Because of the appearance of this monster, the originally tight two army formations instantly became chaotic.

And the archers who were originally aiming at the Elf side were affected by this riot, and the rain of arrows all over the sky was even more violent, and many of them shot at their own people.

Others are like small toothpicks, like being blown on the monster by the wind, and they have no effect at all.

After the monster appeared, he just watched the rioting crowd quietly.

It was a long time until the riots ended...

"Head... boss... this... what kind of monster is this...?" beside the elf leader, a female elf trembled.

"Should...it should be the dragon... right?" The elf leader inhaled, somewhat uncertain.

"Dragon...is there such a big one?" said the previous questioner.

"According to the record...no." The elf leader swallowed hard.

Is this a dragon?

Is the dragon so big?

Not at all?

According to records, the largest dragon in the world is only about eight meters in height and seventeen or eight meters in length.

Even so, it is a monster far beyond the imagination of ordinary things.

But this monster in front of you? Let alone a height of about 300 meters!

This special is also called dragon?

Arent all the lizards we encountered before?

"I... let's run! Chief!" someone shouted on the side of the elf.

The orc had already turned around and started to run away!

"Stop it all!" A thunderous roar sounded, but everyone was afraid of this monster to death.

He didn't mean to stop, he was still running away frantically.

"Stupid inferior creatures, why did you run away when you saw the Dragon God? It's your honor!"

There was a little annoyance in the sound of the terrifying monster.

He took a light breath, then exhaled.

A horrible pillar of fire fell from the sky!

Directly blasting a hundred meters in front of the escaping purple-skinned elves, these elves screamed and stopped, and then wanted to escape from another location.

But the pillar of fire drew a circle around the elves and orcs who had escaped from right to left.

Trapped everyone up!

This is a lava ditch more than thirty meters wide!

The entire channel was red, large tracts of crystals and lava rolled in the trench, and heat filled the sky.

An entire army of tens of thousands was trapped in the circle formed by this lava ditch!

Elves and orcs are like ants! Nowhere to go!

Low and mysterious, they are not strong, but they don't have the ability to span more than 30 meters of lava ditch!

"You! You monster, what do you want?" the dark elf leader asked with a trembling voice.

The orcs felt that they were innocent. They did not offend this monster at all, and now they have to be trapped by this monster along with the shameless Purple Skin Elf!

Obviously their orcs are determined to die!

But that kind of enlightenment is for the future of the race, not for the incomprehensible creatures that can't be matched at a glance at this end!

"I just want to have a good chat with you! See what scares you.

Although I am older and stronger, I am actually very good at talking.

Come! Everyone sit down! Good, don't be afraid!

It's just like chatting with family members! "

The monster said something and sat down in front of them.

Looking at them with a smile.

"..." Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at the ditch that could not be crossed, and finally sat down slowly with a numb scalp.

"That's right!" The monster nodded seemingly kindly.

"Back to the topic just now, do you have any gods of faith?

Who do you believe in?

The orcs have already said it, lovely elves, talk about yours. "

"...I...we don't believe in gods, but in the purple moon at night..." the dark elf leader said, holding back his numb scalp.

"Hmm!" The monster nodded.

"Among you, how many people are there in total?"

"210,000..." the orc trembled.

"About 350,000..." the dark elf said.

"The population is small, but it doesn't matter." The monster seemed to be muttering to himself.

Then he looked kindly: "If I ask you to change your beliefs and believe in me sincerely, what do you think?"

"I...we..." Both the orcs and the dark elves hesitated.


Suddenly, the huge monster made a loud noise under its body.

The ground under the monster began to shatter and sink tens of meters!

A series of terrible spider web-like cracks suddenly appeared, spreading for several kilometers in a radius.

Many orcs and dark elves fell directly in and were killed on the spot!

Others were lucky enough to be stuck in the gap, calling for help.

"You! What did you do?" the dark elf asked in surprise.

"Ah! Sorry, I forgot to restrain my strength to remove my own weight.

No, this ground collapsed. "

The monster was talking and suddenly opened his mouth.


Suddenly, the monster sneezed.

An extremely violent wind rushed towards the elf!

Near the hundreds of Shillong, thousands of elves were directly rolled up for several meters, and fell suddenly, crying in pain.

The elves in the rear saw the monster but sneezed and almost made thousands of brave warriors lose their combat effectiveness.

Don't mention how timid!

The dark elf leader was lying on the ground. She was also a member of the monster who was thrown into the air by a sneeze, not to mention how scared the monster was in her heart.

"Oh~ can't you believe in me? My dragon is really good at talking. As long as you believe in me, the benefits will be too much.

I will not only heal your injuries, but I will also resurrect the people who have just died and give you strength.

Dont think about it?"

The monster in front said again.

"Great dragon! We are willing to enshrine you as a god!

Your supernatural power is worth our faith! "The orcs who worship the strong seem to easily identify with the monsters in front of them.

One by one fell to the ground, knocking the monsters' heads.

"Very good! I feel your sincerity!" The dragon nodded happily, and a ray of light immediately shot at the few hapless guys who had fallen into the crack.

Then these hapless people nearby discovered that the people who had already died had actually been resurrected again.

Then he was dragged up by an invisible force and returned to the ground.

And the few orc leaders who have been at the forefront even found that their old body was reinvigorated.

Become younger.

The bones have become stronger and stronger!

They have become young and strong!

This dragon! Maybe it is really a god!

Seeing such a miracle, the orcs seemed to have become a lot more religious, and bowed down more sincerely.

"My name, Silon Soderberg! The great dragon god! The power to control light, flame, destruction, and immortality!

You can call me your majesty! "The dragon said.

The orcs immediately changed their words and called them your Majesty the Dragon God.

When the dark elves saw this situation, they could only admit that the armies that the two sides were about to fight were all subdued by Shillong.

Of course, at this time, they still have resistance and indifference in their hearts.

But these are not the issues, Shillong directly sent the demonized people on the alliance planet to take over everything.

After all, the combat power of this world is low, and to be honest, there are only these two armies.

Tens of thousands of troops.

Shillong didn't see one above level 6 in it!

It is a world of extremely low mystery.

Shillong randomly sent a few dozen demons to control the situation.

Next, for this world, Silom did not personally take action, but handed over to the army of demons to clean up.

The result is naturally easy to complete the task.

The Alliance Star is now a world where technology and mystery are both important.

Not only has heavy weapons, but also dozens of legendary powerhouses.

Above level ten is even more unclear.

Although there are few humans, there are some problems with reproduction.

But there are enough demonized people, almost all of the people are soldiers, and they believe in him firmly.

How can there be any accidents in this ordinary low-mystery, low-tech world?

When the army of demonized people crushed one city after another.

The local humans almost thought they had seen the messenger of hell, and they did not dare to fight.

Crash across the board!

Of course, if they have the courage, they will also despair!

Because the difference in combat power is too big!

Some courageous people, as soon as they came into contact with the demonized people, they found that these monsters could breathe fire, spray water, spit, and spit wind blades.

Almost proficient in everything! Like a monster in myth!

Some kingdom troops who are not afraid of death.

The hundreds of thousands of troops were in contact with the demonized people, and they were beaten to collapse within a few minutes.

Calling the **** army, and then rout...

The so-called strongest sword saint in the kingdom can't even beat an ordinary demonized soldier...

As for the races in this world, the largest number is humans, followed by elves, orcs, and so on.

The strongest is the dragon.

Well, this dragon is not the other dragon, these dragons do nothing except breathe fire, do not know magic, do not speak dragons, and look like a huge flying lizard.

The strongest, but also comparable to level 10 human fighters.

It was really weak, and there was hardly any resistance in advancing, but within ten or twenty days, Shillong's demonized army completely conquered the world!

A total of 420 million people, surrendered to Silom!

Accept the advanced ideas and knowledge reform under Xilong's command.

I believe that it will not take long for this world to be on the right track. As long as the next generation is born, this world will enter the age of true faith.

After all, these people are like leeks, the original ones that have not been taken care of are not good, but the next batch of people who have been taken care of are naturally different.

At this time, these 420 million people provided Shillong with very little power of faith, but increased by 100,000 beliefs per day...

Then Shillong returned to Alliance Star again and began to form humans to explore the alien plane.

Until the death 57 people...


In a certain world, in the cosmic star sea, a spaceship is flying towards a huge planet in the solar system intertwined with white and dark at an extremely fast speed.

In a corner of an unmanned waste area, a dark portal suddenly appeared on a white metal wall.

A strange-looking creature walked out of the door. After seeing the surroundings, he immediately retracted with joy.

Then, a young man wearing sunglasses walked out of it, and the transmission door behind it disappeared.

He looked around and seemed a little surprised: "It's a coincidence that this time the portal actually opened directly on a spaceship that was sailing.

Spaceships with independent navigation capabilities... are really rare enough, and the speed is not slow, reaching 30 times the speed of sound.

And looking at the direction of the spacecraft, it should be ready to log on to the grey planet ahead...

Heh... this planet seems a bit interesting..."

The man, Shillong, muttered to himself after the detection.

Then he retracted his gaze when he was in a garbage dump full of rubbish.

He walked to the electronic door silently and stroked it gently with his hand.

The electronic door opened, and he slowly walked out of the door. Before taking a few steps, he saw several people in white clothes walking over with a pile of eaten leftovers.

It should be garbage.

Among them, the leader is a man in his 30s.

Seeing Shillon's inattentive look, he frowned and said, "You guys from the Security Division, can you stop running around casually?

Isn't it good to stay in your own house honestly?

I really don't understand why the above asks you unruly people to come with us to complete the task. "

The two people around this person looked at Siro with expressionless eyes, very cold.

Shillon was a little surprised by this. He wanted to use hypnosis arcane directly after he was discovered that something was wrong. As a result, these guys seemed to mistake him for someone?

fair enough.

Shillong just smiled at this, shrugged, and passed them by.

Then I found the security department area among the previous populations, found a house and walked in. Inside was a dormitory where two people lived.

But it was obvious that there was only one person in this room. He was lying on a bed and flipping through a cartoon called No. 1 in the World.

The other bed was not even covered with a quilt.

After Shillong walked in, the young man half-lying on the bed frowned and glanced at Shillong: "Who are you? Your parents didn't teach you what is polite? You don't know how to knock when you enter other people's rooms?"

Shillon's eyes under the sunglasses glanced at the opponent, and a strange wave hit the opponent.

But immediately, this force was broken up by the opponent.

A blue energy appeared on the half-lying man's hand, and a wave of his hand dispelled this energy that ordinary people could not see.

His brows furrowed more severely: "You guy~wuxiaworld.online~ is also an extraordinary person, but why haven't I met you?"

Seeing this, Shillon raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

My own arcane art that hasn't improved for a long time, it really doesn't work.

Facing someone with a little bit of strength, he failed...

Shillong did not answer the other party's question.

The young man on the opposite side frowned, stared at Shillong, and kept thinking, and then said after a moment: "Tsk! It seems that the senior members of the NSFOCUS don't trust me as a wild road halfway through. He actually hides you. Kind of extraordinary people on board.

But what is it for you to appear in front of me now?


It's really annoying. "

The man complained, then turned his head and continued to read the cartoon, ignoring Shillong.

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