Each planet is about 10,000 kilometers in diameter!

They are all material planets, with a total weight of more than 40 trillion tons!

Behind these planets are hundreds of millions of jets!

With an order from the brain demon, all the planets began to vibrate.

The billion-dollar ejector behind it suddenly ejected a flame column of dozens or hundreds of kilometers long.


Endless power drives the planetary riots! Attracted the attention of all the Dragon Emperors and the Demon Army!

Under the unbelievable gaze of the demon army, the entire planet slowly rushed towards the devil army!

It seems slow, but because of its huge size, its speed is not slow!

The moving distance per second is at least more than a thousand kilometers!

With such a huge volume, weight and acceleration, the power it drives is terrifying!

After seeing the movement of this planet, the Dragon Empire immediately uttered a loud cry.

On the devil's side, some clever demons have already begun to escape.

And some demons who were still confused in their minds rushed towards the planet that hit them!

Puff puff puff ~ the endless demons were caught by the planet's gravitational force as soon as they entered the planet within a thousand kilometers.

All the demons are like flies, slamming into the planets that hit them thousands of kilometers per second!

Their bodies were instantly photographed into pieces of flesh and blood film thinner than paper!

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Some unbelieving demons used all their means and blasted towards the planet further away!

Endless lightning, flames, and energy almost flooded the planet.

The entire planet's ground kilometer of mud and rocks were all shattered.

But this attack has no effect at all.

Under the influence of the planet's own gravity, these rubbles are still falling rapidly, and the mass is not reduced at all!

In the next moment, the demons attacking the planet turned into thin slices.

All planets are meat grinders on the battlefield, wherever they hit, there will be large demons shot to death!

At this time, there were finally no demon heroes, and they began to flee.

Until this planet hits another planet located in the demon camp!

The surviving demons who were still fortunate before discovered in horror that two planets exploded at the same time!

This is the only huge explosion before. The remaining waves cover the vicinity of the planet, with a radius of millions of kilometers!

Under the shock wave of destruction, with just one blow, tens of trillions of demons were killed in one hundred star systems!

Let the demon army that cover the sky open a lot!

The Dragon Emperor team cheered even more as the battle turned around and attacked more quickly!

"Huh! Do some tricks!" Galakrond snorted angrily.

The huge sword in his hand was swung more violently.

After a hard blow, slay a false **** in the Dragon Empire.

The other pseudo-god powerhouses of the horror took action, let alone dare not fight hard.

"Stupid creatures! Do you think you have won?

The Burning Legion is endless, and now the battle has just begun! "

Along with Galakronds roar, thousands of tens of thousands of meters high portals suddenly appeared behind the entire demon army, and groups of demon army continuously walked out of the portals.

The one who appeared first was a unicorn demon with a height of over 10,000 meters and holding a flame whip!

Endless dark energy is entwined around it, and its power is no longer under the 10,000-meter demon who no longer holds a sword!

"Galakrond! You incompetent fellow! You can't even defeat a group of mortals, and you dare to call yourself the right arm of the master?

It makes me laugh!

I am the only right-hand man in charge! Kilmond has this qualification! "

As soon as the whip-wielding demon appeared, he taunted the sword-wielding demon.

"Kilmond! This time the enemy is not the ant you encountered before! If you are not careful and killed by them, don't blame me for not reminding you!" Galakrond holding the sword said coldly.

"Damn the Burning Legion, is there still an existence at the same level as the sword demon?" The eyelids of the brain demon and others watched.

Such a powerful demon, comparable to the true god, unexpectedly appeared in two at once.

This made the senior management of the Dragon Empire feel wrong.

As well as feeling the reality, even if the empire has developed for thousands of years, it still lacks too much for the old-style war forces!

The brain demon looked gloomy and took out a small metal ball from his arms.

Then the metal sphere disappeared...

The two giant demons who were still chatting didn't pay attention to the people of the Dragon Empire at all.

After all, the forces of the two demon legions were assembled, as well as the pseudo-god-level thousand-meter demons that were later added.

The Burning Legion can already be said to be a sure victory.

The devil's arrogant and arrogant nature began to be revealed, and two 10,000-meter demons were mocking each other on the battlefield.

But suddenly, the sword-wielding demon Galakrond's face changed drastically.

A pure black sphere suddenly appeared beside it.

"Ah!!!" A terrible scream came from the opponent's mouth, shaking the entire starry sky.

Whether it was the Dragon Empire or the demons of the Burning Legion, they all looked at Galakrond in astonishment.

I saw a dark ball suddenly appeared next to Galakrond's head and swallowed a small half of his head.

And after swallowing half of his head, the black ball exploded directly!

The terrifying energy engulfed Galakrond in an instant!

And the pseudo-god powerhouses of the Dragon Empire, such as the brain demon, had already maintained a considerable distance from Galakrond.

Just now they received a message from the brain demon.

Seeing another scene, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile.

This demon is dead!

But immediately, the smiles at the corners of their mouths freeze.

After the explosion, Galakrond was not dead!

Even if it loses half of its head!

Even if it is covered in blood! Most of the flesh is lost!

The strong body reveals large pieces of bones

But it was still alive, staring at the brain demon and others with evil eyes!

The fierce breath was terrifying.

For a while, no one dared to attack.

The dragon empire side and the demon side of the Burning Legion were a little surprised.

"Damn chopsticks!!! What did you do to the great Galakrond!!!" Galakrond roared in anger!

Only a little bit, only a little bit he was going to be completely killed!

This is the first time he has come into contact with death in such close quarters since he was born in a hundred million years!

At this time, the brain demon who was the instigator bit his teeth.

He miscalculated!

The one used just now is one of the highest inventions of the Dragon Empire, the anti-matter bomb!

Antimatter is a treasured matter produced by every plane and every star in the universe after the Big Bang of the first plane.

Its preciousness is hard to describe in words.

A small plane in a round sky does not even exist these substances.

Only a plane with the universe and stars possesses a small amount of antimatter.

This material is not only rare, but also extremely difficult to extract.

With the background of the Dragon Empire, it was only 100 kilograms refined at this time.

The 100 kg bomb was made into 2 anti-matter bombs.

The power of each one is enough to blow up a planet with a total mass of 30 trillion tons! (Previously I checked the power of antimatter on the Internet. Some said that 25 kilograms can blow up half of the earth, and some said that blowing up the earth requires hundreds of billions of tons of antimatter. In other words, the anti-matter bomb is not as powerful as we thought, and the planet is not as fragile as we thought, but it is better to give it a face and blow a wave.)

I thought that the anti-matter bomb containing 50 kilograms was enough to kill the huge demon. What a pity!

They still miscalculated the strength of each other!

Even if there is an anti-matter bomb, he has no chance!

The demon had just been hit hard, and he would definitely not be as arrogant as before.

Therefore, the stealth function installed on the anti-matter bomb cannot be detected.

"Stupid demon! If you don't want to continue to be attacked just now, get out of this plane for me!

Otherwise, you will die here! "The brain demon's expression remained unchanged and threatened.

But Galakrond was not afraid at all, and after hearing the words of the brain demon, he became more violent.

It kept roaring, and was full of endless anger.

"Damn it! You are provoking the great Burning Legion! Provoking the great demon lord Galakrond!

You will pay for it! "Monoros roared.

The portal among the demon army reappeared.

Hundreds of thousands of meter portals appeared again.

A ten thousand-meter demon with a big knife on its head, like a giant elephant, stepped into the battlefield.

The frenzied demonic spirit raged.

After seeing Galakrond, it also laughed mockingly: "Hahahaha! Galakrond! You sad trash!

Look at what you look like now, and dare to claim to be the right arm of the master?

ridiculous! Only I can become one of the masters! Mammoth Troll Lord! Marisis! "

"Damn Marisis! Hurry up and destroy everyone on this plane!

Let them know the horror of the Burning Legion! "Galakrond roared.

If it was normal, Marisis dared to talk to it like this, it would have to talk to each other well and learn from each other.

But now it only has destruction and destruction in its heart!

It just wants to see the so-called Dragon Empire mortals desperate under the demon army! collapse!

Use this to wash away the humiliation you have received!

"Hahahaha! As you wish! Galakrond! But after the victory of this war, I will account for at least 50% of the planes they have!"

Marisis glanced at Kilmond and said consciously.

"50%?" Galakrond's voice was a little distorted. It also glanced at Kilmond, gritted its teeth and said: "Okay! You and Kilmond each account for 50%! I don't want 10%!

But I now ask you to destroy them immediately! "

At the end, Galakrond roared again.

"As you wish! My friend!" Marisis and the demons behind him laughed and flew towards the Dragon Empire.

The same goes for Kilmond on the other side.

On the other side, the Dragon Empire side, as early as the third giant demon appeared, the brain demon felt that something was wrong.

He finally started to contact Shillong through the brain.

Originally, the brain demon didn't want to notify Shillong.

Because at this time, it was more than 10,000 years ago that Shillong needed to take a shot.

After that, the dragon empire became stronger and stronger, and the brain demon believed that every time he encountered a problem, he had to ask Shillong, which was a manifestation of his incompetence as a subordinate.

But now, the battle situation is clearly beyond his control.

As a last resort, the brain demon began to appeal to the Dorazhi brain body, which only the top of the Dragon Empire possessed.

And above the nucleus of a certain star on another plane.

Under the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees and the huge pressure, a huge dragon with golden light gleaming in pitch black was sleeping.

He is too big!

The body is about a hundred kilometers long! Surrounded by a colorful star ring.

On the star ring, there are dozens of white planetary **** with a diameter of about two kilometers!

The dragon is like a small star, and dozens of planets around it slowly revolve around him.

Under the terrifying pressure of 300 billion times, the dragon slept calmly, breathing evenly.

If someone is looking at the stars on a planet in this star system hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

It is enough to clearly see the small black dots on the stars representing the dragon!

This monster is naturally Shillong.

When he was sleeping, he suddenly heard a voice in his mind.

Silom opened his eyes in a daze, and muttered, "What? Is the time for a thousand years up again? Are you going to deal with those troubles again?"

Since tens of thousands of years ago, the Dragon Empire was on the right track and possessed countless powers of faith.

Shillong has been in deep sleep, except for the necessary awakening every thousand years, to deal with some necessary things for the empire, only to test his physical strength incidentally.

"No, the time has not come for a thousand years. The successors, your subordinates, the armies of the brain demon, and the dragon empire are facing huge challenges. They have encountered an army of demons from other planes, the Burning Legion, and the battle is now extremely No, I ask you for support."

The voice in his mind, that is, Dora Zhinao said.

Originally, Zhinao had no name, but Shillong felt that it was weird that it was always called Zhinao, after all, artificial intelligence was invented in the Dragon Empire.

They can also be called Zhinao, so in order to distinguish them, they have the name Now Dora.

Just let it inherit the name of its creator.

This is Sillon's gift to it, to be with the creator, and to miss its creator all the time.

Well, if Dora has feelings, she should be very grateful to him at this time, Sillon thought.

"Devil army? Burning Legion?"

Silom murmured softly.

"Even the empire at this time can't match it. It seems to be a very difficult enemy.

Dora, report the enemy's plane and the nearest fixed point coordinates. "

"Planet number J10464, coordinates xxxxxx, xxxx, xxx, xxxx... you need your arrival~wuxiaworld.online~ okay." Siro responded, and broke out of the stars in an instant, portraying the starry sky in the universe Teleportation circle.

But in a moment, a huge portal close to a hundred kilometers appeared, and Shillong got in.


On planet number J10464.

When the demon army, led by two uninjured ten thousand meters demons, once again rushed towards the Dragon Empire.

A starry sky portal over a hundred kilometers long and wide appeared in the middle of the battlefield between the two.

Both sides of the battlefield stopped their actions, and looked at this portal in a daze.

The next moment, a huge black dragon head protruded from it. Just looking at this dragon head, panic and fear will emerge from the heart, he is too big! A single head is bigger than Wanmi Demon!

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