"Your Excellency! Are you trying to escape?" The white light female's surprised voice appeared in Xilong's ear.

The two established a spiritual channel.

"No! I just want to end this boring battle! I don't have time to spend with you!"

Shillong replied.

"Ending the battle? It seems impossible! The battle between the highest gods can never be ended in a few days or nights. It may take ten, a hundred, and a thousand years. Only a long battle can consume each other almost endlessly. The supernatural power to win the final victory."

"That's just your battle! I don't like this kind of long battle! I want to use my method to completely end this battle!" After Silom said this, he has entered the red giant.

Compared with the red giant, his extremely huge body is like dust, almost invisible.

But his next move made him even more dazzling than a red giant!

He opened a huge mouth full of fangs, and a red golden flame surged in his mouth!

Right in front of his mouth, a small red gold ball suddenly appeared.

This orb kept gathering the fusion fire within Shillong and the flame power of the red giant star.

With the blessing of the power of Shillong's faith, the two began to merge and strengthen perfectly!

The giant red-gold flame ball began to roll and expand. From the first one hundred meters to one kilometer...

ten kilometers

One hundred kilometers...

A thousand kilometers...

Ten thousand kilometers...

One hundred thousand kilometers!

Swelling to such a degree, it only takes less than a minute to tightly!

It became a "small" sun far beyond the size of Shillong, a huge planetary level!

Shillong exhaled a repulsive breath from the huge mouth.

The "little" sun was like the sky falling, pressing down on the three gods and demons in battle.

Its hot light made both parties in the fight notice this anomaly.

The white light group immediately began to retreat, and even the energy contained in this "little sun" felt shocked and didn't want to be affected at all!

But Sacras snorted and looked at the two retreating white fairways contemptuously: "Cowardly fools! You are so timid! You don't deserve a fight with me! You don't deserve to rule this plane!"

Watching this little sun slowly approach.

Sacras roared, and the magic flames all over his body burned to the extreme. He was like a fighting god, and the starry sky trembled.

The divine sword in his hand also began to radiate, and he swung it down with all his strength, and a sword aura of tens of thousands of kilometers was thrown out, slamming on the little sun!

The sword qi smashed straight into the sun, but after entering it, the sword qi began to fade!

It's like plastic meets extremely hot iron juice!

The terrifying sword energy is actually burned like a real thing!

"Hahahaha! This is interesting! This way you have the meaning of being conquered by me!" Sacras laughed wildly after the initial astonishment.

The magic flame on his body rushed thousands of kilometers! A huge planet was formed with humility, and Sacras was completely wrapped in it.

In the last roar.

He rushed into the "little" sun.

Tightly just the outermost layer, this "little" sun has a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees!

This high temperature is undoubtedly strong enough to burn almost everything in the world.

But this is nothing to Sacras, the phantom guarding him directly resists all the heat waves.

Sacras did not stay at all, stepped out a few steps, and continued to run forward!

If you want to break this "little" sun, you must break the star core inside!

There is the source of everything!

But when he really stepped inside, he discovered that this "little" sun was much more powerful than it really was!

The innermost temperature is as high as tens of billions of degrees!

Shit la la ~ The entire planetary phantom is smoking, twisting, and wanting to be burned.

Sacras within the planetary shadow felt a heat wave rushing towards him.

But this still did not stop him from destroying everything and slashing the "little" sun!

Smash it with all your strength!

boom! ! ! !

It's like a plutonium star chopped before.

Sacras shook his body, and the tiger's mouth was slightly paralyzed. This abnormal state came sooner, but it was faster, and he recovered in just one ten thousandth of a millisecond.

He stared at the core of the little sun.

There have already appeared a series of huge cracks.

Like a cracked egg shell.

The inside is redder than the outer shell, and the more dazzling red gold light is surging, as if wanting to break out of the shell!

Dangerous breath and energy are surging!

But Sacras is fearless!

When he wanted to continue slashing.

The cracked "egg shell" burst instantly!

The planetary phantom was melted in an instant!

The endless heat wave drowned him completely!

Let him involuntarily let out a scream of earth-shattering!

Two luminous white spheres watched the fireball exploding to hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

The entire space of the starry sky was about to be burned, and everything inside was crazily distorted.

Even from the edge of the fireball, the white ball of light can feel the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees. They can hardly imagine how terrifying the temperature in the center is, but guess at least hundreds of billions of degrees!

Listening to Sacras' scream, the two light groups were inexplicably joyful.

The evil demon ruled, will there be today?

The screams continued, and the screams were exceptionally loud, even when the fire wave completely ended, the screams did not stop.

Appearing in front of Shillong and the two **** of light was an evil spirit like a wax figure!

Most of his head melted away!

The flesh and blood of his body had long since disappeared, and strands of muddy gray matter stuck to the smaller half of the skeleton.

Even the Excalibur that he had been holding tightly in his hand melted most of the time, dripping with crimson juice!

Although he looks miserable now, his traumatized body is still slowly repairing!

The bones are growing! Flesh is reshaping!

He is like the darling of the universe, and it won't be long before it will be fully recovered!

As the top predator in the endless plane, its invincible strength is evident!

"My Sacras is undefeated!

You can't beat me! Waiting for your ending is already doomed! "Sacras's soul roared.

The planetary phantom appeared again, guarding his body.

Several tentative offenses of the white ball could not be broken.

This makes them a little anxious.

This disgusting guy is too strong. If it is one-on-one, a white ball of light will almost be beaten, and only two of them can hold each other.

But this caused other creatures on the plane to suffer huge shocks and injuries.

The almost endless army of demons furiously attacked this plane, and they couldn't kill it no matter how much.

The disgusting demon ruler doesn't care about the death of those demons at all, and floods this star sea with endless crowds of tactics.

As long as the first evil is eliminated, this protracted battle can be completely ended.

But if you want to kill the **** in front of you, you don't even know the white ball of light!

In the eyes of Liangguangqiu, Sacras is a disgusting dogskin plaster!

No compromise, no retreat, just want to die with you, either kill them or be killed by them!

I really don't know why this creature can live to this day! Become the powerhouse of the endless plane.

This is not reasonable at all!

Unkillable, unable to retreat, the two **** of light were in a dilemma for a time, and they could only surrender to Shillong again.

This attack made them realize that the dragon in front of them has an unimaginable destructive ability!

"Your Excellency! What other tricks do you have! We must eliminate him as soon as possible! Otherwise, when he recovers, we will be caught in an endless loop. I am afraid that there will be no time to bring you back to the original plane."

"You don't need to talk about it! My attack is not over yet!" Silom replied.

The artificial star he made just now, the temperature of the final explosion in the center was almost hundreds of billions of degrees, and lasted for a few seconds,

This trick completely consumed his 100 billion faith power!

But now 100 billion beliefs are just a drop in the bucket for him now, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

If you can't kill one trick, just start the next trick!

In fifty thousand years, his stunt of simulation and conception was not the only one!

Because of his growth talent, his actual age has already exceeded one million years!

Various abilities have been increased terribly!

Among them is Shillong's extremely optimistic gravity!

These are the four fundamental forces of the universe!

The terrifying black hole is closely related to this!

He ingested a plutonium star from his side into his paw.

Then began to inject gravity into it frantically! And the power of faith to increase gravity!


The plutonium star in Shillong's paws collapsed!

Hum! Hum! Hum!

Continuously, the size of the plutonium stars is constantly decreasing!

The protons that make up one of the plutonium stars continue to merge into electrons, and finally collapse into protons!

The size of the plutonium star has been directly reduced by thousands, tens of thousands of times! !

It went from a plutonium star to a neutron star!

The density has reached an astonishing level of hundreds of millions of tons per cubic centimeter! It is tens of millions of white dwarfs, hundreds of millions of times!

It is tens of thousands of times as large as the special plutonium star made by Shillong!

The gravitational force of the specially formed neutron star has reached an incalculable point!

The entire star system is captured by its infinite gravity! Instantly messed up!

The huge red giant star was directly attracted, and slowly slammed toward the neutron star!

Other planets began to fly around in disorder, one by one, all flying towards the small neutron star in Shillong's claws.

Midway, the planets collided with each other, bursting out the most brilliant fireworks in the entire starry sky.

Everything is like a moth to the fire, flying to the little seed star!

This terrible suction force is hard for Shillong itself to resist, and it takes almost every megasecond to spend 1 billion beliefs to bless its own gravity against the gravity of the ball itself!

Over time, no matter how much Shillong's faith is, it will be absorbed!

This kind of trick, with the power of Shillongs faith now, is not enough to make 50 rounds...

And tens of thousands of kilometers away, the bodies of the two white light **** were also flashing crazily, maintaining themselves with divine power and resisting the attraction of neutron stars!

Even Sacras, who had always been fearless, changed my color slightly, and flew to the neutron star uncontrollably!

"Feel this despair! Sacras!"

"The neutron star is extinct!"

On Shillon's claws, all repulsive power broke out.

The small neutron star ball, which has become pure black, blasted towards Sacras, which was shrouded in planetary shadows!

Nearly ten thousand kilometers per second!

When the small neutron star moves, the planets in the entire star system that were originally like moths also turn their directions and move with the small neutron star!

Even the light has to detour when encountering this small black ball like a neutron star!


When this small neutron star encountered Sacras, which was captured by gravity and also hit it.

"You reptiles! I am undefeated!" Sacras shouted again.


When the small neutron star hits the planetary phantom, the phantom is distorted and dissipated in an instant.

When the little neutron star completely landed on Sacras, his whole body also began to twist!

The bones of the whole body were shattered, including the spirits, all stuck on the little neutron star!

No matter how hard he struggled when he became broken bones, all became futile, and he could only keep roaring souls.

The little neutron star will not stop moving because of his roar, it is still moving in a certain direction at an astonishing speed, attracting everything that can be absorbed and filling itself!

Gradually, he got farther and farther away from Shillong and the two light balls.

"Everything is over, can you take me to the plane I want now?" Silom turned his head and asked for two **** of light.

"?" The two **** of light were taken aback: "This...I don't think Sacras' spirit has been annihilated. Are you not afraid that he will escape?"

"Escape? No, that's impossible." Shillong shook his head.

"You two mysterious test guys, don't you even know the scientifically tested neutron star?

Sacras absorbed by the neutron star, even if it is immortal and immortal, it will never be able to get rid of the suction of the neutron star.

That neutron star will swallow everything. When it encounters certain stars, it will either directly swallow the star's material, and then continue to wander in the universe.

Either encounter those red giant stars, the two react directly, touch the bottom line of neutron star density, and turn into real black holes!

Sacras might not even have the strength to scream by then.

Become a living **** who is not as good as death, or a living demon?

Now I can only wish him good luck! Later, when he encounters red giants and black holes, at least he can shout more. Silom explained indifferently.

Neutron stars and what black holes are, these two white light **** naturally know.

The current plane is a big plane, possessing these two things.

It was precisely because of knowing that the two white **** were shocked.

The female voice sighed: "Your power is so serious~wuxiaworld.online~ can use such a trick, even if I am hit by this trick, I will definitely die.

It seems that Sacras evil life has come to an end at this moment.

Thank you for your help, you have brought peace to the endless plane!

You are really a pure and kind dragon! "She kept praising Shillong because she was happy.

"This is the news that the endless plane knows." Silom replied, accepting the other's compliment.

After the Burning Legion did not have Sacras, it would inevitably enter a complete defeat that lasted for dozens of years.

But these temporarily have nothing to do with Shillong and the two light groups.

Because Shillon asked the horse to look for clues to the main material plane!

he! I want to go home!

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