Then the man seemed to see the pieces of meat on their dinner table and sighed: "These meats were dismembered from more than 30 human bodies, right?"

"That's right 35! Why? Do you want to join in?" the six-armed devil asked.

"No, I am not interested in humans, I am only interested in you demons, because your meat is very delicious." The man said, unscrewing the devil's arm named Mu Luo in front of them, and bite it into pieces. One piece, chew it up.

The blue blood dripped down the corners of his mouth, making Six Arms and other demons shudder.

All the demons are boiling, there is anger and panic in their hearts.

Staring at the man cursed and roared.

They have always used this method to terrorize humans. How can they ever be terrorized in this way by other guys?

The six-armed devil's face was ugly and said: "Damn! Have you never heard that the devil can't eat each other? This is the rule set by all the big demons! You broke the rule!

You guy, are you not even afraid of the big devil? "

"You... should all be delicious, I am looking forward to your taste." The man said to himself, answering the question.

"Damn! Kill him! No matter who he is! I have to kill him! Actually dare to treat us as food! This is a shame! I have never received such a shame!" a big belly devil roared.

"Damn bastard! Since you are not abiding by the rules! Don't blame me for not abiding! Later I will unscrew your head and swallow you in one bite!"

"Yes! Eat him! Eat him!"

The demons roared, and the dog-shaped demons were even more impatient. They opened their mouths directly, spit out a series of purple liquid, and flew towards the man in the distance.

But when he approached one meter in front of the man, an invisible wall appeared, blocking the pool of liquid.

The purple liquid slowly slid down, making a chick sound from time to time, and it was very corrosive.

"You don't spit like that! Let me teach you how to spit." The man raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth.

Before the demons could react, they heard a loud noise.

Then I felt that I was drenched by some liquid, turned my head and saw that the dog devil's head had disappeared, and its neck was sprayed with red blood on a large area...

"Why...what's going on?" A devil was shocked.

"What did he just do?"

"How could Kari die?"

The demons were extremely frightened.

Pooh! boom!

It was another demon whose head was smashed in front of them, and blood of different colors was splashed everywhere.

"Damn it! Kill him!" The demons were furious.

The other demons also reacted, and turned into a man who threw an afterimage at the door.

Bah baah baah baah baah...

Boom boom boom boom boom...

Just halfway through, the heads of the demons burst open, and among all the demons, only the six-armed demons remained.

Its feet seemed to be sealed with concrete, and he didn't listen to it. He was a heavy-minded devil.

When all the demons are in the forefront, it is the last one. Although its strength is the strongest, it is naturally cautious.

Otherwise, it is impossible to stand out among the many demons and become the talker among these twenty-odd demons.

It is precisely because of this caution that it is not as dead as the devil around him.

The cold sweat on the forehead of the six-armed devil kept flowing out.

It saw it!

The guy at the door vomited saliva!

That pool of ordinary saliva, after spitting it out, is simply the most terrifying weapon, and it can blow their heads in an instant!

This guy! No ordinary devil! It is definitely the existence of the Great Demon!

"What is the big demon you just mentioned?" The terrifying man in front of him said, his words were so plain from beginning to end.

"Big.... The big devil is the strongest devil who controls the local magic pool... and the real master of this city... you..." What else the six-armed devil wanted to say.

But the next moment, his consciousness plunged into darkness...


On the other side of the city, underground.

In the dim black pool, the black mist is lingering here, and a lot of flesh and blood is floating in it.

The pool, which was originally calm as stagnant water, seemed to be heated by flames, and a large number of hot bubbles poured out, puffing out.

It seemed that something was surging inside the pool.

Lasts for a long time.

A blue paw sticks out from it, followed by arms, body, and head, all sticking out from inside.

This is a devil, and he glanced at everything around him in confusion.

Some muttered to himself: "I...why am I here? I remember that I was watching the door, and I was still standing guard today.

Six-armed them, these hateful guys are eating up inside!

Wait... I remember that I seemed to see a man with a little girl in the end, right!

That man knew there was a devil in the room!

Am I killed by him? But why didn't I see how he did it? "

The blue devil was puzzled.

Puff Lulu...

After a short period of silence, the magic pond behind him rolled again. A dog-shaped devil crawled out of it. It shook its entire body frantically, shaking off the magic pond water, and gritted its teeth: "Damn! Why did I appear in the magic pond? "

There was confusion in its dog eyes.

Soon, one after another demons appeared from the magic pond.

Their eyes were confused at first, and then they reacted immediately and began to curse.

"That **** bastard! He actually swallowed the same kind! And killed us all!"

"Hurry up and report to the Great Demon of Angota! Let the Great Demon Hall go down to clean up that bastard!"

"The Demon of Angota will definitely make him regret doing this!"

"You... why are you all dead?" The first blue skin to resurrect was a little surprised.

"It's the same as you! Was killed by that man! Damn! My strength dropped by a tenth after this death, and I don't know how many years it will take to recover." A devil angered.

"Where is the six-armed boss? Is it still fighting the **** who killed us?"

"It should be, the six-armed boss is the strongest among us! Maybe you don't need the Great Demon of Angota, the six-armed boss will kill the bastard!"

Puff Lulu...

The water in the magic pond behind him began to pour again, and the six-armed devil appeared from inside with a gloomy face.

"Six-armed boss..... Are you... actually killed?" Some devil asked in shock.

"That guy... is not an ordinary demon! It's definitely a demon-level existence! I'm not an opponent at all! Quick! Let's report this to Ang to take the demon!"

"Wh...what? A devil of the great devil level?" The devils were shocked.

"Go! Go! Report the matter to the Great Demon of Angota!" The demons hurriedly left the Demon Pool.


On the other side of the cemetery, Shillong cleaned up after killing all the demons.

His head quickly swelled, and the dragon head appeared directly.

The dragon's head was two or three times bigger than his entire body, and it appeared on his neck, looking really funny.

He opened his huge mouth and inhaled slightly. The surrounding devil corpses were all sucked in.

This time he didn't have any fine products, and he just got bored one by one.

He glanced at his beliefs, and compared to before, there was more than 35 million more!

However, more than 20 demons can provide more than 35 million, which makes Shillong more interested in them!

There are many demons in this city!

The head quickly returned to its original shape.

Shillong tidied the corners of his clothes and went out.

The little girl Hu Xiaodie stood alone outside. When she saw Shillong coming out, her eyes lit up slightly: "Brother Shillong, have you killed all the demons inside?"

"Yeah, none left."

"Big brother, you are really amazing." The little girl gave a long-lost smile: "Then...so many devils, can you give me some meat?"

She looked at Shillong pitifully, like a child without food.

"No, I have eaten all those."

"Huh?" The little girl was shocked, glanced at Shillong's stomach, and said with an expression of admiration: "Big Brother Shillong, really is the best."

"Okay, it's time to go to the next location." Shillong took the little girl by the hand and walked to the other side of the city.

Until half an hour.

He stayed outside a luxurious wooden villa.

There is also a fence around it, as well as some ordinary houses.

This is arguably the best house in the whole city. At first glance, only the rich can live.

Two guards in leather armor stood guard at the door. Many people were busy inside. Some were clearing garbage in the other yard, and some were trimming flowers and branches.

It looks harmonious and warm.

Xilong took Hu Xiaodie's hand and walked to the door.

The two guards each stretched out a hand to stop Shillong:

"Stop! This is the residence of Lord Anluo, and no one can enter."

"There is a devil in it." Silom whispered.

"Wh! What? There is a devil?" The two guards were instantly shocked, and looked inside in horror.

But immediately, he looked ugly and said to Silom: "Don't talk nonsense! How can we have a devil here! Lord Anluo, but every month he will invite a demon hunter to come and kill the devil!"

"Really, there are more than one, so many... there are actually twenty-four! Those who have just been killed by me are actually resurrected." Silom whispered.

"You! What the **** are you talking about? How could there be so many demons here! Get out! Get out! You lunatic!" While the guard was horrified in his heart, he believed that Shillong was a lunatic, and shouted, wanting Shillong to be far away. some.

"That won't work!" Silom was talking, and he walked in with the little girl's hand.

He took a step, and the gentle repulsion directly pushed the two guards apart.

While the two guards were horrified, they still did not forget their duties, desperately trying to get close to Shillong and stop him, but it was useless. Instead, they followed Shillong into the wooden fence.

This vision attracted the attention of the workers inside, who looked at the two guards a little puzzled.

"Asshole! Stop for me! Don't go inside!" the guard shouted in surprise.

Shillong was walking in the direction of the most luxurious house, and it was also the residence of peace.

"Stop! Lord Anluo doesn't like people approaching his residence! He will be angry! Damn! Please stop!" The guard shouted to the end, with some crying.

"Everyone! Come and help! Stop him! Otherwise, Lord An Luo will be angry!"

Another guard shouted.

The other workers awakened from a dream and rushed to stop them, but without exception, they were blocked by invisible force when they were about three meters away and could not stop Shillong's footsteps.

boom! The door of the luxurious wooden house in front of him suddenly burst open, and Shillong continued to walk forward.


An Luo residence, inside the house.

In a spacious room.

There are more than 20 demons of various forms gathered here.

These demons are sitting on the ground honestly, surrounding a "human" in the middle.

They were the demons who had just been killed by Shillong and resurrected from the underground magic pool below this house.

Just now, they cleverly came to the man's body, explaining everything that happened after meeting Shillong.

At this moment, he was carefully watching the expression of the "man" in the middle of the field.

Even breathing is clearly audible.

The man in the field, who looked less than thirty, had a handsome face, with long black hair draped behind his head, his eyes closed tightly, as if he was thinking deeply about something.

After a long time, he opened his black eyes and scanned the demons:

"A big demon... unexpectedly came to my site for no reason and committed the devil's taboo. Does he... want to die?"

"Please also the Great Demon of Angota to eradicate this demon! Revenge for us!" a demon whispered.

The other demons stared at the great demon known as Angota.

"Shut up to me! I still need you to teach me when I do things? You... want to die too?" Angota looked unhappy.

A terrifying mental pressure was pressing on the devil who had spoken before.

"Wow~" The devil whispered and fell to the ground, struggling desperately with his hands around his neck.

Other demons saw sweat on their foreheads.

Angota closed his eyes again and began to think.

Time slowly passed, and suddenly, a blast sounded from the other side of a room.

Angota suddenly opened his eyes, stood up expressionlessly, walked out of the room, and when he came to the outer room, he went around a screen and looked towards the door.

The door there has been violently blasted open!

A man with a weird blinder walked in slowly with a little girl.

Outside the house, those trash humans seemed to be cut off by some invisible force. The appearance of trying to stop each other but unable to do it seemed extremely ridiculous.

Seeing this scene, Angotas eyes are set on the current man

This man seems to be the big devil who killed the demon eater in the previous group of waste.

"Who are you? Why did you break into my home for no reason?"

He asked, then turned his head to the servants outside the house and said, "What's the matter with you? Just let an irrelevant person come in?

Dont you know I hate others who enter this house?"

Angota's complexion is even worse.

When the servants saw this, they were all panicked: "My lord...please...forgive me...this man...has a demon method...we can't get close to him at all!

Sir, look..."

A guard spoke to prove himself.

He jumped hard and hit Shillong.

But as if hitting an invisible iron block, it slid to the ground with a cry.

"You incompetent idiots! Get out of me! I don't need your waste! This house doesn't need you either!" Angota frowned.

"No...no! Lord Anluo! We are innocent! We have done our best!

Please! Don't let us leave here!

There are 80 mothers in my family! There are six-year-old children! All rely on me to support!

Hope Master Anluo will show your favor! Let me keep working! "A servant knelt down and pleaded.

The other servants also knelt and pleaded.

"Get away from me, or don't blame me for being rude!" Angota didn't move at all.

"You people, if you can leave, leave as soon as possible, otherwise you may die..." At this moment, the man who was hated by the servants spoke.

"Fuck! Fuck! It's all your fault! You demon! Use demon methods to forcefully break into Lord Anluo's mansion! It's the most **** thing!

People like you! You will meet the devil! "A servant issued the most vicious curse in the world.

"Oh?" The man looked at the servant who was talking, and said with joy on his face: "Thank you for your blessing! I also hope that I can meet the devil every minute and every second.

This way I dont need to find it. "

"!?" The servant on one side was completely stunned when he heard this.

This guy really has a pit in his head!

Who is not afraid of the devil?

Just as they thought about it, an invisible force directly pushed them a few meters away, keeping them away from Anluo's house.

"Are you... the demon of which city? Why did you come to my city for no reason?

Also violated the prohibition law? Devour the same kind.

Are you not afraid of that one who will kill you?"

Angota is also An Luo, and his voice is low.

Speaking of that one, it showed a deep jealousy.

"That one? Who is it?" the man in front of him asked.

"Are you kidding me? It's not funny at all." Angota said in a daze.

"No, no, no, I'm not joking, I'm older and have a bad memory." The man in front of him shook his head helplessly.

Angota stared at the man in front of him, and finally said: "Are you...serious?"

"Of course! I have always had a bad memory."

"You are not the devil?"


"A piece of food! Do you dare to appear in front of me with such an arrogant attitude? Looking for death!"

Angota's complexion changed suddenly.

The clothes on his body broke, and he changed from a human to a Hydra of the same size.


In an instant, the nine snake heads stretched out indefinitely, suddenly protruding out, biting into the throat, heart, hands and feet of the man in front of him, and other parts!


The man in front of Angota gave a soft drink.

The huge repulsion smashed the heads of nine snakes in an instant, together with the whole house!

The pieces of wood flew everywhere.

Even all the demons inside were blown out.

boom! boom! boom

A roar, it means that the devil was hit by a huge repulsion into a wall or house on one side!

The ordinary humans who still stayed in the mansion were stunned by the sudden change!

They looked at these big demons who suddenly appeared and were beaten into flight, and their legs became weak.

They didn't see the lake where An Luo turned into a Hydra in the house, but this did not prevent them from guessing.

These demons all seem to have flown out of Master An Luo's room, right?

Doesn't Master An Luo invite the Demon Hunter to kill the devil every month?

Why are there so many demons in his house?

Could it be that Lord Anluo, has been controlled by the devil?

The man who had cursed Shillong before was even more earthy. He had just cursed the opponent and met the devil before, and he would really meet him.

This is where I met, but why can't you wait for me to meet again after get off work?


A huge roar sounded, and the small house that was originally behind An Luo's mansion burst instantly.

A huge monster came out of it!

This monster is more than twice as tall as a two-story wooden house!

Nine huge heads dancing in the wind, each as big as a calf!

Blood red eyes stared at everything around!

It is really an Angota that has just been blown up!

"Devil! Devil! What a big devil!" The servants of the mansion exclaimed. They wanted to escape, but found that they couldn't move their feet at all!

Their legs are already soft!

There was chaos outside the entire mansion. Although it was remote, there was too much movement after Angotas transformation.

Passers-by not far away found something wrong here.

Further away, a man in black who had been wandering suddenly turned his head and stared at the huge nine-headed monster.

"This is really... spectacular... in Fengluo City, there are actually such monsters..."

He whispered to himself, and he seemed particularly peaceful in the chaotic crowd.

The right hand has been unconsciously pressed on the blade.

Are you going to go to deal with this kind of devil?

If you do, there is a high probability that you will die!

This level of devil is definitely not something a demon hunter can deal with.

But am I going to back down for it?

Abandon your vows?

Do not! I must go!

When this man in black moved, he turned into a shadow to kill the nine-headed devil!


The huge Hydra demon, nine pairs of eyes stared at the man with a little girl by his side.

"Miscellaneous! You successfully angered the great Angota!

Let me work hard to maintain my identity for hundreds of years!

Nowadays! Whether you are the devil or not! Good for humans too! I will eat you!

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! "

Nine huge snake heads roared up to the sky.

The human servants around were bleeding from their noses and mouths shocked by the terrible sound waves.

The other demons who had been blasted into the ruins were even more envious when they saw Angota's true face.

"This is the real body of the Great Demon of Angota!

A great existence that even the sun cannot suppress!

So huge! beautiful! Terrifying body! It is simply the most perfect masterpiece of heaven!

Hahahaha! It should have been so long ago! The great Angota demon! Kill the offender who provokes you! Kill all humans!

Let them truly understand the horror of the devil! "Hiding in the ruins~wuxiaworld.online~ The dog-shaped devil who has not been exposed to the sun's rays screamed in excitement, as if he was transformed into that terrifying snake demon!

Then, it saw the Great Demon of Angota stretch out nine huge snake heads and bite at the man who killed them!

Because the speed of the snake head protruding out too fast, even the surrounding air made a terrible explosion!

Several layers of sonic boom clouds appeared in the outer circle of the snake head.

Just when the demons thought that the man who killed it would be swallowed by the Great Demon of Angota..