"You should give us an explanation! Mullis!" a bald head in the Security Division asked.

He is not an insider, just an ordinary person who obtained extraordinary power by chance.

Those soldiers also didn't know about it, and they wouldn't be the first to ask, but at this time they also fixed their eyes on Mullis.

They couldn't help thinking.

You are a monster, and here is also a monster. What is the battle between your monsters and monsters that pulls us ordinary people up?

"Explanation? Are you not very clear? For the Green League! We have to collect kyanite!" Mullis said with a gloomy expression.

"Collecting kyanite is not here to die! Mullis! You are not afraid of death I admire! But sorry! I'm just an ordinary person! I am afraid of death!

Therefore, I will not accompany you to die! "The bald head of the Security Section said.

"You lucky guy, now that you have obtained the seeds of extraordinary power cultivated by the NSFOCUS, you are already a member of the NSFOCUS.

How could you say such a lack of ambition?" Mullis said.

"People from NSFOCUS? What are you kidding?" Bald yelled.

Pointing at the soldier and said: "I am different from them! I have not sworn to join the Green League! I am just an ordinary person!

Ordinary people who have been coerced and lured into this spaceship by you!

What did you say before?

Is there no danger to this planet? Just think of it as a vacation trip? There are high rewards?

This is clearly to let us die!

There is such a monster! How do we collect kyanite safely?

You taught me! "Bald head roared, eyes blood red.

"Hmph, hahahaha~" Mullis didn't answer, but laughed instead.

"You actually think that you have gained extraordinary power, and you are not a member of the Green League?

You have to figure out that the extraordinary power in your body belongs to the NSFOCUS! You lucky guys!

NSFOCUS has not sliced such extraordinary things as us! It is already a gift from heaven. The purpose of our lives is to gather kyanite for the NSFOCUS!

If you give up collecting because of cowardice, then others will too, and everyone gives up. Then, for the senior leaders of the NSFOCUS, those of us who dont have to live anymore...you...understand?"

Mullis looked at the bald man with a sneer.

"You... you mean... the Green League will kill... us?" The bald man was a little frightened.

"Unobedient, useless tools are not good tools!

That being the case, they will naturally slice and study us, and find a way to transplant the extraordinary in our body to the obedient, do you understand?"

"Why... how could... this..." The bald man was a little lost and muttered to himself:

"Why... the NSFOCUS wants kyanite so much... for this reason so many of us have come to die..."

"Kyanite... This is the source of extraordinary power in our body..." Mullis said softly.

But although the sound is light, the planet is too quiet, so everyone around can hear it clearly.

"The source of transcendence?"

"Yes! You should all remember the Pluto landing five years ago?" Mullis was expressionless.

"Of course I remember that when our human spacecraft technology just matured, we sent a spacecraft to Pluto and brought back a lot of supplies on Pluto..." One person said, and immediately thought of something.

Continue to frown, "And among those materials, there must be kyanite, right?

But kyanite should be a secret substance, right? You said it has extraordinary powers in it, but why doesn't this material allow the loyal people of the Green League to gain extraordinary powers?

Instead, let ordinary people like me gain extraordinary?"

This person is very puzzled.

"This is also the key! NSFOCUS scientists, when studying kyanite, found that the extraordinary power inside seemed to be self-conscious.

Half a year after they reached the green star, the aquamarine melted away.

The transcendent soul inside ran out directly, and chose the ordinary people nearby...and we, just those lucky ones.

No human being does not desire this extraordinary power.

After seeing the power of the extraordinary power and the magic of kyanite, the senior leaders of NSFOCUS will naturally want to get the kyanite that can match it, so they have this journey. "Mullis explained.

"Then...this rabbit head monster...what's going on?"

"This is information that NSFOCUS has not made public.

When visiting Pluto at that time, some researchers thought that humans might be able to survive here and made it their second home in the future.

It is precisely because of this.

The spacecraft also took hundreds of animals of all kinds, put them in the sky and began to stock and observe..." Mullis did not continue, but paused.

Others obviously understood the meaning.

Someone said: "So, the surviving animals...on this planet are also matched with extraordinary power...Is that so?"

"That should be it." Mullis closed his eyes.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! That **** group of researchers! Actually came up with such a **** bad idea!

They killed us! "Someone yelled.

But Mullis sighed: "Actually, the starting points of those researchers are all good.

Given the current situation of the NSFOCUS, in a hundred years, Green Star will fall into a population crisis and find the planet Pluto, which may become a second home. How can it be abandoned?

It's just that no one expected that Kyanite would have such a magical power...

Recognize that everything has become so bad. "

Everyone was silent for a long time before someone hesitated and said, "We are going back now...really, we must die?"

"You must die! Or do you have the guts to be the enemy of the entire Green Star? Think that your extraordinary power can defeat the Green League?"


"Considering how to retreat, it is better to dug as much kyanite as possible, and then return to the green star is the truth!"

"I understand"

"From now on, everyone will be divided into two groups! One group will guard the spaceship to prevent it from being destroyed by monsters, and the other will go out to explore!

Of course, this is not permanent!

It is an exchange system. As long as you find kyanite up to a limit of ten, you can return to the spacecraft, exchange with those guards, and extend your stay on the spacecraft based on the kyanite collected.

There should be no problem, right?" Mullis said.

Everyone look at me, I look at you, and finally the bald head asked again: "Then which group of people go out to collect kyanite first?"

"Let's decide by throwing dice. The big one stays in the spaceship and the small one goes out."

The crowd didn't make sense, they returned to the boat and started to throw dice. A group of people frantically folded their hands in prayer before starting.

Cast a big crazy laugh, cast a small face with constipation.

Silon deliberately controlled the dice to throw 2 points.

A group of constipated guys gathered together, and the atmosphere was extremely negative.

The ghost knows how many people will be killed or injured when going out to gather kyanite!

After all, those monsters are so powerful!

The previous rabbit monsters and the dead men in the Defense Division actually belonged to the most superior echelon even if their strength was placed in the entire extraordinary close to twenty people!

The least powerful being in the top three!

Precisely because of this, this group of talents will be so desperate, this is just a monster that randomly encounters.

Still the harmless little rabbit that Green Star used to be.

If you encounter other wolves, leopards, tigers and other fierce beasts, is there a reason to survive?

It makes people desperate to think about it!

The dice thrown by the leader was five points and stayed on the spaceship.

To be honest, he breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing the lack of fighting spirit of these guys who were about to go out to collect, he frowned.

He clearly knows the collection indicators given to them by the senior leaders of Green Star. If the task is not completed, everyone may be finished. Naturally, these people cannot be allowed to be so negative.

He encouraged him: "You don't have to be so negative! The entire sky Pluto is so big that it is not inferior to the green star!

There are only hundreds of animals! It was just bad luck to meet one just now!

Next, it will be difficult for you to meet monsters! What's so scary about this?

Even if you encounter it, it is absolutely impossible that each one will be as powerful as the previous one! "

After hearing this, everyone's mood slightly improved.

But still shrugging, one by one slowly left the spaceship like a death squad.

Silom slowly followed everyone behind, without any fear at all.

The man who was with it before also cast a small unlucky one.

At this time, his face was full of despair, and he had been mumbling to death! Dead!

Again, he turned around nervously to see if there were any monsters around.

Suddenly, when he saw Shillon with a laid-back look, he was a little excited and said: "You...you hapless... why are you still so relaxed now?

We... we can die at any time! You guy! Dont you be afraid of death? "

Everyone also looked at Shillong, this guy seemed to be too calm.

Even in the Security Division, some of the NSFOCUS's transcendents who knew the situation were far less calm than Shillong.

"Huh?" Silom raised an eyebrow.

Have these hapless people finally noticed me as an outsider?

"You fellow, isn't it okay to stay in Green Star? It was extremely stupid to get on the spaceship secretly!

Obviously Green Star did not register, and found your information, but sent it to the door to find death!

You guys! You guys shouldn't regret it to die! Are you scared to death?

Why can you be so calm? "The person in the same bedroom looked at Shillong's expression, it was really hard to understand, and his mentality was about to collapse.

"Oh~ don't make a mistake." Silom shook his head: "You may die, but I will not die."

"You... are you so confident in your own strength?

Do you think you are much better than the rabbit monster? "Asked the sleeping man.


"Crazy man! You are simply a lunatic!" The sleeping person covered his head and shook his head repeatedly.

He didn't believe Shillong's words at all, and at this time he had determined that Shillong was a neurosis!

The others also shook their heads in their hearts, ignoring Shillong, and the group walked cautiously.

Sky Pluto, the whole is gray, gray deserts, gray rocks, and gray mountains, but there are also a few green plants inside.

A group of people has been walking on the rocks.

Because kyanite grows on gray stones.

Every time a graystone area is reached, everyone will carefully search for it.

Kyanite is a rare material.

When passing through an area of greystone, everyone collected two pieces, which made everyone somewhat happy. After all, they collected two kyanite without encountering a monster.

Maybe you wont encounter monsters and can collect ten dollars?

That **** Mullis, is there a reliable day?

It took more than an hour for everyone to find a total of five kyanite.

Just when they were about to head to another graystone area in the distance.

There was a slight abnormal noise under the feet of a soldier.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the soldier uttered a painful cry.

Everyone gathered their gazes, and saw a one-meter-long scorpion with a pointed tail, which seemed to have just been pulled out of the soldier, at the moment when everyone looked at it.

The scorpion's tail extending from the ground instantly retracted into the ground.

"Uhhhhhhh~" Suddenly, the soldier who was stabbed by the scorpion tail covered his chest and hissed.

The whole person also fell to the ground and struggled.

A soldier next to him who might be familiar with him yelled, and wanted to go over and lift up the soldiers on the ground.

But immediately, the soldier's footsteps stopped! Even a few steps back in horror!

Because he saw a terrifying scene!

The soldier who fell to the ground struggling, his veins violent!

It looks like a worm is squirming under the blood vessels! Running around the whole body of the soldier!

For a while, his arms, his thighs, his lower abdomen, his heart, and finally he ran straight towards the brain!

Until this time, the fallen soldier's body trembled, and a large amount of foam was spit out from his mouth.

It took a while to calm down.

The rolled eyes returned to the middle of the eye socket.

However, the originally blue eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and the entire eyeballs seemed to pop out of the eye sockets!

His head was also swollen by a few points and looked terrifying.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooo!!" The monster that looked like a dead body roared, and actually rushed to the side of the original companion at a very fast speed!

This speed is absolutely far beyond ordinary humans!

The dead monster ~wuxiaworld.online~ broke the limit of mankind!

But the person who was attacked made a horrified cry instinctively, and the machine gun in his hand banged on the dead body.

But this does not seem to work!

The dead body's pounce did not stop at all, and it was about to fall.

While defending the branch, a short-haired male figure flashed and appeared on the side of the dead body, punching the dead body on the side of the waist!

With a loud bang, the dead body was

He hit the ground several times before it landed.

"Thanks...Thank you for saving me..." The soldier escaped from the dead and gasped heavily after thanking the short-haired man.

"We are now companions of life and death! This is what I should do." The short-haired man replied.

His eyes were fixed on the figure that was knocked into the distance!