The little girl looked at the door blankly.

What appeared at the wooden door was an unseen shoe that looked very beautiful.

Then she saw what the owner of this shoe looked like.

He was a long, very tall elder brother, who was much stronger than his father, and his eyes were blocked by two dark objects.

"It seems to see something disgusting." The big brother standing at the door said, his voice sounded a little indifferent.

"Hee hee hee hee..." Crouching next to the corpse, the big-headed devil, who had stopped gnawing, turned his whole head 180 degrees, looking directly at the tall man behind him.

After looking up and down, it sneered: "Meat... you should be afraid of me. The way you are now makes me annoying."

It was talking, and the red glow rose in its huge eyes: "I want to hear your screaming in fear."

Ka, this big-headed devil only felt black in front of his eyes, as if being lifted by something.


How is this going?

Why can't I see people? I was pinched by something?

"Your eyes are really ugly. You don't deserve to look directly at me with such ugly eyes."

The voice of the man who appeared suddenly remained indifferent.

"?" The big head demon suddenly reacted.

I was grabbed by the meat before?

The devil's heart was instantly flooded with violence, and his head was pinched by meat. What a shame?

Hanging on both sides of the body, the bursting arms of blue veins instantly ejected a pair of sharp blades and slashed towards the man's arms.


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

The arms of the big-headed devil shook, and the blade in his hand broke.

And the big head devil cried out in pain.

It reacted instantly that the other party was not a human at all, but a devil like it!

But it's obviously a devil, why doesn't it have the same kind of breath?

"You fellow, let me go! I am the devil under the great demon of [Angota]!

This is also my prey circle! Are you attacking me like this, provoking His Highness Angota? "

The big head devil yelled angrily.

"Devil? Can you tell me what a devil is?" the other party asked.

"What do you mean by that? Are you not the devil?" The big-headed devil was a little surprised.

"of course."

"You bastard, what are you kidding me! In this world, besides us the devil, only humans have advanced wisdom. Do you think I would believe that you are a meat?

Meat can't hold my head! But after not being cut by me, my arm was unscathed! "The big head devil said.

"Don't use your barren brain to talk about my noble miracle of life."

Indifferent words came.

The big head devil felt that the palm of his head was tight, and a huge force came, making it feel like its head was about to be squeezed!

"It's me asking you now, not you asking me and answering my question."

"Ghahahaha... asshole! Are you fooling the great devil, Moroth? The noble miraculous life?

Ghahahahaha..." The big-headed devil didn't even let out a mocking laugh because of the other's tightened palm.

"Ha ha ha..."

Accompanied by the man's sneer, a terrible bone crack sounded.

The right arm of the big-headed devil was twisted into twists by an invisible force, and all the bones inside became powder.

And after the big head devil screamed, his face was flushed.

"Ghahahaha... the great Morosi is not afraid of pain. Pain is a rare enjoyment, hehehe..." The big head demon laughed.

After a while, it even put out its tongue and licked its lips and said:

"No matter what kind of creature you are, this world belongs to our devil.

It doesnt matter whether you want to torture me or kill me. I will be resurrected in the magic pool soon. I remember your smell...

just wait! I will soon make you regret that you provoke your Majesty Morros!


"Resurrection? No wonder you are not afraid of death." The indifferent voice murmured, and then the nose moved a few times: "I smelled a very strange smell on your body. This smell is hidden in your body. Among.

It's really interesting, it actually aroused my indifferent appetite for many years, which is good.

You like to eat people. If I eat them, there should be no problem, right?"

"You want to eat me?" The big-headed devil was taken aback for a moment, and then became angry.

"Bastard! What do you think you are? Actually want to devour the noble devil?

The great existence at the top of the worlds food chain?

You are looking for a dead end! just wait! Wait for the Great Demon of Angota to find you! Will let you know the horror of the devil!

Ghahahaha...I have begun to look forward to how wonderful you are. "

At the end, the big-headed devil actually laughed again, and the blush on his face became more intense.

"It's really a healthy, active and delicious ingredient! The taste of this ingredient should be the best!"

The man was talking.

Suddenly letting go of his big hand, the big-headed devil took this opportunity to finally see why the other party could obscure its vision and hold its head with one hand.

I saw the arm that was supposed to be a human, but I don't know when it has become a dark beast arm covered with scales.

This arm is about the same size as his body!

The void suddenly split, and tentacles emerged, tightly wound around the limbs of the devil with the big head, making it unable to move.

"Miscellaneous! What do you want to do to the great Morros? It's all in vain!

The great devil will not fear any death and torture! "

"Shh!" The man in front of him put a finger in front of his mouth and made a silent gesture.

Then a sharp nail was slowly tapped on its belly, and with a light stroke, the belly was cut open.

"Hungry..." the devil cried out in pain.

Dark purple blood rolled down in the stomach that was cut open.

I saw the man in front of him gently cut his stomach and grabbed his stomach pouch.

Then he showed a surprised look: "It's a strange body structure. There is only a stomach pouch in the stomach, and there are no other organs.

It's still heavy inside. Is that the human being that hasn't been digested yet? "

"Crap! Put my stomach bag back! Don't touch it with your dirty hands!!!"

The big-headed devil has become more irritable than before.

Even if he was tortured, the devil, who was still not afraid or frightened at all, was a little panicked.

The devil's stomach pouch is a magical organ, an organ on which they live, grow, and are proud.

It is also the most sacred organ in their eyes.

The mirror that the big head devil is facing now is like a human being stripped of his pants and being played with by an extremely annoying guy. How can this be called the big head devil not angry?

But the man in front of him didn't pay any attention. He tore down his stomach fiercely, causing the big-headed devil to let out a terrible scream, and then continued to empty his chest.

"This looks much cleaner." The man said to himself.

"Meat! Damn meat! You dare to tear my stomach bag off! Unforgivable! Unforgivable! I'm going to kill you! Kill you!" The devil roared, struggling with limbs. But the tentacles that bind it are extremely tough.

The more it struggles, the tighter it is bound.

"I'm used to emptying out the internal organs of the food before tasting it. It's too dirty," the man said.

He stretched out a palm and pulled it on the devil's arm, pulling the whole arm off directly.

Then under the gaze of the big-headed devil, the edge of the mouth cracked, all the way to the heel of the ear.

The man put his arm in his mouth, clicked, and swallowed his entire arm in a few mouthfuls in front of his face.

Then he exclaimed: "I didn't expect you to look bad, but it tastes good, with a beefy taste. Well, if you taste it carefully, it should be very chewy.

The most important thing is that after eating an arm, I actually gained the power of faith.

Sure enough, my hunch is right, you devil is a rare delicacy! "

"Scourge! You scourge! Actually... actually swallowed my arm! This kind of humiliation! I am a thousand years! I will never forget it for ten thousand years! Wait! I will let you today The humiliation I have suffered, the revenge of thousands of times come back!" The big-headed devil roared.

There was anger in the eyes, but in the deepest layer, there was something called fear that it did not know!

The big-headed devil kept clamoring, but the man in front of it didn't pay any attention to it until it swallowed its entire body.

The big head devil is dead...

The man muttered to himself: "Yes, swallowing a demon, adding 40,000 faith power, I am more interested in this world."

The corner of his eye cast aside the little girl who was still squatting in the corner. The man did not speak, and lay on the owner's wooden bed and closed his eyes to rest.

Nor did he deal with the man's body that had been eaten in half.

The little girl kept looking at the man like this, did not speak, nor escaped from the door.

Wait until the sun rises the next day.

The man opened his eyes.

There were a lot of bloodshot eyes in the little girl at this time, and she was a little sluggish, but when she saw the man waking up, she opened the mouth and said, "Big brother... are you human?"

Her voice is low and hoarse, like two pieces of sandpaper rubbing against each other, which is very similar to her childish and cute appearance.

"No," the man replied.

"Is that the devil?" the little girl asked again.


"What is the big brother? Why can the big brother eat the devil?"

"I am Dragon God."

"What is Dragon God?"

"Dragon is a powerful creature, at the top of the food chain, it can devour everything in the world, including the devil.

And God is the great life that saves the suffering world, when human beings live in **** and long for a bright world.

God will come to fulfill man's wishes. "The man said.

"Is the elder brother the dragon **** who came after hearing my wish?" The little girl's eyes moved a little bit.

"I heard the voices of all human beings in this world, and came to me, praying to Sillon Soderberg, believe in me, worship me, and I will realize your desire to eradicate the devil." Claiming to be Sillon Soderberg Dragon God said so.

"It turns out that Big Brother Dragon God's name is Silom Soderberg!

What a strange name. My name is Hu Xiaodie. This is the name my father gave me.

My father is a very good person, but was eaten by the devil yesterday..." The little girl Hu Xiaodie's voice is still flat, as if he has no emotions.

"Because people are too weak." Silom was speaking, standing at the door, the sky was just bright, and the blue sun was shining on the earth.

There is still mist around the village.

But it was much better than at night, at least Shillong can now see things within tens of kilometers.

This small village has woken up at this time.

Many men and women have already walked out of the door, stalking each other.

They heard the screams last night. At this time, a person was panicked. They knew that the devil who had been away for many years might come to this village again!

When they saw Shillong walking out of Hu Xiaodie's wooden house, they were a little surprised.

No one has seen this face of life.

A group of people gathered around immediately.

One of the old people said: "This little brother...Who are you? Where do you come from?"

"My name is Shillon Soderberg and I come from a faraway place."

"Have you... didn't you meet a monster in the wild?" the old man asked in a low voice.

"Warcraft? What is that?"

"That is the servant of the devil...will swallow travelers in the wild...a very terrible monster." The old man explained.

"The devil... is the devil again. Everything in your world seems to be related to the devil. Can you tell me what the devil is?" Silom asked.

"You... don't know the devil?" The old man was a little surprised.

"Impossible, how could anyone in this world do not know the devil?

Look, brother, you are not too young. Haven't you ever met a devil when you grew up so old?

You can actually pass through the wilderness between the villages..."

"I only know that the devil seems to eat people. I really don't know the others." Silom said.

When talking about cannibalism, Shillong found that the complexions of these people turned paler.

"Yes... yeah... the devil can eat people..." someone panicked.

"Then how did the devil come? Does anyone here know?" Silom asked.

Everyone looked at ~wuxiaworld.online~ but none of them answered.

"No one in our village knows this question..."

I asked Shillong's old man before.

"I am 70 years old this year, and I am the oldest person in our village. When I was a child, I asked the oldest elder in the village.

But no one can answer this question.

Just like how people come, no one can answer how the devil comes, why cannibalism. "

"That's really a pity, it seems that I have to find the answer myself." Silom shook his head with some regret, and went straight to the fence at the entrance of the village.

It is used to protect against beast attacks and to resist the devil.

Of course, it is actually useless for the devil, but it can resist ordinary beasts.