This made all the people in the Dragon Empire and the demon army feel that perhaps this giant dragon could smother three 10,000-meter demons in one mouthful just by opening its mouth!

The two eyes are brighter than the star on one side, but the icy meaning inside makes all the demons tremble.

The huge dragon slowly emerged from the portal.

Seeing the giant dragon's huge body like a planet, surrounding the star rings and spheres around, all the demons took a breath.

At the same time, the Dragon Empire side burst into violent cheers.

This is a cheer representing victory!

Their majesty appeared!

That means this battle has come to an end!

The ending is doomed! No one and no **** can match your majesty!

Your Majesty is absolutely invincible!

This is the education that these Dragon Empire fighters have received since childhood! They believe it!

"Your Majesty! The subordinate brain demon is incompetent! It disturbs your sleep, your majesty, please punish!" The voice of the brain demon echoed in the starry sky.

Silom just glanced at him, then glanced at the three-headed 10,000-meter demons who had grown dignified.

Immediately he said: "All back, these guys are really not something you can deal with, and the next battle will be left to me.

Just to try my current strength, to what extent. "

His voice was very loud, directly resounding in a vacuum in a strange form.

"Yes!" After responding, the brain demon quickly retreated with the other false gods to clean up the brain-dead demons who had penetrated into the dragon empire and still found no abnormalities.

"Your Excellency is the master of this army?" Marises, the huge demon who threatened to destroy the Dragon Empire, said vigilantly while laughing wildly before.

I don't know if it is an illusion, seeing this dragon, it can't help but think of the master of the Burning Legion!

That supreme being like a **** like a devil!

"Yes! Sad ants! I think it is not easy for you to survive so far. If you are willing to give up resistance and return to the Dragon Empire, I can spare your lives." There is no joy or sadness on Shillong's face, and it seems that he is just telling an established fact. .

"Your Excellency is joking, the lord of our Burning Legion is the greatest and powerful star Titan Sacras, who has conquered tens of billions of planes, how can it be returned to you?" Marisis pointed out his master, And the forces behind it.

"Ten billion planes?" Silom murmured this sentence.

Suddenly asked: "Since you have gone through the tens of billions of planes, you must have heard of the platinum dragon **** Bahamut, the evil dragon mother Tiamat, and the lord of the dawn Luoshanda, right?"

"Sorry, there are so many planes that our demon army fought, and we can't remember these so-called gods."

"Really... I haven't even heard of this... Useless rubbish, let's go to death!"

Shillong finished speaking.

Suddenly, he picked up a white sphere nearly ten kilometers in diameter from his star ring. (Before it was two, modify it here.)

When the sphere flew to Shillon's claw, he covered the claw with his infinite repulsion.

Then "flick" the white ball!


In the next moment, the white ball disappeared.

Almost in an instant, he shot in front of Marisis thousands of kilometers away!

Marisis wanted to hide.

But it suddenly found that above the entire white sphere, there was incredible suction pulling its body, which caused its body to pause slightly.

It was this meal that the white ball hit Marisis directly!


The 10,000-meter-level Marisis burst on the spot!

It's like a big watermelon that the defendant hits quickly!

Neither the minced meat nor the blood escaped, they were firmly absorbed on the white ball!

After the entire white ball hit Marisis to death, it still rushed through the demon army at a speed of nearly two thousand kilometers per second!

Nothing, life can survive in front of it for 0.0001 seconds!

The entire star system was severely blasted out of a blank road!

It wasn't until the sphere was about to fly out of the star system that Sillon stretched out his paw to recall the white ball.

On Lu Jin, it is inevitable that a large number of demons suffer!


The white ball fell straight into Shillong's claws, and the shock of the shock began to spread!

Compared with the previous planetary striker, the two planets collided with a more terrifying power burst!

Shillon used gravity to counteract the shock wave that hit the Dragon Empire.

The shock wave blasting towards the devil directly shook all the other demons within tens of millions of kilometers near Shillong, excluding the two 10,000-meter demons!

Even those two 10,000-meter demons, because they were too close, were shocked by bleeding in their mouth and nose!

They looked at Shillong with horrified eyes.

"How about? My ball is not bad, right? This is a sphere made of white dwarf star material.

By the way, do you know white dwarfs? The average weight per cubic meter is about 10 million tons. The spheres around me have been specially processed by me, and the density is about a thousand times that of ordinary white dwarfs.

I named it Plutonium Star.

And this one has a diameter of about ten kilometers and a total weight of about 60 to 70 trillion tons. "Silong's mouth opened slightly, and he was very happy to introduce the two demon monarchs...

But this sounds in the ears of the two demons, not pressing the brain to open the skull!

The two huge demons were stunned.

As the great devil who survived for hundreds of millions of years, although they didn't read much, their age was there.

I still understand some of the knowledge on the technology side!

What is a white dwarf?

It is a star with low luminosity, high density and high temperature. Because of its white color and small size, it was named a white dwarf.

From the red giant among the stars through some abnormal changes.

It is a famous super-density solid in the universe star sky.

The artifacts of the powerful true gods of certain planes are made by white dwarfs!

Well, including the weapon they dominate, the blade named [Lahir Demon Sword], is also made of white dwarfs and some other god-level materials!

That is a famous magic sword in the heavens and ten thousand realms, enough to smash the true **** with one sword!

Why do you tell me that the broken ball in your hand is a thousand times denser than the white dwarf?

"Now I'll give you another chance to choose, surrender, and give the plane coordinates of Bahamut, Tiamat and other gods, or die in front of me?" Silom said again.

The other two huge surviving demons looked at each other, asking them to betray the master?

They don't have the guts to want them to die?

They were unwilling, so they had to bite the bullet and give it a try: "You can rest assured! Our Burning Legion has crossed the heavens and worlds for tens of millions of years, and has been sitting on a plane of over tens of billions!

There must be the plane coordinate information you need, but we may need some time to find it. "Kilmond bit his head.

"Lead the way, I will go with you." Xilong said, not afraid of others cheating him.

Because he is so strong!

At this time, it is so powerful that Dora's brain cannot evaluate it!

Far beyond its creator, Dora!

At this time, if he wants to, even stars can explode!

"Yes...yes... Your Excellency wait a minute." Kilmond wiped the sweat from his forehead and opened a huge portal.

Then he made a please gesture to Shillong, Shillong slowly flew over, and stopped when he immediately stepped in.

He glanced back at the demons in other galaxies.

The meaning is self-evident.

Kilmond naturally understood what Sillon meant. It turned its head and looked gloomy at the demons still fighting in other galaxies, and immediately shouted in place.

His voice was conveyed to the ears of the fighting demons in other galaxies through special means.

"You bastards! Stop me all!

As a demon! How can you be so devoid of merit? Don't you want to fight if you haven't seen others?

Still fight?

Do you think they are all the same as you? No father or mother!

They still have children!

The child is still at home waiting for them to cook, wash and cook!

They still have to work tomorrow! FAK! A bunch of idiots! "Kilmond yelled on the public channel.

A group of demons were stunned in an instant.

They still haven't figured out what happened.

But watching the monarch-level demon like Kilmond was so annoyed, most of them began to stop and retreat, and only a small part of the stubborn people were killed by the Dragon Empire.

And Kilmond also found these daunting demons, and was even more angry: "Look! What do you look at? Why don't you go back to your home?

Where did it come from and go back!

Really! I have been teaching you to read more! Be meritorious!

Look at you like this, no future! You deserve to be cannon fodder forever! "

The demons look at me, I look at you, and finally, under the leadership of some kilometer and hundred-meter-level demons, slowly withdraw from the plane.

Seeing this, Shillong nodded.

But he still did not rush into the portal, but glanced at Kilmond beside him.

In an instant, Kilmond screamed, and saw that his entire arm was screwed off by an invisible force.

The **** arm was floating in the stars.

"Ge... Your Excellency... What do you mean by this?" Kilmond sweats profusely, this guy, isn't he going to change his mind, kill me?

Shillon did not answer immediately, but once again used the same method to another giant demon, Galakrond.

This big demon was miserable before, and now it has recovered seven or eighty-eight, but compared to before, its aura has weakened a lot.

Losing his arm again at this time was even more painful.

But it didn't dare to show it, and could only show Shillong a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Attach your consciousness to your arm and go in to find the way. It shouldn't be difficult for you demon powerhouses?

After exploring the road, go in with me. "Siron said.

Although he thinks his strength is almost invincible, certain celestial bodies possessed by certain large planes can still cause damage to him, or even kill him!

That is a neutron star, and a black hole!

Almost infinite gravity is enough to crush everything into nothingness!

Although knowing that the portal is unlikely to be built directly near this kind of star, Shillong felt that it was necessary to be careful.

After all, it is a plane army that has developed far beyond the Dragon Empire.

"Ming... understand..." the two huge demons said cautiously.

Attached part of the mind to the arm, after entering the portal, it came out soon.

There is nothing unusual.

Then, Silom pinched a ten-thousand-meter demon with one paw, went straight into the portal, and disappeared.

Ectopic surface.

This is a world with cosmic stars.

On a certain planet.

This is divided into two areas.

An area is lined with tall buildings, and a group of humanoids live. They go to get off work normally, play normally, and give birth to children normally.

But there are many abnormalities in it.

There are basically no middle-aged and elderly people over fifty.

And many adults have a little depression on their faces.

The older you are, the more depressed you are.

On the other side, it is incompatible with the modern background.

It's like the **** of Sun Luo.

The sky is dark red, and there are huge magic ponds in every area.

Countless demons roar and dance above the magic pond.

There were also batches of demons escorting humanoids over fifty.

Regardless of men or women.

The men and women who were being escorted were afraid, crazy, and desperate.

They were finally thrown into the devil's pond, in a stern wailing sound.

They seemed to have entered the sulfuric acid, and their bodies began to melt.

Instead, strange-looking demons were born in the magic pond.

When the humanoid disappeared completely.

That demon will be fully formed, opening his eyes, and roaring excitedly in the magic pond!

This made the middle-aged and elderly humanoids on the shore even more afraid, but they could not resist.

In the end, he can only step into the footsteps of the predecessors and become a terrifying demon!

Above such a terrifying world, a huge portal appeared out of thin air.

It shades the sun overhead, leaving the entire pool and nearby demons in shadow.

This made the demons very unhappy and roared at the portal in the sky.

Until a dragon head emerged from the portal, all the noise came to an abrupt end!

The demons seemed to be choked by fate, only the creaking bass lingered in their throats.

They were silent, watching the dragon slowly emerging from it, and on the claws of the dragon, being pinched like a baby chicken, one of them was their monarch-the supreme demon! Lord Kilmond!

This...this...how is it possible? Lord Kilmond, who can kill even a god, was carried by a dragon?

Looks very scared?

Some demons with a high IQ even suspected that there was a problem with their eyes and rubbed them fiercely.

After rubbing for ten seconds, they looked at it as before, which made them completely stunned!

"Your Excellency ~wuxiaworld.online~ has arrived. Here is one of my subordinates. It controls tens of thousands of planes of information. Please allow me to ask."

Kilmond said cautiously.

"Go ahead."

Xilong responded.

Watching Kilmond fall quickly, he flew to a demon temple dozens of kilometers away and muttered with one of the demon of kilometers away.

And that kilometer demon suddenly began to operate on a strange item for a long time.

The two demons murmured again.

Finally, Kilmond looked ugly and returned to Shillong and said: "Sorry, the information this plane holds is not comprehensive, you may be able to go to the next plane with me.

Please believe that the strength of our Burning Legion will definitely be able to find the plane coordinates you want. "

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