"Take me to see them, shouldn't it be a problem?"

"no problem."

After Suffron finished speaking, he quickly began to portray the magic circle, then opened the portal, shrunk his body to about two meters, and got in with Shillong.


A galaxy under the rule of Bahamut, on an unknown planet.

Here is the world ruled by the metal dragons.

There are a large group of green-skinned creatures called natural people.

Although it is ruled by the metal dragon clan, all the lives here are living well.

The metal dragons do not interfere with their lives too much.

Most dragons here still live on isolated islands overseas, but there are also a group of dragons living in harmony with natural people, helping each other.

In the most center of the mainland, in a large and prosperous city.

Inside a palace.

There is also a duel table here.

An elf with long silver hair and an extremely beautiful face, wearing a long skirt, was fighting with a young man with red hair at the duel table.

But at this time, on the red-haired man's desktop, there were only 18 points of health left, and there was only a rare blue taunt card with 3 attack and 8 blood.

Looking at the entourage card on the court, the red-haired man did not show the slightest joy on his face.

Instead, his face was helpless.

Because he knew he had lost, he was crushed and lost!

Because the silver-haired elf opposite him, there are still two entourages on the battlefield at this time.

At the beginning of the silver-haired elf's round, the mana crystal is full of 8 points.

Before the 10th round, the red-haired man couldn't hold it anymore.

He wants to surrender, but the elf on the opposite side does not allow him to surrender at all!

The beautiful silver-haired elf looked at the red-haired man and laughed: "Hahaha! Chi Ming! You made this thing in the eighth round?

With this thing, two monsters on my field can ruin you!

There are still eight crystals that do not play, you lose! "

The silver-haired elf's voice did not match the appearance of "her".

It is not as crisp and sweet as imagined, and the voice is soft and beautiful.

On the contrary, he is very neutral, even male, and he speaks very utterly.

"Then you made me surrender! Do you think I'm willing to play with you? You bastard, with a bunch of legendary cards in the deck, shameless?"

The red-haired man Chi Ming complained.

"Huh! It's obviously that you are weak! Actually think it's the deck gap between us?

I tell you! There is no strong deck in this world, only the strongest duelist!

I, Arman beat you! It depends on my card! It depends on technology! "Arman the silver-haired wizard snorted coldly.

"Is there a way we can change the deck to fight?" Chi Ming refused.

"You bastard! How did you talk to your Uncle Zeng?" Arman scolded: "You are weak, you don't deserve to use my deck!

Only a duel king of my level is eligible to use the strongest dragon deck!


Since you are no longer willing to fight, let me use my strongest card to make you feel desperate! "

Arman yelled.

"Playing with you shameless Uncle Zeng makes me feel desperate..." Chi Ming muttered.

"Smelly boy! Look at the cards!" Arman ignored him.

Simply insert the card into the card slot on the desktop.


"Roar!" A loud dragon roar uttered.

A huge silver dragon appeared from the cloud formed on the desktop.

I saw the silver dragon roaring: "Feel the horror of the strongest dragon! Freeze! Everything!"

The terrifying white frost suddenly spit out to the opposite side.

Kaka Kaka, the frost was all over Chi Ming's body, and finally Peng burst with a burst, and 8 points of life went directly to 0 death.

Then Yinlong's breath continued to spray towards Chi Ming.


"The Loremaster's Chi! The brass dragon Arya attacked the enemy heroes together!"


Following Arman's order, the two remaining entourage dragons breathed out on Chi Ming's hero.

The last life is zero.

"Have you seen? Chi Ming! This is the strength of the strongest duelist! There is still a long way to go." Arman said complacently.

"The strongest opener, and shameless person? It's just the quality of the card!

A bunch of legends is not enough.

Also design your own card into a myth?

[The strongest silver dragon emperor-Arman]

Quality: Myth

Crystal: 8

Attack: 12

Life: 12

Battlecry: When this card arrives, destroy all enemy followers.

Special effects: Charge, attack directly after leaving the field.

Indestructible: Will not be destroyed by cards below the legend.

Divine Shield: Resist an attack.

Magic immunity: Will not be attacked by single magic and hero skills.

Resurrection: Resurrection after death, but life is only 1 point.

Permafrost Domain: At the end of each round, 2 points of damage are dealt to all enemies.

Take a look at what card you made? It's more than the founding dragon of the card, Uncle Shillong did too much, right?

Simply shameless! "Chi Ming denounced.

The card design of other people is reasonable, but once you get your own, it is almost like a livestock, you cant wait to write it, as long as you draw this card, you will directly win the game!

Shameless! Shameless!

He Chi Ming had never seen such a shameless dragon, although this card only had this one.

But you are special! Can you take this card to play with me!

"Cut! The little dragon boy doesn't understand my greatness at all!" Alman cut and didn't bother to pay attention to him: "You kid, so many people outside want to play with me, I haven't played with them, so why don't you come with you kid? willing?

I don't know what a dragon heart! I'm training your duel level! "

"Ha ha... Then do I still have to thank you?" Chi Ming sneered.

"Of course." Arman nodded.

Just now.

A portal suddenly appeared not far away.

The two dragon's eyes pointed, and immediately found the portal.

Arman's eyes lit up and said: "This is Sulfuron's abyss portal. If I remember correctly, it should be their duel day in the abyss.

How come you have time to come here.

Is it over?

Are you going to buy some goods from my side and sell them back to those demons who are eager to improve their strength?"

Arman muttered to himself, the corners of his mouth raised, and he couldn't help showing a knowing smile.

Until two creatures came out of it.

A two-meter fire elemental demon, a two-meter strong man with a human appearance.

The fire elemental demon is naturally Saffron, he knows Arman, but what about another big guy?

Why does it look familiar?

No matter who he is, it is more important to not meet Saffron, the golden master, anyway.

Arman figured this out, and laughed: "Welcome, Master of the Flame Abyss, Mr. Saffron.

How many boxes of card packages do you want to buy from us today?

What version do you want? The Elf Dwarf Card Pack of Blackrock Mountain? Or Molten Purgatory Fire Elemental Card Pack? Or the Dragon Card Pack above Genting? ....... Which variety do you want? How many boxes do you want? Just talk!

Everyone is old friend, as long as you buy enough at one time, I can give you a 9.9% discount! "

"Mr. Arman, does your friend really have cheap enough, with a 9.9% discount?" Safron snorted coldly.

"It's not that I'm coming to see you today, but the one by my side."

"Oh?" Arman turned to look at the brawny man beside Suffron, and saw the brawny man frowning and looking at him with a complicated expression.

Arman felt a little strange, I look so beautiful, what do you mean by the look? Is there something dirty on my face?

With a wave of his hand, a water mirror appeared in front of him.

Nothing! The body, appearance, and face are all perfect, and the face is so delicate and there is nothing. What does he think of me?

do not care! Selling cards is more important! Arman thought of this, smiled slightly and said: "It turned out to be a friend of Mr. Safron. Is this the first time to purchase?

I tell you! This is a one-time purchase, definitely more goods!

Don't be afraid of not being sold!

I believe you know what quality of our mainland heroic legends?

Absolutely far surpassing the pirated card of the **** Lord of Dawn! "

Arman talked endlessly.

Since the Lord of Dawn robbed them for business 40,000 years ago, their card popularity has dropped several levels.

Of course, there are actually other gods participating in this. Basically, each of the gods and their forces has made a card game similar to the legend of mainland heroes.

Why do these gods do this?

It seems that when players play games, they worship and love a certain card, which helps the gods to absorb faith.

So those gods followed suit.

Among them, the most famous and competitive is the legend of the justice of the Holy Light of the Lord of Dawn.

The plagiarism dog of this dog day is more shameless than him, and the strongest card is naturally himself.

As long as he draws two prayer components of the Lord of Dawn, he can summon himself, and then directly win the game...

And because of his many people, his development is called a fast, which seriously threatened the status of the founding card, the legend of mainland heroes.

Silom looked at Arman who was chattering silently.

This bastard! She is still wearing women's clothing, and looking at her posture, she is really getting more and more motherly!

At first the other party didn't say anything, he thought it was his old mother, Viola!

Unexpectedly, Arman, this bastard, has grown so much like Viola after so many years!

My dear mother! It's fifty thousand years! Why haven't you corrected this fool's mistake?

"Arman... you are still wearing women's clothing... Mom never corrects your mistakes?"

Shillon finally couldn't help but speak out.

"Huh?" Arman was stunned when asked by Shillong: "My mistake? What's wrong with me? Why should my mother correct it?

and many more?

Why do you seem to be familiar with me?

Calling my mother mother?

Bastard! Do you want to take advantage of me?

Want me to discount your goods more?

I tell you! This is absolutely impossible! Up to 9.8% off! "

Silom's mouth twitched slightly, and his face was expressionless: "You idiot! Haven't you recognized me yet?"

"Who are you, you? Although it feels a little familiar, you shouldn't have **** with my Lord Arman!

Tell you! Want a discount of 9.8% or less? no way! "


"Bastard! I'm your brother! Shillong!" Shillong couldn't help but roar finally.

The huge roar made the entire palace shake.

"Ah!!!" Arman was taken aback, shaking his hand holding the card.

Bang bang bang~

All the cards fell to the ground at once.

Arman stared at Shillong blankly, somewhat afraid to say anything:

"You... are you really Shillong? Didn't you lie to me?"

"Of course." Xilong said with a heavy face, "I still remember that when you were a kid, you had to wash your **** in the river every time you went to the bathroom, at least five times each time!

Be sure to wash it brightly every time.

But once, you fell into the ass-washing water and drank a sip of ass-washing water..."

"Fuck! Bastard! Don't say it!" Arman's face turned red, and he rushed to Shillong to cover Shillong's mouth, but immediately, he was lifted by Shillon's neck.

"Trust me now, right?"

Shillon asked.

"Believe it! Silom, you bastard! Don't tell outsiders about my scandal!

How embarrassed~" At the end, Arman became a little shy.

Shillong: "..."

Why does it seem to break this guy's leg?

"But you **** finally came back! My Lord Arman, there are a lot of adults, so I don't care about what happened just now with you," Arman said.

Feeling a little uncomfortable in the neck, he said again: "Don't mention me! Let's have a hug from a long-awaited reunion."

"You can put it down, even if you hug it, I don't want to be infected by perversion." Shillon said with a look of disgust after putting Alman down.

"Who is a pervert? You don't understand art! A boring dragon who doesn't understand beauty." Arman snorted coldly.

"I will inform my mother them now and let them all come and see the **** guy who has been away for fifty thousand years. They will be disappointed!

It's really getting less and less beautiful! "

After speaking, Arman closed his eyes and seemed to have begun contacting Viola.

Silom took this opportunity to look at the little bronze dragon behind Arman.

This little red bronze dragon, turned into a red-haired young man, looks very temperamental, and is also a handsome boy.

The opponent is also looking at Shillong.

The two sides looked at each other for a while, and Shillong's expression gradually became complicated: "You...couldn't you be Arman's boyfriend?"

"Ha!?" Chi Ming was dumbfounded, and said in disbelief:

"Uncle Shillong...what are you talking about? How could I be Uncle Zeng's boyfriend? Both me and he are male dragons! Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Isn't it? That's good~wuxiaworld.online~Sillon breathed a sigh of relief.

"But you call me Uncle Zeng Arman? Are you... whose child is it? How come you have been with Arman this dumb boy? Are you not afraid of being infected by him into a fool?"

"Great Uncle Shillong, I am the great-grandson of Grandpa Oromzu.

I have heard the legend of Uncle Shillong Zeng a long time ago.

They all said that you are a legendary dragon with the appearance of a dragon god, but because you made some mistakes when you were young, you fled to the endless plane to take refuge.

I didn't expect you to come back.

It is a great honor to meet you, Uncle Zeng Shillong. "

"Is it a descendant of Uncle Orom..." Shillong said to himself, "The mistakes made in my youth? Escape?"

Shillon chewed these words with a complex expression on his face.

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