There has always been a layer of invisible power on this giant dragon to protect itself, which greatly reduces the damage he receives.

This guy, in terms of defense alone, far surpasses the star whale that Shillong encountered before, and is a very powerful dragon.

Shillong estimated that it would be difficult to kill this dragon without using his true skills. It is definitely a dragon of the same level as the star whale or even stronger.

This is mainly because the dragon is too old. How can the "little guy" whose whale's birth does not exceed 100,000 can be compared with the life span of thousands of years?

Siro didn't actually want to kill the opponent. After being beaten for a while, he stopped his claws looking at the other side with scars.

"Do you want to continue to stop me? Dear Mr. Invisible Dragon."

Shillong mocked.

The invisible dragon did not answer, he was panting heavily, and the white air current was particularly obvious in the dusty pit.

"To be honest, I don't want to kill you. You are a good dragon talent. It's a shame to die like this." Silom sighed.

"You don't want to kill me?" The invisible dragon sneered: "You don't want to kill me, you beat me so hard? Change to other creatures, you have long been smashed into flesh!"

His leader looked around: "I remember you said before that it will bring changes to this world and make ordinary humans live better, but now you look at this land, the entire Belfa Empire has been destroyed by you!

The death toll is definitely in the tens of millions, and the plutonium dragon is indeed synonymous with evil and powerful..."

"..." Xilong was shocked when he heard the words, and after looking around, he was a little surprised, he took a breath and said: "This...how does it happen if one doesn't pay attention... Alas, the ground is too weak. Human beings are really too fragile."

He sighed, and then explained: "If I said, I didn't mean it, would you believe it?"

"What do you think?" The invisible dragon's tone was mocking.

"Facts have proved that with your strength, you can't stop me at all. If it weren't for me to show favor, you would be dead.

I am not interested in the agreement between you and the ants, but you are a dragon talent. I can give you a chance to join my empire and I will let the world go.

Those who have died, I will use my supernatural power to resurrect them. "

"Want me to be your evil minion?"

"No! A partner of justice! Do you still want to reject me?

Obviously can't stop me, the more you try to stop me, the more harm the world will suffer.

You know, I didn't really move at all just now.

If you want the whole world to be destroyed because of you, then continue to resist.

I don't care, although it is against the justice in my heart.

But I am a flexible dragon. It is inevitable to sacrifice a small number of people for the benefit of most people. Shillong explained.

The invisible dragon is silent.

"As I said before, joining my army will give up this world.

Of course, I will not restrict your freedom forever, as long as a thousand years, I will return your freedom.

is fair, right?

For you who have lived for thousands of years, a thousand years is nothing at all.

In this way, you have completed an agreement with a certain ant. "

The invisible dragon was still silent, and it took a long time before he said: "Okay, I promise you."

In his long life as a dragon, there are very few things he cares about, and things he wants to accomplish.

Keeping promises is precisely one of the very important virtues and self-discipline.

With a thousand years of time, not only can the task of guarding this world be completed, but also the promise with this plutonium dragon can be completed.

The invisible dragon feels that he is not losing.

As for becoming an evil minion?

Actually, it doesn't matter at all, he is not a good dragon himself.

Even if it is to destroy the world, he has not never done it.

But he never felt that he was evil.

What he destroyed were all evil creatures, he was a neutral dragon, he thought so.

Well, if you compare it with Pulong, then he should be a great dragon.

Shillong was a little surprised at the invisible dragon who had suddenly agreed, but quickly figured it out.

He used the power of more than 100 million beliefs to resurrect the unlucky ones who died in the aftermath. Of course, some people were still crushed under the houses and the unlucky ones who fell in the cracks of the ground.

Even if he is resurrected, if he is not saved in time, he will experience a second death.

The entire Belfa Empire has already suffered heavy losses, and it is difficult to escape the fate of being annexed.

As for the whole world, all countries in the world can't understand the misery of the Belfa Empire.

can't imagine what kind of natural disasters this country has encountered.

Until the hundreds of riders who resurrected from that, they knew the "truth".

The entire Belfa Empire was not destroyed by natural disasters.

was destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the two gods!

A **** is a giant dragon with a body of more than one thousand meters with golden light in the darkness.

The other is an invisible, appearanceless god.

The two are at war, even if they have been transported by the invisible **** to more than a hundred kilometers away, they are still killed by the aftermath!

This horrible fact makes the entire world feel that they are small and shocked by the power of the gods.

This has allowed some people in this world to spontaneously form a church that believes in two gods.

The invisible **** of kindness.

and destroy everything, the dark ruler dragon.

In these two churches, the believers of the invisible and invisible God far surpass the dragon of the dark ruler.

want to ask why?

Because from the mouth of Baiqi, the invisible and invisible **** is kind. He saved the knights and defeated the dragon that ruled the darkness.

what? You ask them clearly dead, how do they know that the invisible and invisible **** defeated the dragon of the Dark Lord?

Isnt it inevitable that justice triumphs over evil?

They must have been resurrected by the invisible god!

If the kind, invisible and formless **** loses to the dragon of the Dark Lord, then this world must have been destroyed, right?

Because of this, the invisible **** has become the state religion that most people in the world believe in.

All those who believe in Shillong have some mental problems, thinking about destroying the world, avenging the society, and trying to "resurrect" his neurosis!

Well, in the follow-up mythology, the Dark Lord Dragon is said to be a dark evil dragon that wants to destroy the world. Because of defeat, it has been killed, but the **** is immortal, so it needs to be resurrected through certain evil rituals. Wait.....

has become an excuse tool for people with sinister intentions.

Shillong, who had left this world, turned into a dumbfounded expression when he discovered that there was still such a group of nerves worshiping him.

I really want to go back and destroy them directly, but considering the agreement with the invisible dragon, he can only let him give up this idea.

Returning to his own plane, Shillong introduced the invisible dragon to the brain demon and others.

And the real race of this guy, Shillong has already learned about it.

is the power dragon, one of the three legendary dragon species in the main material world.

This is an ancient power dragon that is growing fast and approaching its limit.

The strength is indeed tyrannical, but compared with the time dragon, which is also the three legendary dragons, there is a huge gap.

The time dragon species has already transcended the boundaries of the legendary species, and it is not worse than many gods and evil creatures.

With this old power dragon, and the cheating star whale who did 1 and 5 in the Dragon Empire, Shillong was relieved.

In the next time, the Dragon Empire continues their path of conquest.

and Siro continued his training road.

1~3 level civilization, the dragon empire can already be easily pushed.

At level 4, you can fight with the old power dragon, but it is not necessary.

The Dragon Empire grew rapidly under this tone.

In the first 100 years, the occupied planes have expanded from 21 to about 200.

The expansion speed can be described as fast.

Of course, this kind of expansion is not smooth, there are too many planes that look like low-level worlds, and they have exploded power far exceeding their upper limit of strength.

Some resisted for a while before being conquered by the Dragon Empire, while others resisted stubbornly.

The internal calculation of the Dragon Empire requires that the cost is higher than the harvest after the conquest, so it will naturally give up directly.

The first one hundred years, overall it went well.

Then is the second hundred years.

The Dragon Empire has encountered a hard stubble, which is a plane with what they call a saint.

The Empire of Dragon opened that plane and encountered one of the saints with great misfortune.

This is an extremely powerful existence that can mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

When the sage was fighting against the invasion, he fought against the old power dragon. As a result, he used the time as an exploration, and there was almost no ordinary human plane destroyed!

The old power dragon fought the opponent for more than 20 days, and waited until the star whale appeared before it was considered to suppress the opponent.

was also escaped back to the original plane by the opponent.

After weighing the benefits, the Dragon Empire directly abandoned this small plane.

At this time, the number of Dragon Empire planes has exceeded 10,000.

After continue to fight.

But what I didn't expect was that the saint plane actually launched a new plane where the dragon empire would continue to prepare for battle after the withdrawal of the Dragon Empire!

A battle continued after decades.

But at this time, there were nine saints on the saint plane.

Naturally, it was not the Dragon Empire that could resist, and in the end, the brain demon contacted Dora Zhinao.

And Zhi Nao contacted Shillong.

Shillong at this time has gone through more than 200 years of growth!

Over the past 200 years, some people have used the power of faith to fall asleep!

Because of the growth discipline, the number of scientific research teams has been increasing, and the growth of Shillong has become 1:17.

There is also an increase in planes, and his daily income of faith has also increased sharply!

Although the quality has declined, the quantity is horrible.

In this case, Shillong's strength has grown to an extremely terrifying level!

The true strength may be enough to compare to the plutonium dragon that has grown naturally for 2 to 3000 years.

body length is almost close to the extent of a star whale!

The speed of flight in the starry sky of the universe is almost terrifying! Reached close to 150 times the speed of sound!

Such a terrifying Silom appeared in front of the sages, and the 9 sages attacked him very indifferently.

But in the end, these guys were all beaten by Shillong!

Thats right, 15 saints who were slightly weaker than the Star Whale for the last time, and the strongest who were able to beat two by one, were beaten by a dragon from Shillong!

was beaten to doubt life.

Siro wanted to subdue them, but there were always a few hard bones, the first one was pinched to death by Siro.

The saints still dont follow.

The second one was directly swallowed by Silom!

The saints are a group of non-human creatures, a very special energy body, and Shillong is not disgusted.

found that the taste was good, and swallowed the pinched one.

After , some of the saints were finally afraid.

They chose to surrender, and for this reason, Shillong's Dragon Empire added 7 more advanced combat powers.

But there is absolutely a problem with the loyalty of these people, Shillong will not reuse them, only treat them as thugs.

and let them be the vanguard of the battle.

With these 7 saints, the strength of the Dragon Empire will naturally increase again.

Level 4 civilization has also been included in the scope of war.

Among the level 4 civilizations, there are already very powerful technological civilizations.

can provide a lot of help to the technology of the Dragon Empire.

After more than 200 years have passed, the Dragon Empire has encountered another dimensional legion whose purpose is to conquer the plane.

They call themselves the Nightmare Army.

The strength of the entire army is extremely strong. After a battle with the Dragon Empire, they recognized each other's strength, and finally nothing came of it.

Continue to explore other infinite dimensions.

After all, everyone is smart, and the dimension is approximately infinite. It is not because of insufficient resources. Naturally, there is no need to die.

So until fifty thousand years after the elder Li Nenglong is over...

At this time, the old Li Neng dragon did not leave as he did at the beginning. Instead, he lived in the empire. However, it was already in a retired state and basically no longer played in battle. The Dragon Empire did not persecute him.

The Dragon Empire has developed into a huge empire that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

The total number of conquered planes reached more than 5 million!

The total population is too large to count!

In fact, if calculated according to the initial increase rate, the number of planes occupied at this time will definitely be in the tens of millions, or even over 100 million.

But unfortunately the ~wuxiaworld.online~ plan can never keep up with changes.

Because of the increase in planes, the Dragon Empire has encountered more and more troubles.

The most important thing is that the super-high-end combat power that the Dragon Empire can use to open up the plane is actually not much, and the combat power like the Star Whale, even if ten thousand years have passed, is only a hundred.

This greatly delayed the progress of the conquest.

There are still some problems. For example, their empire has encountered many travelers from other planes.

The strength of these guys is also legendary at last, and the strongest is even more than that of the Starry Sky Whale, and Shillong must take the shot himself.

They are not some peaceful masters, they often bring orderly destruction to the empire, which leads to conflicts.

The dragon empire is huge, but it is impossible for all planes to develop as powerful.

Like ordinary countries, some are particularly strong and developed, while some empires have gradually settled down and developed slowly after solving food and clothing, housing, and life safety.

Even in order to maintain the rule of these backward areas, the empire issued some technological side armor for them.

As long as these armors are worn, even if it is a dwarf, the goblin can have combat power above level 15!

Of course, there are still some armors that have legendary combat power when worn, but there is only one remote plane of this kind of armor.

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