"No?" Shillong said to himself.

No joy or anger can be heard in the voice.

But falling in Kilmond's ears was tantamount to a thunderbolt in the sky, and its body was shivering.

The death of Marisis is still vivid.

"Never mind if you don't have it." Silom said, "After all, I am not a demon like you. I am a reasonable dragon. Don't worry, I will not kill you."

As soon as he said his voice, Kilmond let out a breath.

But immediately its heart was mentioned again.

I saw this terrifying dragon next to him, once again ingested one from the asteroids surrounding him.

Then lightly bounce towards the planet below!

boom! ! ! ! !

The white plutonium ball blasted fiercely on the planet below, and pierced under the earth with lightning speed!

In an instant, the white ball penetrated the star core of the planet! Endless light and heat, and explosions on the planet under the shock wave itself!

All the demons on the planet, as well as the humanoid creatures that surrendered, all died!

Nothing to live!

Two huge 10,000-meter demons watched in horror as the impact of the planet's explosion rushed towards them.

Once this almost zero-distance impact is implemented, they will definitely be hit hard!

But at the moment they were frightened, an invisible force directly helped them offset the impact of the planet's explosion.

That terrifying explosion, like a grand firework, bloomed in front of the two demon monarchs!

Dominate again! This is really exciting...

The two demon monarchs looked at each other, and both saw fear in each other's eyes.

It was not until the end of the firework appreciation that the planetary ball called the plutonium star returned to the dragon's claws again!

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, look! Even in this kind of big explosion, I didn't hurt you at all, did I?" The words of the dragon rang again in the ears of the two demon monarchs.

They couldn't help their mouths twitching, but they were stronger than the devil, and Kilmond could only cry in gratitude: "Thank you! Thank you, your Excellency! If it weren't for your Excellency, the little demon might have died in the explosion just now!

Your Excellency is really a kind dragon!

Even those good gods are not as good as your case. "

"Where, where, I just rescued a planet of life that was enslaved by demons. Looking at their depressed appearance, it's obviously unbearable to be oppressed by your demons.

Seeing that they don't have the guts to resist, only a dragon of pure goodness like me can help them. "Siron finished speaking, sighed, Long's face was full of sorrow.

When the two demons heard the words, they looked at each other, and finally Kilmond said:

"Your kindness amazes the devil! Let me thank you for those liberated souls, the great dragon."

"No, this is all I should do."


Kilmond was speechless.

One dragon and two demons continued to shuttle through the portal, passing through hundreds of them, but without exception, these guys did not have the plane coordinates that Shillong wanted.

And Shillong also let the two demons watch the fireworks hundreds of times.

Until this time, the two demons were already sweating profusely.

Because Shillon's complexion was already gloomy, he was playing with the plutonium planet in his paws and looking at the planet fireworks that was blasted into powder in front of him.

Shillong's cold voice sounded: "This is the 321st plane, don't you want me to run with you one by one, tell me in the end?

Is this kind of game fun?"

"No, no, no! Don't misunderstand, fight tens of billions of planes, we must have some relevant information on the planes you need, but we are just one of the many who dominate.

The resources under control are limited, and only when you dominate can you control all the resources. "

"Then take me to meet your master."

"See... Master?" The two demons trembled.

Dominator Sacras is still at war with a powerful anomalous plane, and there is no escape at this time.

Bring the powerful dragon in front of you that is an enemy and not a friend, in case a direct conflict with the ruler breaks out, affecting the ruler's battle.

Both of them will be slaughtered!

"Why? No?" Silom's complexion became more gloomy.

The two demons exchanged eye contact again, and finally each swallowed their saliva and said, "When...Of course... Your Excellency, please come with us."

At this time, they had no choice, they had to lie to themselves, this was not considered a seller, but just brought a friend dragon to see the master.

This Youlong just came to ask for directions!

That's right, it's just that!


Some unknown plane, between the stars of the universe.

This is an extremely advanced plane, and the entire universe is larger than the blue star's Milky Way.

There are at least 400 billion star systems in it!

And this world is a god-level civilization above the fifth level that has fought the Burning Legion dominance for thousands of years!

Within civilization, there are many gods.

Originally, this civilization already occupied 80% of the resource planet of the galaxy.

However, after the appearance of the Burning Legion, the resources of the entire Legion were reduced by 5% in a short millennium, and at least billions of star systems fell into the hands of the Burning Legion!

But the Burning Legion was still not satisfied.

Their desires are endless!

The overwhelming army of demons is constantly attacking, as if toward a virus, constantly expanding.

fighting! conquer! assimilation!

Everything about them is advancing according to this template.

The battle has never stopped in this universe.

At this time, a certain star system, belonging to the devil's planet, has blood pools everywhere.

But there are no more creatures to transform.

The whole planet is extremely silent, miserable, and like a death star.

There are only a few hundreds of demons guarding magic ponds in different locations.

The other demons have all gone into frontline battles.

Kilmond naturally understood the situation and directly called a demon to ask where Sacras ruled.

The inquired devil tremblingly answered the general situation.

Afterwards, Shillon and the two huge demons moved around again dozens of times before they came to the front line of war where Sacras was.

Here is an extremely vast star system.

A red giant star, tens of millions of times the size of the sun.

The entire star system is covered by red glow.

Large swaths of tiny planets revolve around it.

Several creatures like "ants" are fighting fiercely.

It is an exaggeration to say that it is an ant.

Because among them is a first-born double-horned demon giant, a thousand kilometers tall!

There are two luminous spheres surrounding the giant. The two luminous spheres control the surrounding planets to continuously hit the giant, or shoot out a series of colorful cosmic rays to bombard the giant.

Every planet has half the diameter of a blue star.

Carrying unparalleled power.

But every time he flies in front of the giant, he will be chopped up with a sword!

The violent explosion was just a breeze for the giant.

The cosmic rays blasted the giant's body, making it hiss, but the interval between the cosmic rays' bombardment took a lot of time.

In the entire huge star system with both sides as the battlefield, no demons dare to approach!

They criss-cross the star system, and the aftermath of the battle spread throughout the star system.

"Your Excellency, the giant in front is the master of the Burning Legion, Sacras.

The other two should be the strongest on this plane. "

"Very good." Silom nodded, grabbed the two demons and flew towards the battlefield.

At this time, Shillong's speed is close to 10,000 kilometers per second!

What is this concept?

The speed of light is only 300,000 kilometers per second, but Shillong has already reached 1/30 of the speed of light!

Two thousand-meter demons were in Shillong's claws, and everything around him became one piece, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

They are simply unbelievable. Some creatures can reach this level by relying solely on their own speed.

This is a real speed, without any technology or magic, the speed of space jumps and teleportation!

In just ten minutes at this exaggerated speed, Shillong crossed a distance of tens of millions of kilometers and came to the front of the battle between the two sides.

Within a thousand kilometers!

Both sides in the battle were startled by the sudden intruder.

The two luminous spheres instantly stopped working and began to retreat.

Because of the relationship between the two 10,000-meter demons, they thought Shillong was a reinforcement for the Burning Legion.

Sacras was also taken aback for a moment. He looked at the two men who were pinched by the "little dragon" in front of him like little chickens, and he felt a little strange.

"Kilmond, Galakrond, this is not the battlefield you should come to."

Sacras tentatively said.

"The lord... the lord... this Mr. Silom is the friendly dragon we met when we conquered the alien planes. After learning about our Burning Legion, he admired the lord's erudition and qualifications very much.

I want to ask you about the coordinates of a certain plane. "

"Oh? Admire my erudition and qualifications?" Sacras' expression was grave.

Although these two demons sound good, Sacras doesn't believe it.

Ask why?

The two idiots and demons were pinched by the dragon on their paws, and their bodies kept shaking.

This is so obvious that you are afraid and threatened! He even brought the enemy to me!

Damn it!

"Two embarrassing trash! We have never been the only one to bully others! No one else bullies us!

You two are so cowardly, you no longer deserve to be a member of my Burning Legion! "

As Sacras said, the Great Sword in his hand suddenly swung!

A cross-shaped slash attacked the dragon violently! The flame of terror with a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers seemed to be the only one in the starry sky.

Crushed all the planets close to it! And cosmic rays!

Cross sword aura appeared in front of Siro and the two demons almost instantly, locking them completely! !

Completely block their escape!

"No! Lord Sacras! You can't do this! I'm the demon lord! I am the Burning Legion! Blood has bleed for you! You can't just kill me like this!" Galakrond shouted.

On the other hand, Kilmond had expected it, his complexion had not changed much.

"What a warm welcome ceremony, Lord of the Burning Legion, Sacras, I feel your enthusiasm."

Silom said.

Then I took a plutonium star and suddenly it popped out!


The plutonium star was faster than before, approaching four to five thousand kilometers per second, and immediately hit the middle of the cross slash.

The tiny plutonium star collided with the huge cross slash.

Just when Sacras sneered at the corner of his mouth, thinking that the other party was overwhelming, a terrible roar came from the intersection of the two.

That little sphere actually smashed his sword energy directly!

And the small ball is just a small hole in the middle!

It's really small, only tens of meters.

The fragments are still firmly attached to the entire sphere!

Hit Sacras!

Sacras raised the Excalibur in his hand, and the sword was crossed in front of him.

Peng exploded.

A huge force came from the place of the attack, almost making him take a step back.

Just when he was a little angry about this.

I saw a dozen orbs around the "little dragon", blasting straight towards him one after another!

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

The Excalibur blocked these spheres one by one.

It is different from the ball that was weakened by the cross sword qi before.

Every subsequent ball is incredibly powerful.

His arm was numb!

It takes ten steps to stabilize the figure.

Afterwards, those little **** flew back to Xiaolong one by one, and continued to spin slowly.

At this moment, Sacras' complexion became extremely solemn.

This little dragon is very powerful! At least stronger than the previous two light balls! Galakrond! Kilmond these two idiots!

After this battle is over, I will draw out their soul fire and burn them on the red giant star!

"It's amazing, it can actually block my plutonium ball.

Dominated by the Burning Legion, Sacras deserves its reputation. Shillon exclaimed.

In the previous continuous bombardment, even a huge planet with a diameter of one hundred thousand kilometers would be bombed.

But this giant can resist, the strength is really strong.

"Humph!" Sacras, who was praised, let out a cold snort of irritation.

When did his great Star Soul Titan, Lord of the Burning Legion need a dragon to praise?

This kind of praise is in his ears, and it is no different from humiliation!

Sacras wanted to fight back, but because Sillon and him had already started.

The hostile relationship between the two was discovered by two white luminous spheres.

At this time, Bai Guang stopped retreating, but instead forced it towards Sacras.

There are great plans to besiege Sacras together.

"Unknown strong man, thank you for your help, let us eliminate the evil master in front of us and put an end to his sinful life."

The sound of the photosphere reverberates throughout the star system.

Its voice sounded like a very gentle female voice.

"Destroy me? Ridiculous! Sacras is the strongest Titan! The gods are trembling under my feet!

Even if there is an additional dragon, it will only slightly delay your death. "

Sacras proudly said that he didn't think any existence could beat him!

He is the strongest Star Soul Titan! Is undefeated!

Shillong sneered at this, and did not get angry and continued to attack: "Sorry, I came here just to inquire about the news. I heard that the Burning Legion had conquered tens of billions of planes. I dont know about the platinum dragon **** Bahamut, the evil dragon. Mother Tiamat, and the gods like Lord Roshanda of the morning light?"

"Heh! Even if I have heard of it, why should I tell you this little dragon?

I have been working in Sacraes all my life, why do I need to explain to you and other ants? "

"Lord of Dawn, Luo Shanda?" The female voice said again, there seemed to be some confusion in her voice.

"This name is so familiar..."

"Oh? Have you heard of this name?" Shillon's eyes lit up.

"It should be, you let me check my memory bank, maybe I can find some related memories." After the white light female voice finished speaking, her voice fell silent for a moment.

Then he said, "Is it the mother of the earth, Chang Tiya's partner?"

"Yes! It's Chang Tiya's concubine! You actually know him?"

Shillong was overjoyed, and then couldn't help laughing: "Hahahahaha! Finally! I finally found you! I can finally go home! Mom! And Arman is waiting for me!

I will be back soon! "

"Do you want to go to the plane where Mother Earth God is?"

"Of course! This is what I have been waiting for fifty thousand years! What I look forward to every day."

"Understood. Although the Earth Mother and I intersect on a tiny plane, the power of the Earth Mother God has already been left there. I reversed this and can indeed find a way to the other plane.

Although I am willing to help you, you have also seen the plane where I am. At this time, I am facing the invasion of the Burning Legion..." The female voice in the white light stopped talking.

"I understand what you mean!" Silom's expression was straightforward: "Evil Burning Legion! Constantly provoking and standing in the different planes!

Even my dragon empire has been invaded by them!

Now that the leader is in front of you, let us join hands to eliminate the sinful life of the leader of the Burning Legion! "

"Thank you for your help! Justice will win!" The white light female voice said happily.

The two talked about cooperation in this way.

And Sacras, who has been on the side, just snorted: "It's just one more reptile! I actually want to come and die! Then let me send you to die together!"

When the voice fell, Sacras immediately moved his legs and ran towards Shillong in the void.

Every step is a distance of nearly a thousand kilometers! In just one step, he came to the top of Siro, and Bi Siro's entire body was slashed at him!

And Shillon seemed to be prepared. The moment he rushed towards him, he quickly flew to the right, avoiding the giant sword, and dozens of white dwarfs joined together and quickly blasted towards Sacrass face. !

Orbit! Orbit! Orbit! Orbit!

The white dwarf kept hitting Sacras' greatsword, making him keep his hind legs.

The shock wave that impacted was extremely terrifying. At this time, Silom had been put down and fleeing desperately. The two 10,000-meter demons who were preparing to stay away from the battlefield were vomiting blood again and again.

But they didn't dare to delay at all, they had to leave the battlefield as soon as possible, and then immediately launched a teleportation and escape in a stable place.

Otherwise, you will inevitably be shaken to death by the aftermath!

This battle is definitely the ultimate decisive battle of all planes and the highest creatures!

It is no longer the demon monarchs who are comparable to the junior gods that can intervene!

A dozen plutonium stars had all hit, and Shillong was photographed back to this gap.

Sacras wants to move closer to the front and continue the attack.

But the two white **** of light on the other side are not idle. One of them shoots out terrifying cosmic rays, slamming into Sacras face, and the other is directing several planets that are directly at least thousands of kilometers away, and they collide head-on. To each other!

Sacras did not panic in the face of such a siege, and he quickly swung out huge sword auras in his right hand.

Chop all the oncoming planets, and at the same time, his left arm swings sideways, blocking the cosmic rays from another ball of light that shoots at him!

This beam contains extremely powerful kinetic energy, heat energy, and explosive energy.

While constantly repelling Sacras, his arm was continuously burned by explosions and heat.

But on the contrary, as soon as he is hurt, he will be restored to the original condition if he is injured within one thousandth of a millisecond!

"It's useless! Sacras is undefeated!" Sacras roared, two blood-colored light beams shot out of a pair of huge blood-red eyes, and blasted toward the white light ball that used cosmic rays to attack him.


The white ball of light burst instantly!

But immediately he condensed his body thousands of kilometers away, and used color and cosmic rays to hit Sacras' blood-colored beam.

Hum! The rays of the two stalemate in the cosmic starry sky.

But the battle did not stop at all, and dozens of plutonium planets with amazing power in Shillong's claws once again attacked Sacras!


With just one blow, Sacras's forehead, who was caught off guard, was slightly sunken!

With his head tilted, the cosmic rays of the white ball of light scratched on Sacras' head!

Suddenly, only bones were left to blow up his entire head.

Eyeballs burst! The dark soul fire was burning, and his actions were still not hindered in the slightest.

With a roar, the whole body turned into a cosmic tornado.

The divine sword danced crazily in his hand, and thousands of horrible sword auras shot in all directions.

In an instant, all attacks against him were blasted away.

The white ball of light was also blasted away. Even Shillong couldn't dodge under such a dense attack, but he didn't need to evade!

Dozens of plutonium **** block in front of you, spinning, turning into an indestructible star shield!

Stand still under the sword energy storm that can tear everything apart!

The terrible explosion lasted for several minutes before it stopped.

At this time, Sacras' head had already recovered, and when Sacras stopped attacking, the two white **** of light also recovered.

Whether it is Sacras or the white ball of light, they have shown their terrifying recovery ability!

This is the characteristic of most high-ranking top creatures, immortal!

It is as difficult as heaven to kill!

Shillong added two light **** and besieged Sacras, occupying an absolute advantage, constantly tearing the opponent's body, but the opponent's immortality is too strong, and almost the entire endless starry sky is supplying him.

His energy is endless~wuxiaworld.online~ No matter how many injuries he receives, he will recover in an instant!

All the attacks just made him look embarrassed!

"I am undefeated! Hahahaha!"

Although Sacras has been in the role that was severely beaten, he enjoyed the battle very much, and the flames of **** entwined with him became more vigorous with the battle!

The starry sky energy all over his body began to riot, making his combat effectiveness increase instead of decreasing!

The battle lasted for several days, and Shillong did not help the opponent, which made him feel a little impatient, although he did not suffer any injuries, and also because of his super resilience, he did not consume much energy.

But he has to return to the main material plane to meet Arman and Viola's mother! How can you keep spending with this idiot?

Shillong immediately got rid of the battlefield and turned into a beam of red gold, rushing towards the red giant star!

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