But before the person got close, Sillon grabbed his head and lifted it up.

The little girl was only 1.6 meters tall, and was directly lifted in the air by the 1.9 meter Silon, which looked a little funny and ridiculous.

"When the little girl grows up, she doesn't understand the difference between men and women? She wants to eat her own tofu, huh! Naive!"

Shillon looked at the girl with disgust.

"Ah..." Hu Xiaodie, who was pinched his head, looked blank.

"This...how is it different from the animation? Didn't they both say that if two people haven't seen each other for a long time, they will hug each other for joy? Will they cry with joy?"

"So... Am I human?" Silom raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Oh... I get it! Big brother is not a human, but a dragon god..." Hu Xiaodie showed a daze.

"That's not the case. Besides, there are differences between males and females, and they are not husbands and wives. What kind of decent hug and hug." Xilong said.

"Oh..." Hu Xiaodie replied, feeling a little disappointed on his face. After being put down by Xilong, he stood on the other side without saying a word.

Shillong then looked at Lei Dong: "You surprised me a bit. The silent guy 11 years ago became the prime minister..."

"I was very surprised myself, Your Majesty." Lei Dong's mouth curled up stiffly, revealing an expression that seemed to be smiling.

"Perhaps because I had contact with your majesty. Four years ago, the brother of the Alliance Star wanted to choose a successor among me and the other ghost killers.

Everyone recommended me.

Well, there is also Xiaodie, because of your deep sleep, she has no source of food, she has been eating rice with me...

And Xiaodie thinks that after you fall asleep, you should come to find me and stay here..."

When Xilong heard this, he glanced at Hu Xiaodie a little unexpectedly. He didn't think that the little girl before was not completely a dumbfounded person.

In response, Hu Xiaodie smiled slightly.

"Big Brother Shillong... you are awake now, can I still follow you in the future?" she asked.

"Before, it was because you were young that I was pitiful to take you for a while, don't rely on me." Silom didn't have the joy of Lori's development at all.

"..." The girl's mouth shrank slightly, a little depressed.

"If you want to have the opportunity to follow me in the future, you should work hard to cultivate. Only a powerful servant will have the opportunity to work for me in the future and appear next to me again." Xilong said.

"Oh...I understand." Hu Xiaodie showed a clear expression.

"I will work hard in the future, and I won't be greedy anymore!"

"Hmm." Silom just nodded casually, not thinking that he would have too much intersection with the other party in the future.

He cast his eyes on thunder.

In the next time, he began to understand the specific development of the world, and said some words of encouragement, his expectations.

Then he left. The total population of this world, even after 11 years of development, is only more than 40 million. There is still a lot of room for development.

Shillong asked them to live hard!

For this planet, 40 million people is nothing at all!

As for Alliance Star, because there are too few human beings, the population increase is not that much.

In general, the belief points that it can acquire every day are not much more than it was 11 years ago.

This is because after 11 years, the worship of mankind in the spirit world has faded too much.

After all, it has been too long since he appeared in the world of spirits.

One increase and one decrease, the faith provided to Shillong every day only increased by more than 50,000.

Reached 4.05 million.

After 11 years of sleep, Shillong still has more than 17 billion faiths left.

He also had no plans to continue to sleep, he was ready to hunt the new world.

This time the location was changed to an island in the Devil's World.

Then continue the same as before, taking a group of executed prisoners to explore the way.

As for why not continue to explore the path on the alliance planet?

Of course it is to make a choice.

If he encounters an enemy that even Shillon can't solve, he will run away directly! Without hesitation!

Of course, this possibility is slim.

After all, Yishillon's current strength, even in the multiverse, is definitely a strong one!

After all, the real world is not a fantasy world that is bragging all the time. Destroying stars is like eating and drinking.

That group of **** authors, Mie Xing is not worth mentioning in their mouths!

It's entirely because these **** don't even know the greatness of the planet!

Is Blue Star's nuclear bomb powerful enough?

It is possible to destroy humans, but to destroy the earth is pure fart!

It's almost the same to tick the earth!

To destroy the earth, Shillong once saw a piece of data when he was at Blue Star. It may take a trillion tons of tnt to do it!

How much does all the nuclear bombs of Blue Star add up?

What else can destroy the universe at every turn.

Your uncle, the universe is too big to be estimated. If you open your mouth and shut it down, it will be destroyed. Sure enough, you are just hanging on if you can't pay taxes!

From the current point of view of Shillong, whether it is the Devil World or the Alliance World, the "universe" of these two worlds is extremely small.

The Milky Way is smaller than the blue star.

This kind of universe may be more accurately called Xinghai.

But even the Milky Way is already a terrifying realm of astronomy.


On the deserted island, the death row prisoners were sent into the portal one by one, without any news.

Until the 62nd place.


On a certain planet.


Two people gathered here at this time.

Headed by one party are long-eared elves with purple skins and strange patterns engraved on their skins.

They are extremely hot and tall, each of them is over 1.8 meters.

There are many boys and girls in the entire army.

Compared with women, men are generally short, only about one meter six, and their stature is even thinner.

Most of them are behind the army.

All of them had a slender sword pinned to their waists, and the leader was riding a tall one-horned horse.

On the other side, there is a group of green-skinned orcs, they are hideous, stout, and their average height is more than 1.9 meters!

Holding stone tools, maces, giant tree roots and other weapons one by one, surrounded by animal skin skirts.

The leader is riding a gray wolf.

But if you look closely, you will find that this orc army is mostly composed of elderly orcs!

Less than 30% of young adults!

The distance between the two parties is only three to four hundred meters.

The number of people on each side is above 50,000!

However, the number of people on the purple skin elves side is obviously more, and the equipment is more sophisticated!

The atmosphere between the two parties almost solidified.

On the purple skin elf side, a female general led by it shouted loudly: "Greedy! Stupid orcs! This is the territory of the Dark Elf Empire! If you dare to go one step further!

The great dark elven empire will surely destroy you all! "

"Dirty Purple Leather Fairy! Don't think I don't know!

Every night, you sneak into our clan secretly! Capture the young and middle-aged people!

Force them to mate with you! In the end, our youth died miserably!

It's really hateful!

It has caused a huge drop in the number of young adults in our clan in recent years!

Humph! You **** purple skins! Men in the clan are not good! Such a persecution of our youth!

Really shameless! today! If you don't give an argument! Will surely end up with you!

We orcs! Never be a slave! "

An orc headed by shouted.

The orcs behind them were affected by the leading orcs, and they roared angrily.

"Shut up!" The purple-skinned elf led angrily.

"Looked by our dark elf women! It's the luckiest thing in your orc man's life!

Such a blessing! Don't know how to be grateful? Still trying to get revenge? Really don't know what is good or bad! "

"Shameless woman! How can my orc guys fall in love with your ugly purple skins!"

Mate with you ugly guys!

It is the greatest shame of our orc men! "The headed orc roared.

His eyes are full of compassion.

Look at these purple skin elves!

Not strong at all!

Waist so thin! Not coarse at all!

The **** is so up! Not forgiving at all!

The calf is so thin! Not strong at all!

The face is so small! Not big at all!

The skin is so smooth! Not rough at all!

Everything is so ugly! too disgusting! It's ugly to the extreme!

Just think about it and make the headed orc nauseous, and pity my great orc guy! It was so humiliated!

"Damn Qingpi! Submission is your only choice!" The dark elf headed by him looked gloomy.

"We orcs! We will never accept this fate! Today I want you purple skins to see the determination of our orcs!" the headed orcs roared.

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two sides is more depressing, a big battle is imminent.

Suddenly, a purple-black door appeared.

This caused tension between the orcs and the dark elves.

Everyone couldn't help but focus on that door.

What is this stuff?

Until a strange creature with eight legs, two hands and four eyes appeared.

Its appearance surprised everyone slightly.

What kind of monster is this? They have never seen it before!

After seeing the orcs and dark elves, the monster's original horrified expression immediately turned into a surprised expression, and then his head would not retract.

A breeze blew across the battlefield.

A group of people became even more confused.

What the **** is this?

Until a human appeared from the portal.

This human being has a very strong figure, wearing a piece of clothing he has never seen before, and looks more expensive.

Perhaps it was the noble costumes of some human empires.

The look was a little indifferent, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

His eyes are very special, as bright and dazzling as the golden sun in the sky.

Even if surrounded by tens of thousands of troops, he was still extremely calm.

"Orc, elves? Is this a fantasy world?"

Come talk to yourself.

Then he glanced at the scorching sun above his head, smiled and said, "Good afternoon, everyone."

"Who are you? How did you appear here?" The purple-skinned woman frowned and shouted.

"This is just a little magic, why are you so surprised?"

The visitor seemed a little surprised.

"Magic? That's just some deceptive tricks, how can it be like you?" The dark elf asked in surprise.

"A deceitful trick?" The visitor seemed even more surprised.

"In your world, is magic such a lowly existence?"

The visitor twitched his nose gently.

"The magic element seems to be unexpectedly weak. It seems to be a plane with extremely low mystery."

"Human! I don't care how you appeared here, but now that you appear here, then you have no reason to let go!

Ella! Leah! You two, go and tie that man! Tonight, let the sisters have a good time! "The purple-skinned woman urged the two women beside her.

"Yes! Boss!" The dark elves on both sides responded, licked their purple lips, smiled, and ran towards the man.

Seeing this, the orc leader coldly snorted and shouted: "Shameless dark elf woman! Actually want to do that dirty thing again!

Humanity! If you don't want to be caught and become their fertility tool, run away! "

"..." When the person who came suddenly heard the old orc's reminder, his expression became a little weird.

He frowned and looked at the two purple-skinned female elves running towards him, and waved gently.

Immediately, a fierce hurricane blew, and the two female elves and their mounts were lifted up several meters and fell to the ground.

"Ouch!" they cried out painfully.

In an instant, the entire army of purple skin elves seemed to be on fire, one by one bent bows and arrows, aiming at the man.

After only a command, a thousand arrows will be fired and the human will be shot to death!

The leading female elf even yelled: "Human! What did you just do? Where did you learn the magic? Answer me!"

"Everyone! Shaoan, don't worry!" The visitor waved his hand, not at all burdened by being targeted by tens of thousands of arrows.

This made the orcs next to him a little admired.

"Human! Answer the question I just asked! What did you do?" The leader of the Purple Skin Elf asked again.

Regarding things that they dont understand, all beings will maintain different attitudes such as being cautious, fearful, or crazy.

However, the man still didn't mean to answer, but said to himself: "Everyone! Do you believe in gods? Believe that there is a **** in this world?"

"God?" When everyone was in a daze, they really couldn't keep up with the brain circuits of the person in front of them, so how could they ask this question in an easy way.

"We orcs don't believe in gods! We only believe in our ancestors! Even if it is death, they will be with us!

Protect us from the shameless dark elves! "The orc leader shouted.

"Damn human! Now I am asking you! Answer my previous question!

I only give you three seconds!

3..." The leader of the purple-skinned elves was ignored by the visitors, and looked very angry, and directly issued an ultimatum.

The visitor sighed deeply when the purple-skinned elf was so irritable.

Then under everyone's eyes.

The body shape of the incoming person suddenly twisted, and his body began to swell!

From an ordinary human to a weird dragon creature!

Then the little dragon started to swell!

He quickly surpassed the strongest and then, he became bigger than the house!

Become bigger than the largest dark elf palace!

It has become bigger than those towering trees that average 7 to 80 meters!

Up to this point, this monster had reached the extreme of terror, but he still did not stop swelling until he became as tall as a mountain!

Completely separate the two legions!

The invisible breath leaked out of the monster's body unconsciously.

The air becomes depressed, and everyone feels that their breathing is not smooth!

Some people even passed out directly!

The mounts under everyone's hips neighed even more, and they ran wildly.