"Resurrection?" Feng Lin was a little confused, but soon, he saw a palace guard who died not far away, the whole process of resurrection after being illuminated by golden light, and then he closed his mouth with complicated expression.

These people knelt down in front of Shillong, shouting gods.

Lei Dong and the other ghost killers looked at the scene in front of them, their expressions a little moved, and their eyes shone slightly.

"Sirron... Sir? Can I call you that way?" Lei Dong asked tentatively.

"Call me your majesty!"


"Okay, Your Majesty Silom." Lei Dong immediately changed his name:

"Your Majesty, I want to ask you a question... Those who died a long time ago, can you...resurrect?"

"God is not omnipotent." Silom shook his head: "Life has a soul. When a person dies, the soul will remain in the body for a period of time.

When the time limit is exceeded, the soul will go to its own home or dissipate.

And this limit is generally around seven days. "

"Is that...Is that so..." Lei Dong's eyes dimmed suddenly.

He sighed deeply.

Several other ghost killers also sighed.

As demon hunters, they have too many partners who died in the hands of the devil...

Shillong's blooming golden brilliance not only resurrected the dead, but also awakened those humans who should have fainted.

Then they were attracted by the golden light and gathered towards Silom.

When the ruins were overcrowded, Shillong became a magic stick again.

Then he announced that he would rule and take over the world.

These humans had already determined that Shillong was a god, and naturally they had no objection, but were extremely happy.

What dissatisfaction is there to be a people of God?

After that, he even directly opened the planetary portal of the alliance where the brain demon and others are located.

Let the brain demon transport a large number of demonized talents.

These demonized people are no different from the devil in the eyes of people in this world.

They are all weird and unpredictable.

If several ghost killers hadn't been informed by Shillong in advance, they would have already hacked people!

Ordinary humans, even if Shillon told them to see these demonized people, they stayed away.

And the demonized people first came to another world and looked curiously one by one.

One of them said: "It turns out that in another world, it is also a human being. It's not much different from ours, it's just that the skin is whiter...

However, the age of their architectural clothing is so old. I have only seen this kind of thing on the Internet.

At least it was a product hundreds of years ago. "

"Hey! We were sent because their buildings were not good.

Bros! Ready to start! "

A demonized person like silt yelled.

"Let these old humans see what we can do!"

Immediately, these demonized people displayed their magical powers, and cement houses and earth houses quickly began to take shape...

All demonized people have fully demonstrated what efficiency is to this backward world.

The construction was completed that day, and people moved in that day.

Those homeless people whose houses were destroyed, were still very sad, but now they are laughing.

Because these newly built houses are much more beautiful than the old ones!

And the gods are given to them for free as compensation!

As the days passed, the Emperor City was slowly connecting with the Alliance Planet.

At this time, Shillong did not stay idle, but continued to go to the cities that he had never been to, and swallowed all the demons there. Drink the magic pond water and collect the power of faith!

It took a total of one month before he cleaned up the entire planet of the devil.

For this reason, his power of faith has reached more than 430 billion!

At the same time, he discovered that there were only more than 100 cities on this planet.

The total population is no more than 10 million, which is really pitiful and very sparsely distributed.

When he returned to the Imperial City again.

The entire Imperial City has long since changed its appearance, with various apartment-style high-rise buildings and complete entertainment facilities.

Ordinary humans also put on new clothes and completely changed their appearance.

They coexist peacefully with some demonized people who have migrated here from Alliance stars.

And the original construction team, under the leadership of the Demon Hunter, has begun to move towards the surrounding cities and start new construction.

Although Shillon ruled the planet, he would not personally manage it. It would let people from Alliance Star come to manage it.

Among the ten ghost killers, a few people who are aspiring to change the world were selected to learn management from the side.

Shillong didn't let the world demonize like the Alliance Star.

But let them continue to maintain the human body.

Ask why?

It was for the power of faith at that time!

He wants these guys to give birth well!

Compared with demonic humans, human beings have low strength, but their wisdom is not too prominent.

But they can give birth!

Demonized people may be because they are powerful, and they are also subject to certain rules of the universe.

The stronger, the harder it is to reproduce!

There are also different kinds of demons, and there may be reproductive isolation.

This greatly reduces the reproduction efficiency of the demonized person.

Really have pros and cons!

Among them, it is necessary to find a balance point to maximize the power of faith!

For this reason, Shillon did not let the human descendants of Alliance Star demonize.

Even if they are willing! If you want to be demonic, you must complete his mission!

For example, having more than three children!

Well, for now, Shillong encourages fertility very much, and many of them are people's heroes!

Starting from the second child, for each birth, the country will reward 200,000 Union Coins!

Going to school in the future, tuition and other things, even more can be waived!

For this rule, Shillong also used this devil's world.

When have these ordinary people heard of such a good thing?

In the past, I was afraid that I would not be able to feed one. The more I give birth, the more I give!

This is a great thing!

200,000 alliance coins, they have been in contact with new things through this month, but they know how valuable it is!

Those beef that is not common in their eyes and can only be eaten by nobles can be bought for a catty for only about 40 Union coins!

Only a dozen Union coins are needed for pork!

200,000 Union Coins, enough for a family to eat beef and pork every day, you can eat whatever you want!

After all, they dont have mortgages and car loan pressure...

This is simply the life of a noble master!

Is this temptation, these people who are worried about being afraid for a lifetime, can resist?

I didn't do anything one by one, I just stayed at home all day, holding my wife and working hard!

Those who are not married yet, and are about the same age, quickly found a team that was interesting to each other, and went to the wedding house immediately!

This is a good thing that humans in the devil world dream of!

If you don't do anything ass, the house and the wife are working for the gods and the country!

It can also let the poor life step into the rich class!

All of them are naturally working hard!

For this reason, several lives have been claimed...

Of course all men died...

They are exhausted! They died for the country!

Is a hero! All humans respect their bravery.

But this also caused others to start to converge a bit.

After all, the good days have just begun. Isn't it too bad to die?

When these people work hard.

Shillong is sleeping again!

He did not complete the previous plan, return to the world of spirits and become the so-called king of heaven

Ask why? Of course the plan cannot keep up with the changes!

With more than 430 billion beliefs left unused, Shillong feels that he is different from a fool?

First spend your faith, and increase your strength is the key. If your strength is strong, you can't return to the world of the elves, you can use violence to conquer directly!

Who will play with you, the king?

430 billion beliefs!

This is another 140 years of growth!

At that time, I don't know what level of strength I will surge to!

This time he chose to sleep in a mountain range.

Did not continue to choose the island.

Speaking of islands, the ratio of land to sea in this devil's world is actually 6:4.

The land accounts for 60% and the sea accounts for 40%.

There are also islands, but there is nothing on it except some wild animals.

The entire planet is also the smallest ever encountered by Shillong.

He was not ready to harm the island.

After he sleeps, the gravitational force that offsets his weight will naturally dissipate. With his tonnage, there is probably no island in this world that can bear it!

Next time you open your eyes, it must be in the seabed that disgusts it again!

This is not what he wants!

140 years of growth, more than 11 years of sleep, but fleeting.

When Silom opened his eyes again, he found that he had been covered by a thick layer of soil!

The whole body is about 600 meters long, with a wingspan of about 700 meters, except from the original height of about 270 meters.

It became about 330 meters tall, 700 meters long, and more than 800 meters wingspan.

He didn't get any special abilities, and his appearance didn't change much.

Especially when the power of a thousand years exploded in the main material world against the Arcane Empire, at that time, he was surrounded by stars.

But even at this time, even if they are added together, there have been 7-800 years of growth, but they still haven't reached that point!

However, whether it is strength or weight, it has skyrocketed again!

Even because it is too heavy, the ground has been sinking nearly a hundred meters!

Covered in dust, in the eyes of mortals, he is a strange mountain.

Within ten kilometers around, there were huge cracks...

Gently shake the body, within a hundred miles, the ground is shaking.

Fortunately, even after 11 years of development, this place still belongs to the suburbs. It is just a human being a hundred miles away. Some people found the water in the cup when they were eating, and it was slightly shaken, but nothing else.

Shillong then turned into a human form again and returned to the Imperial City.

Flying in the air, looking at the imperial city below.

Shillong felt a little emotional.

This world, which was the appearance of the ancient blue star 11 years ago, has only developed in 11 years and has completely entered modern society.

Not to mention the tall buildings, and the locomotives passing through the streets.

Pedestrians wore fashionable clothes and talked and laughed on the street, and the horrible black fog, because of the demise of the devil, has also drastically reduced.

Now it only appears at midnight.

Both men and women seem to be very open-minded, each arm in a pair, talking and laughing.

Hot kisses in the street are not uncommon.

Because the reward for having more children is still there!

All the younger generations know it.

To be rich, first fall in love, then go to bed, and then get married. The first child will give birth to the second child!

The second child gives birth to the third child!

Four, five, six and seven births from three births!

The more you give birth, the more you earn!

Or the great hero of the people of the motherland!

Life is good! Good welfare!

Lord Dragon God likes you too!

This has also created such a social atmosphere...

Shillong has no idea about this, as long as the population does increase for him, the power of faith increases! Then there is no problem at all!

In other words, the scale of this imperial city is indeed not small now.

Before falling asleep, there were no more than a million humans.

In just 11 years, the population has doubled five times!

One by one, because of the welfare of the country, everyone is living a well-off life!

Of course, it is only well-off, after all, they cannot afford many luxury goods.

This also means that the social structure has not collapsed.

There are reasons why people will work.

Xilong went straight to the Prime Minister's Building.

Well, this is a planet, except for the office of the highest leadership outside Shillong.

Shillong manages the order of the world.

It is a tall building with high security.

Shillong originally wanted to fly in directly.

But when entering the low altitude, the whole building flashed red.

The whining whine kept ringing.

The entire building immediately entered a state of alert.

Demonized people and masters of demon hunters rushed out of the building, wearing strange equipment.

Want to encircle Shillong.

But the moment they saw Shillong, the group was stunned.

Someone stammered: "You... Are you Lord Dragon God?"

The others were also shocked.

But also recognized Shillong.

As the only **** after all.

No matter what textbook, it will record his deeds and images.

"It's me." Shillong nodded.

The stream of golden particles shining like a blazing sun in his eyes did not hide.

Most people have no way to impersonate him with the courage.

"Lord Dragon God!" A group of people nodded their foreheads and hearts excitedly, praying.

Then they were driven away by Shillong.

Silom walked directly into the building and came to the prime minister's office building.

When he opened the door and entered the office, he realized that the prime minister at this time was no longer the one he was 11 years ago.

But the same guy Shillong knew.

It was the ghost killer from 11 years ago, thunderous.

This guy is wearing a black suit, sitting at a computer desk, working online.

The look is serious and serious.

On the other side, with his back to him, she has not seen him in 11 years and has grown into a big girl. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

But Hu Xiaodie is wearing a cos suit.

The girl was sitting at the desk on the other side, watching the anime introduced from the Alliance Star, and she was fascinated.

He kept stuffing his mouth.

Well, her side is full of snacks.

Shillong's arrival first caught the thunderbolt on the other side.

When Lei Dong looked up and saw Shillong, he was shocked, and then quickly saluted: "Your Majesty, you are here."

"Ah..." Hu Xiaodie saw thunderous actions.

Turning his head blankly, after seeing Shillong, he immediately showed a look of joy, and smiled happily: "Big Brother Shillong... we finally meet again!"

While she was talking, she jumped up from her seat and ran to Shillong a few steps, trying to give him a hug.