In the courtyard that had been dilapidated by the battle, there were more than 30 corpses of devil piled up. A little girl was standing next to the corpse, looking around, seeming to be choosing something.

For a long time, she pointed to a devil with a cow head and said to the man: "I want this."

"Okay!" The man turned his head to look at Thunder, but when he heard the little girl's words, he turned his head back, and after agreeing, he tore the hind legs of the bull devil pointed by the girl. After cleaning the fur, he passed it over.

Then the little girl chewed vigorously.

Lei Dong frowned while watching, are these guys really human? Is it too wild to look like devouring the devil?

Devil's meat, if no special refining and processing is carried out, to ordinary people, it should be highly toxic.

Are they okay if they eat like this?

Are they really demon hunters like me?

Lei Dong was even more suspicious, and he stood not far away and stared at the man and the little girl.

"Why are you staring at me like this?" The man on the opposite side finally spoke, and his attitude didn't seem very friendly: "I can tell you, these delicacies! I won't give you a dime! You died for me This heart!"

"Huh?" When the little girl heard the man's words, she also cast her gaze on thunder, her gaze was wary, she took a short step later, and then hid the meat behind her back.

It seems to use his eyes to say, I will not give it to you!

"..." Lei Dong was slightly silent: "I didn't come to find you guys for meat, I just came to convey your majesty's will, and your majesty seems to want to meet Mr. Silom who claims to be a god."

"Your Majesty?" Silom was taken aback: "In this world where everyone is in danger and possesses cannibals, there is actually an emperor?

Isn't this emperor also a devil? "

Shillong said instinctively.

"You! Don't talk nonsense!" Lei Dong didn't seem to have emotional fluctuations, with a little ups and downs:

"Your Majesty is a real human being! He is the object of protection and allegiance to all of us!

The entire royal family has always been the main force against the devil! They have established a hunting organization! Brings hope and future to mankind!

You don't even understand their greatness! "

"Don't get excited! Young man, do whatever you say." Silom said indifferently.

"But you have to put aside what you said, I still have something to do."

After Silom finished speaking, he began to make his own magic stick. After another group of people flicked, he waved his hand, taking thunder and Hu Xiaodie into the air and flew away from the city.

Being carried by the thunder flying in the air, his eyes flickered when he looked at Siro.

This man has many abilities, resurrection? Fei Tian? are all very good abilities...

If there are more demon hunters who have reached awakening, it would be great if we also have this ability...

Lei Dong was a little surprised.

Until flying to the outskirts.

Shillong put everyone down before continuing the previous topic.

"You said your majesty wants to invite me?"

"Yes, you have a very strong power, and your awakening ability is very good!

After hearing about your actions and abilities, Your Majesty wants to see you. Lei Dong nodded.

Then he said: "Although I am still not sure whether you are a human or a devil, your act of slaughtering the devil is undoubtedly a good act.

Calling yourself a **** and making people believe in you, although it feels a bit strange, I think you should be a good guy now.

At least I can talk.

And human beings and your majesty also need your power. "

"Huh?" Silom smiled noncommittal: "I won't work for anyone, and no one is worthy of me.

Hope you can figure this out. "

"..." Lei Dong was silent.

"I see. After all, you are not a demon hunter organized and cultivated. What I said before was indeed a bit abrupt.

With your strength, pride is inevitable..."

Lei Dong understood Shillong's words.

"It's good to understand." Shillong nodded.

He stretched out his finger, pointed to the northeast and said, "Does your emperor live in the city a hundred kilometers away from that direction?"

"Yes." It is not surprising that Lei Dong knew the location of the imperial city.

In this world, village, and small town level, human beings dare not walk around indiscriminately and have very little knowledge of the world.

But in a city of ten thousand people.

Humans basically know that there is an emperor in this world and an imperial capital.

The Demon Hunter organization belongs to His Majesty the Emperor, fighting against the demons.

Caravans are often sent to **** the demon hunters to conduct trade transactions between cities.

Therefore, the humans in the city are no strangers to the location of the imperial city.

What's more, is it a strong like Shillong who can squash everywhere?

"There... I've seen it before... I can't even see a devil... There are clearly more than one million people... It's really strange.

Originally, I planned to eat all the demons and clean up the ordinary city again before going back..."

"The Emperor City is the residence of His Majesty the Emperor! It is also the residence of all our demon hunters. Naturally, the devil dare not haunt the Imperial City." Lei Dong's mouth curled up slightly.

For this, it seems to be quite proud.

"That's still very strange, the humans in this world should be completely inadequate to fight the devil..." Silom said to himself.

"Although the devil is powerful... but you don't know our Demon Hunter organization, and there are many masters in our organization.

There are more than fifty powerhouses like you at the awakening level. Lei Dong explained.

"Awakening level? What do you mean?"

"Don't you understand?" Lei Dong frowned.

Immediately revealed the color of a sudden.

"That's right, this is the organization's division of strength, and it is normal if you don't understand it.

Although I don't know if you are a human being, you should also know, where is our source of power beyond mortals?"

"Devil's meat, right?" Shillong replied.

The eyes under the sunglasses looked at thunderous eyes, and then at Hu Xiaodie.

The body structure of these two people is a little different from ordinary human beings.

Like a person but not a person, like a demon but not a demon.

Belongs to half man and half devil!

Shillong discovered it when he first gave Tiger Fluttershy meat.

The little girl who was an ordinary person before, had eaten the meat of Warcraft, and her body began to change slightly.

After eating the first piece of real devil meat and dying once, the changes inside the body are more thorough!

"That's right." Lei Dong nodded: "All demon hunters are humans who have eaten special devil meat."

Having said that, he also glanced at Hu Xiaodie and Xilong: "You two, you actually ate it raw just now...

You know, the devil's meat contains highly poisonous, and you two will be fine. To be honest, I think you are the devil even more than humans.

Two strange demons. "

"It's not the devil..." the little girl who had been silent said.

"I am not a devil, I am a human being.

Big brother is not a devil, but a dragon god, a dragon **** who saves mankind. "

"..." Lei Dong looked at the serious little girl and nodded after a moment of silence.

"Okay, it's a human being, it's a dragon god."

He didn't want to be too serious with the little girl.

"Yeah." The little girl obviously couldn't see the meaning of thunder, she nodded in satisfaction, and then stopped making a sound.

Lei Dong turned his head and looked at Xilong and said, "After people eat the devil's meat, we will gain power close to the devil, which is far superior to humans.

This is an ordinary witcher.

Strictly speaking, it is inhuman.

To go further to this extent, to gain more power from the devil and possess the special ability of mutation, we call it the awakened.

The awakened person has far more power than ordinary witchers and demons!

Like mine..."

After Lei Dong finished speaking, he suddenly drew the knife from his waist.

Canglang groaned softly.

Under the cold night sky.

The blue thunder light exploded.

With the swing of the blade, it suddenly slashed to the big tree on one side.

La la la la ~

The whole tree flickered with thunder.


After a series of explosions, the whole tree exploded with a bang.

"This is my awakening ability, thunder and lightning, far more than killing the enemy." Lei Dong introduced.

"Oh...understood." Shillong nodded.

"So you think my flying ability is awakening ability?"

"Isn't it?" Lei Dong asked, "I know you are a multi-powered awakener.

I also heard that you have the ability to resurrect the dead.

Of course, I don't believe it.

There must be other secrets that I dont know. "

"What you said makes a lot of sense." Shillong did not refute the other party, but asked instead.

"Are the awakeners you talked about all of your strength?"

"No... I am a ghost killer, and among the awakened, the strength is also considered to be the best."

"Really?" Silom looked at Lei Dong and said suddenly: "I feel that your strength does not seem to be strong."

"...You..." Lei Dong's hand holding Tang Dao shook slightly.

He grew up so old, at the age of twenty-five, became a ghost killer, and was praised as a genius since he was a child!

It is the third strongest among tens of thousands of demon hunters!

In other words, it is the third strongest among all mankind. When has it been said that it is weak?

"Don't be angry, I am a person who speaks more straightforwardly, but I always tell the truth." Silom said seriously.

"Forget it." Lei Dong sighed.

What are you doing with this guy? Is there a problem with the brain?

I just came over and brought him to your majesty...

"Let's go, let's go back to the Imperial City now." Lei Dong said, and wanted to leave.

"It's too slow, I'll take you to fly." Silom finished speaking, dragging two humans again.

With a swish, it turned into streamer and rushed towards the imperial city.

Lei Dong watched the mountains and rivers below keep changing.

There was silence in my ears, and there was no wind around me.

The awe-inspiring color in his eyes is even stronger. This guy who claims to be a **** is really strong.

Fast and fast.

Soon Silom led Lei Dong and Hu Xiaodie into the top of the imperial city, above one of the most magnificent buildings.

"The house here is the most beautiful. It should be the place where your emperor lives?"

"Yes." Lei Dong nodded.

"Yeah." Shillon then lowered down.

When he landed.

The nine ghost killers who had been around opened their eyes at the same time, looking at Lei Dong, Xilong, and Hu Xiaodie.

"You are much faster than I expected, Mr. Lei Dong." The strong man who ranked number one was smiling.

"Oh! The way you appeared on the stage really surprised me. I had long known that Mr. Shillon could take people to fly together. I didn't expect the speed to be so fast.

What an enviable ability..."

The glamorous woman with the 8-character engraved on the back exclaimed: "Next time you have a chance, can you take me one?

My sister hasn't flown since growing up. "

After speaking, he winked at Shillong again.

"Don't make a fuss, stinky woman, Mr. Silom is a guest of your majesty, he is here to see your majesty, not to show you!" said a man with a scar on his face and a slightly weaker figure than the first.

There is a number 2 engraved on the clothes behind this man.

"Ahhhh, you really can't speak at all, it's annoying." The woman complained.

Seeing such a group of energetic guys, Silom just smiled silently.

It's rare that these guys live in a world full of demons, so they can be so optimistic and confident...

"Mr. Silom...just ignore them, I will take you to see your Majesty." Lei Dong said blankly.

"Good." Shillon just nodded.

He followed Lei Dong, and other ghost killers also followed him, obviously wanting to go in together, but just walked to the door.

The door was opened, and the young emperor stood at the door, looking at the people and saying: "You all stay outside, I want to talk to Mr. Silom alone."

As soon as these words came out, these ghost killers were a little surprised. The strong man #1 frowned and said:

"No! Your Majesty's body, how can you meet with a strange demon hunter alone?"

"Your Majesty, please don't be joking. How can you meet alone with someone from an unknown source, in case something happens.

What can we do? "

No. 8 woman also said.

Others also discouraged.

But the young emperor just smiled: "Mr. Silom is a good man who hunted countless demons.

Don't use your unpredictable hearts to measure such great people.

Although a little quirky...well, I just like to call myself a god. "

"His Majesty"

"Okay! Needless to say! This is the emperor's order! Just wait here!" Seeing what these ghost killers wanted to say, the emperor frowned and stopped.


"Please, Mr. Silom." The young emperor made a please gesture very politely.

Shillon was also welcome, and walked in directly.

Hu Xiaodie on one side also wanted to follow up.

But he was stopped by the emperor, and he showed a kind smile: "Little girl, this is a separate meeting between me and Mr. Shillong. Can you wait outside for a while?"

"Um..." Hu Xiaodie remained silent, but shook his head.

"Good boy, be obedient~"

"No, I want to follow Big Brother Shillong."

The young emperor raised an eyebrow and said again:

"Child...do you want to eat good things? Beef, chicken, fish, bear meat, tiger meat, and all kinds of delicious dim sums. May I ask the brother outside to take you to eat?"

"..." Hu Xiaodie was stunned, then asked:

"Which... or the devil's meat is better?"

"..." The emperor was taken aback, and then replied: "Of course it's better here. This is the best meat in the world."

"I...I..." Hu Xiaodie hesitated.

She looked at the emperor and then at Shillong, undecided.

"Eat if you want." Shillong's voice came.

"Um..." Hu Xiaodie replied in a low voice.

Immediately, the emperor asked Lei Dong to take the little girl to the kitchen to eat.

And Silom followed the emperor into the spacious room, with many compartments inside, turning around and turning to a room like a study.

The emperor bowed to an old general's armor: "Old ancestor, your guest has been brought here."

Oh oh...

A strange whine sounded in the room.

Because of the candlelight, the bright room suddenly became black as ink.

The atmosphere in the whole room became strange.

An invisible breath pressed Shillong.

Until it completely covered Shillong's body.

a long time.

Silom glanced at him and still knelt down, but facing the emperor, he glanced at the old armor that seemed to be resurrected, scratched his head and said, "You...what are you looking for?"

"Are you... okay? Are you okay under the pressure of your ancestors?" The young emperor seemed a little surprised.

"Coercion? No feeling."

"Huh ha ha ha ha..." The armor suddenly laughed, and the old voice echoed.

"You... really got rid of the limit of ordinary devil! Very good! Very good! After waiting for so many years, finally there is a younger generation who makes me happy!" said the old voice.

"?" Xilong frowned: "What is the limit of ordinary devil? Which onion are you?"

"Mr. Silom, don't you understand yet? The one in front of you is the origin of all demons.

Devil king, round ten! The legendary supreme devil! "

"The Devil King?" Shillong said to himself.

"Yes!" The emperor nodded, looking respectfully at the worn-out armor.

"It is also my ancestor, the great devil who maintains this world order!"

"Tsk!" Xilong shook his tongue: "I just said that a rookie like Lei Dong can rank in the top among humans. How can this world still have room for human existence.

After all, any big devil is better than him.

It turns out that humans have long been under the control of your demons.

They are like beasts, kept in captivity by you ignorantly, and they still dream about fighting the devil all the time...

It's really sad. "

"This is already my kindness!" the old voice continued.

"If it were not for my restraint, other demons would have swallowed up mankind. Young devils, don't look too one-sided when you look at the problem."

"Hey~ wait! You guy actually calls me a young devil?" Silom waved his hand: "My friend, Guigeng this year?"

"Ha ha ha... You are really an interesting devil... You will still struggle with this question. I am already more than a million years old this year. It shouldn't be an exaggeration to call you a young devil, right?" Said the voice.

"Thousands of years...that's really old enough...it is much older than me, but calling me the devil, I don't recognize it, after all, I have nothing to do with the devil, you can Don't mess around."

"Not the devil? Haha..." The old voice smiled: "Do you want to say you are human? Or half human and half ghost?

In fact, it doesn't matter. To be honest, I am dead. "

"It can be seen, after all, you are gone, your spirit is attached to the armor."

"Yeah! I have been lingering until today, just to find a heir. I hope it is as good as me. It is a great existence that has broken the shackles of the devil. Only this kind of life is worthy of my inheritance.

child! It is wrong for you to be partial to human beings!

Compared with the devil, humans are the biggest cancer in the world. You should have seen the tenacity of humans, right?

They eat everything, everything will be destroyed and used.

If no creatures stand up to stop them, have you ever wondered what the world will become?

They will become the overlords of this world and eat all species to extinction!

Young child, dont you know, in ancient times, there was no devil in this world!

The mankind at that time was the overlord of the world!

However, by chance, I, round ten became the first devil!

When I found that I could only feed on humans, I felt the mission entrusted to me by the world! Weaken mankind and maintain the order of everything! This is the mission the world has given us to the devil!

child! As the second existence to break the shackles! You are my successor! bring it on! Put on my armor! You will get my power! "

The old voice Rory talked a lot of things, and finally, the worn armor flew up from the wooden support, disintegrated in mid-air, flew towards Shillong, and kept chanting while flying:

"Come on! Accept everything from me! Maintain the world!"

"Are you talking about solo cross talk?" Silom stretched out a hand, and the huge repulsive force broke out!


Everything in the room was blown away.

The young emperor screamed and slammed against the wooden wall behind him.

The wooden wall that should have been unable to withstand this kind of power, but weirdly withstood this power, only slightly swayed.

The emperor was squeezed hard against the wooden wall, and the armor exuded a dark purple light, neutralizing the repulsion that hit it.

"Child..... Why do you reject this sacred mission?"

The old voice became a little low.

"Old thing, is it because you live too long and become stupid, or do you think other people are as stupid as you?

Give me strength? It's ridiculous! I never believe that there is a free lunch in this world. Compared to your lies, I believe that you want to take my body, right? "Siron smiled.

"Taking the body?" The old voice seemed surprised: "Why do you have this idea? Have you ever encountered other demons with this ability?"

"Never encountered ~wuxiaworld.online~ but I have seen many starting points!

Its all written above! Rebirth! Do you understand? "Siron said.

"Starting point? What is that thing? A home called starting point?" The old voice looked particularly gloomy: "These humans! It's really hateful! I kindly keep them alive, don't make good rations, and do all the bells and whistles. !

It's useless to write something crazy! Do you even believe in such things? "

"Be prepared, it's better to believe them. The most important thing is that I don't need your weak power." Silom shrugged helplessly.

"Young junior, you make me a little angry..." the old voice said.

The armor he possessed was even brighter with a dark purple light, and the energy impact against the repulsive force gradually pressed towards Xilong.