The two semi-god monsters in the azurite pit are even more stiff, and the violent aura is as real as the essence, the kyanite on the surrounding pit walls cracked under this power!

The original monster was curled up, staring at the terrifying existence that suddenly changed from a small size to a behemoth with terrifying eyes!

"Howl!" Sapphire Tiger bowed and let out a low roar, which contained warning and a little panic.

The azurite snake kept spitting out the snake letter, and its body kept walking downstream, it wanted to stay away from the source of fear in front of it!

"An ignorant beast has no value in subduing it."

Shillon muttered to himself, raising his two front paws with one move.

Terrifying suction emerges.

Azurite Tiger and Azurite Snake flew directly above Shillong's two claws along with a large amount of Kyanite.

Under this suction force, the two giant beasts are like young milk cats, extremely weak.

Snap, Snap.

With two crisp sounds, the two monsters fell into Shillong's claws.

Then one claw grabbed a monster, and the two claws joined together.


The terrifying impact erupted, and the whole pothole was shaking a few times!

The two aquamarine monsters on Shillons paws did not even utter a roar, and were instantly photographed into powder!

can't die anymore!

Instinctively opened his mouth, Shillong sucked the powder of the two monsters into his mouth.

After taking a closer look, he smashed his mouth.

"It has no taste, it feels like white flour...

Well, maybe some sauce is good. "

He commented, just when he wanted to continue flying down to collect kyanite.

The entire huge pothole was turbulent.

rumbling rumbling~

The roar echoed constantly.

Shillong discovered that the star core under the pit was shaking, facing him, the crust there began to crack, and wisps of blue light gleamed from it.

is like a cooked egg shell, the little chicken inside suddenly broke through the crust and exposed its head.

Then the whole body got out of it.

This is a real monster!

It looks a bit like a sperm whale. It is blue-gray. The shark fins on both sides of the body are very huge, like wings. After it got out of the crust, it floated quietly in the air.

It is huge, far bigger than Shillong!

body length is more than two kilometers! The body width is close to one kilometer!

Two cold blue eyes stared at Shillong angrily!


The whale-like monster neighed, and the sound was unusually loud.

The invisible sound wave spreads, and all the surroundings are cracking inch by inch except for the crust below! The soil turns into marl, and the kyanite turns into blue powder!

The transmission of this sound wave was almost abnormal, but within a few dozen breaths of time, it spanned a distance of nearly a thousand kilometers and spread to Shillong.

Ang Ang Ang~

A huge force roared on Siro, and he felt his body was bombarded by an incomparable huge force in all directions!

This power far exceeds the damage done to him by any enemy he has encountered before!

The power may exceed tens of billions of tons!

It was just a bombardment that caused Shillong's body to agitate, and a little blood flowed out of the gaps in the scale armor!

Fuck! What kind of monster is this? It is so much bigger than him? In one blow, he suffered a little injury.

Shillong's brain turned quickly, combining the classics he had read and the knowledge of Professor Kama.

found that the opponent coincides with the characteristics of certain star beasts!

feed on the nucleus of the planet, wandering in the universe, between the stars and the endless planes!

The strength of the star beast is comparable to that of the legendary dragon species, and in some places it is even beyond, and the adult is almost comparable to the gods! The degree of cherishment is hardly under the gods.

Shillong, who had only traveled through a few worlds, encountered this kind of monster. I have to say, I won the jackpot!

After discovering that the sound wave did not disintegrate Shillong, a trace of surprise and anger flashed in the eyes of the star beast giant whale below, and his long tail waved.

actually swam directly towards Shillong!

Its speed doesn't seem to be fast, "slowly and slowly", but because of its size, it still reaches a level of ten to twenty times the speed of sound per second, which is not much worse than Shillong. (I feel that the protagonists speed had some problems before, so I reset it here. In the earth environment, the speed is above 20 times the speed of sound.)


Siro cursed in his heart, but he didn't turn around immediately and ran away.

Instead, stay in mid-air to accumulate energy.

The scales on his chest split in an instant, and the red golden light finally bloomed again after many years of absence!

This time the light shines to the extreme!

is much brighter than before!

The entire depth, the dark pits are illuminated by the red golden light, as bright as day.

The star beast below has its huge eyes slightly narrowed, and its speed of cruising has not slowed down at all. For this change, it has no fear at all!

Until Shillong sprayed a huge red golden light ball from his mouth and landed on the cruising star beast!

It feels a little bad, but with its body, it can't make an escape at all.

rumbling rumbling~

Endless bursts of light and heat!

This light is brighter than the sun and hotter than the sun!

accompanied by a roar.

The terrifying fireball swallowed the whole body of the star beast whale!

"Lao!!!" A scream rang out, actually suppressing the roar of the explosion.

The shock wave broke out, madly impacting the surrounding potholes, and the whole pothole was constantly roaring and collapsing!

At the same time.

A few minutes ago.

A spaceship hundreds of kilometers away.

This original green star spacecraft has long been occupied by the demonized man.

The original Green Star people were killed by a few people, and most of them all surrendered.

This is entirely due to the persuasion of the previous Green Stars.

Including the original leader, Mullis, this guy also surrendered!

After learning that the Dragon Empire is a different-dimensional empire, and there is no need to return to the Green Star to die after surrendering, Mullis descended faster than anyone else!

At this time, their surrendered combatants, as well as some demonized people, are guarding the spaceship outside.

They are guarding against the monsters on this planet.

But compared with the previous cautious defensive, the Green Star who has surrendered seems to have been much bolder.

Some of them are idly looking around, and some are silently thinking about their future.

The demonized people, although they look hideous, but after surrendering, they are indeed good to them. With such a group of people on duty, even if the monster comes again, there is no need to be afraid.

They should be truly safe.

But at this moment, because there are no mountains or buildings, they can even see hundreds of kilometers away.

The originally clear sky suddenly became densely covered with dark clouds, with blue electric lights shining in it.

A two or five cubs were a little curious and said: "It turns out that there will be cloudy days here on Pluto. Is it going to rain there, is it thundering?"

"What's so strange about this, isn't it the greatest miracle that we can walk and breathe here freely? This planet is so similar to the green star."

There is a human being next to it.

Everyone just quietly admired the sudden changes in the unchanging scene.

rumbling~ The whole ground shook at this moment, like an earthquake.

"An earthquake happened again... We stay here... There is no danger, right?" A young boy looked at the vibrating spaceship behind him, worried.

After all, he was a newcomer to Pluto, the whole planet was still too strange to them.

"Don't worry, I have the ability to think, even if the ground is cracked, I can ensure your safety." A demonized person said indifferently.

"Uh...Thank you..." Er Wu Zi smiled awkwardly and said.


The earthquake lasted for more than ten seconds, and when it disappeared immediately, it became even more intense~

The spaceship behind him swayed even more, forcing several demonized people with the ability to read to freeze the spaceship.

Soon, one wave has not settled, another wave has risen.

That distant place of lightning and thunder, unexpectedly lit up an extremely dazzling red gold light!

As if to dispel all darkness.

Then, a painful roar came from the distant land of red gold light.


Everyone just heard it, and they felt a tremor from the soul.

"What...what's going on..." The voice of a young boy trembling a little.

"This...what kind of monster sound is this, is it too scary?

The ordinary beasts that were stocked before the Green Star...have already become such a terrifying monster?

The roar can be spread so far, if the distance is closer, I feel that it can make me yell to death. "

"The master of this call is indeed powerful." The demonized person beside him nodded solemnly.

"But don't worry about it. With your Majesty, no matter what monsters are, you can't turn the waves. Your Majesty is absolutely invincible."

I dont want everyone to continue talking.

After the roar, a red-gold streamer suddenly burst out from the place where the red-gold light had just erupted and went straight into the sky!

Immediately after the Chijin Ray, a huge monster that could be seen clearly even if separated by a few hundred kilometers also appeared in everyone's field of vision, biting tightly behind Chijin Liuguang.

"My god! That...that is...what kind of monster?? Am I dazzled?" A green star twenty-five boy wiped his eyes, wondering if there was a hallucination before his eyes.

"One of them should be Your Majesty the Dragon God... and what kind of monster is the other... How do you chase your Majesty behind..." A sharp-eyed demonized man smashed his mouth, and also felt whether his eyes were a problem.

Your Majesty can't beat that monster, right?

The demonized people shook their heads when they thought of this, impossible! Your Majesty is invincible! Being big doesn't mean being strong!


"Lamb!!!" The whale-like monster roared again.

Terrible sound waves swept everything!

Everyone saw the dim black clouds in the distant sky swept away, hundreds of kilometers of space was trembling strangely, and a lot of gray powder floated on the ground!

These are all crushed dirt!

With the violent sound waves, it turns into dust flying in the sky, obscuring everyone's vision!

In just a few breaths, flying ash swept in front of them with strange sound waves!

The spacecraft kept shaking, and the entire surface was flashing randomly.

The demonized man wanted to resist, but after a while, the spiritual protection was shattered.

Several ordinary people were directly bled to death by the shock of seven holes!

are those demonized people and transcendents, all of whom suffered serious injuries, with blood hanging on the corners of their mouths, lying weakly on the ground.

"Why...Is it like this...Obviously so far away... Actually... so many... people..." muttered a green star extraordinary person.

I really cant believe that, that whale-like monster, with a roar hundreds of kilometers away, killed most of them!

"No... I didn't expect... surrendered... We actually... still have to die... This... maybe... it's the betrayer... let's end..." Another green star supernatural person smiled bitterly.

"Ahem..." The demonized person next to him coughed twice.

spit out a mouthful of blood and said, "What's so terrible about death.

Your Majesty will revive us soon, and those who believe in your Majesty will have eternal life! ...We... are immortal! "

"Re...resurrection?" Green Star's transcendent was surprised: "Do you even... even do this kind of thing?"

"Hehe...Of course, your majesty is a god! A true god!" The demonized man said enthusiastically:

"Although this monster fighting your Majesty is powerful...but the final victory must belong to your Majesty!"

In fact, these people didn't know that if it weren't for the star beast controlling the attack direction of the sound wave, it concentrated most of its energy to Shillong directly above.

If it is an indiscriminate attack, at the moment when the sound wave is approaching, everyone here, whether it is a demonized person or an ordinary person.

or a spaceship, it will disintegrate in an instant!

just when everyone was talking.

A red golden light appeared in the distant sky.

But this time it was much stronger than the previous eruption from the ground!

Just one glance caused their eyes to be hit hard, and tears couldn't stop flowing down.

In the end, a terrifying shock wave hit, everyone was lifted hundreds of meters away, and died on the spot...

Even the spaceship had no resistance. After being overturned, it roared and dragged a ditch on the ground.

After two aftermath attacks, the humans in have lost a living...

Poor mortals, they dont even have the qualifications to be a melon-eater.

This is already the sad story that Shillon didn't know how many times he killed himself in the aftermath of the battle...

hundreds of kilometers away.

Shillong's nuclear calmed breath hit the opponent twice in a row.

But the results are not quite satisfactory!

This is the nuclear calm that has strengthened the power of the flame!

The high temperature of hundreds of millions can last for a second or two!

If it breaks out on the ground, it can definitely blow up a terrorist attack that is more than ten kilometers deep!

But it is such a terrible breath, for the star beast, except for the gray and blue body of the other party to become gray and brown.

There was some blue blood flowing out of his body, but it didn't help much!

The defensive ability of this monster is also terrifying to the extreme!

Also, the recovery ability is not bad, the wounds that leaked blood will heal in a few seconds.

The tentative attacks on both sides didnt treat the other side but killed Shillongs men hundreds of kilometers away...

This made Shillong a little surprised and embarrassed.

This is so special, why these guys are always killed by his aftermath?

There are those ordinary people who are directly torn apart by the aftermath!

can't even resurrect.

But there are still some people who can still be saved, and Shillon doesn't dare to continue the battle with the stars on this planet.

so as not to destroy all of them before destroying the opponent!

This is not in line with my dragon design!

He sprinted towards the starry sky of the universe at more than twenty times the speed of sound.

The star beast that had been bombarded with two nuclear explosions by Xilong was already thunderous.

It is the overlord of the universe.

Although he is not very old now, only tens of thousands of years old, he is still a star beast baby.

But it has never suffered such a loss!

There has never been any creature that can cause such damage to it!

make it hurt! Let it bleed!

But now, it is injured. Although it is insignificant, it still makes it angry.

Two giant beasts rushed in quickly.

Outside the planet, there are many crushed meteorites.

The two giant beasts finally fought again.

Siro was not afraid of the star beast that was bigger than it, turned around and slammed into it.

Star Beast seemed to be a little surprised that this little guy actually dared to face it hard, flicking his tail fiercely, speeding up and hitting it!

In the cosmic starry sky, the flight speed of both have been doubled.

hit the opponent at 40 or 50 times the speed of sound!

A silent terror impact erupted.

A terrifying shock wave burst from it!

All the rubbles and asteroids within a radius of thousands of kilometers burst open.

The two giant beasts flew directly across dozens of kilometers.

There was a sharp pain in his body, and his soul was shaking violently, and he stayed in place for a long time.

Shillong returned to normal.

After a while, the star beast's eyes regained his vigilance, and his only fierce eyes became vigilant.

It is swimming, opening its mouth.

The blue light began to converge.

Seeing this, Siro opened his huge mouth, and the golden light began to converge.

The blue light in the mouth of the star beast illuminates almost everything within thousands of kilometers.

This is the power of the original star core possessed by the star beast after it has absorbed the star core!

The powerful star beast can even hit the star with this trick!

The light beam is getting more and more concentrated.

The blue light in the center of made people unable to look directly at it. Until then, the star beast whale suddenly ejected the blue beam of light in its mouth.

Siro was also at the same time, spouting a red golden light beam from his mouth.

This is a pure flame, condensed with infinite flame energy!

The temperature is definitely over 10 million degrees!

The void around the beam was crazily distorted.

This is Shillong's new trick with the power of faith, which can be used for continuous output!

However, there is a lot of faith consumed every second, and fortunately Shillong's faith power is still sufficient.

Two terrifying rays shot straight at each other, the red gold and the azure blue brilliance collided together, like a supernova explosion, sparking incredible sparks!

The terrible impact wiped out everything within tens of thousands of kilometers around!

This kind of light, for people on the green star hundreds of millions of kilometers away, even overwhelms the sun!

All the people wandering the streets were surprised to find that a huge light source appeared in the starry sky of the universe!

It directly suppresses the demeanor that should belong to the sun!

The dazzling makes people have to close their eyes immediately.

while in a certain observation room.

In a room full of instruments.

There are soldiers in green clothes sitting here, and the big screen in front of them is showing the vision of the cosmic starry sky just exploding.

"What the **** is going on? The abnormal changes from the sky and the sun?"

A middle-aged man looked at the flashing light on the screen, pondered for a moment, then said:

"Use the eyes of God to directly observe the abnormal changes there."


One person next to him responded.

The pictures on the entire big screen change rapidly, constantly zooming in on the flashing spot.

This kind of enlarged pixels is very scary.

The image of the starry sky, which was originally more than 100 million kilometers away, began to zoom in and get closer.

Soon, they saw everything there.

A monster like a mythical dragon is fighting a monster like a huge whale in the starry sky!

Their destructive power is beyond all human imagination!

Every time the giant whale roars, it can shatter the rubble within hundreds of kilometers and disintegrate the asteroid.

and the dragon spit out red golden light.

After hitting the giant whale, it will burst out a red golden ball of light that is as dazzling as the sun!

The entire void is twisting.

The battle between two monsters, like an ancient myth, descends on the stars of the universe!

"This...what is this...is it true that those ancient myths are true?

Whether it is the world or human beings, are they all created by God? Which two gods are these two? "Someone muttered to himself while watching the scene in front of him.

"I think I'm dreaming... well, maybe I played with Mary too late last night." Another person muttered to himself and pinched his arm severely.

then let out a scream: "Oh~ It hurts!"

"Our God's eye system... will not be hacked?

Are they playing the latest movie promos here?

Hmm? What will the movie name be? Mythical Monster Battle?

Destruction Dragon vs. World Destruction Whale?

I think this movie looks pretty good! Very well made!

Look at this special effect!

Wow, its too realistic! "The other person exclaimed.

But someone around him immediately cursed: "Fool! What are you talking about!

How could someone invade the eye of God!

This is all true! "

As this sentence fell, everyone in the room was silent.

For a long time, one person trembled:

"These... two monsters... won't come to Green Star? Impossible?"

"How could it come...what are you talking nonsense!

We Green Star humans ~wuxiaworld.online~ have been living on Green Star for tens of thousands of years, aren't they all alright...Hahaha..." One person heard what the previous person said, his complexion suddenly changed, and he said in a panic. .

"Then... I said... What if... If it comes to Green Star... Can we resist it?"

"Resist...Of course it can! Our Green Star's technology was not based on the sun decades ago, and simulated the legendary supreme weapon, the flare bomb?"

"Yes! There is this kind of weapon... we will not lose to these two monsters!"

A group of people are talking verbally, but they are a little emboldened no matter how they listen.

One of them had not spoken before. The young man with eyes pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and couldn't help but speak:

"Be sober, even our supreme weapon can't compare with the energy burst out by those two monsters.

And that giant dragon...Don't you think that the light ball ejected from its mouth is very similar to our flare bomb?

It is even more powerful than flare bombs.

This level of power, if it falls on the Green Star, Im sure its enough to wipe out several cities in an instant..."

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