he man has raised his arm for some time.

The next moment, the Great Demon of Angota flew into the air with a more terrifying roar!

Flew straight for hundreds of meters before landing crashing!

Rumble! As the giant snake monster landed, the earth roared.

"This... this... how could it be possible!" The dog-shaped devil's tongue was tilted to one side, and his eyes almost fell off!

That is the main body of the Great Demon of Angota!

From beginning to end, a terrifying monster over thirty meters!

The dog-shaped devil in the ruins has no doubt that the other party can easily suffocate it, or it will be crushed to death when it passes by!

Was it such a terrifying big devil who was directly blown away by the man who killed it?

What did that man do?

How did it do it?

The dog-shaped devil is going crazy!

Suddenly, the man who killed it turned his head and glanced at it and said, "Is the devil's real horror?

I still dont know much, can you make me feel it?"


It staggered back, buried its entire body in the ruins, plunged into darkness.

I kept praying in my heart.

You can't see me... You can't see me... You can't see me...


The hydra devil who was bombed out roared angrily.

"Damn chopsticks! It's decided! I'm going to blast you to pieces!"

All its nine heads began to gather energy, and the dark energy began to gather.

"poor and weak!"

In front of Hydra, the man who looked like an ant raised his palm again.

The pressure of horror fell instantly on the body of the Hydra Devil.

The whole space has changed color.


The huge snake body was firmly suppressed on the ground, and nine heads were directly embedded in the ground.

"Hiss! Ooh~" The Hydra devil roared in pain, and its entire body was almost crushed, and a large amount of purple blood flowed out of it.

A head was even crushed!

Angota, the Hydra demon, fell into fear.

"You...who on earth are you.....? How...maybe...with this kind of...power..."

It used the power of its whole body, and its nine heads roared at the same time.

"I am a god! A **** of dragons that ants like you cannot understand!"

Out of the corner of Angota's eyes, he watched the man slowly approaching it, and the pressure became greater, his head exploded one after another, and soon only the middle head remained.

And the man also walked in front of him.

Looking at the other person's slowly raising arm, Angota was shocked: "Wait! Wait! There must be some misunderstanding between us!"

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?" The man asked puzzled.

"You let me go! I...just as if nothing happened! You think...in this city...whatever...everything! Even if...you continue... Go devour...those...lower demons, I...can also...be...not seen."

Angota, the devil of Hydra, said intermittently.

"Do you know what my purpose is?" The man standing in front of the last head of Angota squatted gently and stroked its head with his hand.

"I do not know...."

"I... Actually I just want to eat all of your demons, or be eaten by your demons. There is no other meaning, do you understand?" the man said softly.


"Why? Then why do you demons want to eat people?"

"Because... human meat... is the most delicious..."

"Yes! For the same reason, you demons are also the most delicious food for me." The man in front of him laughed.

Under the blue sunlight, Angota felt extremely horrible.

The man silently took off the dark thing on his face, allowing Angota to see the man's eyes.

That is an eye that makes it more annoying than the sun.

Around the dark almond-shaped pupil, the scattered stream of golden particles made it uncomfortable.

This feeling is like the feeling when it was illuminated by the sun once weak!

Let it think of too many bad places!

"Oh yeah~" The man in front of him whispered, and wiped the scarlet-gold saliva just left under the corner of his mouth: "Sorry, I was drooling when I saw the delicious food. It's really shameful."

The man seemed a little embarrassed when he spoke.

Can't kill...my...if...you...really do it to me...all...the big demon...will...kill ...your! "Angota did the last struggle.

"Then I will be very happy to welcome them, you are all the most precious ingredients..."

The man smiled lightly, his entire face began to become hideous, and gradually turned into a monster resembling a lizard's head. Then, under Angota's eyes, the head began to swell!

Under Angota's shocked eyes, it swelled to the size of thirty or forty meters! Combined with the human body before it, it looks extremely ridiculous and dissonant.

But Angota couldn't laugh at all, because the monster had opened a huge mouth to it, and came to it!

The dark shadows obscured Angota, and at this moment Angota let out a desperate cry: "No!!!"

At this moment, it hopes that the solar energy that it usually hates will continue to shine on it...

But at this moment, it is an extravagant hope.

The darkness gradually engulfed it! Its entire body was held in its mouth by the monster with the head of the lizard, and finally the monster's mouth closed with a grunt.

Angota instantly lost consciousness...

The black demon hunter in the city ran all the way, and he witnessed the monstrous power of the giant Hydra.

Then I saw a huge head suddenly appeared, swallowing the devil of Hydra!

Are these two super demons fighting?

The black demon hunter guessed that people had already run to the battlefield.

When he watched the head that swallowed the hydra devil slowly diminished, and finally turned into a human face, he thought of too much for a moment.

Can the devil become a human?

How many demons are hidden among us humans?

How many demons are there among the higher human levels?

The birth of this question is like opening Pandora's box.

Once it occurs, it cannot be stopped.

The black demon hunter has mixed thoughts.

He looked at the humanoid demon with his eyes closed and his face was intoxicated, and then at the little girl not far away.

He wanted to save the little girl before, but now he hesitated.

What if... this little girl is also a devil?

Save a devil?

This is really funny enough.

The sword at the waist of the black demon hunter was out of its sheath, but he didn't have the courage to swing the sword at the humanoid devil who closed his eyes and enjoyed the food.

It seems to have forgotten the original intention of coming here.

The feet seemed to be glued, unable to move.

After a long time, the humanoid devil opened his eyes.

Oh my god... what a beautiful, dazzling golden eyes!

The black demon hunter was amazed in his heart, but the beauty seemed a little hot, and he couldn't help closing his eyes.

"Ah!" scream after scream, when the black demon hunter opened his eyes again.

I saw that the humanoid devil's head became bigger again, those strange shapes, the devil he knew flew into the humanoid devil's mouth one after another.

Swallowed in one bite!

Until the last dog-shaped devil, the dog-devil screamed sternly and quickly flew into the mouth of the human-shaped devil.

Just when the humanoid devil was about to swallow it, it stopped.

He pulled off one of the hind legs of the dog-shaped devil, and threw it to the little **** the side, "Seeing you are so behaved, this should be a reward for you."

The little girl happily took over the thigh that was bigger than her body.

He smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Shillong."

After speaking, she opened her mouth, bit the dog's leg hard, and swallowed the meat in one bite.

"Ooooooooooo..." The little girl screamed while clutching her belly, her whole body rolling on the ground, looking very painful.

The humanoid devil looked at him indifferently.

Seems to feel the gaze of the black demon hunter.

The look of the humanoid devil rolled over.

The dog-shaped demon in his mouth hasn't been swallowed yet, still whimpering in his mouth begging for mercy.

But the humanoid demon seemed to have not heard it, his eyes focused on the demon hunter.

"What are you looking at?"

Did you notice me?

The black demon hunter saw sweat on his forehead.

Sure enough, I am about to die here. I really don't understand. I rushed over bravely before, and where did the courage to protect humanity go?

At this time, am I afraid to even launch an attack?

The black witcher laughed at himself.

The pressure in his heart increased sharply, and the veins in his hand holding the handle of the knife were violent.

"You... also want my food?"

The face of the humanoid devil was a little unhappy.

"That's impossible! I won't give you a hair! Humph!"

After a cold snort, the human-shaped devil swallowed the dog-shaped devil directly.

After that, I started to talk about things I didn't understand.

"Yes! A Hydra has provided me with 130 million faith points, and the other two dozen devils are one-tenth less than before. Well, yes, yes."

After that, the humanoid demon stopped paying attention to the little girl who was wailing on the ground, but walked a few steps forward, and then stomped her foot.


With a roar, something seemed to be crushed by it, a pothole appeared on the ground, and the humanoid devil jumped directly in and disappeared.

"Huh..." The black demon hunter exhaled a long breath, his back was soaked.

He softened and almost fell to the ground, staring at the pothole on the ground for a long time. The black-clothed hunter felt like he was going crazy!

He actually walked forward and jumped into the pothole.

This is an extremely dark pothole without a trace of light.

The black demon hunter took out a fire folder from his jacket and lit a small wooden stick he carried with him.

The light brought by the flame allowed him to see everything within five or six meters around him.

The downward mud ladder is about five meters away from the left and right, and all kinds of bones are hung on it.

These white bones are human bones at a glance.

There are skulls, finger bones, foot bones, etc...

Like trophies, collectibles are on display.

Make the black demon hunter shudder.

He walked down cautiously for about a minute.

Just walked to the bottom.

With the light of the fire, the black demon hunter continued to look forward, and soon he stopped. The humanoid devil, lying on the edge of a pool, showed his hideous devil head.

Swallowed frantically in that pool.

In the pond, there was a pond of black sewage, like water that had been melted with a pile of black silt.

It makes people sick to look at, and the humanoid demon seems to drink extremely happy.

Sure enough, the devil is something abnormal.

He had the courage to measure here for a moment.

It was found that this underground secret room was quite large, with a width of at least 20 meters or more, and the length could not be measured because of the existence of the black pool.

When he finished the measurement, he found that the water in the black pool had been reduced by more than half.

But at this time, a huge snake head came out of the pond.

This is exactly the huge hydra devil he saw before being swallowed by the humanoid devil...

It's obviously dead!

Actually resurrected again, why?

As the demon hunter was thinking, the snake head suddenly opened his vicious eyes.

But immediately, the snake head immediately showed a look of horror.

Because it found a humanoid demon lying on the side of the pool, constantly devouring black water.

I saw it growl anxiously: "Damn bastard! Hurry up and silence me!

Do you know what you are doing?

Do you dare to swallow the magic pond built?

Are you really tired of living?"

The humanoid devil who bowed his head and devoured the black water ignored it.

The snake head looked more anxious.

"Damn bastard! Shut me up! Don't swallow! Shut up! Crap! You crap!

Do not! No! please! Shut up!


Seeing that the black water in the pool is getting less and less, the snake head has become a threat from the beginning to a begging for mercy.

But it was useless, the humanoid demon didn't pay attention at all, and soon the black water bottomed out.

After the snake-shaped devil left an unwilling roar, the snake head that condensed only one quickly turned into black powder and disappeared.

"Hahahaha! Good thing! It really is a good thing!" The humanoid devil who finished drinking the black water seemed very happy, raised his head that had returned to human form and laughed.

"A pool of water actually provided me with more than 2 billion faiths! This is my faith income for almost two years! Hahaha!

I look forward to this world more now! "

The humanoid devil turned his head, just glanced at the black demon hunter, and directly stepped onto the mud steps.

The black demon hunter didn't know why the opponent didn't kill him at all.

Obviously, without any hesitation in killing other demons before, he followed again to the ground.

I found that the little girl who had devoured the dog-shaped devil's hind legs had fallen to the ground, motionless.

This girl...dead!

She really is a human! Black Demon Hunters have heard that the flesh and blood of the devil is highly toxic to humans.

"Even dead? The human body is really weak enough."

The humanoid devil looked at the little girl's body and sighed.

Then stretched out his finger, a golden brilliance fell on the girl's body.

"Woo..." A whisper came from the little girl's mouth.

The black demon hunter was taken aback.

Inexplicably horrified.

what happened? Fraudulent corpse?

The little girl opened her eyes, and the first thing she did was to continue to bite the unfinished dog-shaped devil meat.

After swallowing it in one bite, he started screaming again.

"Hurry up! You are a human being? Humans can't swallow devil meat! Everything in their bodies is very poisonous to us!" The black demon hunter couldn't help saying.

The screaming little girl ignored the black demon hunter.

"Oh? Is that true? Everything about the devil is highly toxic to humans?" the humanoid devil on one side asked with interest.

"Yes! If you want to kill us humans, just do it! Why torturing this little girl like this?"

"Oh, don't slander me.

I only gave her the delicacy when I saw her being poor, and I wouldn't give it to ordinary people.

Hmm... like you, please, I won't divide you a bit. Said the humanoid devil.

"..." The black demon hunter was a little speechless, why the devil said so strangely.

And... it seems to be very talkative?

The black demon hunter looked at the howling little girl and cried for a few more minutes, then died.

Then the humanoid devil resurrected the little girl with golden light, and then the little girl continued to bite.

Then screamed.

"Just... this little girl... is dead?" The black demon hunter couldn't help asking at last.

"Yeah, she died just now, and then I was resurrected."

"You... can you really resurrect humans?"


"Why... you demons can master this miracle power? This world is really unfair...

Ha ha... I started to despair of this world. "The black demon hunter sighed.

I recalled again that the snake-shaped devil, who was killed by the human-shaped devil, was resurrected in the black pool in the basement.

These demons actually mastered the power of immortality...

What a terrible reality is this?

Can humans... really defeat this monster?

He had doubts about the words that certain people in the demon hunter organization had always respected.

"Devil? Who told you that I was the devil?"

"You are not a devil, are you still a human? Humans don't turn their heads into monsters like you."

"Forget it, it's really unclear to you mortals. Humans and demons are deeply ingrained in your hearts.

But rest assured, I will get rid of all the demons soon and return the world to a bright future. "There was a certainty in the humanoid devil's words.

This made the Demon Hunter wonder if he had heard it wrong.

In silence, the witcher watched the little girl who died the third time in the past is resurrected again, and then ate the meat of the dog-shaped devil.

This time just a few painful screams, and he survived, which surprised the Demon Hunter.

Then, the little girl gnawed away the dog legs that were bigger than her in an incredible gesture.

"It's delicious...Big Brother Shillong..." The little girl had a happy smile on her dirty face because she rolled too many times on the ground.

"Right." The humanoid devil, known as Big Brother Shillong, grinned, "This is an advanced delicacy that I can't stand.

The taste is naturally not too bad!

Let's go, there are still some demons who slip through the net in this city. I'm going to eat them too, so I can't waste them. "

Shillon took the little girl by the hand and passed the black demon hunter like this.

Until they were far away, the black demon hunter still couldn't figure out why this devil named Siro had such a different attitude towards humans.

He boldly continued to follow behind.

Because of the fighting that broke out just now, there is no one near here.

Turning all the way, the demon hunter saw Shillong stop.

Then he stretched out his hand, and a strange-looking devil was photographed by him.

Then his head exploded, watching the other party skilfully open the devil's belly and pull out the intestines.

Then he split his mouth and swallowed the devil in a few mouthfuls, and continued walking calmly.

The mood of the black witcher is complicated and difficult to understand.

There are so many demons hidden in this city... Why does our Demon Hunter Organization never have such information?

He looked at the other side each time he walked a distance, he found out a devil that lasted for more than two hours, the devil who called himself Shillon found more than 20 hidden devils and swallowed them.

Because he had no intention of concealing, many people have seen the scene of him devouring the devil.

Among these people, some fear Shillong.

Because when he was devouring the devil, his mouth cracked unnaturally!

Some people continued to look at everything behind because they were attracted. When Silom stopped completely, a dozen humans followed him.

They all belong to the courageous generation.

Turning around, Silom said: "Everyone! All the demons in this city have been cleaned up by me. You don't have to worry about being threatened by the demons anymore!

In the future, they will disappear forever in your world!

In addition, please rest assured, I am only interested in the devil, and I am not interested in humans at all!

So you dont have to be afraid of me! "

"No... there is no devil? This... is this true?" Someone dared not say anything.

Although there are tens of thousands of people living here, there are people who disappear for no reason every two days. They all know that the devil must have done it.

But they have nothing to do.

The Lord of the City has also invited a demon hunter, but the devil is rarely found.

There is no cure at all, everyone is used to it, and even after finishing their work every day, they pray that they are not the devils dinner tonight...

Instead of praying that the devil will be completely wiped out.

This is terrible of habit!

But today, a person ~wuxiaworld.online~ actually ate the terrifying devil in front of them!

This made some of them dare to realize that the devil may not be as scary as they thought!

In this world, it turns out that there are also devouring lives of the devil!

"Human... Is mankind finally saved?" someone muttered to himself, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

This is the reaction that people have after seeing the light in hell!

"I'm Silon Soderberg! The dragon **** who brings light to this hellish world!

Worship me! Believe in me! I will eradicate all the demons for you! Until one does not stay! Shillong showed a sacred expression on his face, spread his arms, and made a gesture of embracing the earth.

"God! Is this God?

I prayed for thirty years, the great dragon god! Have you finally heard my prayer?" A human being moved to his knees with tears streaming down his face.

