As an ordinary person of the former Blue Star, now Plutonium is an ordinary person, he has not been a soldier, is not a social elite, and does not have much patience to continue to do something.

As a plutonium dragon, everything was too simple, there was nothing he needed to continue and do seriously.

Life has also changed from normal difficulty to super super super super super simple mode!

is these two life trajectories, his patience is actually not enough, even after being a dragon, this patience is instinctively strengthened.

At this time, half a year passed also made Shillong feel extremely boring.

He thought about giving up, but if he gave up, the starry sky tour he spent a year and a half before would be wasted!

After all, there is no guarantee of the precise location of the portal in the universe.

Various cosmic turbulence and radiation will greatly interfere with the establishment of the portal.

Not to mention the stars.

In addition to the flame element, hydrogen, helium and other elements composed of stars...

As for the other elements that make up the portal?

That can't move inside the star at all!

Shillong felt that he was now challenging the limit of loneliness.

At first, he was a little unbearable, but then he thought of an interesting thing to distract his boredom.

That is to peep into the life of the Green Star!

Even if they are hundreds of millions of kilometers apart, as long as he observes carefully, he can still see everything on the green star.

This is an effective way to resolve loneliness.

Humans like ants staged interesting scenes of life games for him.

He silently watched all human happiness, anger, sorrow, joy, and sorrow.

These are like real romance dramas, commercial war dramas, combat dramas, documentaries, and of course some indescribable small plots...

Because of these, he silently persisted.

10 years

20 years

50 years...

100 years!

100 years have passed.

On the Heavenly Pluto near the sun, the originally gray land has become gray. Compared to 100 years ago, there have been terrible cracks in the entire land.

Among these cracks, gray-brown rocks and gas are thrown at dozens of times the speed of sound from time to time.

The entire planet, the creatures originally brought by the green star, have all been extinct!

From the original possible planet where humans could survive, it became impossible.

The environment has been drastically changed.

A huge starry sky whale with a body length of more than 2 kilometers slowly rose from the deep black pit in the center of the planet. Its huge eyes first looked at the yellow planet at the other end of the starry sky.

Its eyes did not give it the ultra-long-distance vision like Shillong.

also couldn't see far away, everything on the yellow planet.

Its just that it clearly remembers that a hundred years ago, the guy who wanted to grab its food went to the yellow planet.

Its food preparation is gone, the starry sky whale has to turn around and look towards the distant green planet.

then wagged his tail towards the green star.

The speed of the starry whale in the universe has reached nearly 40 times the speed of sound.

But despite this, it takes about a year to reach a green star.

Different from Shillong, it feels like a half-hearted super life tormented along the way.

Although the star whale is still young, it is also used to loneliness.

It "slowly" headed towards the target.

at the same time.

Green Star, the base of the Eye of God system.

After a hundred years of development.

The Eye of God system has long been perfected. Here is a huge room. The surrounding walls are full of surveillance videos from all directions of the starry sky.

This is a surveillance picture of the entire star system.

In these pictures, the universe is quiet, quiet and strange.

And in these pictures, a strange picture suddenly appeared.

A blue and gray whale suddenly appeared in a certain picture!

This immediately aroused the alarm of an observer: "Attention everyone! Screen 687 is abnormal! Screen 687 is abnormal!

A monster appeared near the sky Pluto! "

"Huh?" The other observers all turned to look at screen 687.

then exclaimed: "This...unbelievable! There are such creatures in the stars of the universe?"

An operator immediately projected the contents of screen 687 onto the big screen.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Oh my God! It turns out that there are alien monsters in the stars of the universe!

what is this? How come it looks like a whale?"

"This whale is so big! It's bigger than some meteorites!"

"Oh my God! This is simply a miracle of life in the universe! This is the greatest discovery of this century!"

"Hurry up! Go and inform the sir! Let them come and see this monster. We alone are not enough to make decisions about the current situation!"

in the exclamation of everyone.

An observer left the room immediately, and soon came to the room with a few middle-aged and elderly men wearing high-grade green military uniforms.

There is no doubt that this is the senior officer of the Eye of God base.

As soon as these people entered the room, they stared at the huge star whale.

Looking at the other party's huge body and leisurely wandering figure, he couldn't help but exclaim, some admired, some curious.

But one of the oldest of them frowned. He glanced at several other senior officials and said, "You... don't feel that this monster... is a bit familiar?"

"Familiar?" Several officials looked at each other, then frowned slightly.

"It seems...I do have a little impression...but I can't remember it anymore."

"How many of you..." The elder shook his head helplessly when he heard the words, and then said: "M13 file, [Dragon and Star Whale], have you forgotten the files you have seen before?"

"Uh..." Someone replied, and immediately remembered something, and immediately, the sweat on his forehead couldn't stop flowing down.

They feel cold all over!

M13 is a secret archive that has been preserved 100 years ago. Only some of the super-senior officials of Green Star and the high-level officials of the Eye of God can know!

Our ancestors 100 years ago have already seen these two extraordinary creatures like myths through the eyes of God at that time.

Experts have calculated the strength of these two monsters.

'S answer is that humans cannot match it at all!

is so powerful, even if you use the word "God" to describe it, it is not an exaggeration!

As long as it comes, mankind will surely welcome destruction! No accidents!

Just when everyone was anxious about this, for fear that they came to the Green Star to secretly monitor the world's destruction, they discovered that a monster had entered the Sky Pluto, and the other had entered the sun, and no longer appeared.

Several years have passed, and these two monsters are also very stable. Although they are still in this galaxy, terror still covers the whole world.

But human beings are a forgetful and greedy race, and many people gradually forget these two horrible monsters selectively.

Greed broke out at this moment!

Because Green Star experts infer that this mythical monster may have evolved from the kyanite of Pluto.

Because the two monsters both appeared from the sky and the stars and hit the stars of the universe.

Experts believe that these two monsters may be nothing more than small animals that were previously stocked on Pluto.

In just a few years, from a small animal to a behemoth, how can it not cause human greed?

NSFOCUS executives have even greater desire for kyanite.

unexpectedly risked offending and awakened the threat of the monster thrown on the sky.

sent a lot of power to the sky Pluto to continue searching for kyanite.

But things backfired. When these people arrived, the entire sky Pluto couldn't find the kyanite that would give mankind's extraordinary power.

The senior executives also accepted the reality after a short pause.

The whole society slowly passed by over time, 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, 100 years have never seen those two monsters again, when the high level of humanity has forgotten this matter

100 years ago, that mythical monster appeared again!

They have awakened human beings' awareness of it! And fear!

"Wait! This monster, where is its current behavior?" A middle-aged official couldn't help asking.

As the officials asked questions, the screen images in front of them quickly rotated and switched, after row by row data analysis and behavior simulation.

At last

An examiner took a deep breath and said with a heavy voice: "95% chance, it's our green star..."

"This...what can I do? If this kind of monster comes to Green Star, with our current technology, is it possible to resist it?"

A middle-aged official was a little flustered and couldn't help asking the old man at the beginning.

"It is impossible to resist!" The old man closed his eyes and sighed.

Although they have made a lot of progress in science and technology compared to a hundred years ago, the most powerful weapon is still the flare bomb in the upgrading of weapons.

It is only those light weapons that have become stronger, as well as some conventional technology and life technology.

Technology is very easy except for the initial development.

After a little mastery of the most basic technology, subsequent progress will not be too easy.

It is like a martial arts master in a martial arts novel. It is easy to get started but difficult to advance!

is like the Blue Star where Shillong is, the strongest nuclear weapon, it was a product of the early 1950s.

In 2019, when Shillong crossed, it spanned 6 to 70 years. Hundreds of countries above the Blue Star, brightly and secretly, with constant friction, each made their own efforts to climb technology in the dark.

But even so, the strongest weapon is still nuclear weapons, which has never changed!

is other light weapons, heavy weapons are constantly upgraded.

Counting down these 6 to 70 years, the most advanced technology is the life side technology.

In Shillong's view, this is a bottleneck that technology has entered.

Green Star is naturally the same, although technology far exceeds Blue Star.

But their strongest weapon is still flare bullets!

Compared with 100 years ago, only the equivalent has increased!

From the amount that could clean all the creatures of Green Star once, it has increased to the amount enough to clean twice!

There is no difference other than that!

"Then... Then what do we... do? What do humans do?" The middle-aged officer inhaled again, and the whole person was a little bad.

The elderly officials did not reply, but instead asked the observers: "How long will this monster, code-named [Star Whale], reach Green Star?"

"Back to the chief, according to computer data analysis, there is still one year left." The observer replied.

has been listening to the conversation of several officials, making the hearts of several observers extremely heavy.

"I see, you continue to pay attention to this giant whale in the starry sky. If there is any change, contact me immediately.

Also, what I heard just now, don't tell anyone, as Green Star fighters, you should be able to keep this secret, right?"

The old official finally said.

"We understand! Sir!" several observers responded.

The old officer sighed silently, and finally said to the other officials: "Lets go, tell this to the top, and see what they do, the sky is falling, and the tall man is on his own."

Then, several officials left.

Green Stars senior management is also working hard for the approaching crisis in the sky.

They even kept sending out some signals to communicate with this monster, but it didn't work.

The monster did not respond. Its goal and course of action have never changed.

This also allows all the senior leaders of Green Star to know that this time the monster is coming.

one year later

Green Star, Heicheng.

The prosperous city with 10 million inhabitants was already empty by this time.

The whole city is extremely silent, empty like a ghost.

is extremely inconsistent with everything in its prosperity.

At this time, the entire Green Star and all humans in other cities are staying in their homes, watching the pictures on TV.

Everything about Heijo is playing there.

Everyone, already knew the "truth" half a year ago.

The terrifying monster born in the Xinghai Universe is about to descend on Green Star, Pingcheng!

The big event related to the future of mankind is about to unfold. Will mankind survive this crisis and move on, or will it perish in the hands of monsters?

The picture on the TV is aimed at the sky, where a whale-like monster is slowly coming towards the green star.

Soon, it broke through the atmosphere, seemingly slow, but in fact quickly came to the top of Pingcheng.

The body that could not be clearly recognized before became magnificent because of the ground construction!

The villa is in contrast to it, but like an ant nest, dozens of high-rise buildings, in front of it, are like slopes of soil.

When the starry sky giant whale approached the ground, everyone saw it open its huge mouth. With a cry, a sound wave visible to the naked eye burst out!

The original prosperous Pingcheng, all the buildings, whether they were tall buildings, villas, shops, towers, and floor tiles, began to collapse

is like burning fly ash, completely disintegrated!

Gone with the wind!

This is a very strange method of attack, but it takes a few breaths.

All the audience can only see that in the picture taken from space, everything representing Heicheng disappears in smoke!

More than that!

Several cities around Pingcheng were all implicated and more than half damaged!

Fortunately, in these surrounding cities, all the people inside have been evacuated, and there have been no casualties.

But obviously, the Green Stars still underestimated the lethality of this giant star whale!

Even if there are two cities separated, the terrible attack has come hundreds of kilometers away, in the farther city!

After hundreds of kilometers, the attack power like sound waves has already weakened to the extreme.

It can't disintegrate everything that is affected in an instant.

But it is enough to cause indelible trauma to the entire city!

Those human beings who think they are safe, when watching TV, find that their city has been affected, they can't make any response.

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