Two level 4 civilizations gave up directly, and level 3 civilization sent people into it quietly to explore the possible intelligence of launching a war and create a war advantage.

Level 1~2, don't need to talk nonsense, just send an army to suppress the border.

Generally speaking, the journey of conquering the alien planes is still feasible.

Siro was ready to continue to sleep.

The 100-year-old team that has been researching growth science has also achieved a lot of results, turning 1:12 into 1:14.

can take 11 years and grow for 38 years.

However, Shillong did not fall asleep immediately, but returned to Green Star.

Those Green Stars, seeing that the two World Exterminating Beasts had been gone for two years, they all thought they were safe.

Many high-level elites who fled have also returned to Green Star.

But they never dreamed that Shillon would kill another carbine.

With an absolutely invincible posture, he asked the senior leaders of Green Star to surrender.

And because Green Star has passed the ravages of the Starry Whale, it knew that it could not resist the existence of Shillong, which is stronger than the Starry Whale, and succeeded without encountering much resistance.

There are about 5 billion people in the entire Green Star.

After displaying the flickering power of the Lord of Dawn, Silom conquered a large group of human beings whose hearts were empty because of the great destruction.

They believe in Shillong as the true god.

After all, on the basis of showing his power, a few years ago, he was the dragon "hero" who prevented the starry sky whale from extinction!

This is a natural big advantage.

The whole process went smoothly beyond Shillong's expectations.

For this reason, his daily income of faith has even reached 7 million!

Then Shillong flew to the stars to continue exercising.

With his speed in the universe at this time, it is already as high as 60 times the speed of sound.

A voyage of more than 100 million kilometers can be achieved in only 2 months.

Siro had already told the brain demon and others that he would only show up once every hundred years.

We want them to do a good job in propaganda and teaching of a firm belief.

has been staying in the stars to exercise, and Sillon, which absorbs the energy of the stars, is undoubtedly a big hazard to the stars.

is continuously reducing the life span of stars.

His essence is the same as those star beasts. The only difference is that one is the nucleus of the planetary star and the other is the stellar nucleus.

However, the star beast absorbs the star core, causing the planet to die out very quickly.

Taking the starry sky whale as a young whale, the conversion rate of this rapid death is about 1:100,000.

A green star with 1 billion lives, if it is stared at by a star whale.

Then its actual life span is only 10,000 years!

And in these 10,000 years, because the starry sky whales will open holes on the planet when they swallow the crust, and the leaked energy.

For various reasons, within a few years, the green star will cause a lot of changes, which may lead to a partial reduction in the number of humans.

Every few years and decades thereafter, Green Stars environment will change drastically, and those who cannot adapt will be gradually eliminated.

As a plutonium, Shillong is also a great damage to the star, but it is not as great as the star beast.

After all, the energy of a star is not comparable to that of a planet.

But it is equally scary, the ratio of the lifespan of stars is about 1:10000.

This degree of extraction will cool the star every one hundred years, thereby reducing the global climate of the Green Star.

But this is actually not obvious. Shillong combined with Green Star's information and asked Dora Zhinao. In a hundred years, the temperature in the oasis will only drop by about 0.3 degrees.

Although it lasted long enough to kill the Green Star people.

But the Shillong Dragon Empire has a population of 25 billion!

Territories with several planes can be explored.

Before the star ends, is it impossible to find a new planet for them?

Obviously, there is no need to worry.

The next 100 years have passed.

Shillong's body length has exceeded kilometers.

Belief points have become more than 400 billion. It can be seen that this journey of conquest should be pretty good.

returned to Alliance Star again, got in touch with the brain demon, and got a general understanding of the situation.

realized that plane conquering was not as simple as he thought.

More than 60 years ago, the brain devils encountered an invisible monster while attacking a level 2 fantasy plane!

The dragon empire was already in a horizontal push in this world, but immediately after conquering the world, this monster appeared!

In front of the 10,000 troops of the Dragon Empire!

The invisible power swept across, and the people of the Dragon Empire were torn, crushed, and flew.

In the face of this situation, the people of the Dragon Empire launched a counterattack after the initial panic, but it was useless at all. All attacks could not enter the opponent's body.

The invisible force twists everything, whether it is a technological weapon or a magic attack, some are directed in other directions, and some are directly bounced back.

The dragon empire was directly defeated and hurriedly fled back to the Alliance Star. Fortunately, the opponent did not continue to pursue it, so the matter was over.

But there was another accident when he was fighting with a level 1 civilization.

After conquering the natives there, a group of self-proclaimed gods sprang up there, directly destroying the conquering army.

Then counter-invade the alliance planet.

These guys naturally don't have the strength of a true god, but they also have the strength of a demigod, and the strongest one belongs to the peak demigod.

Brain Demon, Duan Tianhao and other demigods could not resist either.

Until then, everyone found the star whale.

This guy shouted several intruders to death, and the anti-invasion was over.

After being counter-invaded this time, Alliance Stars lost a lot, and the number of people killed was at least several million.

There are also the victims of those expeditions to alien planes.

Silom all connected them to the plane of Dora.

Dora is a magical plane of illusion.

It can connect with any plane.

As long as it takes a little bit of time, even the soldiers of the Dragon Empire who died on a different plane will not dissipate their souls after death, but will enter the plane of Dora.

Now the plane of Dora has a faint feeling of the kingdom of Shillong.

In fact, he felt that the kingdom of God was not necessary at all.

That is the tortoise shell of the gods.

However, its ability to attract believers is indeed very good, and only this ability makes Shillong pay more attention to it.

For these people, Shillong will naturally not be stingy with rewards.

The 100 Years' War, to appease the families of dead soldiers, and the rewards after the victory of the war, made Shillong directly cost nearly 100 billion faith!

It dares to say that few other gods dare to play like this.

If it hadn't had a lot of demonized people supporting its faith, it felt like it would be struggling to make ends meet!

This also lets Shillon know that certain "weak" gods are not easy.

Maybe they have a lot of alien planes, but because of the doctrine, and the lack of rewards and punishments, this may make them millions, tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, inferior to those new gods suitable for mission...

This has to be said to be a sad story.

Twenty plane gates, in the end, only three failed to explore successfully. After 17 planes were added, the population of the Dragon Empire expanded to 100 billion level!

The power of faith is as high as 30 million per day!

The remaining three planes, two of which are at least level 4, Shillong's Dragon Empire really may not be able to deal with it, even if it is dealt with, it will cause immeasurable damage to the enemy's entire civilization.

In the end, it may be nothing more than an empty planetary shell.

already has 21 planes, and the technology has developed enough to explore the dragon empire outside the solar system. There is no shortage of living space. Therefore, the dragon empire still has no intention of moving these two lowest level 4 civilizations.

He directly opened the strange level 2 plane portal with invisible monsters.


Silom entered the portal of the plane and appeared on an uninhabited mountain passage.

Then his body slowly rose into the air.

Binoculars shrink like needles, quickly scanning everything on the entire plane.

The whole world belongs to the Tianyuan place type.

I have to say that in the planes of Shillong's battle, each plane is divided into two forms.

One is the universe of stars, like the solar system, with a larger cosmic sky outside, with different overall sizes, but up to now, Shillong has encountered the largest, but there are only hundreds of star systems, far less terrifying than the previous blue stars!

There is also a strange plane in the Tianyuan area.

The whole earth has an end. The sun high in the sky is not an ordinary star, but a kind of glowing planet closer to the earth.

The entire universe is like a gate, and it is small and pitiful compared to the universe and stars.

Among them, the plane with the devil that Shillong encountered before, and the fantasy plane with extremely weak force, and the current plane, all belong to the Tianyuan local plane, as if being locked in a box.

Silom flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and he saw everything in the whole world.

There are nobles dancing slowly, poor clothes, hungry and cold, and knights who are chasing their limits and constantly challenging themselves.

The combat power of the whole world is indeed not strong. Shillon watched for a long time, and the strongest thing he saw was a swordsman who could instantly cut a tree about one meter in diameter.

He searched for a long time and finally found an anomaly in a valley hundreds of kilometers away.

The light there was slightly distorted, a monster with a huge head and a tall tree was suddenly swallowed by an invisible mouth.

This is indeed a real transparent monster.

After a few meters of monsters entered the monsters mouth, they were swallowed and entered the stomach pouch. Because its body was completely transparent, those monsters would float in mid-air strangely when swallowed.

But immediately, under the action of a strange energy, the monster will be quickly decomposed and disappear without a trace.

Siro's eyes carefully looked at the opponent, using the twisted light as the boundary, and carefully sketching the opponent's appearance in his mind. Finally, a monster with a body length of nearly a kilometer suddenly appeared in his mind!

The appearance of this monster is a strange dragon!

At the same time, when Shillon was looking at the opponent, Shillong felt that the opponent seemed to be watching it as well.

smiled slightly, he directly showed his true body!

A dragon larger than the invisible monster appeared in the air!

This dragon is definitely more than a kilometer from beginning to end! The wings spread out are enough to cover the mountain! Reached the level of 1400 meters!

Even at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The humans on the ground can still see clearly.

For the pitch-black dragon that suddenly appeared in the sky, everyone who saw him fell into a deep panic.

They couldn't imagine why such a terrifying monster appeared in this world.

The whole world is in chaos at this moment.

Silom condensed his breath and floated towards the invisible dragon.

has been in the sky above the opponent, and Siro said: "Friend, you blocked the way to conquer my dragon empire."

The tone of his speech is fairly friendly. After all, as a similar person, he will not act without knowing the other party's origin.

Maybe it is a believer in the old dragon of Bahamut?

Didn't that beat your own dragon?

"Evil plutonium dragon! Have you finally extended your claws to this innocent world? Those monsters with evil powers decades ago are your servants?"

The invisible dragon also spoke, his voice sounded quite old.

"?" Xilong raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled helplessly: "Friend, do you know the **** of good dragons, Bahamut?"

"Platinum Dragon God, Lord of the North Wind, King of Good Dragons, I travel through endless planes, and have heard of this name." The invisible dragon said.

"I think there must be some misunderstanding between us. I am Sylon Soderberg. Although I am a plutonium dragon, I am a good metal dragon who believes in His Majesty Bahamut."

"..." The invisible dragon heard the words, and was slightly silent. It seemed to be looking at Shillong, and then said for a long time: "Evil and cunning plutonium dragon, you must not deceive me to live in seclusion here for a long time, even right and wrong. Regardless of.

You who only invaded this plane decades ago, actually claim to be a believer in the King of Good Dragons? Please don't make such a joke, it's not funny at all. "

"I just want to bring new life to this world. People in the world who are still in the backward and ignorant period are not living well.

Since you said you have been here for many years~wuxiaworld.online~, haven't you seen the essence of this world?

The aristocratic luxury is endless, the civilians are hungry and cold, starved to death, sick to death, countless.

If this kind of world falls under my rule, although everyone cannot be luxuriously enjoyed, no one will starve to death or freeze to death.

You said that you have traveled through the endless plane, then you must have seen the technological plane, the mature technological plane, how do they rule? Still use me? "Siron said.

"..." The invisible dragon was silent again for a while before saying: "Everything in the world follows a natural path. This is a matter of their plane. As a foreign creature, you should not interfere and conquer. they."

"Foreign creatures? Shouldn't you intervene? You are really arrogant." Silom smiled disdainfully.

"I just saw it. You swallowed several monsters that originally lived here. Those monsters also have life, but they were eaten by you, a foreign creature. Don't you think you are evil and arrogant?

What right do you have to accuse me of doing so? What about me who is willing to bring peace and progress to this world? "

The invisible dragon is even more silent. This plutonium dragon is right. He is arrogant. In his eyes, all creatures on this plane are just a group of lowly inferior creatures, like ants, both life and death. Meaningless.

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