The bones on the waist of the dead soldier had been completely interrupted.

Now he stood up swayingly again, rushing towards them with a very strange posture.

"Damn it! Is this monster immortal now? The body has been bent 90 degrees, so it is still so energetic!" a security department cursed.

"Slap him on the head, it should be possible to kill him." Silom suddenly said while watching the play.

The dead body is getting closer, and the man who shot before also instinctively punched the opponent's head!

It's like a watermelon being blown up, with white and black splashes everywhere.

A monster that looked like a worm holding a face suddenly burst out of it!

Pounce towards the short-haired man!

But before he got close, he was punched again by the short-haired man!

"Ah!!!" A scream came from behind him again.

Everyone turned around and looked at it, another soldier was stung by the long tail before!

"Help! Help! I don't want to die! Help!" The soldier also thought of something and called for help.

Under his veins, the monster is swimming!

"Damn thing!" The short-haired man who shot before yelled, his eyes spitting fire.

When he saw the monster wandering to the soldier's arm, he made a bold move!

Hit the soldier's hand directly!

With a weird cry from Jika, the monster inside and the soldier's arm were blown up together!

The soldier fainted with a scream.

"Be careful, everyone! Form a circle!" The short-haired man shouted, because everyone was willing to listen to him the previous few shots.

The crowd formed a circle directly.

One is and one is everywhere, staring at each other.

Everyone stared at their feet attentively, trying to see the monster in ambush!


There was a slight abnormal noise.

The short-haired man's gaze flickered, his body sprang out like lightning, and he came behind one person, punching fiercely, and hitting the abnormal ground fiercely!


The powerful force of the short-haired man directly smashed a pit nearly one meter in diameter on the ground!

A strange cry rang, but it disappeared immediately.

Some dark green liquid appeared on the gravel in the pit!

This should be the blood of the monster in the field before!

"Damn it! It ran away!" The short-haired man scolded.

Return to the team again and wait again.

But ten minutes later, it was quiet here, except for the occasional wind and the suppressed breathing of everyone, there was nothing!

"Damn! That monster! It didn't appear! One hit didn't kill! It hid!" The short-haired man was extremely depressed.

This kind of monster will be killed in one blow!

Otherwise, hiding in the dark will cause endless troubles!

Others also understood the meaning of short-haired men, and all of them didn't look good.

"Let's go! Gathering kyanite cannot be delayed, the longer we stay outside, the more dangerous it will become!

We don't have time and the monsters in the ground to waste! "An extraordinary person with the same short hair and thin body in the Security Division said.

The others took a deep breath and walked forward in silence.

The one who fainted was directly awakened roughly, and after a simple bandage, he moved on.

However, before walking for a few minutes, someone screamed again!

The monster attacked humans again!

This human being is not so lucky anymore. After the monster inside enters the body, it rushes straight into the forehead!

There is no way for a short-haired man to destroy a soldier's limbs and kill the strange bug.

I can only watch the other party directly penetrate into the soldier's brain, and then blow it out...

While killing the monster, he killed his companion!

The atmosphere of the team was so suppressed that many people were afraid to move around.

Ten minutes later, the nerves of the people and others were about to collapse.

There was a strange noise from the ground.

But at this time, even those transcendents were already waiting extremely anxious, mentally exhausted, and couldn't attack the monsters in the ground at the first time.

Seeing that the long tail turned into a death thorn again, and stab a soldier, a man beside the soldier suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the long tail instantly, and then pulled it.

Jikar! ! !

With a neigh.

The rubble flew everywhere.

A scorpion monster half the size of a human was pulled out!

Jikar! Jikar!

The monster struggled, but it was useless in the hands of the man.

Then, under everyone's horrified eyes,

The man directly brought the monster to his mouth and bit it down!


The monster howled miserably, the dark green blood spurted out, and the man's mouth made a noise.

Obviously this blood is very corrosive.

But this man didn't care at all, one mouthful, two mouthfuls, three mouthfuls...

Suddenly afterwards, he looked at the scorpion monster in his hand with some surprise.

Then he glanced at everyone around him, and said to himself: "Ahhh! I was fascinated just now!

Actually treat this scorpion as a devil!

Alas~ But this taste is a bit sour, forget it! It's not impossible to eat. "

This person is naturally Silom. He has been with this group of people just now, not only to see the strength of the others here.

He is observing the entire planet with his eyes and exploring the mysteries of this planet.

Because the person the monster attacked was too close to him, he was caught by his conditioned reflex, and instinctively acted as the devil gnawing a few mouthfuls...

It's the too cool pot that the devil world eats before!

Shillong didn't eat much...

He sighed in his heart, but his mouth was not slow, and he ate the helpless terrifying monster in a few mouthfuls!

A group of people looked at him in amazement.

This monster is very poisonous at first glance, how does this guy eat so refreshingly?

And the monster's lightning-fast stabbing just now, and the huge struggle after being caught, all show how powerful the monster is.

But such a monster has now entered this guy's belly!

"You...you guy...what is the ability?

Actually so strong? So perverted?" The person who slept with Shillong couldn't help asking.

Silom didn't answer his question, just smiled and headed in another direction alone, which was a different route than the team was preparing to advance.

Silom felt that there was no need to be with this group of people, he had already found his goal.

"Hey! Hey! You are talking! Are you really not afraid of it? Don't regret at all that you sneaked into the spacecraft and came here?" The bedmate hurriedly ran up to Siro and asked after stopping.

But Shillong didn't pay any attention at all, just bypassing the opponent and moving on.

"Hey! Why are you ignoring me! Answer me!" The sleeping person walked around again.

But then, he found that he could never stop Shillong.

An invisible force pushed him to the sides.

The two of them went further and further.

The others behind him looked at each other.

"What to do? Change the route to follow?" Someone asked the short-haired man.

The short-haired man took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Keep up! Our goals are the same! All for kyanite!

Which path is the same! "

With that, he immediately followed.

Shillong had already proved his strength when he shot just now!

The team, can't disperse the combat power in such a dangerous place!

The group followed Shillong for more than an hour.

On the way, I also encountered a few monsters that looked like fleas. These fleas were not strong, and they were shot dead by bullets as soon as they appeared.

I even encountered a few flaming foxes, able to spit out violent fires, and burn ordinary people to death by hundreds of meters!

The speed is also extremely fast! Under the surprise attack, several soldiers were directly sprayed to death. In the fierce battle, a weak soldier of the Security Division was sprayed to death on the spot!

Finally, it was resolved reasonably. Well, Shillon only shot and killed a flame fox that was close to him.

The frequency of encountering monsters is much higher than what Mullis said before. Everyone guessed that it may be because the monsters sent before are of the same kind and breed offspring.....

Along the way, many graystone areas appeared on both sides of the way.

But Shillong didn't even look at it, and walked straight.

This made the people following him very anxious.

Afraid of going on and encountering any monsters.

For this they wanted to change Shillong's course, but Shillong ignored it.

As a result, the contradiction almost broke out.

A group of people were a little confused and stayed in place for a while. Some people suggested to team up to explore, and ignore Shillon, who was indifferent to his companions.

But in the end he continued to follow Shillong.

It took another ten minutes to finally enter a graystone area.

I don't know why the graystone here, most of them are accompanied by kyanite.

Take a closer look, the blue light is shining! At least hundreds of giants!

A group of people immediately shouted in excitement!

The spar here can simply fill everyone's boxes!

According to the requirements, after they returned to the spaceship, they definitely did not need to go out again to look for kyanite!

You can lie comfortably in the spaceship until you return home!

Some people were so excited that they shed tears. Although they have only been on this planet for two hours, they are under tremendous pressure.

The guy who slept in even walked to Shillong, slapped him on the shoulder, and laughed: "Brother! You are our lucky star!

I didn't expect it to be so powerful! I found so many in one search!

As long as we return safely now! Everything is over! "

Others also praised it.

"Oh! Brother! What's your name! I lived with you for several days, and we didn't know each other's names!

What a rude!

My name is Taixi! What about you "The humanity of the same bed.


"Shillon, hehe! I remember! You are my lucky star! Brother Shillon!" Taixi was excited at this time, and gave Shillon a hug with extreme enthusiasm.

On Shillong's face, there was always a weird smile.

He silently watched these humans dig out the aquamarine from the gray stone piece by piece, and then carefully put it into the storage box, with excited smiles on their faces.

Until everyone filled their suitcases, the people here stood up again, but when they turned to look at Shillong.

It was discovered that their lucky star, Siro, hadn't dug the kyanite at all, but looked at them weirdly.

Seeing him stretch out his hand, everyone just felt a sudden force on the suitcase!

Before they squeezed, they flew in front of each other one by one.

"Shillon! What are you doing?" the short-haired man asked anxiously.

The others frowned and looked at him.

"Thank you for your hard work, but I found these, so these are my things and have nothing to do with you."

"You! What do you mean by that? Is this kyanite yours or ours? What's the difference?

In the end, aren't they all given to the senior NSFOCUS?" the short-haired man frowned and asked.

"No, no! Of course there is a difference!" Shillong smiled, then opened his mouth.

In the suitcases that opened automatically, a piece of kyanite flew directly into his mouth.

His mouth is like a bottomless pit, swallowing everything.

"What are you doing! You actually ate the kyanite?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

If it hadn't been for the graystones around, they would have been tempted to attack Shillong!

Until all the kyanite flew into Shillong's mouth.

He looked at these people and said: "And the remaining kyanite here is mine! Even the kyanite on the entire planet is mine!

It has nothing to do with you! "

"You guy! Is your brain broken? Think that there is a bit of extraordinary power and the world is invincible? Just go back to Green Star!

The people of NSFOCUS can definitely take you down instantly!

Or do you think personal strength can compete with the NSFOCUS?" the short-haired man asked.

He thought Shillong was the kind of brain-dead child who possessed extraordinary powers and thought he was invincible.

"Green Star, NSFOCUS...you will soon surrender under my command! It turned into a puzzle in the endless plane of my Dragon Empire!" Silom spread his arms.

"Madman! You are such a madman! What endless empire, what endless plane! You guy! Is there a problem with your brain as expected?" Someone was anxious.

Shillong smiled slightly, not angry, and waved his hand, and the remaining kyanite began to shake, slowly separating pieces from the gray stone.

Then he started flying towards Shillong's opened mouth.

"You bastard! Shut up! You continue to eat! We can't even return the spaceship!

You guy! How long do you want to stay in this dangerous place! "Someone is going crazy.

But Shillong still ignored him.

Seeing that something was wrong, the short-haired man rushed towards Shillong, trying to stop it.

But when he was just close to ten meters away, an invisible force appeared and threw him away.

"Damn! What kind of weird ability is this! Everyone quickly stop him!" The short-haired man shouted.

Other extraordinary people heard that ~wuxiaworld.online~ all shot, one by one rushed to Shillong, but all of them were useless, and no one could break through the resistance of invisible forces.

Seeing that the kyanite is getting less and less.

Everyone was anxiously red-eyed. The transcendents used the strongest attack to madly attack the invisible wall in front of them. Even the soldiers pulled the trigger.

The bullets banged on the invisible with the firelight, and finally bounced out.

Everyone was terrified, and they couldn't imagine that there would be such a strong guy among human beings!

They watched all the kyanite being sucked into Shillon's mouth, and finally they were desperate.

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole! Asshole! Why on earth do you want to do this! Why should everyone die with you!?

woo woo woo woo! "A transcendent person in the Security Division, who seems to be no more than twenty, fell on his knees in despair and started crying.