"Damn chopsticks! Don't be too mad!

A big devil does not necessarily mean strong!

Like you! Lao Tzu has not killed a hundred or fifty!

Die to me! "

The flaming lion roared.

Four hooves shook, and a large-scale flame lotus appeared in the void.

The flame lion stepped on the flame lotus and appeared next to the monster's head. The huge beast claws engulfed the infinite flame and slammed it past!

Cang Dang!

Under a loud noise, the flames flickered at the intersection of the two! Like a small red sun burst out.

However, this attack, the flame lion as the attacker, did not feel well.

It felt like its paws were tapping on the hardest metal block.

His body was numb, and he almost fell from mid-air.

And the monster's blow was just one meter away from its original position.

He shook his head slightly.

The terrifying eyes stared at the flame lion!

The huge paw sticks out again, trying to grab the flame lion.

Roar! The flame lion faced the giant claws, and the flames all over his body accumulated a lot. Its body rose and fell, appearing incomparably hundreds of meters away, and a flame lotus floating in the air.

It raised its head, and another hot lava storm swept toward the huge monster.


Unimaginable high temperature meets low temperature items, the sound of thorns, like ordinary water jets on the metal.

Some are just the roar after the impact.

The monster hit by the lava storm didn't care, nor rushed to continue attacking the flame lion.

Instead, he opened his huge mouth leisurely and sucked hard, matching the invisible force before.

There was a violent wind on the ground for a moment, and several big demons with a slower reaction were directly inhaled into their mouths, then chewed several times and swallowed into their abdomen.

The monster said something that shocked the great demon: "Chewing four different foods together, it feels like putting together four different pieces of meat, some meat is chewy, some meat They are relatively dry, and some are fatty....Four different flavors are mixed together, tut!

It turned out to be another delicacy! Not bad! Not bad! "

The monster closed his eyes lightly, with a comfortable appearance, speaking the words that they used to only say when they tasted humans.

Now that the roles of the two sides have changed, the demons discovered that these words are so terrifying!

"Damn! Damn! We have so many great monsters! Can you really kill this monster?" There was a big demon who was guilty of breaking.

"Of course you can! Kill him!" the other big demon shouted.

This is a toad more than five meters tall. It is very dark. After speaking, he opened his mouth and shot a black mist arrow at the huge monster.


The arrow of the black mist that could corrode instantly and penetrate the metal instantly dissipated.

The dark scales on the huge monster's face did not even change color.

The monster suddenly opened his eyes, and swept his eyes to the toad monster that was attacking him, opened his mouth and sucked, and sucked in the toad that was a full two hundred meters away.

Toad was struggling in the air in horror, but the suction power was too much than it thought, and it couldn't get rid of it.

The body is getting closer and closer to the monster's horrible mouth like the abyss of hell.

A big demon like a toad is anxious, and shouted: "You! You can't eat me! I'm poisonous! Very poisonous! You will die if you eat me! Let me go!"

But the monster didn't pay attention to it at all, and even showed disdain in his eyes.

Until the big toad got into the monster's mouth, he was swallowed into the abdomen again in threes or twos.

The monster said in front of the other big demons: "Although the appearance is ugly, the meat is unexpectedly plump, not bad! Not bad!"

Then, the monster looked at all the Great Demon Dao with a kind look: "Dont worry, my teeth and my stomach are always good, no matter what material you are made of, whether you are made of material, or whether it is poisonous, Whether it is strong or not, none of these will affect me!

All you demons are the same in my eyes! I will taste them one by one, and will never underestimate any taste!"

The monster actually grinned and smiled after speaking.

The great demons instantly discovered that their backs seemed to be soaked, and this kind of fear seemed to have this kind of reaction only when they faced that person who was angry.

The monster in front of me is really terrifying!

"I...I...I won't fight anymore! I want to go back! I want to go home!" a great demon cried out in horror.

Turn around and want to escape.

But it hasn't waited for it to take a few steps.

A terrifying pressure directly pressed it into the ground.

Rumble~ It was inserted into the ground fiercely, its bones shattered instantly, and its brain burst to death!

Then the other monsters saw the monster opened its mouth and sucked, and then sucked the big monster who was pressed into meat pie and chewed.

He commented: "Although the food was crushed by me, the meat, blood, and other sauces are mixed together, um~ it still has a different flavor when you eat it, not bad!"

"Uhhhhh~" some big demons broke down and shouted.

The flame lion on one side frowned, and roared: "Damn idiots! Be sober! We are the devil among the devil! The great life called the devil!

We are immortal! Why be afraid! After death! Just resurrected in the magic pond! "

"Yes! That's right! Almost forgot! Our demon! After death, we only resurrected in the magic pond! We don't need to be afraid!" The demons shouted and raised their courage, preparing to continue fighting the monster for another three hundred rounds.

But among them, there is a colorful creature that looks like a snake, but it is pleasantly surprised: "Yes! Yes! As long as you die, return to the magic pond! I don't have to face this terrifying monster! ...Everyone...bye!"

After the big snake-like devil finished speaking, it exploded with a bang.

The immense power directly drove the two big devils that were close by one hundred meters away and was severely injured by the explosion.

"Damn coward! I was so scared that I blew myself up!" Many big demons were confused by the snake-like demons for a moment, and yelled after they reacted.

This great demon is simply the shame of the great demon!

But don't tell me, because after the self-destruction, the corpses were gone. Then the terrible monster can't swallow them?

Many big demons with relatively weak strength and relatively small courage have bright eyes.

Then the rumbling explosion sounded continuously, unexpectedly blew one after another!

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, the monster who has been keeping a leisurely mind seemed to panic, and he cursed.

The air in a radius of thousands of meters became extremely viscous at once. All the big demons who hadn't exploded just felt their bodies sink, and then fell several meters with the ground, and were crushed into meatloaf!

Several of the strongest monsters that remained conscious, including the flame lion, were also crushed to the ground, unable to move.

They can only hear the monster's irritable screams: "Damn things! Just you rubbish! It's still a big devil? I see it is a coward!

Suicide? Don't want to escape, play suicide? It's not even as good as humans! Damn trash!

I originally didn't want to spoil your taste as ingredients, but now it seems that there is no way! It can only be done. "

The terrifying monster cursed, making the Flame Lions couldn't help thinking, would they also blew themselves up along with them at that time?

But now its too late to explode. Their bodies can no longer move, including the inner devil energy in their bodies, which cant be mobilized. How can they explode?

They can only lie on the icy ground, listening to the sound of the monster's footsteps approaching gradually, and then lift a few of them still alive, throw them into their mouths, and swallow them one by one!

Soon, all the big devils entered Shillong's stomach. Among them, the flame lion was the strongest among the group of demons, providing Shillong with 1.5 billion power of faith!

This wave of big devil collection packages has provided Shillong with close to 7 billion faith power!

At last.

Only the mirror devil, Zuli, remained in the ruins.

Although his body was about to shatter, this guy still lingered.

When Shillong approached, Zuli intermittently said: "I...between us...should...no...what...death vengeance...can...let me a...life...?"

"You have lived till now to beg me for mercy?" Silom looked at the mirror devil on the ground with interest.

"I...have...lived...five thousand...years...I...do not want to...die..."

"Death? You devil, don't you claim to be immortal? Why are you afraid of death?"

"Because... you will... swallow... the devil... the pool... the devil... the immortality... lies in... the soul seal... the soul seal... in the... magic pool..."

"So you know that after I eat you, I will go to devour the magic pond again, so I know that my death period is approaching?"


"Hey~ I'm an old devil who has lived for five thousand years, so he still asks me such a naive thing.

Think about it in another way. If a human begs you to spare his life at this time, would you?"

"No... will..." After the mirror demon said, he fell into silence.

"That's right, I won't, after all, it is a rare delicacy, how can I let it go." Shillon opened his mouth and sucked, then sucked the desperate Zuli into his mouth and chewed it away. Up.

Although it was all glass slag, Shillong tasted like crunchy bones.

After eating the mirror devil, he glanced at the underground magic pool. The water in that pool had already been spilled because of the previous fights.

The spilled magic pond water does not melt into the ordinary soil, and slides on the ground like mercury.

Shillong opened his mouth again and sucked them all into his belly, and it was considered that he had solved everything here.

When he recovered and was about to take Hu Xiaodie to enjoy the ordinary demons, he suddenly found that the little girl was missing.

Slightly startled, she looked around, and finally found the little girl in a house that had been destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

Looking at the breath that the other party no longer has, the bluish-purple body, Siro's shrinking body, scratching his head in embarrassment.

"Ahhh...A careless one actually caused the little girl to die again. Well, fortunately, the body is still intact and can be resurrected."

He murmured, using the godhead fragments of the Lord of Dawn to bring the little girl back to life.

When the little girl opened her eyes and looked at the shattered wooden planks around her and Shillong in front of her, she blinked a little dazedly, and said in confusion:

"Shillong...big brother...where am I...?

I remember, I was by your side and saw you fighting with a devil, then...and...why can't I remember? "

She was puzzled, feeling that the memory was fragmented.

"It's night after all. You, a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, was when she was growing up. Maybe she fell asleep at that time. The wind is a little bit strong.

I just blow you away, no, I just found you after I cleaned up those demons. "

Silom smiled.

His smile was very warm, at least Hu Xiaodie felt very warm.

So he smiled sweetly and nodded.


Silom took a piece of **** devil meat and handed it over.

Hu Xiaodie obediently took it, and started chewing, while Silom looked at her silently.

Until she finished eating, she passed a piece over.

"!?" Hu Xiaodie's eyes widened and looked at Silom in a little surprise, as if asking how to give her a meal today.

Before, I couldn't ask for it.

As for Silom, he coughed slightly and smiled: "Seeing you are so well-behaved these days, this is a reward for you, no thanks."

"Oh..." Hu Xiaodie smiled sweetly again when he heard the words, took the piece of meat and gnawed.

Until she finished eating, Shillong asked the local residents to gather again, resurrect those who had been affected by death in front of them, pretending to be a **** stick, and accepted a group of believers.

Then Hu Xiaodie and randomly found a place to rest for a night, and moved directly to the next destination early in the morning.


one day later.

In a large city with a population close to one million.

This city is much larger and more prosperous than other cities. Even if it is already night, it is still brightly lit.

People come and go on the streets.

All the black fog was discharged out of the city by strange magic circles, entangled outside the city wall.

Outside the city, the darkness is abnormal, and the inside of the city are completely two worlds.

Teams of demon hunters dressed in black will patrol the city in pairs at night.

Not only is it looking for the devil that may exist, it is also about maintaining the security of the city.

In the center of the city, inside a gorgeous palace.

A handsome young man in a large Hanfu sat on a wooden leading chair.

Below him, ten figures of different shapes and different clothes were kneeling down.

These ten people are also demon hunters, and they are the strongest demon hunters.

It is the patron saint who defends the city in the hearts of millions of people throughout the city.

On the clothing behind them, numbers 1 to 10 and 10 were engraved on them, representing their rankings.

They are ghost killers different from ordinary witchers!

"Your Majesty! Sillon Soderberg, who called himself a god, made another big move last night.

According to intelligence, he fought with dozens of demons in Fenglan City. After completely destroying the enemy, he resurrected hundreds of human beings who were affected by death...

This ability is simply unheard of.

Your Majesty, I think we should send someone to Zhao'an as soon as possible and let him work together for the future of mankind! "

The speaker was a burly man with a stature like an iron tower, even if he was kneeling, he was taller than the man sitting in the chair.

The preliminary estimate is that the height is above 2 meters 3!

There is a big letter engraved on the shirt behind him!

This represents his number one position among ghost killers!

"The ability to resurrect the dead... actually has this ability?

What an enviable ability..." A young man who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, a little lazy, sighed with a 7-character man on the back.

"It's really hard to believe.

But whether he is a human or a devil is still to be discussed.

Everyone is a ghost killer, and the strongest demon hunter also knows the real existence of the demon hunter.

Humans...In order to defeat the devil, they need the power of the devil itself, using their flesh and blood to secretly make a secret medicine that can be used for us.

Thereby gaining stronger power than the devil and fighting against it.

Although that guy has been killing the devil since he appeared, it still doesn't prove that he must be the same as us.

Maybe he is just a special devil... We can't trust him, let him come to the city rashly, your Majesty will be in danger. "Another twenty-five or six-year-old man with a blank face said.

This man has a 3 word engraved on the back.


No matter how strong the devil is, it is a big devil. Picking two of us at random is enough to deal with a big devil.

Now that 10 people gather, what else is there to be afraid of? Said a thirty-year-old woman holding a paper fan and wearing a little revealing dress.

This woman has a figure of 8 carved on the back.

"I'm just in case, we still know too little about the devil. I always feel that something is preventing us from exploring the devil..." The man with 3 engraved on the back.

"You! Although he is a good man, he is too cautious! Be confident! You are the third strongest among all mankind!" The woman with an 8 engraved on the back laughed.

"Compared with the devil, this ranking has no meaning at all..." Man No. 3 closed his eyes and said:

"And... don't you think it's too weird... That man, every time he goes to a city, he can pull out all the demons in the city and kill him!

How did he do it? This is something that even our intelligence organization can't do...

Every city.... There are dozens of demons... It is shocking...

I dont know if there are also demons hidden in the imperial city where we are now..."

As soon as this word came out, everyone was silent.

The brawny man with a 1 engraved on his back frowned and said: "Don't talk nonsense! This place is the imperial city where your majesty is! There are also hundreds of demon hunters guarding us!

How dare the devil come here to run wild! "

"That's right! We are here! The devil just dare to come! We dare to kill!" The woman with an 8 engraved on the back smiled charmingly.

"I believe in your abilities! With you, I am naturally not afraid of the devil! All the people in the city are not afraid of the devil! You are the pride of all mankind!" the young emperor praised.

Except for the man with the 3 engraved on his back, everyone else smiled.

"In fact, I already know what the earth said at the beginning. I have taken care of it." The young emperor said, looking at the strong man with a 1 engraved on the back.

Then, he looked at the man engraved with 3:

"Lei Dong, you are the fastest. Please leave for Pingmu City. This stranger who claims to be a **** should get there when the sun sets and make a big fuss.

You are leaving at this time, just in time to arrive and persuade the other party to come to the imperial city. "

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty! Your entrustment, I will definitely complete it!" Lei Dong bowed slightly.

The young emperor talked about other things with the ten ghost killers, and then the ghost killers dispersed.

The young emperor returned to his private room, came to an ancient general armor, bowed down, kowped three heads lightly, and said: "Great ancestor! Grandson has already followed your instructions, let the subordinates go down and ask that One come here.

I believe that when it gets dark, that one will come. "


A faint sound sounded, and two groups of dark light like eyeballs appeared at the original ordinary armor helmet, as if awakened.

"You did a good job! My good grandson." An old voice sounded from the armor.

"My ancestor... that guy seems to be out of control at all. He won't see through my disguise when he comes here? Will it kill me?" The young emperor said with some worry.

"You are both a human...and a devil...what can it see? Don't worry, as long as he arrives, you can go to rest, and then I will take care of it.

I really look forward to his arrival. "The old voice said.

"My ancestor... Grandson doesn't understand what you are looking for? Why can you be so excited? Is the ability to resurrect the dead?" the young emperor asked.

"Resurrection of the dead? It's just a trick, my desire, you will never be able to understand if you don't reach my position, kid, it's good to be compliant with peace of mind, ask so much what to do?" The old voice seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Sorry, ancestor! Grandson shouldn't ask so much!" The young emperor's heart beat.

"If you know what you are wrong, it's still my good grandson.....Just wait till night.... My long wish...maybe it will come true..." said the old voice Finally, it fades away.

The strangeness on the armor also disappeared.

The room returned to normal, and the young emperor looked at the armor in a daze.


The third thunderbolt among ghost killers~wuxiaworld.online~ At this time, his figure turned into a purple thunder light, leaping over the wilderness.

He had already walked a hundred kilometers, and there were blinding monsters on the way, all of which were cut to death by him.

Seeing the sun set right away, the sky became darker, and Pingmucheng was in front of him.

Lei Dong accelerated his pace even more, until after ten minutes, he rushed to the empty town of Pingmu.

boom! A roar came from far away, that was the other end of the city, and Lei moved his figure and ran quickly.

Until the destination, the battle was over, and that was consistent with intelligence.

With a pair of dark objects covering his eyes, the self-proclaimed **** seemed to have just finished the battle and just walked out of a house.

There was still some dark liquid remaining at the corner of his mouth, which looked a little sick.

