With the arrival of Shillong, the body of the starry sky whale shook obviously.

Before Shillong continued to act, the starry sky whale screamed.

Send a signal to Shillong.

"Don't... don't fight! I give up! You are stronger than me! The core of this planet is yours."

There was some fear in the words.

Its huge head, I can't understand how to think about it, but in just 100 years, how the guy who was just like it before did it!

It's a star beast! One of the most noble races in the universe!

How can you not even beat a little dragon? This is not normal at all!

But there is no time to think about this issue.

The most important thing now is to beg for mercy!

As a star beast with a life span of billions of years and almost equivalent to a planet, it does not want to end its life span in a short tens of thousands of years!

"This planet originally belonged to me." Silom said with a flash of eyes.

"..." The Star Whale was taken aback, and then immediately said: "Yes, this planet belongs to you, and we have never encountered it before. I will leave here immediately."

The Star Whale said, swinging its tail, dragging its mutilated body to leave.

But Silom quickly intercepted it in front of it, watching it silently.

A pair of eyes shining like stars made the star whale feel tremendous pressure.

"You...how on earth are you willing to let me go?" The star whale doesn't have much contact with other creatures, but it's not a fool either.

Domineering races like them also have some inherited memories.

"Being my subordinate, I will let you go." Shillon's eyes were fixed on the opponent.

His eyes are full of desire, he wants more and stronger subordinates!

The previous subordinates had extremely limited potential, and it was almost impossible to upgrade to the level of a star whale.

Excluding Sillon himself, his entire legion is actually not too strong.

Take a look at the few planets he encountered after coming out of the Alliance Star.

One is the world of spirits, and there are two in that world that can match the self of a hundred years ago.

Sending out the entire Dragon Empire to conquer is nothing but a dead end.

After the devil world, there are dozens of legends and hundreds of legends, as well as several junior demigods and the first devil king at the advanced demigod level.

In contrast to the force of the Dragon Empire, it was crushed again!

Unless you use the fusion bomb developed by the Empire's Esillon ability.

This weapon has special effects against the devil, and it can completely destroy the enemy.

However, once this weapon is used, the humans on this planet will die with the devil.

Can only pick up a whiteboard planet.

Afterwards, the fantasy world was crushed by the Dragon Empire, but this low-level world should be extremely rare.

Then there is the current world, where the green star is.

The technological strength of this world is pretty good, comparable to the Dragon Empire.

The two sides fight, if the **** is hard, it will definitely hurt both sides. The previous super kinetic energy weapon is enough to directly shoot his current strongest subordinate, Duan Tianhao.

However, if you get the information ahead of time and send people to find out the truth, you can win a good battle.

But then? Face the brutal attack of a star whale.

The Dragon Empire can only play GG again...

Generally speaking, there is too little high-end power.

That's why Shillong had thoughts about the star whale in front of him.

"You want me to be your subordinate..." The Star Whale looked at Shillong hesitantly.

After a long time, he said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Conquer other worlds for me."

"Can't you do it yourself?"

"Only I am too slow."

"it is good."

"Huh?" Silom was a little surprised, so simple?

"But I hope you can promise me one request."

"You said."

"Our star whale clan uses planetary nuclei as food and spends our entire life looking for food and eating.

We generally control this ratio within 1:5 so as not to affect our physical development.

I hope you will not break the tradition of our family. "

Silom looked at the star beast whale and fell silent.

This guy, what do you mean by this?

Work for a hundred years and rest for five hundred years?

Fuck, it's pretty beautiful.

This bastard, do you know what 996 blessing is? He is so lazy?

I really want to invite Teacher Ma from the previous life to communicate with him.

However, the polygraph spell tells Shillong that the other party is telling the truth.

This made Shillong a little embarrassed.

This guy, who is still developing, is still a child. I force child labor like this. Although nobody cares, it doesn't seem to be very good either...

And the other party is still growing...

Looking at the other person's very serious eyes, Shillong fell into deep thought, and after a long time he said seriously:

"Isn't 1:2 OK? My other subordinates are all 996, working 12 hours a day and only taking one day off a week!

And they are extremely conscious! Everyone will automatically work overtime. You have to take 1 rest and 5 days off. Even if you dont sleep that day, its a bit too late, right?"

"Huh?" Xingkong Whale was dumbfounded, thinking about the meaning of the other party's words, and finally said: "No! That will stop my body from growing, and if this happens, our body will collapse!

To be killed by you is to die, and to break down is also to die. You kill me directly! "

At the end, the half-dead fellow became hardened again.

Shillon looked at each other for a long time before nodding.

"All right, it's up to you."

"By the way, my work and rest periods are generally replaced by 10 and 50 years.

Also, I hope that my working hours start from when I stop eating the star core.

My rest time starts from when I start eating.

Halfway because after finishing the work, the time to return to the star core will not be counted during my rest time. Is this okay?"

Shillong's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the words.

"How do you feel familiar with this process."

"There is in the memory of inheritance, it really makes the whale feel ashamed!

I thought I would never encounter such a thing...

The world is really unpredictable. "The starry sky whale's whale face was full of sorrow.

I looked at Shillong on one side for a moment.

"I agree, but I have to make a mark on you, otherwise I dont know where you are going. By the way, if you are looking for food in the starry sky and come across a planet with life, dont attack, you can tell I.

Every time one is found, you will be given a 10-year holiday. "Siron said.

"Oh?" The starry sky whale's eyes lit up, and then he nodded hard.

Shillon talked nonsense with it for a while, and this guy had recovered a little and a half.

Stretching out his sharp claws, Shillong carved a mark on the opponent's body

A square word!

It is perfectly engraved on the opponent's forehead, which contains the magical power of Shillong and the power of faith. Without the destruction of strong external forces, it is enough to guarantee immortality for thousands of years.

Then, Shillong portrayed the portal again, and temporarily left the plane with the star whale.

The humans on the green star were madly happy when they saw the giant dragon that appeared suddenly took away the giant whale that almost destroyed the world.

One by one shouted loudly, and the happy people kept crying.

Green Star is saved! Speeches like the dragon savior are flying everywhere.

But after being happy, some people fell into distress.

This time the giant whale invaded, the level of Green Star's civilization has gone backwards a hundred years!

Six to 70 million have been wiped out by giant whales.

About 10 million people fled by spacecraft.

Because the Green Star was thought to be dead, it caused a riot, and more people died! Over 100 million!

These rioters were liquidated in the future, which was another catastrophe.

More than a dozen cities have been destroyed!

The entire Green Star is waiting to be thriving.

Marshal Glenn wanted to restore order at least for several years.

Regardless of the Green Star Human.

Shillong returned to the NSFOCUS planet with the starry sky whale, and the appearance of the two monsters naturally made some people happy and worried.

Rejoicing, naturally it is the dog-licking group headed by brain demon.

After seeing Shillong, this guy cried out with a wow, and ran to the front and cried out holding Shillong's thigh.

I kept talking about the pain I missed Shillong, and thought I was abandoned, etc...

But the worry is naturally Duan Tianhao.

This guy had been floating since Shillong hadn't appeared for a hundred years.

In the following decades, it was even believed that Shillong might have been killed by certain gods in other planes.

Everyday life is extremely joyful.

He felt that no one was finally pressing on his head.

No one can rob his own body.

In the last ten years, he even had the ambition to dominate the world.

A lot of people were formed secretly.

Just when they were about to launch a coup in a while, Duan Tianhao found that his nightmare had appeared again!

This made him tremble constantly after seeing Shillong.

This kind of anomaly can't be concealed from Silom. He just watched Duan Tianhao silently. It seems that in the future, let his subordinates expedition to alien planes, let Duan Tianhao these betrayers be the vanguard...

After 100 years, the strength of these guys has improved a lot.

Among all the people, Duan Tianhao is the strongest, he has already advanced to the demigod level, and among the demigods, he also belongs to the middle level.

After all, it was a real dragon that mutated toward him.

The strength of the others is a little less, but they are only about 7 in the beginning.

In the Dragon Empire, the total number of the three planes has reached more than 20 billion!

The three planets divide these humans equally, and the population is already very crowded. Although after 100 years of development, the empire has the navigation technology to leave the solar system, but they have not found other planets that can allow life to survive.

As for exploring other dimensional planes?

Without Shillong's permission, they would not dare.

However, although the population of 20 billion people is a lot, because Shillong has not appeared in 100 years, faith has been thinned a lot, much less than the acquisition of faith 100 years ago.

For this reason, Shillong began to emerge in the three worlds and re-established his beliefs.

He uses the power of faith to heal injuries and improve his strength for those who have accumulated a lot of points.

For this reason, nearly 10 billion beliefs have been consumed!

However, after those 100 years, his belief at this time is still 100 billion.

In fact, if calculated according to more than 4 million per day before sun exercise, there should be more than 150 billion.

But 100 years of no show, let the faith fade away.

It's been three years since I've done it all. At this time, my faith is solid again, and Shillong's daily income has reached 8 million!

At this time, Shillong's Dragon Empire had kyanite, and the demonization and the supply of kyanite had greatly improved the strength of the entire empire.

He began to let these people try to open the door of the plane by themselves and conquer.

Of course, Shillong won't make a move this time, and Star Whale, Shillong didn't want it to make a move either.

After all, it is a pit cargo that does 1 rest and 5 days.

It is not a conventional combat force.

After the Dragon Empire lost its power in the two major battles, it became more difficult to find a target for conquest.

Let the condemned person wear a spacesuit to explore the way first.

After finding a suitable target plane, record the coordinates.

Then dispatched people proficient in invisibility and transformation to conduct a three-year internal investigation.

Then non-stop began to open the next portal, continue to test.

Twenty effective plane coordinates were found in a row.

Among them, 8 points were discovered when the dragon empires people had just stepped into the opposite plane.

Then it was counter-invaded.

Of these 8 planes, among the anti-invaders, the combined anti-invasion strength of the 7 planes is no more than a legend.

The brain demon who was waiting at the portal easily took it down and pressed for interrogation.

The last one has a demigod existence.

After fighting fiercely with the brain demon and others for a long time, Siro saw that he could not get it, so he personally slapped the demigod to death.

The rest pressed down for interrogation.

Of course, although these anti-invaders are not strong, it cannot be concluded that their planes are weak.

After all, the anti-invaders were just a group of people who were lucky enough to find this plane portal.

It's just the tip of the iceberg on that plane.

With 20 plane coordinates, Shillong stopped the plane exploration.

Then began to interrogate the prisoners of the 8 planes.

From it, the Dragon Empire found that 2 of these 8 empires belonged to level 1 and level 2 civilizations.

4 are in level 3 civilization.

The last two are in level 4 civilization.

Well, here is the civilization level, this is the latest setting by Shillong and those experts for the convenience of conquering.

Level 1 civilization is like a blue star in ancient times, without any extraordinary and technological power.

This kind of civilization, a level 10 profession, is invincible for them.

Level 2 civilization is the Western fantasy world conquered by the Dragon Empire.

Has a very low degree of mystery, or equivalent to the level of non-nuclear during the Second World War.

At this level, just sending a few legends is enough to easily conquer.

Level 3 civilization is the previous Alliance Star and Green Star. The planet with the devil is also in this class~wuxiaworld.online~ This level is enough to compete with the Dragon Empire. Of course, it is still conquered. Their fate.

On the other hand, level 4 is a monster with a demigod or higher. For example, the world of spirits has two, and the star whale is also a monster of this level.

Just one head is enough to destroy the Dragon Empire without Shillong!

Shillon didn't know if this monster was a god.

Is it a weak god? Or is it a false god?

Level 4 civilization is the existence that the Dragon Empire will not provoke for the time being.

Level 5 includes level 5 and above, which represents incomprehensible power, there is a true **** in it, or the technology has reached the level of annihilation that they cannot understand.

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