

There was a loud knock on the door, and the sound of father begging to open the door.

But the mother did not reply.

She even deliberately lowered the sound of her breathing, and covered his nose and mouth.

The whole body was also blocked by the door of the room.

The knock on the door was louder.

Father's words seemed particularly anxious.

Until the last weird laugh.

Accompanied by his father's screams, the knock on the door stopped abruptly, and the outside world calmed down...

That night, my mother didn't sleep all night, and he was in her mother's arms, and he didn't sleep all night, feeling her mother's trembling body.

Until the next day comes.

When the blue sun rose in the sky and his mother opened the door, he saw everything at the door!

It was full of blood, some meat and bone scraps, and some remnants of internal organs...

The mother cried like a breakdown and vomited while crying.

He didn't know why his mother was crying, but the mother cried so fiercely, and the yellow puppy also cried. It was not until later that he knew that the scum and bone scum were the remains of his father...

For a long time, a large group of villagers gathered outside, and they looked at the pool of blood in fear.

Some old people in the village said in horror: "This is the devil...the devils who eat people are here again..."

The villagers showed fear and anxiety on their faces.

Some people wanted to escape because of the appearance of the devil, but the old people discouraged them, saying that if they escape, they are more likely to encounter the devil at night...

Will definitely die on the road.

The village seems to have restored its original appearance, but the villagers are no longer as stable as before, and their expressions have been terrified.

My mother started to work on the ground. She was tired every day, but as soon as night fell, she would immediately return home and lock the door.

Days passed day by day, until three months later.

The screams of horror rang out again, and in this small village with only dozens of families, it seemed particularly clear.

After a scream, everything was calm again.

The next morning.

He saw all the villagers gathered at the door of a family, which was Wang Xiaoniu's house.

Is one of his always playmates.

He squeezed the crowd and looked inside.

The same horrible scene as when his father died reappeared. Wang Xiaoniu and his father kept vomiting while crying...

Later he learned that it was Wang Xiaoniu's mother who died.

I heard that Wang Xiaoniu's family was sleeping well that night.

But suddenly, Wang Xiaoniu's mother got up.

Wang Xiaoniu's father thought she was going to urinate, but he didn't care too much.

In the end, she saw Wang Xiaoniu's name constantly whispering, opened the door and walked out...

Wang Xiaoniu's father was frightened in an instant, and immediately went to the ground, trying to bring his wife back.

But when he came to the door, he was stunned.

In the darkness, he saw a pair of dark purple eyes.

This eye is very big, twice the size of the average person, staring at his wife in a daze. When Wang Xiaoniu's father appeared at the door, he turned his head to look at him.

The drama king Xiao Niu's father said that he was scared to pee!

As if seeing hell, an indescribable fear occupied Wang Xiaoniu's father's heart, he almost instinctively closed the door, and then kept breathing depressive breath...

Finally heard that scream...

Even living in a house at night is not safe!

The villagers panicked again.

Someone started to flee, but the next day, the body of that person would appear at the door of the village.

This corpse is different from the two previously eaten by the devil.

The body actually remained quite intact, only the meat on the thighs was gnawed away, and the part of the heart was missing the heart.

The old man in the village said that it was a warning from the devil, warning his own food not to leave its granary without authorization.

This time I left so much body, but the devil was a little full yesterday, so I only ate some of its favorite parts...

This made the people in the village even more disturbed, and they did not dare to go out at will.

Every three months thereafter, one person will die...

There is no rule, completely random.

Fear is spreading, and no one knows whether he will be the next hapless person.

Soon someone crashed in this situation.

His mother was one of them, and her mother made an appointment with several others and ran away together.

There were ten people who fled this time, but unfortunately, they all died too...

Everyone's body was better, only a hole was opened in the chest, and the heart was missing. This time the devil didn't even eat the meat of their thighs.

The yellow puppy's mother died like this...

The people in the village are even more afraid.

The travel quotient that usually comes every six months never reappeared.

The panic continued for more than half a year, and finally the demon disappeared for some reason, and the village returned to tranquility.

But then, someone organized people to flee, thinking that the village was no longer safe.

Ignored the old people's dissuasion.

I went to the village called Xieyue Village, which is the closest to the old population.

The yellow puppy thought they would never come back, but he didn't expect that after a long time, they fled and returned.

The original eight-person team is missing three!

It is said to have been eaten by wild beasts!

Those beasts are taller than people!

When I saw them, I pounced on them.

One of them was killed by the beast, and the other two separated from them when they fled.

According to the old people in the village, those are not ordinary beasts, but monsters infected by the devil. Most of them live in the wilderness and feed on any animals, humans, and plants.

But the favorite among them is human beings.

They are pets raised by the devil, and they are used to guard food to escape and set up...

Everyone had no intention of escape and lived in the village honestly.

In this way, seven smooth years have passed.

Just when everyone thought the devil would not come back, the yellow puppy was sleeping, but in a daze, he heard the call of his dead mother.

As if caught in a devil, he opened the door of the room and followed the voice out of the village, and then he became sober.

He found himself in the dark suburbs!

There was black fog all around, making him unable to see everything 10 meters away.

But behind him, there was always a pair of terrifying eyes watching him, and the yellow puppy knew that it was the devil!

They are back!

This prompted him to run non-stop... non-stop running...

It was only then that he shouted that sentence: "No... don't come...you devil! Why! Why are so many people in the village not choosing me! I chose me! Why! I don't want to die!!! Please! Please let me go!"

He was scared and unwilling, but he was more helpless.

The devil behind him would not answer him, and even if he felt that his chest and abdomen were ignited by a flame, burning his lungs, he did not dare to stop his feet.

Has been running non-stop.

Until he appeared in front of him a strange elliptical unknown.

Then, in this thing, a human with a yellower skin appeared. He was a little surprised after seeing him, but when he saw him behind, he became a little frightened and quickly retracted!

A spark named hope appeared in the yellow puppy's desperate eyes, and he suddenly used the power of his whole body to dive into the strange thing.

But the eyes behind him, after staring at the door for a moment, let out an unwilling roar and disappeared...

This devil, on this strange thing, felt something terrifying...

The other side of the door.

The mountain-like dragon squatted halfway in front of the portal, and a pair of dragon eyes full of golden particles stared at the portal.

There are also Duan Tianhao, brain demon and other demonized people beside him.

Shillong used the strongest posture to deal with enemies that might appear at any time.

Prior to this, he had sent forty-two death row prisoners, and without exception, none of them returned.

This is no wonder, after all, there are too few planets with life on the outer planes.

Compared with the broad cosmic sky.

Shillong even planned to wait for hundreds of times.

But he didn't expect the forty-third death row prisoner to ran back directly from the portal, his expression was a little flustered, and he kept shouting for monsters.

Ran directly behind the brain demon and others.

Seeing this situation, Shillong's expression became more serious.

There should be an enemy coming!

Just as he was preparing to deal with the enemy, a pale figure appeared from the portal.

Is this a human?

White skin? However, it looks similar to the Asian face of Blue Star.

When the yellow puppy came to the opposite side of the door, he found that he was surrounded by a huge shadow, which seemed to be a big mountain, extremely dark.

At the foot of the mountain, there was the person who appeared suddenly and ran away.

There are also a few scary-looking monsters!

Seeing these monsters, the yellow puppy screamed and collapsed to the ground as soon as his legs were soft!

His heart was filled with despair, and he never dreamed that there was a monster on the opposite side of the door!

Is this the devil?

Each one actually looks different.

That little devil has such a big head?

And those demons that look as big as small houses?

Just looking at it makes the yellow puppy terrified!

"Why...why...I am so unlucky...why would I die here..." the yellow dog whimpered.

"No... don't eat me... I don't want to die..."

He issued such a pleading.

"Eat you? Don't worry, there is no human option in my recipe. Welcome you, humans in another world."

A huge roar came from high above.

The yellow puppy instinctively looked up. His head was almost 90 degrees looking up at the sky before he saw the huge dragon head.

While seeing the monster clearly, the yellow puppy made a weird cry, and his heart stopped beating instantly!

he! Scared to death!

"Dead?" Silom looked at the dead yellow puppy corpse in surprise: "The world over the door, are human beings so timid?

I've already reduced my breath or scared him to death. "

"Your Majesty! How dare mortals look straight at your majestic face!" said the brain demon.

"Sad mortal, let me revive you!"

Silom spoke and immediately used the godhead of the Lord of Dawn, but unfortunately, the dead yellow puppy did not respond.

Shillon looked carefully and found that the soul in the opponent's body had disappeared.

"What's this? Is another world repulsing each other? If you die in another world, your soul will be directly annihilated by the will of the world?"

Shillong said to himself, he was so guessing.

After he sent the brain demon and others, he went straight into the side of the door alone.

Looking at the dark purple moon high in the sky, and the surrounding fog.

He found that even if these fogs were for him, they would cause a great disturbance to his vision, making him only able to see things around ten kilometers away.

Only a small village on the west side can be seen.

Without hesitation, Shillong went directly to the village.


This village is the village of the yellow dog. At this time, in a wooden house, an extremely terrifying scene happened.

A head is as big as an average person's body, with a split mouth, and a jagged monster lying on a man's body and constantly gnawing.

The man under him has died long ago.

The door of the wooden house was wide open.

In the corner of the wooden house, there was a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, holding her knees tightly, looking at the scene in front of her with expressionless expression.

She is the daughter of a gnawed man!

Click, the click of chewing sound kept ringing.

"Damn meat... I dared to escape from my hand... I was so humiliated! Unforgivable... Unforgivable!" The devil murmured continuously while devouring the meat.

It glanced at the girl in the corner from the corner of its eyes: "Poor little tender meat, there is obviously no one who wants to eat your father today, but who told the previous piece of meat to run away...

Don't worry, you are a good piece of meat, I will wait until you grow up to taste it.


"..." The little girl hadn't spoken, her eyes looked at the gnawed corpse blankly.


Why is there a devil in the world?

Why does the devil want to eat people?

Why do people eat vegetables? Eat chicken and duck?


Father is going to be eaten?

Why are we humans the food of the devil?

Why don't uncles and uncles come to save father?

Why is this world so terrible?

Why do people live in this world?

Why is all this?

There is so much why in the girl's heart, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com she kept thinking.

Time passed slowly in the devil's gnawing sound.

Until a slight footstep sounded gradually from the door of the room, in this quiet place, there was no sound except the sound of gnawing.

Both the little girl and the devil heard the sound.

The devil paused the meat-eating mouth and showed a weird smile.

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