While the confrontation between the two sides became more intense, the emperor who was suppressed to death wailed miserably: "My ancestor! Help! Help!"

"Damn!" Lun Shi seemed a little anxious, a little frustrated: "Why! Why do you resist! Accept my strength! Isn't it good to maintain this world?"

"Poor fellow, how can the sun in the sky care about the power of fireflies?" Silom said while talking.

Dragon scales appeared on the cheeks, and the clothing behind them burst open with a bump, and a pair of dragon wings grew from behind.

The repulsive force against the opponent instantly seemed to be increased firepower, and the opponent began to oppose the opponent's suppression.

"You! Dare to refuse me! Reject my power! You will definitely regret it! I want you to know! How terrible my power is!" The voice of Lun Shi was full of resentment.

The armor floating in the air flashed like a ghost, and appeared beside the young emperor, khakaka.

The armor split at once, and then put it on the emperor one by one until it was completely put on.

The emperor's appearance changed, his face became tougher, he looked older, and the pupils of his eyes became purple and black.

"Young devil! Regret to reject the gift of the first devil!"

The emperor's voice also changed, becoming a middle-aged voice leaning toward the wheel ten.

With a wave of his armoured arm, a huge energy slammed into Shillong.


The power of terror between the two finally exploded.

The few emperor palaces the size of a football field completely burst!

Pieces of wood flying across the sky.

The nine ghost killers who had been guarding the outside were bombarded by the terrible aftermath for hundreds of meters before they could react!

He slammed into a nearby house.

"Cough cough cough~" The woman engraved with the number 8 slapped the broken wood on her body with her arm, and looked at the emperor's palace that had disappeared in a daze.

"Just now...what happened?"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty is in danger! That guy named Silom! Actually dared to attack your Majesty! Unforgivable! I want to kill him!" In a wooden house not far from No. 8, ghost No. 2 with a scar on his face The killer also saw the scene before him.

He thought of a lot of things instantly.

Finally, an angry roar was issued, and the whole person turned into a gust of wind and charged into the smoke, but the next moment...

bump! ! !

A violent collision!

This ghost killer flew back to his original position at a faster speed than before! The whole body was blasted into the ground fiercely...

"This..." No. 8 was dumbfounded, and the other ghost killers rushed over and stopped not far away.

I saw a booming roar in the distance.

Soon the dust and mist dissipated, but it was still difficult for No. 8 to see what was being sent inside, but the banging sound kept ringing.


He looked ugly, and after a wild roar, he rushed in the direction of the sound again.

As soon as he approached, he heard a roar: "Get out of the way! Waste!"

There was another loud noise from Peng.

No. 2 flew upside down again, roaring a tunnel hundreds of meters in the ground.

The other ghost killers turned their heads and looked. This time, No. 2 was not as lucky as the first time. His entire chest was crushed!

The breastbone is absolutely completely shattered! The back is a big bump!

At this time, there has been a lot of air out, but less air...

"How could it be! Feng Lin unexpectedly... unexpectedly..." The other ghost killers were stunned by this scene. The organization ranked second, and Feng Lin, whose strength was infinitely close to that of the big devil, died so unclearly?

There is no more fear in the hearts of all ghost killers.

Doubts about the previous life.

Facing the situation in front of me, there is a sense of unreality.

Inside...it should be two people fighting...but why...as the strongest human ghost killer...you can't even see it clearly?

Can't you get close?

Are we too weak?

Or is the opponent too strong?

Peng! Peng!

There were two loud noises, and the roar finally stopped, revealing two figures in battle.

A tall devil with a pair of wings and a pair of wings on his back.

A silhouette of a slightly shorter figure wrapped in purple and black, covered in worn-out general armor.

The two faced each other, holding each other with their hands, and wrestling in the middle.

The ground was under the strength of the two people, and a large area was cracked with a bang.

"The black-scaled devil should be Silon Soderberg who just invited in, but who is that armored figure?

Why have you never seen it before?" A ghost killer who was closer, seeing the appearance of the two, couldn't help asking.

"It should be your majesty, he should be like us, an awakened ghost killer!

This should be his ability.

Unexpectedly, His Majesty was so strong.

Fortunately, we still want to protect Your Majesty, it is really ridiculous..." No. 1 analyzed.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a wry smile.

But the emperor can have such strength, No. 1 is still happy for the other party from the bottom of his heart.

"Damn Shillon! Soderberg! Your Majesty kindly received him! How dare to attack your Majesty!"

Die to me! ! ! "Ghost Killer No. 4 is a strong man with a huge saber.

After seeing this stalemate, he roared and slashed to Siro's head!


A huge force slashed on the opponent's neck, and the knife and neck made a loud noise.

No. 4 felt like he had cut on a piece of 100-refined steel, and the strong counter shock made him almost unable to hold the knife.

The whole body was shocked, the tiger's mouth on his palm split open, and the blood stained his palm.

"Hmm~" No. 4 screamed in pain, backed back again and again, and looked at the two monsters who were still wrestling with nothing in the middle with horrified eyes!

Other ghost killers also saw the tragic appearance of No. 4, and their hearts were even more shocked.

"How... it might be like this... the gap is too big..."

No. 4 looked at his **** hands and began to doubt life.

"Hello~" After being chopped, Silom turned his head and looked at Ghost Killer No. 4 with some helplessness.

"You guy...what did you do with me?"

"You devil! Oppose your majesty! Kill Feng Lin again and ask me why I cut you?" No. 4 was anxious.

"Feng Lin?" Xilong glanced at the dead number 2 in the distance, and said in doubt: "Is that the one who doesn't open his eyes?"

"That's right! It's him! You **** devil! You dare to kill him! I can't spare you!" No. 4 yelled, and again slashed Shillong's forehead.

In the end, he was knocked to the ground...

While wrestling with the armor, Silom looked helplessly at No. 4 and said, "Are you blind?

That guy was obviously killed by the guy opposite me.

That guy named Feng Lin, who didn't open his eyes, came here for the first time, and I kindly shot him off. He didn't appreciate him, and he ran to die again. This time he was beaten to death by the opposite person.

Don't you blame him for blaming me? I was really wronged enough..."

"You! You nonsense! How could your majesty hurt us!" No. 4 didn't believe Shillong's words at all.

"The guy opposite me is not your little emperor now. He said he was the world's first devil. Well, he should have taken your emperor's body now."

When Silom said this, he turned his head to face the other side and said, "I remember your name is round ten? Right?"

"Damn junior!" Lun Shi's face was slightly distorted.

It felt Shillong's carelessness and carelessness, and it seemed that there was no official battle.

This makes it feel despised!

The fire of anger in the heart is almost burning through its sanity.

As the original devil, has it ever been treated like this?

"Damn junior! Don't be too smug! I will let you understand! The power of the ghost king at first! I want you to regret rejecting my power!" Lun Shi roared.

"Look carefully! My true power!"

Following the roar of Lunshi, the armor worn on the middle-aged emperor actually began to completely merge with his, like a whole.

What followed was its power surge!

Round ten used both hands to directly break the deadlock between the two sides, lifted both hands forcefully, and then slammed down!


Vibration occurred within a few kilometers of the entire radius!

The center was tens of meters away, and it was directly smashed into a huge pothole.

The nearest No. 4 was directly lifted by a terrible impact 100 meters!


At the same time, Hu Xiaodie, who was taken by thunder to eat, just ate a few mouthfuls of delicious beef, and the whole house was destroyed by the shock wave.

The ordinary people inside were blown away, dead, wounded, and fleeing.

During this shock, Lei Dong guarded Hu Xiaodie until after the shock.

He glanced at the emperor's palace that was at war in the distance, and ignored Hu Xiaodie. He flashed and rushed over.

When he came to the battlefield, he saw several ghost killers standing in the distance with demented faces, looking at the soot.

Wait for him to observe the dust and fog.


There was another loud noise.

The terrible shock came again, almost overturning him.

"What the **** is going on? Everyone!" Resisting the impact of the strong wind, Thunder roared loudly.

"There are two monsters fighting there!" a ghost killer shouted.

Just now, the person they considered to be the emperor claimed to be the first ghost king. At ten o'clock, all ghost killers understood.

Perhaps Shillong was right.

This is no longer their emperor! Also the Feng Lin killed by this monster!

"Damn! I'm not playing with you!" In the middle of the shock wave, an angry voice came out.

With a terrible roar that made everyone's soul tremble.

A huge black figure appeared from the dust and fog!

It was a monster that had never been seen before, its huge body, it broke the limit of everyone's imagination!

All the buildings, all the monsters that have been encountered before, are like ants in front of them!

The dark body stands on the ground.

Lei Dong found sadly that as humans, they were much smaller than the claws of the opponent's forelimbs!

This is a terrifying monster with a height of at least two to three hundred meters and a body length of five to six hundred meters!

Above the pitch-black scale armor, the flowing golden light is so dazzling.

The monster stands quietly, but the air current that it exhales is a terrible storm for the humans on the ground!

Lei Dong had to keep his arms in front of him to withstand the storm.

With a radius of more than ten kilometers, the lively night market life that should have been peaceful, was instantly broken.

All the humans who saw the monster uttered a terrified scream, turned and ran.

The whole city began to riot, and there were countless trampling injuries...

But soon, a terrible invisible breath swept across, and everyone felt a breath, eyes, and fainted!

This is the terrible breath that the monster accidentally leaked!

The so-called ghost killers, under this breath, felt cold and stiff in their hands and feet.

"Damn! Obviously just a junior! How could you have this kind of power! How could it be!"

An incredible roar sounded under the monster.

It is the original king of the devil, round ten!

At this time, his expression was complicated and difficult to understand, with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

This power! Obviously only it deserves to be owned!

"Obviously I am the strongest devil! How could God not give me this power! Instead, he gave you this junior! I don't accept it! I don't accept it!!!

This body! Obviously it should be mine! It's mine! "

He screamed wildly and utterly.

"Idiot!" The huge monster opened its mouth.

The sound was like the thunder in the sky, and it was about to pierce people's eardrums.

"Don't compare the great dragon **** with a low-level guy like you, understand?

Devil? What a ridiculous thing!

This kind of thing is only worthy of my food, and you are no exception, the original king of the devil, round ten! "


As the monster's voice fell, a terrifying sonic boom sounded.

Then the whole space began to roar!

Accompanied by a dozen horror hurricanes!

All the ghost killers hundreds of meters away were instantly swept into the sky tens of meters!

Originally, with their strength, they could naturally stabilize their figures and then land naturally, but they were impacted by the terrifying aura of the monsters.

Then Lei Dong waited for the hunter to turn his stiff head, looking hard in the direction of the storm, where he was originally the ghost king, Luanshi.

There is already occupied by a huge long tail!

But where it was perpendicular to the tail, a straight road appeared!

This road was originally not ~wuxiaworld.online~ but it appeared after the tail appeared!

On the path of this road, all houses were just destroyed!

The entire road extends straight out, and the length is incalculable!

The ghost killers understand that this must be caused by the dragon attack in front of you!

That so-called first ghost king, should have been killed by the monster in front of him?

All ghost killers couldn't help but think.

woo woo woo woo

A horrible whine came from far away.

The black fog that originally surrounded the city, and because of the destruction of the city, poured into the city instantly toward the direction of the whine.

A hundred kilometers away, where black mist was constantly surging, a monster larger than Shillong was born!

