"Isn't it a devil?" The woman muttered to herself, then looked at the man next to her, with a question in her eyes.

"My nose is very good. There is no doubt that he has a strong devilish and **** aura, like a devil who has just eaten, but...the devil should not communicate with us so kindly... ...." The man frowned and looked at Shillong.

The right hand has been unconsciously pressed on the handle of the knife, entering a state of alert.

"It seems that you are misunderstanding. I just killed a devil last night and ate it, and then in the daytime, I ate a few more beasts similar to the devil, so I have their breath. Shillong explained.

"Eat... ate the devil?????" The woman was shocked: "Humans actually ate the devil? How is this possible?"

The man on one side was equally shocked, and both of them took a breath at the same time.

Since ancient times, only the devil can eat people, I have never heard of people eating the devil!

This guy! Who is it? Not only is powerful, but also dare to eat the devil!

Is he lying? Is it true?

"Yeah! The taste is pretty good! It's similar to beef, and it tastes energizing!" Silom's mouth was slightly tilted, and he said with a thumbs up.

"Cow.... Beef.... Gudong..." The woman in black swallowed a saliva unconsciously.

They often run in the wild, but they rarely have the opportunity to eat this high-class delicacy.

This is a luxury that can only be enjoyed by the upper class of society.

"Hey! Do you really want to eat it? It's a pity that even if I have a chance, I won't give it to you! But I am not a stingy person. I can give you a small piece of monsters related to demons!" Pretending to be generous.

A demon has 40,000 beliefs, and he can't give credit to others. Although he is now accounting for almost 4 million a day, 40,000 is also belief! Shillong was still a little bit reluctant.

Unlike ordinary monsters, there are only more than 1,000 each, and he can still afford it.

"No...it's not right! Now I am not discussing with you what the devil smells like! How can that kind of food be eaten! I feel sick when I think about it!" The woman in black reacted with an ugly expression on her face. .

"Tsk~ People who dont know how to enjoy! Do you know? The quality of the ingredients has nothing to do with the appearance of the ingredients themselves. Many good ingredients are ugly, but you cant judge them by their appearance. ..." Shillong wanted to continue.

But the woman in black shouted: "Enough! Please stop talking!"

"Um..." Hu Xiaodie, who was still sleeping, was awakened because of this loud shout. She opened her eyes in a daze, and she was taken aback when she saw Siro and the extra two people. , And then stood up straight, standing aside docilely.

"You should also be a demon hunter? Otherwise, it is impossible to have the power to fight the devil, but why are the clothes you wear different from ours?"

The woman in black changed the subject.

This strange guy, he didn't seem to be of this era in his clothes, he hadn't seen it at all, and the workmanship was so exquisite.

"Demon hunter? What is that? Aren't you humans?" Silom asked back.

"We are humans, yes! But we are even more demon hunters! A demon hunter who was selected from among humans and then trained by your Majesty's demon hunter group!

Specially responsible for fighting the devil! Protect humanity! "The woman explained.

But the horse looked solemn and stared at Siro, "Except for us, the devil is invincible. Since you are not a devil, as an ordinary person, how can you have the power to fight the devil?"

"You.... It's really rare and weird. Why can only the witcher fight the devil? Who told you this?" Silom asked.

"By the way! You keep saying that you are a demon hunter, but you have power far beyond ordinary humans. Where does this power come from?

I dont think ordinary exercise will give you such a powerful force, right? "

"I have answered this question before. We were trained by the Demon Hunting Organization. This is the secret of the organization. I can't tell you." The black woman said.

"So right, you have your way, I have my way, there are many ways in this world, and there are more ways to deal with the devil." Silom laughed.

"So you don't want to answer my question?"

"No, no, I can answer your question, because...I am not a human being!" Silom laughed.

"!?" The black-clothed woman and the man immediately warned.

The knife in the black man's hand was also slightly out of its sheath.

"Don't be nervous! I'm not the devil either!" Silom waved his hand and said with a straight face: "I am a god! To save this **** who has fallen into a miserable world!"

"!? Huh?" The black men and women were dumbfounded.

"What are you kidding? This joke is not funny at all!" said the black woman.

"God is just the illusory belief of mortals to comfort their fears and anxiety. There is no **** in this world! There are only humans and demons!"

"There really isn't in this world!" Silom said.

"But there are other worlds! Let me introduce it formally! I am the dragon **** from other worlds, Shillon Soderberg."

"Other worlds? Dragon God? Sillon Soderberg?" The woman in black and the man in black looked at each other.

Both draw a message from each other.

The guy in front of me has a brain disease! Still sick!

"It seems I can't ask anything." The woman in black shook her head disappointedly.

The strength of the other party is far above them. It is impossible to use other means. You can only wait for the task to be completed and return to the organization to report the information. Then the organization will report it to your Majesty, and your Majesty will decide.

The woman in black turned her head and said to the man in black, "Let's go! Let's continue the mission!"

"Good." The man in black nodded.

Just when the two wanted to leave, Silom said: "You two, wait a moment."

"Huh? Do you have any questions?" The woman in black frowned.

"Your mission should be to eradicate the devil? There are no traces of the devil within ten kilometers of this neighborhood. Where is the devil you want to eradicate?"

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?"

"How can it have nothing to do with me? The devil is a rare delicacy, I am very interested in them." Silom laughed.

"Take me, you saw my strength just now, at least it's safer together."


The black-clothed men and women looked at each other again, and their eyes exchanged in the void for a while.

The woman in black shook her head and said, "Thank you for your kindness! But this is the task given to us by the organization! It has nothing to do with you."

The black-clothed woman said, turned around and left with the black-clothed man.

Silom looked at them and whispered softly: "I'm really stubborn enough. I'm so bad at strength, I don't even want to help."

Seeing this, Hu Xiaodie lay on the ground again without saying a word, as if he was going to continue sleeping.

But Shillong stretched out his hand and sucked her from the ground, then she was caught under the armpit, her figure flashed and disappeared.


Separating from Shillong, the men and women in black continued to run without a word, until three hours later, they came to a small town.

This small town seems to have 60 or 70 families.

Use a wooden fence to enclose a wooden fence more than three meters high.

"That's it." The black-clothed woman whispered to herself, then turned to ask the black-clothed man next to her, "Is the devil's breath still inside?"

Suck..... suck...

"Yes! There is still a strong smell of blood!" The black-clothed man's eyes were fixed.

"These craps!" The black woman gritted her teeth, she knew what the smell of blood meant.

With a leap, he jumped into the wooden fence, and then ran into the village.

And the man in black followed closely behind.

The two didn't go far in the village, and they saw a creeping devil who was eating humans at the door of a family!

Every devil has his own unique hobby when tasting human beings.

For example, some demons like to break into human homes and eat him up in front of his family.

Some demons will use their basic abilities as the devil to seduce humans, lure humans out of the room and eat them, so that their screams will resonate in the village.

Some demons will let the prey escape, and the meat quality of the prey will change slightly after running. I heard that it will taste more delicious...

The devil in front of him may be of the second kind.

"Damn it!" The woman in black saw the scene in front of her, and her eyes immediately burned with a raging fire.

With a cry of Cang Lang, the Tang Dao on his waist came out of its sheath.

Under the icy and weird moonlight, a cold light slashed straight towards the devil's head.


The devil who had bowed his head and gnawed at him instantly raised his head. There was only one eyeball on its head, and its mouth was very big, cracking directly behind its ears.


The devil screamed when he saw the demon hunter, and stretched out his black paws directly at the blade of the woman in black.


The clash between the two made a sound of golden and iron.

The woman's knife followed the devil's arm and slashed towards its forehead again.

But immediately he was swept away by the devil's other hand.

This devil took this opportunity and jumped directly back, jumping to the small wooden house that was only two or three meters high behind him.

A single eye stared at the two men and women in black with a bad expression.

"It turned out to be you **** in black! How dare you come to hinder this demon from eating! I have decided!

The remaining stomach pouch today will be used to hold the two of you! "

"Damn devil! Today is your fourth phase!" The black-clothed woman roared, holding the knife under her feet, and then jumping to the one-eyed demon, and slashed out again.


The one-eyed monster's tough claws collided with the black woman's knife again.

call out!

Another cold light rushed forward, and the man in black slashed it almost at the same time.

frame! frame! frame! frame! .....

One demon against two demon hunters, knives and claws are constantly colliding.

In the silent night, the sound of metal clinking became clearer.

But in the whole village, no one dared to come out to see the situation.

The fierce battle lasted for several minutes. The two-on-one witcher had the upper hand steadily, but he did not cause any harm to the one-eyed monster.

On the contrary, the more time passed, it was not good for the human demon hunter.

Compared with physical fitness, humans are not the devil's opponent.

"The wind and thunder! The third cut! Thunder!"

The black-clothed woman's ordinary tricks were invalid, and she took a deep breath, and a blue arc flashed on the black blade.

She pressed her feet slightly.


In an instant, the woman in black disappeared before the eyes of the one-eyed devil.

A great crisis enveloped the one-eyed devil.

Let it instinctively use its claws across the front of its neck.


With a roar, a blue light flashed, and the black-clothed woman had already appeared behind the one-eyed devil, her Tang sword was horizontally in front of her chest, and the sharp blade brought a trace of purple blood.

A hideous claw was cut open by a knife! Fly in the air!

"Come on!!!" The one-eyed devil cried out painfully.

"Rapid wind and thunder! Second cut! Wind flash!" The black man's tricks followed immediately.

There are wisps of breeze around his blade.

When he stabbed with a sword, the invisible wind blade stab instantly hit the one-eyed devil's head!


With a soft sound, the thick skin on the front of the one-eyed devil's head was broken! Pieces of tiny broken bones were thrown away.

The entire skull was blasted out of a small pit!

"Abominable Demon Hunter!" The one-eyed demon was startled, but fortunately the skull of the demon was thicker than the average demon!

Replaced by a normal devil, this sword must pierce through the skull and break the brain!

Taking advantage of the two demon hunters having just used their tricks and the aura was scattered, the one-eyed devil rushed to the left immediately, he was ready to escape!

Although their demons can be resurrected in the magic pool, they will have a long period of weakness after resurrection, and their strength will decline.

The devil with a little strength will not allow himself to die.

Because among the devil, strength is status.

The weak devil may even be killed by the powerful devil because of food conflicts! There is no status and safety at all.

"Damn it! Don't let it run!" The black-clothed woman yelled, and the black-clothed man hurriedly chased after her.

But before they ran a few steps, they found that the distance between themselves and the other party was stretched!

This devil is ahead of them in terms of speed!

Even if one arm was cut off, the other party ran wildly without incident!

Seeing that the distance is getting farther and farther, the two demon hunters are a little anxious. The devil ran out without knowing where to eat people!

When I have information about it next time, I don't know how many humans will be killed in vain!

"Damn demon hunter! Wait for me! In order to repay your kindness this time! I will definitely eat more people to repay this kindness! Chat hahahaha!!!" The one-eyed devil ran wildly, On one side, he turned his head and provoked the two witchers.

But immediately, its expression freezes!

Shit! !

A strange sound rang in the ears of the one-eyed devil~wuxiaworld.online~ He felt a sharp pain in his neck, and couldn't make a sound even if he wanted to make a sound.

With a splash, something seems to have fallen to the ground.

The eyeball of the one-eyed devil moved downward, it was a headless corpse...

Why do you look familiar?

The one-eyed devil is a little strange, but it immediately reacted, that is its own body! ! !

Why is there no head on my body?

It tried to peer down with its eyeballs, and found that it was empty...

Tick...Tick...The purple blood is still dripping.

why? Why is my head and body separated?