"How is this possible... Ami, are you kidding me?

That giant dragon... how could it be so powerful..."

Just as this person's voice fell, the red golden ball of light from the dragon's mouth spouted again.

But this time because of the distance and the flexibility of whale-like monsters in the universe, they actually avoided it.

Everyone observed through other screens and found that the light ball fell straight on an asteroid thousands of kilometers behind the whale monster.

This planet is said to be small and not too small, at least more than ten kilometers in diameter!

If a planet of this level falls into a green star, it can even wipe out half of the entire green star!

And the flare bullet, the strongest weapon of mankind, cannot smash it.

Unless all the flare bombs are detonated in a concentrated manner, it is possible to blow up!

But it is a planet of this level, after the small red golden light ball exploded, it disappeared instantly and was completely evaporated!

As if it didnt exist in the universe.

The people in the whole room were sweating coldly.

This is a meteorite with a diameter of tens of kilometers! !

was eliminated so easily.

If it broke out on the green star, it might be exactly what Ami said!

As long as everyone thinks about it, they can feel the goose bumps all over their body.

The two monsters are constantly fighting.

Everything in the starry sky was shattered in the aftermath.

Everyone watched the two monsters fighting for several days with horror.

Near the sky Pluto, everything within a radius of tens of millions of kilometers has been completely emptied, and until this time, the two monsters stopped.

Shillong and the star beast giant whale looked at each other in the silent starry sky.

There are no gravel or asteroids around the two monsters.

They were each silent.

While relaxing the body, it continuously inhales various radiations in the starry sky, turbulence, and inhales the body into the energy needed.

But at this time, after several days of fierce fighting, it has reached the edge of exhaustion.

The giant whale glared at a pair of dead fish eyes and screamed softly.

A ripple of thoughts representing the opponent's will quickly spread from the void to Siro's ear.

let him understand what it meant to express.

"Which race are you from? Why do you want to **** my food?

There are obviously other planets around, although the star core may not be as delicious as mine. "

After fighting for several days, the giant whale finally communicated with Shillong.

was originally a star beast, in their thinking, there was basically no concept of talking or being soft.

Because they are too strong, anyone who dares to provoke them can be killed with just one roar.

Communication is the least necessary.

But at this moment, facing a strength that is no less than it, the Star Beast Whale has to pick up a new Star Beast skill that may not be used in its entire life.


To be honest, Shillong didn't want to fight shortly after the start of the fight and found that there was no way to win the opponent quickly.

But the giant whale opposite was like a mad dog, biting him.

didn't mean to communicate at all, which made him think that the other party was mentally retarded.

At this time, the other party took the initiative to talk, which made him a little surprised.

Especially what the other party said.

grab food?

I dont feed on the nucleus of stars, so I can eat your ass?

"I am not a creature that feeds on star cores, so why would I rush to eat with you?" He said directly.

"You are in my territory, unscrupulously releasing your breath, aren't you provoking me?" the other party replied.

There was some anger in the voice.

Siro was taken aback, and then immediately remembered the cause and effect, and said: "I just came along the kyanite and met two idiots who didn't have long eyes, so I took a lesson."

After receiving the information, Star Beast thought for a while, and then replied: "Kyanite?

That should be the crystal of energy leaked when I swallowed the star core.

But you said that a creature provoked you?

I dont remember that there are any creatures on my planet, you cant lie to me! "

"?" Silom was taken aback again, but soon he understood why the opponent reacted.

This guy probably entered the bottom shell of this planet a long time ago and began to swallow the nucleus. It may be decades, hundreds, or even thousands of years ago, or tens of thousands of years ago.

Naturally, I dont understand the creatures that have only been stocked on the Pluto in recent years.

He explained a little bit.

The star beast whale's eyes narrowed slightly, and he wagged his tail and turned around to look at the sky and Pluto carefully. After a long time, he said, "Actually, there are other creatures."

As a star beast, although its vision is not as abnormal as Shillong, it is not bad. It is not too far from the sky and Pluto, it is enough to carefully observe the general situation on the planet.

But immediately, it turned back and said: "But this is not an excuse for you to invade my territory.

This planet is mine! You must leave here immediately! "


"Huh?" Star Beast opened slightly, as if he didn't expect Shillong to talk so easily.

It nodded and said nothing, quickly turned and returned, wanting to continue eating.

But immediately, it turned its head back and looked at Siro, who was right behind its ass, and said, "You guy... why are you following me?

Are you really hitting my star core's attention?"

As the star beast whale spoke, the blue in his eyes became thicker, and he seemed to want to do it again.

"Don't get me wrong, my men are still on that planet, even if you drive me away, at least let me take my men away."

"Man?" The star beast whale looked at the few lives on the planet in doubt.

"You guy, it's really strange, you are as strong as me, but you care about those weak lives.

The existence of this kind of life is basically meaningless, weak and fragile.

As long as we breathe out gently, we can kill them. "

"No matter how weak creatures are, as long as they exist, there is a moment to show their value."

"Unable to understand."

Star Beast Whale murmured, and then ignored Shillong, and quickly moved towards the pit of Sky Pluto, before entering the pit to absorb the star core again.

The star beast whale has been floating above the pit, staring at Shillong with a pair of eyes.

watched him resurrect the group of weak ants, then opened the portal and disappeared together.

The star beast whale felt relieved, and went back into the pit...

Silom returned to the first Alliance Star World to be conquered, and this can be regarded as his base camp.

There are many people radiating inside, and Silom took the kyanite he had just received and let the brain demon distribute it.

This thing is a good thing, Shillong asked the researchers to study it.

By the way, it is used to improve the strength of his subordinates and make plans for the future.

Then he began to think about one thing.

The star beast can swallow the star core to increase its strength, and the star core contains extremely terrifying energy.

The kyanite formed by the leak has the mighty power to greatly enhance human strength.

What benefits can the star beasts gain by devouring the star core itself?

Shillong felt that maybe he could try it.

After all, before devouring the devil, the magic pond, it brought him a lot of benefits.

Because of this previous history, Shillong felt that he had to try other delicacies.


He lifted his head and stared straight at the star emitting endless light and heat in the starry sky.

As a plutonium dragon, he can release the nucleus to calm his breath, and he has a strong gravitational force, he feels that he is inseparably connected with Perseverance.

Maybe you can try it?

Xilong had this idea.

In fact, Shillong has always liked the sun, and once thought of going around the stars, but in the end he extinguished the thought.

want to ask why?

Of course it is too far!

Shillon is on the planet, every distance from the star, the nearest is more than 100 million kilometers!

100 million kilometers!

What concept?

Even if Esylon enters the starry sky of the universe, the speed can reach more than 40 times the speed of sound!

reached the level of more than ten thousand meters per second!

It takes about 8~90 days to fly non-stop!

When it was weaker before, it took several times longer!

How did this make Shillong suffer?

This is like letting a person run for more than 80 days in a row, although Shillong's physical fitness is superb, and his resilience is strong enough.

But after all, it is limited, flying at full strength for forty to fifty days, he will also be tired!

Of course, physical fatigue is not the most important thing, the most important thing is heart fatigue!

In the lonely and quiet universe, I quit my **** and kept flying for more than 80 days!

Shillong felt that he might go crazy!

Because of this, he was absolutely unwilling before, but now that he saw the star beast whale, Shillong felt that he still had to try it.

What if it works?

That star is a great resource!

Just do it.

Shillon said nothing, and once again returned to the Pluto, the planet that was the closest to the Perseverance in the galaxy.

just returned to Sky Pluto, his breath was caught by the star beast whale that had not penetrated into the earth's crust.

The Star Beast Whale was furious, and it felt like it had been tricked by the **** before!

I did not start eating, you come again?

It rushed out of the pit angrily, and its huge blue eyes scanned where the breath came, only to find that the **** who awakened it was rushing towards the sky.

seems to be leaving this planet.

The fierce eyes of the star beast whale were only slightly calm.

But immediately, seeing the other's flight direction, its eyes became fierce again.

This **** is going to devour that yellow planet?

That is the best planet besides this one under me!

**** thing! Kind of picky eaters!

The star beast whale looked at the entire star system again, except for the permanent core that it could not swallow.

there are only 6 large planets in total.

Three of them are not long-lived and taste very bad!

In addition, this one under his body can still be swallowed for a hundred years, the star core will deteriorate due to the passing of energy, and he was planning to continue to swallow the yellow planet.

I can only swallow that one...

The star beast whale's gaze couldn't help but fall onto the green planet.

Although there are many small bugs on it, it might be a little troublesome to swallow it.

But it's easier than traveling long distances to other galaxies, isn't it?

Be careful, the body of the star beast whale slowly sinks.

The long starry sky flight is undoubtedly extremely boring.

Dont ask why Shillon didnt fly for a while, then record the coordinates, return to other planes and do some other things before returning.

That's all because of the starry sky in the universe, the coordinates change greatly, the gravitation of various planets, and the turbulence of the starry sky.

and the wandering of gravel asteroids, make the coordinate transformation of the universe starry sky too large.

Because of this, Xilong flew to a stop, and it took nearly a year and a half to reach the sun.

just touched the sun, the fiery high temperature and terrifying radiation made Shillon take a deep breath comfortably.

The heat rushed into his body, making him almost groan.

As expected, my plutonium clan is related to stars!

He quickly penetrated into the gaseous planet of the sun and flew towards the core.

The deeper, the higher the temperature, and the more comfortable he feels.

fly all the way to the radiation zone, here is the world of light and heat, the temperature is above ten million degrees.

This kind of continuity, the ubiquitous high temperature, is enough to melt everything in the world.

Even the previous star beast whales can resist Shillong's nuclear respite.

But it can't survive in the sun too long!

The radiation here is equally terrifying, and it can cause a creature's genes to collapse and die in an instant!

But these two great horrors, as far as Plutonium Shillong is concerned, they are both great tonic!

He even opened his mouth, swallowing the surrounding hot gas, and the radiant light was absorbed into his body as instinctively.

This feeling, this kind of comfort, Shillong can no longer describe in words.

At the same time, the upper limit of energy in the body has also increased a little...

As expected! A gleam of excitement flashed in Xilong's eyes, and their plutonium dragon family was indeed similar to star beasts, and could swallow stellar matter!

Shillong is not far from the star core at this time, and the pressure at this time is also terribly high!

Especially the atmospheric pressure around 300 billion times the star core!

What is this concept?

One atmosphere pressure, equivalent to a square meter object, put 10 tons of weight!

Isn't that 300 billion 3 trillion tons?

This kind of intensity, even if Shillon uses gravity to offset it, and the body's own resistance, it is impossible to resist!

Even if the pressure of this star is different from that of the solar nucleus passing through the former blue star~wuxiaworld.online~, it will not be too big.

, unable to resist the pressure, he could only watch the star core silently crying, and began to frantically devour the heat and radiation in the radiation belt.

His body energy is quickly consumed when resisting pressure, but swallowing the surrounding energy allows his energy to recover quickly, even further.

His state at this time is somewhat similar to the state of ordinary humans exercising.

This is a bit novel for Shillong.

After all, there was no high-energy celestial body like the sun before, and his exercise effect was really bad.

Its not bad to be able to re-experience the human exercise now.

Time is slowly passing by, this kind of exercise is extremely boring.

But the effect is very good, he found that he has actually become stronger.

Although the physical growth is not too obvious, it may only grow faster than normal.

But he clearly felt that his body density, flame power, and gravity were increasing!

This is a holy place for cultivation.

At the beginning, Xilong exercised vigorously.

But after half a year, he kind of wants to give up...

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