The one-eyed devil was a little frightened and a little angry. It reacted. With the strange chuckle just now, someone tore its head from its body!

who is it?

Who can make it look like this without even reacting?

Its eyes are turning, trying to see the murderer clearly.

But immediately, the hand holding its skull pressed hard.


With this crisp sound, the one-eyed devil has lost consciousness.

The two demon hunters stopped, looking shocked at the man who had just separated a few hours ago.

This man just appeared in front of them at a speed that they could not see clearly!

In just an instant, the one-eyed monster who was able to beat the two demon hunters without dying in a minute and was about to escape was killed in seconds!

The proud expression instantly solidified, and the head and body were torn apart!

The most frightening thing is that while this man is doing these things, he still has the little girl he has seen before under his left arm!

Looking at the other side's right hand, the skull scum that has been crushed.

The hunting men and women were speechless, and they reacted after a moment of silence.

"Shillon Soderberg, is this the name? Although you followed us before and took away our mission objectives, I still want to thank you for killing the devil and saving the innocent humans nearby." Hei Yi The woman slowly put the knife into the scabbard and said.

"So, I wanted to be with you at the time, just in case, your strength, obviously so weak, but so confident, makes me strange.

In case this devil's strength is stronger, you will die. Fortunately, this devil's strength is weaker than yours, and it was beaten by you.

But it runs faster than you guys. No, if I'm not here, it really ran away?

How many innocent people will die? "Xilon put Hu Xiaodie down, spreading his hands a little helplessly.

"We...you..." The woman in black was choked.

She wanted to say something to refute, but found that the other party's words were reasonable, and she couldn't refute it at all. It was obvious that their strength in the organization was considered mid-range.

But when the guy in front of you said it was weak, they really had no way to refute it! The opponent's strength lies there!

"So, you still don't go hunting the devil in the future. Just leave this task to me. You only need to provide information! I will help you kill all the devil!" Silom suggested.

In this **** world, his titanium alloy longan is not easy to play. If he can't see too far away, he can only rely on the natives to find the devil.

"This is impossible! Although your strength is strong, it is impossible to eliminate all demons with one person! Ordinary humans can't wait that long.

Although my strength is a bit worse than yours, there is always a devil I can defeat, complete the tasks I should complete, and make some contributions to mankind. "The woman in black said seriously.

"Oh..." Silom shook his head, these weak chickens are really stubborn.

Forget it, there is no way to communicate with them.

Let's eat.

Shillon tore off one of the devil's arms and stuffed it bloodily into his mouth.

The corners of his mouth split, and he started to eat to an extent that humans could not reach.

"You! You really are a demon!" The woman in black looked at the cracked corners of Silom's mouth, shocked in her heart.

Is this a human mouth? The devil's arm, thicker than her arm, was stuffed in!

The black-clothed man's blade came out again, staring at Shillon closely.


Shillong bit off a piece of devil meat, and the corners of his mouth were full of purple blood. After hearing the words of the two demon hunters, he was a little dissatisfied: "You two devil heads, don't talk nonsense. I have already said that I am not a devil. Kind of low-level stuff!

I am God! Save your dragon **** of this world! "

"Don't want to lie to us! You are the devil!" The woman in black thought of the terrifying speed and power of the other party's killing the one-eyed devil before, sweating slightly on her forehead and a little nervous in her heart.

If you only turn your strength, the opponent's strength is far above them, but as a demon hunter! There is no reason to run away without seeing the devil!

For the honor of the Demon Hunter! For the safety of mankind!

Even if it is dead! Also die with the devil!

The two demon hunters looked at each other without saying a word, one turned into thunder and the other turned into a violent wind, and it struck Shillong in an instant.

"Tsk! Dead brain!" Silom frowned.


The air around him instantly became extremely viscous, and a huge gravity suddenly descended!

The two protruding demon hunters were crushed instantly, their bodies stuck to the ground, unable to move.

"Well ah ah ah ah ....." They screams, the body began oozing blood.

Pop, pop!

Then the two felt a pain in their heads and passed out in a coma.

Silom stood on the spot, continuing to devour the devil's corpse. Hu Xiaodie, the little girl, stood on the side and stared at him closely. Her big eyes kept showing longing.

"You little girl, you are really special enough. If you don't be afraid of me eating, you still crave the flesh and blood of the devil? Are you not afraid at all?"

"Afraid? Why are you afraid? Devil meat, can people not eat it?" Hu Xiaodie asked blankly.

"I don't know! But I won't eat it for you, hehe." Silom smiled badly.

Under Hu Xiaodie's enviable gaze, Silom quickly wiped out the devil's flesh and blood.

Until the end of the meal, Shillong discovered that the devil had provided him with 160,000 beliefs!

Obviously, it was not much stronger than the previous 40,000, and the power of faith gained had actually doubled about four times.

These demons! What kind of treasure is it? What is their flesh and blood made of?

Shillon's eyes were a little bright, he is now more and more looking forward to the faith that other demons can provide him, these guys! All of them are outside blocks! It's baby!

Especially the city on the Northwest Defense Line!

It was the only city within a hundred kilometers of Shillong discovered during the day.

The population there is estimated to be tens of thousands, and there are many demons hidden inside!

I don't know where the devil, the supply of belief points, compare with the devil here?

With such interest, Xilong picked up Hu Xiaodie and rushed to the target location quickly.

Until the next morning.

The two demon hunters who had been knocked out by Shillong slowly regained consciousness.

They felt a little noisy around, and when they opened their eyes, they found that they were surrounded by a group of villagers.

But they didn't mean to speak. Instead, they were silent, recalling everything last night. When they recalled the moment when they attacked Xiang Xilong, the invisible and terrifying force, they had lingering fears.

They have no idea what happened to them.

Only know the strength of the two, the difference is huge, what level of devil is this? Why should he claim to be the Dragon God?

Why kill the devil? Many questions lingered in their minds.

However, they quickly made up their minds to report the incident to the organization, and slowly propped up their aching bodies.

Among the villagers who had been onlookers at this time, an older elder cautiously said: "Two... Are the two demon hunters adults?"

"Yes." The black woman nodded.

"Fruit... it really is the demon hunter!" The old villager was a little happy: "Is the demon hunter here to hunt the devil? The sound of the battle last night, is it the adults fighting the devil? That kill? Apis devil, was the lord killed?"

"Api?" The woman in black looked through the villagers and looked at the half-remaining corpse not far away.

It should be him.

"Yes, that devil has been wiped out by us, please rest assured!"

"Thank you so much! Lord Demon Hunter!" The old villager happily said: "Last night we heard the roar of the devil, and we were terrified in our hearts. Fortunately, an adult was there to clean up the devil, otherwise, The tragedy of six years ago may be repeated again."

"These are our responsibilities, well, we have to leave too." After the black-clothed woman finished speaking, she limped and left with the black-clothed man.

The villagers looked at the appearance of the two demon hunters, and thought it was caused by the fierce battle with the devil, and they were more grateful to the demon hunters one by one...

At the same time, Shillong also came to the destination.

That populous city.

There are no city guards, no fences, and there are not too many people on the streets. They are all dressed in linen clothes, straw shoes and linen shoes on their feet.

No one will pay attention to the arrival of Shillong and Hu Xiaodie.

Led by Shillong, the two went straight to the edge of the city.

There is a cemetery, a huge, completely indoor cemetery!

The door was tightly closed, and there was a figure completely covered by the cloak at the door.

After Silom and Fluttershy approached here, the man in the cloak said, "This is a cemetery. If someone at home is dead, just send it over. We will help you arrange a place inside.

If there is nothing wrong, don't go near here.

After all, this is the habitat of the dead, and it will not be too friendly to the living. "

The man in the cloak had a very unpleasant voice, like two pieces of metal rubbing.

"One, two, three, four, five, six... sixteen, seventeen, eighteen... twenty one, twenty two... a total of twenty-two." West Long ignored what the other party was saying, instead he stared at the closed door and kept counting.

"What are you...counting?" The cloak said in a daze.

"Count the demons like you, there are a few in total." Silom replied softly.

"!?" The person in the cloak was taken aback, and then said: "What are you talking about? I don't understand what you mean."

"Don't admit it? It doesn't matter." Shillong said to himself.


A blast sounded, the head of the man in the cloak burst suddenly, and a large swath of blue liquid scattered from the bursting part.

This unlucky devil doesn't even know how he died!

The headless body fell to the ground with a sound.

"You wait here, I'll go inside." Xilong looked at Hu Xiaodie beside him.

"Woo...I want...to go in with you." The little girl shook her head.

"I like obedient children, and disobedient children I will throw her away." Silom stared at the little girl silently. Although her vision was blocked by sunglasses, Hu Xiaodie could still feel Shillong's gaze.

The two stared through the sunglasses for a minute.

Hu Xiaodie said: "Then...you have to come out quickly."

"Yeah." Silom replied.

A few steps came to the body of the dead devil, and while opening the door, dragged the body of the devil into it.


Inside the big wooden house.

There are many graves here.

Without the slightest sunlight shining inside, the whole room looked gloomy and terrible.

More than 20 different-looking demons gathered in the middle, like a dinner party, sharing a pile of meat on the table.

The meat was torn into pieces, and it was difficult to tell what kind of meat it was.

There was also a barrel of wine next to it, and the demons poured wine into their mouths while eating meat.

One of them had three eyes and a two-meter-high dog-shaped devil swallowed a piece of meat, and said: "This kind of refreshing party is really rare! I guess it will take another year for the next time.

I really dont know why the Great Demon of Angota restricts our food? "

"Didn't the Great Demon of Angota say it? This is to allow human breeding to keep up with our eating, otherwise we would eat humans to extinction.

Then don't we have to starve to death?

There are people in this world, we will have the devil. Without people, what do we eat? What to drink?

The Great Demon of Angota said! This is called the food chain! This is called natural ecology! Do you understand? "

A devil with six arms explained.

"I don't understand these things, it's too difficult to understand. I just want to eat as much as I want, eat when I'm hungry, and eat when I want to eat. Now it makes me so uncomfortable." The dog-shaped devil complained.

"Hehehe...then you go and eat, as long as you are not afraid of the Great Demon Angota." The six-armed devil sneered.

"Um..." The dog-shaped demon shivered, obviously thinking of something bad, and without speaking, he continued to lower his head and gnaw at the meat.

When the six-armed devil saw that the dog devil didn't speak, he laughed and raised the glass in his hand and said, "Everyone, let go of it! Food for thirty-five people! Have a good chat!

Don't question the decree of the devil! I..."


The six-armed devil's words were interrupted. It frowned unpleasantly, turning its head to the door, and said: "Mu Luo, you are on duty today, why are you still entering..."

Halfway through, UU read www.uukanshu. The words of the com six-armed devil stopped again.

The whole demon face was a little stunned, it looked at the man at the door, and silently closed the door after coming in.

This man is tall and strong among humans, with a strange thing on his face, covering his eyes and half of his face.

"Mu Luo?" The man who came suddenly said, he lifted the corpse in his hand: "Are you talking about this devil?"

All the demons looked down and looked at the headless corpse still spraying blood, their complexion changed.

"Which devil are you? Why kill Mu Luo?" the six-armed devil asked with a sullen face.

He instinctively felt that the other party was not a human, because he didn't believe that a human dared to single-handedly enter their lair, and he could be so calm when he saw so many demons gathered together.

"Which demon under the great devil? The great devil? It seems to be a kind of high-level devil, um... I wrote it down." The man who came suddenly said to himself.

