Remember in one second

And the person who has the legendary armor can only be the person in charge of that plane.

Although the strength is good, the outcome of the legend is still unknown.

Once war starts, it will inevitably cause damage to the plane.

And if it is a demigod, many small planes cannot withstand their destruction.

Among them, the plane-traversers who are particularly irritable are going to destroy the world!

According to statistics, the number of planes where the Dragon Empire has been destroyed by these plane travelers has exceeded 1,000!

Because of their arrival, the people who have suffered setbacks and troubles are even closer to 10,000!

Moreover, governance and management also need to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to cultivate their loyalty and so on.

These all take time to digest slowly.

There are also level 4 civilizations that are not lucky enough to encounter. The opponent is not weak, only the strongest main force can fight.

The opposing side's territory is also numerous, too long the front line will greatly increase the war time.

The dragon empire may even take years or even decades to conquer certain planes.

It is precisely because of so many problems that the Dragon Empire has developed into what it is now in more than 50,000 years. Although it cannot keep up with the initial plan, it is actually extremely incredible in the eyes of the master material plane gods who know how to do it. Miracle.

The most important of these is Shillong, his strength is the main key to guarantee victory!

The improvement of strength is like there is no valve, almost unlimited upward growth.

Straightforwardly confused one of the pseudo-god-level powerhouses who had dealt with other plutonium dragons, that is, the star-sky whale-level powerhouse.

The other party even suspected that Shillong was not a plutonium dragon at all!

At least not a normal plutonium dragon!

Because the average plutonium dragon is not as exaggerated as he is!

The upper limit of the plutonium dragon's power is right, but they also need to grow through countless years. How can Shillong be like this? Almost every 100 years, the strength will increase by a lot!

Compared with the gods of the main material world, Siro was undoubtedly sitting on a rocket and hanging around.

Most of those sad gods used the incarnations of gods when spreading their beliefs. Few of them dared to send out their real bodies.

Because they left the Kingdom of God, their combat power would be greatly reduced, and at the same time, they were afraid that the enemy gods would attack them. The efficiency was naturally slow, and it took a huge amount of time to build.

At this time, Shillong was already extremely rich. Forty thousand years ago, his income from faith was enough to support him in the accelerated growth of the power of faith every day.

In addition to rewarding the dragon empire after waking up every 100 years at the beginning, and changing it to once every thousand years 40,000 years ago, he will only wake up when the situation of the battle is very anxious.

But after these fifty thousand years, the Dragon Empire encountered a stunned legion that looked like a plaster.

They are also behemoths in countless dimensions, conquering things!

Its name-Burning Legion!

This is a weird army of iron-headed children, famous for their hard heads.

After fighting with the Dragon Empire for a few years, the Dragon Empire realized the strength of the other side, and wanted to go back to each house and find each mother.

But unexpectedly, this group of iron-headed children didn't give a chance at all, and didn't mean to want a truce, catching the dragon empire and smashing to death.

Let the Dragon Empire give up one plane after another, until after giving up hundreds of them, the dragon empire's senior leaders were aroused to anger.

The two sides started a formal fight!

It's different from the previous "small fight"!

Dragon Empire, numbered plane j10464, in the universe and stars.

This is a fairly vast universe.

The size of the entire universe is about one hundred star systems.

But at this time it seems a bit crowded!

Each star system occupies a large number of troops, calculated in hundreds of billions!

A warship of several kilometers, or even dozens of kilometers, traverses the stars and seas of the universe. On their shells, there is an image of a black dragon spreading its wings.

These warships are full of technological sense, shimmering with bright silver metallic luster.

There are also battle groups wearing battle armor, driving mechs, and fighter jets nearby.

There are even more monsters and humans without any protection, standing in the starry sky.

The head is a human-like "monster" with a big head and armor.

Around it is a fiery red dragon, a giant whale close to three kilometers in length, and other strange-looking creatures.

The big head, needless to say, is the brain demon 50,000 years later.

This guy has gone through 50,000 years, and his strength has not broken through the demigod.

Duan Tianhao next to him is the same, still just the pinnacle among the demigods.

There is a huge gap between demigods and false gods, which everyone in the Dragon Empire knows.

It is impossible to break through without a strong bloodline and countless hours.

Otherwise, Saffron, who had lived in **** for hundreds of thousands of years, would not remain just a demigod.

In fact, Shillong originally wanted to use the power of faith to improve their strength, but unfortunately, the power of faith could not act on the demigods, allowing them to break through the false gods.

The power of Dora's Godhead really has its limits.

According to Sillon's knowledge of some false gods, the strength of false gods is basically equal to the strength of those weakest true gods, leaving the kingdom of God, which is a qualitative leap forward.

But as the main thing

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The gods of the qualitative plane, in the kingdom of God and not in the kingdom of God, their combat power is extremely extreme.

Those turtle-like gods are too scared to die!

However, the brain demon and others are undoubtedly lucky, they have the giant dragon empire behind as a resource point.

At this time, they were all wearing the most advanced armor of the empire, the armor of pseudo-gods developed at the expense of several planetary resources.

The strength has naturally reached the level of a false god!

On the other side, there are monster-like warships.

Like big carrots, mysterious and strange power entangles from the battleship, allowing it to be free in the universe and stars.

A pattern of burning flames was tattooed on the ship.

Surrounded by countless demon monsters like locusts.

The heights of these demons range from less than one meter to more than one kilometer.

They all wore a set of bizarre creature armors, like an octopus lying on their bodies.

Darkness is strong.

The leader is a tall demon with a height of nearly 10,000 meters and double horns above his head, surrounded by the flames of the dark hell!

A pair of bat wings obscured the sky and sun, easily shielding a battleship underneath.

In his hand, a burning giant sword that is more than six kilometers long is terrifying.

The starry sky and the universe are burning all over it!

"Stupid Burning Legion! Your scorching force is just a quick shortcut to destruction!

Take the benevolence of the great dragon empire as cowardice, today! Your Burning Legion will die here! "

At the forefront of the Dragon Empire, the brain demon in battle armor spoke out.

The strange sound is like ripples, spreading rapidly.

Let the demon army from a thousand kilometers away hear clearly.

"Funny! The Dragon Empire is just another corpse that fell at the feet of our Burning Legion. Like your empire, our Burning Legion has already destroyed hundreds!"

The huge demon headed by the Burning Legion laughed. His laughter contained strange power, allowing the sound to spread quickly across the stars in the universe.

The stars and seas in the universe hundreds of kilometers around shook slightly.

"Humble Burning Legion! You don't understand what kind of enemy you are fighting!

Our lord Sylon Soderberg is the true dragon **** of endless planes, and the greatest dragon king representing the eternal star of the universe!

When he wakes up, everything in the world will tremble under his dragon wings! Live along! Reverse death!

Feel the despair and fear for the ignorance that you dare to provoke the Dragon Empire! "The brain demon shouted.

"Hahahahaha!" Wanmi's demon's crazy laugh space shook incessantly.

"Ignorant mortals! With your barren heads, it is impossible to understand the greatness of the Burning Legion!

The only true god? Sillon Soderberg? Ridiculous! In front of Sacras, the ruler of the Burning Legion, the gods are just a bunch of beasts that can be killed!

You don't even need to dominate the shot! The right arm of the master-me! Galakrond is enough to destroy your god! Your civilization!

Roar! "At the end, the huge demon Galakrond roared.

The endless demons behind him roared.

One by one screamed at the Dragon Empire, which was a thousand kilometers away, and rushed forward.

"Humble choppy! How can the greatness of our lord be imaginable!"

The brain demon screamed, and the entire dragon empire began to attack!

An unprecedented battle broke out between the two sides!

On the side of the Dragon Empire, hundreds of millions of mecha fighters raised their beam rifles, and their robotic arms shot out light beams.

Large swaths of the rushing demons are turned into fireworks in the universe.

Mage troops, holding high-tech artifact staff, under the burst of spiritual energy.

Thousands of kilometers away, the starry sky was shaking, the demons burst one after another, and their bodies were shaken to pieces.

The space battleship stores energy, and the dark blue energy particle cannon cuts through hundreds of thousands of kilometers of the universe starry sky, annihilating the demons!

On the side of the Burning Legion, they were also unwilling to show weakness. Each demons held tridents, released beams and lightning in the starry sky, bombarding the Dragon Empire phalanx from a distance.

Ripple in the starry sky, a great demon with space talents shuttled through the space, quickly came to the Dragon Emperor Formation, above the starry sky battleship, a sword stabbed on the battleship! Want to destroy the battleship.

But immediately, the teleportation array will appear above the star warship.

One by one, the dragon emperors wearing armor will appear and fight fiercely with the big devil.

Farther away, there is a beholder whose eyeballs are more than 100 meters in diameter.

They carry special "lenses", and their eyes are sprayed with thunder beams, turning every imperial soldier into fly ash!

In the entire battlefield, more than one life fell every second!

In terms of combat power at the lower level, the dragon empire far exceeds the demon army!

After all, they are the power of technology, and the lower limit is very high.

"Roar!" The starry sky whale rushed into the enemy formation and wanted to expand the results. With a roar, all the demons within a thousand kilometers were decomposed into cosmic dust.

Wearing a peculiar armor, Duan Tianhao in the shape of a dragon spouted a pillar of red firework, burning out the devil.

The mental energy of the brain demon shook, squeezing all approaching enemies into mud!

Pseudo-god-level powerhouses take action, each attack is enough to kill tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of powerful evil

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"Hahahaha! Resistance! The more you resist, the more excited I am! The more enjoyment! Hahahaha!"

The ten thousand meters demon headed by him laughed wildly and didn't care about the life and death of his men at all!

Because in his opinion, the victory of a battle has always been determined by his invincible demon!

Seeing a huge battleship energy pillar with a diameter of more than 100 meters, after annihilating a million demons, blasted towards it.

The Wanmi Devil does not evade.

Directly swing the burning giant sword and slash it against the beam of light!

In an instant, the **** flames entwined on the giant sword skyrocketed, turning into a horrible flame sword aura that was hundreds of kilometers long!

The terrifying sword aura swept the starry sky, and the meteorites and life within a dozen kilometers were directly stirred into ashes by the powerful energy!

The battleship that shot the beam was directly cut through the defensive cover and hull, bursting open!

But the sword qi did not stop at all, and once again flew thousands of kilometers, blasting an unmanned belt in the dense starry sky, and it stopped!

The power of horror makes everyone look at you!

Seeing that the leader is so mighty, the demon army couldn't help shouting wildly.

Behind the Wanmi Devil, there are dozens of thousands of meters-level false gods and demons.

They pounced on the dragon empire, like a tiger into a flock, and began endless killing!

"Damn it! Stop them!" The brain demon shouted angrily and immediately gave instructions.

The strong pseudo-god of this side immediately greeted him.

The starry sky began to vibrate endlessly, and within thousands of kilometers around the false gods, no creatures dared to approach.

After fighting for several hours, the brain demon discovered that something was wrong.

The death count of the Dragon Empire faction was gradually leveled after the high-end combat power of both sides joined!

Although the opponent's pseudo-god powerhouse is not as many as theirs overall.

However, the ten thousand meters demon headed by him is too strong, one move is totally unstoppable, and the thirty or so false gods who have been sent in the past have been suppressed! In just tens of minutes, three false gods fell!

"Hahahaha! Ants! You can't stop me! In front of the great Galakrond, all will be reduced to ashes!"

The Wanmi Demon, or Galakrond, laughed constantly.

Cleaving a sword aura, there is no life at all within the 100,000 kilometers around except the false **** powerhouse who wants to stop it.

But these pseudo-god powerhouses didn't dare to resist their sharp edges, they just kept attacking Galakrond while avoiding attacks around.

But Galakrond was too strong, and the flames of **** burning on its body resisted most of its damage.

Only a small amount of damage fell on it, but it could not cause fatal damage at all.

It was covered with blood, but UU read www.uukanshu.com but didn't care.

The fighting posture with endless laughter is like a madman, and the many false gods who are fighting against him are even more restrained.

For fear of being caught by the opposing party, they will be killed in exchange for injury!

"Damn it!"

The brain devil saw this situation in a hurry.

Special combat instructions were immediately issued.

In every star system, there is an intelligent planet that has received instructions.

These are super planets that have been modified by the Dragon Empire.

It is one of the highest achievements of Imperial Technology!

The resources required for each transformation are enough to hollow out five resource-rich planets!

Its name-planetary impactor!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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