The two **** of light didn't talk nonsense, and quickly entered the plane where they first met the Mother Earth God, and then began to use their unparalleled mighty force to push the plane back.

Like a slideshow, endless phantoms circulate on the surface of the ball of light, with at least hundreds of thousands of alternate images per second!

If it's a mortal thing, you can't see anything at all, you can only see a fixed picture, the color of which is constantly changing.

Only a great creature like Shillon with the ultimate reaction speed can see the changing faces inside, such as time going backwards, stars, humans, beasts, time and space channels, vicissitudes of life, and the transformation between endless planes.

Finally, the portraits on the surface of the white ball of light finally stopped, and they found the plane where the Mother Earth was!

There are too many believers who believe in Mother Earth and the power of Mother Earth remains.

After locking the target, the two ball of light and Siro quickly entered the portal.


The main matter plane, perhaps the planet is more suitable.

The plane where the main material planet is located is also a vast galaxy.

It even surpasses the plane of the white ball of light!

The size is more than ten times!

Among all planes experienced by Shillong, it was the closest to crossing the former Blue Star plane.

The galaxies here are like the sands of the Ganges River, countless and immeasurable.

On a planet like "Shashuo".

This is the world of green and gray.

The world at the level of the Middle Ages is full of natural breath and joyful harvest.

Here is a planet under the rule of the Mother Earth God, where hundreds of millions of humans live.

The human beings living here enjoy eternal tranquility and peace and a good harvest.

The vast majority of people always have a smile on their faces.

They are doing all kinds of things, always chanting a blessing of Mother Earth.

Day after day, year after year, I live in this world where there seems to be no war and peace.

Simple and happy.

Until a huge portal that opened to the sky rose from the central temple of the Mother Earth Church, a dragon that was dozens of times larger than a mountain crawled out of it.

As soon as that huge body appeared, it collapsed the entire temple, crushing countless mortals to death.

The mortals who witnessed everything in the distance suddenly screamed in horror, some fled, and some kept praying to the Mother Earth God in place.

Silom glanced at everything around him, and didn't pay much attention to the damage he caused.

Anyway, the concubine of the Mother Earth God, Luo Shanda's little golden face can easily bring all these dead people back to life.

Of course, those who turned into mud may be a little troublesome, but they can still come back to life after receiving the gods.

He didn't need to worry about it anyway, Sillon didn't even feel ashamed about it.

There is even a little cool, Mad, Loshanda of Dog Day, telling you to target Laozi?

Lao Tzu is obviously a good dragon and has become what he is now. It is your fault and the world's fault how you think!

I used to be so pure and kind!

"Your Excellency, the plane you are looking for has been found." The white light female voice said.

She seemed to scan the entire galaxy.

After a while, he sighed: "This is really a magnificent world, not worse than the world I am in, or even more than that."

"Thank you for leading the way, I will leave here soon.

up to you. "

Shillon spoke, using a little power of faith to quickly condense a magic circle and disappear here.

After Shillong left, the two ball of light returned to the original plane.

Although Sacras is sealed, the war is not over yet! They have to go back to fight!

The bottomless abyss, the plane of flames.

Molten Heart Valley.

After more than 50,000 years of restoration, the Molten Lake has long been restored. The billowing heat wave evaporates upwards, and the entire Molten Heart Valley is in a hazy unreality.

Within a radius of tens of kilometers, there is no living thing.

And dozens of kilometers away, all kinds of flame creatures are rushing, with great vitality.

There are two sharp contrasts with the valley of Molten Heart.

A hundred kilometers long portal suddenly appeared horizontally from the sky.

A huge black dragon slowly drilled out of the portal.

The huge body not only covered the entire valley, but also the creatures outside the valley.

When they raised their heads and saw the dragon in the sky, they all uttered a cry of horror.

Some just ran.

Some of the timid have fainted, and there is chaos for thousands of kilometers.

Shillon didn't care about the chaos he caused, and he took a breath of "gentle" air in the flame abyss.

The endless breath surged.

Some flame creatures that were still on the run found that they couldn't control their bodies. Their entire bodies rose into the air and flew toward the head of the giant dragon, making them scream in shock.

I thought I was going to be swallowed.

But the next moment, this surging airflow downward.


All the flame creatures were blasted straight to the ground, some were directly killed on the spot, and even the flames collapsed and died. Only a few cried fathers and mothers continued to escape.

The cause of this devastating scene was just a simple breath of Shillong!

He slowly landed on the surface of Molten Core Lake, and whispered: "Safron! Your old friend came to see you, won't you come out and have a look?"

The voice rolled down, and the entire molten lake shook endlessly, even igniting huge waves hundreds of meters high!

Hundreds of kilometers are roaring.


There was no sound in the molten lake, and there seemed to be no living things at all.


Shillon frowned slightly, Suffron, would he leave home too?

Shouldn't this guy be a ten thousand year old house?

When I knew it before, I would find it every time I came here.

What is it now?

To be honest, Shillong would not have come to Suffron the first time.

He must be looking for Arman and Viola, but in reality it is not allowed!

These two dragons have gone through fifty thousand years, and by this time they should have been in the realm of Bahamut.

He wanted to contact Bahamut, but he had tried it before.

Ordinary metal dragons can communicate as long as they chant the name of the old dragon Bahamut sincerely.

But Shillong didn't have any effect in the light!

For this reason, he can only change his mind, first return to the abyss, and then use the abyss as a point to communicate with the main material realm Dragon Island, so that the dragon and Bahamut there communicate.

But since they have come to the abyss, it seems that there is no problem to visit Suffron first.

But right now, even Suffron isn't there anymore?

He began to scan around and soon found Saffron in a valley where the temperature was not too high thousands of kilometers away.

Seeing what Suffron had done, Shillon's expression suddenly became strange.

It seems very surprised.

With a strange mood, he continued to fly slowly towards the valley where the opponent was.

Black Forest Valley.

This is the lowest temperature place in the entire molten abyss.

The entire valley is dark, like charcoal after burning. The entire valley is not small, covering an area of at least 100,000 square meters.

Because of the distance here, Shillong was not noticed at all, nor was it affected by the escape thousands of kilometers away.

Around the entire valley, halfway through the dark mountain, surrounded by large swaths of fire creatures, they stared at the center of the mountain with fiery eyes.

There is a rectangular battle table of 20x10 meters.

This is a duel table!

On one side stood a Molten Giant who was over 20 meters tall. This Molten Giant wore a special leather glove to completely isolate his temperature from the outside world.

In its hand, it was holding two cards as small as mosquitoes.

On the opposite side of this giant, there stands a flame giant that is completely composed of flames and lava, constantly twisting, and this giant has two horns like demons.

He is only 20 meters tall, wears a pair of special leather gloves, and holds a few cards in his hand.

Between the two monsters, there are virtual monsters.

On the desktop on the side of the lava giant.

There is a virtual lava giant that looks like a lava giant on the desktop.

The height of this virtual lava giant is about three or four meters, and the fiery air current is rising around him, looking extraordinary.

Opposite the flame giant, there was only one flame snake.

At this time, the lava giant laughed wildly: "Hahaha! Lord Safron! This 695th Legend of the Continental Heroes! The Lord of the Flame Abyss duel, I have taken it by Kadan!"

"You? Duel King? No, no, no! The strongest duel king of the Flame Abyss can only be my great King of the Flame Demon! Lord Suffron!

You want to defeat me! One million years early! "Safron laughed.

"Huh! Lord Suffron! Let's see what card it is! The Abyss is helping me!" The lava giant roared, and the huge right hand finger quickly inserted the card just drawn into the slot on the duel table. .

There was a hum.

Another lava giant slightly larger than the previous lava giant appeared on the table.

Lava Giant SeamusMolten Fire

Quality: Purple

Crystal: 8

Attack: 8

Life: 8

Special effect: Molten body, when attacking, 1 point of damage is added to the left and right sides of the target.

For every fire elemental race card on the battlefield, each round can restore the fire elemental card x1 health.

Molten Bonds: When this card appears together with the lava giant Kadan, the two lava giants will each get an attack, with a +2 life buff.

And get the steel body effect that reduces damage by 1!


"Ghahahahaha! Witness the power of the bond between me and Brother Seamus!"

Cardan roared, and looked at each other affectionately for a few seconds with the lava giant Seamo who was watching the battle.

When I transfer my head again, hum~

The two lava giants are buffed by the buffs, and their attacks both reach 10 points.

"Big Brother Seamus attack! Smash the flame serpent of Lord Suffron! Win the crown of victory for our sincere bond!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The lava giant on the desktop roared in bursts, and, in coordination with the rumbling sound of running, came to the flame giant snake, and the huge flame giant fist hit!

Peng! -10

When the giant fist hit the flame giant, the flame giant also launched a deadly blow, and its tail slammed on the lava giant.



"Ooooo~" In a screaming scream, the flame giant snake dissipated.

"Master Saffron! There are no more followers on your battlefield! But there are still two invincible lava giants on my field!

At the end of this round, all will rise above 6 lives!

Even if you use the legendary card of your life! Never want to beat me! "

Cardan was full of spirits, and the flames all over his body were burning, unusually bright.

This is the unique performance of fire creatures when they are excited.

"You guy... I remember you didn't have a Seamus card before.

And with your poor financial strength, you can't afford this card..." Suffron stared at the opponent and said slowly.

"Hahaha! Lord Saffron! You are right! We are different from the wealth that you have achieved after the cooperation with the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce.

As a demon of poverty, after consuming a lot of property to build my current deck, I can only update my deck slightly every year, but this will not stop my desire for victory!

Brother Seamore supports me! I have lent this card to me!

see it?

This is the bond between me and Brother Seamus!

It brought me the glory of victory! "The lava giant Kadan shouted.

After the roar, he began to look at him affectionately for ten seconds.

"...Humph!" Suffron snorted coldly.

"Stupid Cardan, you think this will be able to defeat the highest king of the flame abyss duel for 100 times!

Lord of the Flame Abyss, the great Lord Sulfuron?

too naive! "

Sulfuron calmed down and slowly drew out the leftmost card track that has not been used: "I had expected you lava giants to make some dirty trades for this tournament!

For this reason, I have already prepared to deal with the special fetters formed by you and it. "

"Look at what this is!"

Suffron said, his huge gloved fingers pinched a small card into the battle slot.


A countdown explosive barrel composed entirely of ice crystals appeared on the battlefield.

"This...this is a purple epic card.

Super Goblin Freeze Bomb?"

Cardan was shocked.

"Yes! A goblin technology product that can cause 5 damage to the audience with 8 crystals!

Its special effect, if the fire elemental creature is bombed, the damage is doubled!

Die! insect! Feel the roar of the goblin bomb! ! "

Saffron roared.

The freeze bomb burst on the battlefield.

A terrifying white mist emerged instantly, covering everything on the desktop battlefield~wuxiaworld.online~ With two miserable roars, the two lava giants of Life 6 and 7 were all killed!

As the chill dissipated, there were only a few small black rocks on the battlefield that were about to lose their temperature...

"No!" The lava giant Kadan exclaimed in horror, his fiery red eyes filled with despair.

"Hahaha! You're done! Cardan!" Safron laughed triumphantly: "Finally, I was using a 2 crystal, and the Earth War Bear came to the battlefield.

The standard combat power of 2 attacks, 3 lives, and a special entourage with ridicule, is enough to deal with the next situation.

My round is over.

It's your turn, Cardan! "

"Damn! Damn capitalist devil!" Kadan roared, and when he stepped on the ground fiercely, the earth shook fiercely.

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