Terrifying and strange waves swept across their bodies.

There was internal bleeding in their bodies, rupture of their organs and other terrible phenomena!

The house was shaking, and the TV, computer and other electrical appliances exploded directly!

The human being next to the TV and computer was directly engulfed by the fire!

With this one blow, even if the human beings have been prepared for a long time, it still suffered heavy losses, with more than tens of millions of casualties!

This terrible reality, whether it's ordinary people in front of the TV or the top of the Green Star, everyone has cold hands and feet.

Although I tried my best to overestimate this monster, I didn't expect the terrifying degree of this monster to be far beyond their imagination!

This kind of monster, can we really fight? Can we really protect our home?

Can our strongest weapon destroy this monster?

Everyone has no doubts.

The picture cuts back to Pingcheng again.

The ground under the monster was also disintegrating, and a huge hole was blasted out.

The whale-like monster slowly penetrated into it, and after a while, another roar broke out!

The entire radius of hundreds of kilometers is shaking!

The pothole is being enlarged!

What is this monster doing?

What is its purpose?

This question surfaced in everyone's mind.

At the same time, there was a hint of joy in their hearts.

This monster does not seem to come for the purpose of destroying humans!

It has been sinking to the ground. As long as we dont care about it, does it mean that the Green Star destruction crisis has passed?

Everyone watched the TV, and thought of the monster that seemed to be digging pits constantly roaring.

waited until the monster digs into the crust, watching the monster lying on the crust and biting his big mouth against the crust, and finally discovered the abnormality!

This monster! Devouring the crust! The crust is the life of the entire Green Star. If there is a difference, I am afraid that the entire Green Star human being will die without a place to be buried!

All human beings suddenly escaped from the joy of escaping from the dead, and entered the **** of despair!

"He must be stopped!"

An underground base, in the highest council of the NSFOCUS.

The highest power of Green Star gathered here.

There are a hundred and two people!

The one who spoke just now was an old man who was about 70 years old and had white temples. He was wearing a dark green military uniform.

is Glenn, the supreme leader of the military.

"Wait! I think we should be watching for one day!" Someone objected.

"Yes! Observe for one day! Maybe tomorrow this monster will be gone."

"But if we observe for one day, what about the crust? What about our green star?"

"It should be fine for one day. Look at that monster, it's actually not fast."

Everyone was babbling, and didn't want to attack at all.

still had fantasy and fluke in his heart, after all, once attacked, it annoyed the monster.

The whole mankind is so bad!

They could clearly see the attack just now. This kind of attack is even worse than their largest flare bomb!

Finally, they chose to wait.

silently looked at the behemoth like a whale, for a whole day, in fact, the crust that this whale gnawed away was not much compared to its body, it was probably just a "small" pit of two to three hundred meters!

Then the whale monster rested for a few hours, then bite, and didn't mean to leave at all.

The high-levels of the entire conference room watched the situation silently.

"According to expert analysis, if this monster keeps gnawing on the earth's crust, within a few years, our green star will change drastically.

Earth fission, volcanic eruption, air composition change, the whole world will become no longer suitable for human survival.

Human beings have therefore entered the countdown to destruction. "On the conference table, a high-level executive said in a low voice.

"We... really have nothing to do? We can only launch an attack? A decisive battle?"


"Then our chance of winning?"

"Based on data from 100 years ago and analysis of the damage caused by the monster yesterday.

Our chance of defeating the monster is no more than 10%

The possibility of driving away monsters is no more than 30%. "

"..." Silence was greeted again in the meeting room.

"Let's... let's leave on the Mirai quickly..." a senior officer couldn't help but said.

"No!" Glenn objected.

"Retreat without fighting and abandon billions of compatriots? How did you do it?

We are not without chance! just now! Follow my instructions! Immediately drop flare bombs into the pothole! "

"But..." Someone wanted to speak, but Glenn interrupted immediately.

"Nothing! Just run away without trying, I can't do such a cowardly thing!"

Glenn shouted.

Some people are ashamed, but everyone is not blocking them.

Glenns order was quickly issued.

Thousand kilometers away from the star beast whale crater, several fiery red missiles rushed into the sky from the ground.

then dragged a long tail flame, across a distance of thousands of kilometers, and fell into the dark pothole!

until you hit the monster lying on the crust!

In an instant, the missile turned into dark spots, absorbing the surrounding heat frantically.

then broke out suddenly!

The terrifying red light exploded, and tens of millions of terrifying heat continued to surge in the crust!

"Lamb!" The star beast whale that was hit cried out in pain.

This kind of attack reminded it of the monster dragon it faced before!

The difference is that the flame temperature of the monster dragon is higher, but fortunately the duration is short.

But this is different. Although the temperature is lower, the duration is extremely long.

makes it seem to be in a sea of fire.

It felt like it was slightly burned!

After roared, he sprang upward!

must be that strange dragon! Is that **** also eyeing this planet?

It wants to **** my food again?

unforgivable! Unforgivable!

The eyes of the starry sky whale turned red all at once.

All those who watched the video only saw endless flames surging, and the entire pothole became a sea of flames!

havent waited for them to celebrate that the flare bombs perfectly hit the monsters,

I saw that terrifying monster emerge from the sea of fire!

Looking at its body surface, removing some of the flesh and tumbling bloodshot threads, it does not seem to be a serious problem, and the flesh is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it will not take a few seconds at all, the monster will return to its original state!

But its blood-red eyes undoubtedly tell all the green stars, it! Enraged!

With endless anger, the starry sky whale quickly came out of the pit.

All those who watched this scene couldn't help but hang up.

Then I saw hundreds of flare bombs dragging their long tail wing, suddenly crashing into the pothole!

Monsters are too big to dodge.

The terrifying fire broke out again!

The flame this time is undoubtedly more terrifying!

Hundreds of flare bombs erupted in a pit dozens of kilometers from the ground!

The entire pothole was completely melted!

Everything within a radius of hundreds of kilometers was swept by flames of tens of millions of degrees!

The pothole, which was only a few dozen kilometers wide, was instantly opened to hundreds of kilometers!

has become a real sinkhole!

The inside of the pit is like a **** of flames, surrounded by extremely hot lava and heat waves.

The people in front of the TV cheered, and many people in the Supreme Council also smiled.

Such a terrifying attack hit, this monster should be dead, right?

But the reality is...In this terrifying hell, the giant whale rushed out of the fire again!

Its current appearance is indeed a bit miserable, the entire skin has been rolled back, the whole body is hot and red, black and red smoke is constantly emerging from it!

A lot of blue blood is dripping.

It seems to be half cooked.

Although looks terrifying, if you look closely, you will find that the monster's physical wounds are still healing quickly.

Everything seems to be in vain!

A large part of ordinary people have begun to despair. What kind of monster they are facing?

"Lamb!!!" The starry sky whale roared frantically, and hundreds of flare bombs exploded. This was the heaviest time the starry sky whale had been injured since its birth!

Even in the previous battle with Shillong, he didn't actually suffer such severe injuries.

After all, they were fighting and fighting, relying on amazing resilience and battery life.

Most of the energy in the body is consumed, as well as physical strength, and the cumulative damage is not too scary.

But this time is different. If the flare bombs burst out at once, if they burst separately, it is enough to clean the green star twice!

Such a terrifying attack, concentrated attacks, made the original flame high temperature of only tens of millions of degrees, directly turned into a continuous explosion of tens of millions, hundreds of millions of degrees!

This made the Star Whale suffer a lot!

It took more than twenty seconds to get rid of this kind of damage!

The furious star whale roared again after getting out of the trap.

a radius of hundreds of kilometers was once again terribly impacted.

It scanned the starry sky with red eyes, but did not see the strange dragon at all.

Isnt the monster attacking it?

Then who is attacking?

is the ant on this planet?

Regardless of whether these ants are or not, it seems to be eliminated.

The starry sky whale opened its terrifying mouth, and the blue light began to converge.

And in the underground base in a distant place, all the senior leaders of NSFOCUS are like bereaved concubines.

As expected! This monster cannot be defeated by humans at all!

"I... let's run away!

The monster, the condensed blue light, appeared in the battle with the dragon 100 years ago, it is a super long-range strike method!

If you are unlucky... fall on top of us... we may all be dead..."

A high-level executive panicked.

"Don't panic! What you said may be minimal, and we haven't lost yet!

We have the last weapon! Spear of God! "

"God's spear? That... can that work? The flare bombs all failed..." Some people wondered.

"Gods spear and flare bomb are two different attacks, and the strongest flare bomb is a wide-area attack.

But the spear of God is a purely physical attack!

It may bring unexpected surprises to the door.

After all, this is the crystallization of wisdom that has been cast by the power of all Green Stars this year! "

Near the atmosphere of the Green Star, there are huge unknown machinery floating there.

A sharp metal spear is mounted on every unknown machine.

With a click, the spear was mechanically pulled inward, like a crossbow bolt being loaded.

An electric arc flashed across the entire machine.

After a burst of power, along with the explosion of thunder in the sky, the sharp black spear suddenly shot out!

At the same time it was shot, the mechanical table that was originally integrated with it burst instantly!

A machine! Just to shoot a spear!

This spear is like a sharp arrow shot by God.

Cut through the void.

at a speed of more than seven or eighty times the speed of sound, across thousands of kilometers in an instant!

The starry sky whale, which was still accumulating its power, was hit by the spear of God before he could realize what was going on!

Its head and body are like a thin needle inserted in it!

screamed in pain instantly.

The blue energy in the mouth that has not been gathered is directly thrown out, shot toward the sky, quickly shot into the cosmic sky, and completely detonated after shooting an asteroid, turning into a blue cosmic firework!

The green star man once again gave the starry sky whale a huge wound, while at the same time protecting the human who should have died under the blue light.

Looking at the star beast whale that was so painful that it was screaming because of being inserted by several spears of God.

The human beings in front of the TV screamed happily!

I have a nail in my forehead!

see if you die!

Just when everyone was about to watch the monster die in pain and wailing, they found that several "pins" inserted in the monster's forehead were slowly squeezed out.

Yes, a few spears of God that were originally ten meters long.

is stuck in this monster, but it is like a small needle stuck in it.

Although this kind of small needle inserted into the human forehead can indeed kill humans, it is clear that it is far from lethal when inserted into an incredible monster like the starry sky whale!

This kind of injury can only make it painful, hurt! And make it more violent!

The joy of all human beings just solidified!

The starry sky whale was extremely angry. It hadn't planned to pay attention to the ants here, and let them live a few more years. It was already merciful.

But I didn't expect these ants to resist it again and again! Give it harm!

unforgivable! Unforgivable!

Very furious, it immediately turned around and swam to the west.

There is the direction of Yingcheng, the most dense place for humans!

In front of the TV, those British residents who watched the movement of the whales in the sky, as well as the residents of nearby cities, collapsed instantly.

They yelled, some picked up the phone and asked the NSFOC to destroy the monsters quickly.

and some opened the door directly and began to flee!

Driving ~wuxiaworld.online~ Cyclists all have one purpose!

Escape from your own city! Escape that monster!

If there is no immediate escape, their fate is only one! That's death!

The whole city was in chaos, all traffic in various places was blocked, and then one by one abandoned their cars and fled.

But these are just useless.

With their feet, how can they run over a 2,000-meter long star whale?

It can swim thousands of meters with a flick of its tail!

When the terrifying shadow gradually approached Yingcheng.

The angry frantic aura of the starry sky whale is crazy and wanton.

The heavens and the earth are discolored.

The wind is roaring, the clouds are shaking, and the earth is shaking!

This is just because the crazy breath of the star whale is venting!

And mortals were shocked by this breath, and some passed out directly, and some even had a mental disorder in their brains! Get into madness!

is even scared to death!

Where the shadow of the starry sky whale passes, large swaths of humans fall!

It is like the ultimate death star that brings destruction and despair to mankind!

There is no need to launch any attacks at all, just with its own momentum is enough to destroy mankind!

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