But the furious star whale, obviously will not let humans die slowly like this! This is so kind!

It opened its huge mouth again, and the terrible strange sound wave spread!

Everything turned into fly ash and dissipated!

At this moment, those who were already in a coma are lucky to die directly.

But those who have lived for dozens or hundreds of kilometers and have not been affected by the aura of the starry sky whale are facing this terrifying disaster!

They can only watch everything behind them annihilate at an extremely fast speed! disappear!

finally let out a roar of pain and despair! Swept by sound waves and died!

The city of Yingcheng includes the cities near Yingcheng, and it will be wiped out instantly!

The death toll exceeds 50 million!

Such a terrifying scene broke all the others who were still holding a fluke.

They cursed loudly at the senior officials of the Green League, why didn't they send force to destroy the monsters.

There are also some humans who believe that the world has entered the countdown to the end of the day. They start the final madness and do the dark things usually hidden in their hearts! The whole world is in chaos!

NSFOCUS Supreme Council.

The entire council was in panic.

Someone shouted: "Quick! Make a decision! We can't drag on! We must leave Green Star!

Otherwise we will die here with them! "

just after this person finished speaking.

In a corner of the big screen, a small spaceship is rising into the sky, flying towards the sky.

Someone pointed at the big screen and instantly zoomed in, and then everyone saw that this was a civilian version of the spaceship.

Only owned by the top richest of NSFOCUS.

Obviously, some of the top rich have already decided that the Green Star must die and are ready to escape from the interstellar.

This makes the seniors even more anxious.

shouted one by one to leave.

Glenn saw this and sighed helplessly: "You all go, I will stay and fight against this monster with the soldiers until the end."

"Then... Then trouble Marshal Glen... I... Let's go." Some people admire Glenn in their hearts, but they don't have the guts to stay and wait for death.

After finished speaking, the door of the entire meeting room was opened.

They flocked to the spaceship that was already prepared.

It didn't take long for a large number of spacecraft to take off on the ground, preparing for an escape journey.

still guards in front of the TV, some people who hope that something strange happens are completely desperate!

Green Star! That's it!

Those cowards are ready to abandon our home planet!

Glenn, who was still in the conference room, sighed silently, and then launched the final combat instructions.

A fighter plane took off and rushed towards the location of the star whale.

All the long-range missiles were launched. For a time, the entire Green Star sky was full of long tail flames.

and a cluster of aircraft that cover the sky and the sun.

There are more high-altitude attacks in the atmosphere.

All the attacks blasted towards the starry sky whale.

There are some remaining supernatural beings, as well as the descendants of supernatural beings to kill the star whale.

is doing a suicide fight!

But everything, all in vain! The star whale is too strong! Far beyond the perception of the Green Star people! Under a roar, all the resistance was shattered! !

The entire sky is endless fireworks and fly ash.

In addition to two unexpected attacks that caused damage to this monster, humans faced a prepared star whale.

is no different from Zhengzhen Ant, even weaker than the Ant!

Because billions of ants may be able to kill elephants, but billions of humans are unlikely to defeat the star whale! This monster is so powerful that it is far from being able to win by relying on quantity.

In the highest meeting room of the NSFOCUS, it is quiet at this moment, and only Glenn is still there.

At this moment, he has not issued any combat instructions, just quietly watching the monsters on the screen killing them.

Human life is really fragile...

Compared with this monster, the entire Green Star is doomed to perish.

He just watched silently, without the slightest change in expression on his face.

But immediately, his eyes opened wide, staring at the screen.

A monster appeared abruptly on the screen!

"It" seems to appear out of thin air!

"It" slapped the whale-like figure much larger than it!

The huge whale was slapped to the ground.

The entire ground was instantly blasted out of a pit with a depth of at least one kilometer.

The earth was torn apart, and huge swaths of boulders were lifted out of thousands of meters!

The whale-like monster opened its mouth and roared.

Although no sound can be heard, Marshal Glenn knows that this blow will definitely cause huge damage to the whale-like monster!

The monster Glenn who came suddenly was very familiar.

is the one that appeared 100 years ago, with the big sun dragon with flare bullets!

But compared to 100 years ago, this giant dragon seems to be much bigger than the giant whale.

The whole appearance has also changed a lot!

Its body seems to be much stronger, if it gave Glenn a sense of harmony and elegance 100 years ago.

Then it feels strong now!

Before and after comparison, it is like an ordinary person and a strong fitness man.

There is an extra crimson behind it, like a light wheel made up of flames.

It is like a star ring, surrounding the dragon's body, and in the space around it, it is very naturally twisted, everything seems to be the way it should be! Natural and harmonious.

"Really... I didn't expect that... 100 years ago, the two monsters appeared on the green star... But how did it appear?

Mingming hadn't detected any satellites before.

Ha ha... It doesn't matter, the green star will be destroyed anyway, whether it is destroyed by the giant star whale alone or by the battle between the dragon and the star whale.

makes no difference at all. "

General Glenn was a little confused at first, but soon he was relieved, why bother to think so much about the dying person?

He regained his peace and quietly watched everything on the screen.

"It's you!"

The starry sky whale that was smashed into the ground turned its body and looked at the giant dragon that appeared suddenly, extremely angry.

The flare bullet and the spear of steel that it had thought to cause damage to it before were attacks by this guy, but it didn't find Shillong.

Now that Siro appeared, he naturally believed that he had just attacked him!

While looking at the angry starry sky whale, Shillong didn't know what the other party was thinking.

But even if it knew it, it wouldnt care!

Because after 100 years of living on the sun, he has become much stronger than 100 years ago!

This had to make Silom lament the power of the plutonium race.

didn't know whether other plutonium dragons were the same as him.

After 100 years on the sun, his power has surpassed the strength of the thousand-year-old power when he faced the Arcane Empire!

It took 80 years for Shillong to adapt to a pressure of nearly 300 billion times the atmospheric pressure of a blue star in 100 years, and then swallowed the stellar core.

The material there really had a significant effect on Shillong. The fire power and energy in its body were greatly strengthened.

has the effect of accelerating growth.

Of course, this effect is not as good as the increase that consumes the power of faith.

But it is almost 3~4 times as much.

Another thing is that it has changed from a normal dragon to a fitness dragon!

300 billion times the Blue Star atmospheric pressure is no joke!

The dragon muscle on is more developed, and the density and hardness of the body are also greatly improved!

The body has been strengthened in all directions, so that it has reached level 15 in the system evaluation!

Strength far exceeds 100 years ago!

Originally, Shillong wanted to continue living in the sun, but he accidentally discovered that the fat boy, the star beast whale, was actually heading towards the green star.

This forced Shillong to follow him quickly.

After all, the Green Star population is quite large!

Shillong has experienced more worlds than before, more than 8 billion!

This is a lot of power of faith!

How could he give up?

immediately turned into a red gold meteor and followed the starry sky whale.

As for why the starry sky whales and green stars can't be found?

This is naturally because Shillong used the concealment arcane.

The green star cannot understand arcane arts, and the starry sky whale has no ability to see through the illusion. Therefore, there is the scene before him.

"You bastard! Do you want to grab my food again?

unforgivable! I must kill you this time! "

The starry sky whale has been dazzled by the anger, and it has not thought about why the "tight" 100 years of not seeing it, Shillong will have such a big change!

Its angry tail swept towards Shillong!

This tail directly caused a dozen super hurricanes within a radius of tens of kilometers!

The already dilapidated land was once again torn apart by the wind blade and rolled up!

The air is roaring!

Large areas of air are compressed into mercury liquid like mercury! Booming fiercely towards Shillong!

In contrast, Shillong's claws are several times smaller than the star whale!

seems to stand in front of the giant tail casually!

rumbling rumbling~

The terrible roar completely dissipated the dust and mist in a radius of hundreds of kilometers, and the ground sank again under this force.

But the dragon in front of him is still motionless!

"This... how is it possible!" The Star Whale was also startled.

If it were 100 years ago, although the strengths of the two were equal, with their size and first-hand advantage, this blow would be enough to blast the monster in front of you a hundred kilometers away!

But now, what is going on?


The starry sky whale did not want to think about it, and opened its mouth with a roar, and the terrible sound wave hit Shillong at close range!

The surrounding land exploded.

But the strange dragon holding its tail tightly just shook its body, watching it quietly like a okay dragon!

Seeing this, the starry sky whale was even more frightened, but it still didn't want to think too much, just kept roaring with a loud voice.

The roar of this voice is earth-shaking!

roared the whole ground to sink thousands of meters again!

When roared, his throat and eyes were uncomfortable before he stopped.

But the "little" dragon in front of it still looks at it silently...

The gaze seems to say, this is over? I don't feel anything like that.

The Star Whale was a little dumbfounded.

"It's over roaring? Is it my time?"

Silo smiled faintly, very satisfied with his current strength.

Immediately pressed his claws, pinched the starry sky whale's tail and gently lifted it, and then slammed it on the ground!

With Lao's cry, the earth rioted again!

Boom! boom! boom! boom!

Mingming has a huge difference in body shape, but what appeared in front of everyone was a reversal scene!

The huge starry sky whale was caught by the tail of the "little" dragon, smashing the ground frantically.

a radius of hundreds of kilometers, the riots were endless, the rocks were blasted to the sky by a powerful force, and they never fell!

The starry sky whale neighs more!

didn't know how many smashed, the "little" dragon suddenly flicked its forelimbs and threw the huge star whale into the sky!

Dozens of times the speed of sound makes the body of the starry sky whale rub against the air, and large sparks emerge on its surface!

It was quickly thrown out of the atmosphere! Fly to the universe and stars!

All the human beings who were still watching, all stared blankly. This huge whale monster that made humans desperate was actually thrown out of the green star like this?

Green Star, is this rescued?

Still have to face a monster more terrifying than the previous whale monster?

No matter what they thought, Shillong's movements did not stop.

Seeing that the starry sky whale is no longer among the green stars, Shillong doesnt need to be merciful!

He suddenly spread his wings!

then took a deep breath.

All the elements within a hundred li, the airflow is sucked into the lungs.

Its body burned with red golden flames and light.

The flame star ring around the body began to shine.

His belly bulged high, and the golden light flashed in his huge mouth.

Finally, the dragon wings spread out from behind ejected a stream of red gold flames.

leaned back and leaned forward, a torrent of red gold that was surging, as if to burn and tear the world!

It twists the space within a radius of more than ten kilometers, and blasts directly on the whale in the cosmic sky!

The light burst out dozens of times more intense than the sun!

The terrible shock wave directly destroyed everything within thousands, tens of thousands of kilometers!

Whether it is Green Stars satellite equipment or other strategic deployments! All explode into cosmic fireworks!

When the explosion ended, there was nothingness for tens of thousands of kilometers!

Only the starry sky whale still exists. It rolled its stomach, its skin was torn, and its body disappeared by a tenth!

The internal organs are all exposed.

The blue blood is constantly falling!

The humans who watched through other ground equipment are undoubtedly more shocked~wuxiaworld.online~The whale that almost destroyed humans, just died?

But how would this stronger dragon monster deal with humans like them?

The uneasy humans only saw the strange dragon suddenly transform into a red gold meteor, flying towards the cosmic star sea, the "dead" whale monster!

We humans, are we saved?

Is this strange dragon so powerful that it is incomprehensible to leave?

A group of people thought of this, and they yelled in excitement.

And on the chaotic street outside, the big screens that were broadcast in the open air appeared on this scene, so that all the crazy people were quiet and could not help but continue watching.

Even Marshal Glenn, who was extremely stable, was shaking with excitement, and his hands were tightly clasped together.

Humanity, has it really survived this crisis of destruction?

Shillong's speed was very fast. It didn't take long before he flew away from the green star and came to the "corpse" of the star whale floating in the starry sky.

Looking at the starry sky whale in front of him, Siro's eyes flashed with a strange color. This guy, really did not die so easily!

Even if the body has disappeared by a tenth, its concreteness is still absorbing the energy of the starry sky and slowly repairing!

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