"Woo woo woo~ Dad! Mom! I miss you! I want to return to Green Star and see you! I want to go home! What extraordinary power! What NSFOC Heroes! I don't want it anymore!

lunatic! Damn lunatic! We are all killed by you! "

This person was crying miserably, like a little angry man.

Other people were affected, and they couldn't help crying.

There is also a girlishly dressed person pointing at Shillong, crying: "You...you bully!"

"..." Silom felt that he was a little confused.

Because they weren't under his men, it didn't make sense to watch these people die before, but now it makes him a little embarrassed.

sighed, Shillon casually portrayed the plane portal.

A group of people saw him portraying strangely in the void, and they didn't know what they were doing.

Can't beat and beat, and feel dangerous to be separated, so embarrassing.

Until a strange light lit up, a pitch-black ellipse stood in the void like a black hole.

A monster with a lion-faced human body emerged from it. After all the green star people saw it, they were instinctively vigilant and just wanted to attack.

I saw this monster bowing to Silom next to him: "May the glory of your majesty shine on the world of endless planes!"

"Yeah." Silom nodded.

Everyone was stunned, they then saw the lion-faced human monster consciously walk to the side, behind the oval shaped like a black hole in the door, one after another, monsters appeared continuously...

is like endless!

Everyone feels scalp tingling!

The key is! Shillon Soderberg who appeared on the spaceship halfway! Seems to know these monsters!

The problem involved behind this! It's even more frightening!

"Sillon Soderberg! You fellow! Who the **** is! Why do you mix with these murderous monsters? Why do they call you your majesty?"

The short-haired man clenched his fists, the blue veins on his hands burst, and his heart was very restless.

"I'm Shillon Soderberg, the Dragon God Emperor of the Dragon Empire!" Shillong smiled.

"Now I am here to invite you to join my empire. At this point, you don't need to return to the green star or die! The dragon empire will protect your safety."

"Dragon Empire? I think it is a monster empire, right?

Join the kingdom of monsters like you! Don't laugh! You are just the pets that we green star people keep on the planet Pluto! Even with the ability to deform!

Even if you get the evolution of life! It can't change the fact that you are our green star pets!

want our great human beings to submit to our pets? Don't even think about it! "

shouted a soldier.

"Huh?" Silo heard the words, his face was at a loss for a moment, but immediately, he figured it out.

I got news from the leader named Mullis before.

The monsters on this planet are all evolved from the creatures they stocked. These guys should regard him and the demonized people as those stocked creatures...

These green star people, really think about it!

Shillong was a little helpless: "Your imagination is quite rich, and we have nothing to do with your pets.

We are beings from other planes, planes, do you understand? As a technology plane, you should not understand this, right? "

At the end, his expression darkened a little, and a terrifying spiritual coercion struck humanity!

This shocked everyone.

"Choose! Is it to surrender to the great dragon empire and continue to live! Or die here? Become a sad bone that no one cares about." Xilong said.

"Surrender? Do you want us to be a green traitor? This is absolutely impossible! Although I hate the senior leaders of the Green League! But we will never betray our planet!"

The extraordinary man with short hair looked solemn and replied immediately.

"Selfish guy! I am not afraid of death, so do I ask others to die with you? Look at the other people around you, they are not as brave as you!" Silo laughed.

"What?" The short-haired transcendent frowned. He glanced at the other people around him. The vast majority of the soldiers were determined to die, but there were still a very small number of people in the Defense Division with a hesitant expression.

"You guys! Do you really want to be a green traitor? That's going to be stinking for thousands of years! Look at what these monsters look like! Except for Sylon Soderberg! All the others are monsters! Hahaha! Maybe Shillong Sudberg is also a monster!

just disguised as a human!

You want to live in the same world with this monster from now on? I might be eaten as meat buns in the future, don't blame me for not reminding you! "The short-haired man laughed angrily and said something frightening.

"I...we..." the hesitant person hesitated even more.

"Chivalrous fellow." Silom frowned.

"How can a mortal like you understand the greatness of the Dragon Empire? There are not only radiant evolved people there, but also pure humans like you.

There are also orcs, elves, dwarves, and I dont know where, they all live happily in my empire.

I, Sillon Soderbergh, Im not a devil. I wasted so much precious time in order to persuade you ordinary human beings to surrender. Doesnt this show my friendliness? "

"What's the kidding? Anyway! We will never be a green traitor!" The short-haired man shouted again.

Silom frowned, really impatient, and stretched out three fingers and said: "My patience is limited. Now I count down three times. I am willing to surrender and come directly to me. If I don't want it, I don't mind slapped to death.


As soon as Shillong said this, all the Green Stars' complexions changed drastically, and some people who had hesitated even sweated anxiously.


The hesitant Green Star took a left and right, as if to see if there was a leader.


With this sound falling, the hesitant Green Star saw Shillong's gradually getting cold eyes and the hundreds of monsters behind him. Someone suddenly roared, unable to bear the pressure, and rushed forward frantically.

"I surrender! I am willing to surrender! Just let me live! I am willing to do anything!"

As soon as this person came out, the others who were still hesitating also yelled and rushed out frantically!

"Damn! You traitors!" The short-haired man burst into flames as he looked behind him.

"Everyone will do it! Kill the traitor first!"

The short-haired man screamed, but in the next moment, a terrifying gravity fell instantly, and those who were not running were instantly overwhelmed to the ground.

The soldiers didn't even make a scream, they were directly crushed into flesh!

Several stronger transcendent screams, their bodies directly embedded in the earth!

"Never mind if you are stubborn, you still want to stop other people?" Shillong's indifferent voice sounded, cold and merciless.

"Should...dead...traitors...you guys...not...to die..." the short-haired man said difficultly, his internal organs were broken, and he was dead. He stared at the traitors who had surrendered.

And the traitors also turned around when they found an abnormality behind them.

But when he sees the hateful eyes of the short-haired man, the back of his neck feels cold.

But the next moment, they saw the ground next to the short-haired man shook again, and several extraordinary men who hadn't died died instantly!

The entire radius was one hundred meters, and it was quiet instantly.

Only the rustle of footsteps rang softly.


The betrayal felt that their shoulders were lightly slapped. When they turned around, they found the Dragon God Emperor standing behind them.

Think of the opponent raising their hands to kill dozens of people, and several extraordinary people feel their backs slowly soaking.

They knelt to the ground at once, and a clever one even learned the words of the lion-faced man before shouting: "May the glory of your majesty shine on the endless plane and the world!"

"Hmm." Xilong faintly replied: "Get up, my dragon empire can't kneel down, and you don't need to be so afraid of me.

Dont look at my previous companions who just killed you, it seems a bit bloody, but in fact I am a very good talking god, of course, this is strictly for my people!

To the enemy, I have always been merciless.

All right! People of the Dragon Empire, stand up! In the future, you will definitely be thankful for today's decision! "

Silo patted a few betrayers on the shoulders again very kindly.

However, these people are trembling violently, but somehow they stand up.

Shillong's eyes looked back, and he glanced at the army of at least five or six hundred demonized people behind him. It directly interrupted the magic power supply of the portal.

Then he pointed to the direction of the NSFOCUS spaceship in the distance and said: "All of you, go to that direction first and grab the enemy's spaceship for me!

Accept those who are willing to surrender, and kill those who don't.

I will be back later. "

The demonized people listened to the order and responded, and then set off for the destination. Naturally, several newly joined Green Star people were among them.

Silong was only alone at this time. He began to move forward quickly. Whenever he reached a graystone area, he would stop for a while to collect the kyanite inside.

These kyanites are actually not very useful for him, but he can be used to improve the strength of his subordinates. This method of improvement is different from demonization.

Shillong felt that it was necessary for the Imperial research team to study it.

Whether it is helping ordinary people or demonizing people to increase their strength, it is a very good result.

After all, he wants to find a way home in the future, it is impossible for him to slowly conquer the infinite dimension by himself.

The subordinates are the most important thing. After all, if the subordinates are strong, the efficiency of conquering will definitely increase!

As long as he has thousands, tens of thousands of demigods, and hundreds of billions, trillions of soldiers, he can surrender several planes in one day!

This can greatly increase the possibility of encountering the main material plane.

It took a while, and stopped all the way, he quickly came to a huge pit.

This pit is circular, and the diameter of Shillong is definitely about ten kilometers.

Around there are large slabs of kyanite every some distance around the pit, which is particularly conspicuous under the sun.

Even inside the pothole, kyanite is everywhere.

Obviously this is the source of kyanite.

The cave is extremely deep, and if a mortal looks at it, it is absolutely impossible to see to the bottom.

But with Esirron's eyesight, he could see a black ball that didn't slip away thousands of kilometers away. It seemed to be the nucleus of the entire planet.

In the middle part, there are actually two monsters entirely composed of kyanite entrenched.

One looks like a tiger, six or seventy meters long, and a long snake, two or three times as long as a tiger!

They seem to be able to float in the air. The tiger is leaning sideways and eating kyanite leisurely on the wall full of kyanite, while the snake seems to be resting with its eyes closed.

Silom flew straight down the pothole, sucking all the kyanite into his mouth.

Inside his body, the independent storage space is actually filled with space rings.

The capacity is extremely wide, and the entire cave can be filled with thousands of kyanite.

In this way, all the way down, until I came to the aquamarine tiger and the aquamarine snake.

The Kyanite Tiger, who was still eating the kyanite leisurely, looked at the large swaths of kyanite flying towards Shillong's mouth, and instantly became furious, and it roared in anger.

The powerful sound wave shook down a large piece of kyanite, and the aquamarine snake, who closed its eyes, opened its eyes.

The two monsters rushed towards Shillong in a tacit understanding.

And Siro, also used a powerful repulsion force to counterattack in an instant, blocking the two giant beasts, but the repulsion force couldn't blow the two giant beasts into flight.

For a time, the two sides actually froze in place.

Syron frowned slightly.

These two monsters are not weak in strength, they definitely have a demigod level.

He quickly turned into the form of a dragon, with a little strength, and with a roar, two giant beasts were blasted into the aquamarine walls on both sides.

But soon, they flew out of the hollow wall and shook their heads. Except for the mess on their body, they didn't seem to suffer much damage.

"Wow! Wow!"


Siro did not rush to attack at this time. He used a magical voice that could communicate with animals to issue commands to the two monsters to submit to him.

But after the two monsters were commanded, the irritation in their eyes became stronger.

The Blue Crystal Tiger kicked its hind legs, turned into a blue light, and rushed towards Shillong.

The blue crystal snake opened its huge mouth~wuxiaworld.online~ and spit out a blue beam of light.

Siro's body flashed back, but he instantly avoided the shot of the beam of light and the attack of the Aquamarine Tiger.

The eyes that looked at the two monsters also gradually became colder: "Although the strength is strong, the wisdom is not much different from the ordinary beasts. It seems that there is no need to subdue it."

This kind of beast with the strength of the demigod, even if it is subdued, if it is not watched by him, it is not good to go crazy, it is better not to.

Shillon, who has no interest in the two monsters, has no plans to play with the two monsters.

He quickly showed his huge body that was extremely exaggerated!

Two monsters that were originally huge have instantly become small beasts at the level of a small milk cat!

The terrifying aura was raging crazily, and Shillong didn't mean to constrain at all this time.

The heavens and the earth are discolored.

Above the planet, the atmosphere began to agitate within a hundred kilometers.

Except for the breeze, the calm sky suddenly resembled a stormy sea.

The clouds are heavy.

The sky was dark as midnight.

The squally wind roars like the scream of a ghost.

Lightning raged between the clouds.

The roar resounded across the sky!

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